935 resultados para Auto-enxerto


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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RESUMO: Na clínica, a recuperação funcional que se segue a uma lesão nervosa raramente é atingida na sua totalidade. A reinervação, quer motora, quer sensitiva, ocorre geralmente com maior ou menor deficit. Interessa, então, identificar os factores que podem interferir na regeneração nervosa. O neurónio é a unidade anatómica fundamental do sistema nervoso periférico e é muito vulnerável à isquemia pela grande distância que existe entre o corpo neuronal e a extensão do axónio, que pode ser de apenas alguns milímetros ou até atingir um metro. É, por isso, fundamental o estudo da vascularização do nervo periférico e da sua influência na regeneração nervosa. O resultado deste estudo pode levar ao desenvolvimento de técnicas cirúrgicas que criem as condições que garantam, por sua vez, a revascularização precoce do nervo periférico em caso de lesão, ou mesmo em caso de doenças, nas quais a vascularização do nervo está alterada como, por exemplo, na neuropatia diabética. O estudo da vascularização do nervo periférico realizou-se através da investigação da vascularização do nervo mediano do cadáver humano, pela investigação da vascularização do nervo isquiático do rato Wistar e do Plexo Braquial (PB) do mesmo. A vascularização do PB do rato não é muito diferente daquela que é reportada na espécie humana, existindo uma homologia entre o rato e o Homem no que diz respeito à morfologia e à vascularização do PB. Através da comparação angiomorfológica entre o nervo isquiático do rato e o nervo mediano humano, concluíu-se que a microvascularização do nervo isquiático do rato e do mediano humano são muito semelhantes, o que suporta a utilização do rato como modelo experimental de lesões do nervo mediano humano. Para a avaliação da influência da vascularização na regeneração nervosa foi feita a análise da eficácia de enxerto de tubo de membrana amniótica humana imunologicamente inerte, de enxerto de veia jugular externa autóloga e de auto-enxerto de nervo, na reparação de um defeito de 10 milímetros no nervo isquiático do rato, na presença de um fornecimento vascular axial, comparando-se com os mesmos procedimentos em estudos realizados anteriormente, sem suprimento vascular. Os ratos foram avaliados funcionalmente através do estudo das pegadas, da electroneurografia e da força de flexão ao nível do tornozelo, e estruturalmente, através das avaliações histológicas e morfométricas, da taxa de recuperação do peso dos músculos gastrocnémio e solhear e da marcação axonal retrógrada com True Blue às 4, 8 e 12 semanas. Os nervos reconstruídos apresentaram uma arquitectura normal, incluindo a arquitectura vascular. A membrana amniótica foi bem tolerada, persistindo imunologicamente em torno do nervo até à 12.ª semana. Concluiu-se também que, na presença de um suprimento vascular axial local, a membrana amniótica humana e as veias autólogas são, pelo menos, tão eficazes como os auto-enxertos nervosos na reconstrução de defeitos nervosos de 10 milímetros.--------------------------------------ABSTRACT: At the clinic, the functional recovery that follows a nerve lesion is rarely achieved in full. The neuron is very vulnerable to ischemia that’s why it is essential to study the vascularization of the peripheral nerve and its influence on the nerve’s regeneration. The outcome of this study may lead to the development of surgical techniques that create the conditions which are necessary to ensure an early revascularization in case of a peripheral nerve injury. This study investigated the vascularization of the median nerve of the human cadaver and the vascularization of the sciatic nerve of the Wistar rat and his Brachial Plexus (BP) through animal experimentation. The mouse's BP vascularization is not so different from the one that is reported in the human species. An angiomorphological comparison between the mouse sciatic nerve and the human median nerve concluded that the microvascularizations are very similar, which supports the use of the mouse as an experimental model for the study of median nerve’s lesions. To evaluate the influence of vascularization in the nerve’s regeneration, it was made an assessment of the effectiveness of the human amniotic immuno-inert membrane grafts, of the autologous external jugular vein grafts and of the nerve auto-graft in the repair of a defect of 10 mm on the sciatic nerve of the rat, in the presence of an axial vascular supply, comparing these with the same procedures that were adopted in the previous studies, without vascular supply. The rats were functionally assessed and structurally evaluated (through histological and morphometric evaluations) at the 4.th, 8.th and 12.th weeks. The nerves reconstructed presented a normal architecture, including vascular architecture. The amniotic membrane was well-tolerated immunologically, persisting around the nerve until the 12.th week. As a result, it was also concluded that in the presence of a local axial vascular supply, the human amniotic membrane and the autologous veins are, at least, as effective as the nerve auto-grafts in the reconstruction of the nerve’s defects of 10 mm.


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Objectivo: O uso de Mitomicina C, na cirurgia de pterígeo, tem como objectivo diminuir a taxa de recidiva, contudo a sua aplicação não é isenta de complicações. O presente estudo pretende avaliar o efeito, a curto prazo, da aplicação intraoperatória de mitomicina C sobre o endotélio corneano, em doentes submetidos a excisão de pterígeo. Material e Métodos: Estudo prospectivo que incluiu 30 doentes submetidos a excisão de pterígeo primário. Em 15 doentes aplicou-se intraoperatoriamente mitomicina C a 0,02% durante 2 minutos, sobre a esclerótica com colocação posterior de auto-enxerto de conjuntiva. Nos restantes 15 doentes (grupo controlo) procedeu-se a excisão de pterigeo com auto-enxerto de conjuntiva, sem aplicação de mitomicina C. Realizou-se microscopia especular no pré-operatório e aos 2 meses de followup, avaliando-se a densidade de células endoteliais, coeficiente de variação, percentagem de células hexagonais e espessura central da córnea. Utilizou-se o Teste Paired Samples t-test para determinar a existência de diferença estatisticamente significativa entre o pré e pós-operatório, entre os 2 grupos, em relação aos parâmetros em estudo, adoptando-se um nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: Para todos os parâmetros analisados não se observaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas. A densidade de células endoteliais no grupo em que foi aplicada mitomicina C e no grupo controlo foi respectivamente de 2652,67±136,30; 2588,56±352,04 células/mm2 pré-operatoriamente e de 2714,57±204,04 ; 2279,89±875,71 células/mm2 pós-operatoriamente (p=0,185 ; p=0,32). O coeficiente de variação do tamanho celular no grupo em que foi aplicada mitomicina C e no grupo controlo foi respectivamente de 30,44±2,74; 34,22±3,27 células/mm2 pré-operatoriamente e de 30,11±2,71; 32,00±2,69 células/mm2 pós-operatoriamente (p=0,751 ; p=0,053). A percentagem de células hexagonais no grupo em que foi aplicada mitomicina C e no grupo controlo foi respectivamente de 44,11±2,85 ; 43,11±5,33 células/mm2 pré-operatoriamente e de 44,44±4,45 ; 48,22±4,41 células/mm2 pós-operatoriamente (p=0,824 ; p=0,056). A espessura central da córnea no grupo em que foi aplicada mitomicina C e no grupo controlo foi respectivamente de 534,33±49,80 ; 542,56±47,21 células/mm2 pré-operatoriamente e de 518±33,47 ; 536,11±43,24 células/mm2 pós-operatoriamente (p=0,072 ; p=0,183). Conclusão: O uso de mitomicina tópica a 0.02% não afectou de forma estatisticamente significativa o endótelio corneano.


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This paper discusses the principal domains of auto- and cross-trispectra. It is shown that the cumulant and moment based trispectra are identical except on certain planes in trifrequency space. If these planes are avoided, their principal domains can be derived by considering the regions of symmetry of the fourth order spectral moment. The fourth order averaged periodogram will then serve as an estimate for both cumulant and moment trispectra. Statistics of estimates of normalised trispectra or tricoherence are also discussed.


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This paper describes the socio-economic and environmental impacts of battery driven Auto Rickshaw at Rajshahi city in Bangladesh. Unemployment problem is one of the major problems in Bangladesh. The number of unemployed people in Bangladesh is 7 lacks. Auto Rickshaw reduces this unemployment problem near about 2%.In this thesis work various questions were asked to the Auto Rickshaw driver in the different point in the Rajshahi city. Then those data were calculated to know their socio economic condition. The average number of passenger per Auto Rickshaw was determined at various places of Rajshahi city (Talaimari mor, Hadir mor, Alupotti, Shaheb bazar zero point, Shodor Hospital mor, Fire brigade mor, CNB mor, Lakshipur mor, Bondo gate, Bornali, Panir tank, Rail gate, Rail Station, Bhodrar mor, Adorsha School mor). Air pollution is a great threat for human health. One of the major causes of the air pollution is the emission from various vehicles, which are running by the burning of the fossil fuel in different internal combustion(IC) engines. All the data’s about emission from various power plants were collected from internet. Then the amounts of emission (CO2, NOX and PM) from different power plant were calculated in terms of kg/km. The energy required by the Auto Rickshaw per km was also calculated. Then the histogram of emission from different vehicles in terms of kg/km was drawn. By analyzing the data and chart, it was found that, battery driven Auto Rickshaw increases income, social status, comfort and decreases unemployment problems.


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It was demonstrated recently that dramatic changes in the redox behaviour of gold/aqueous solution interfaces may be observed following either cathodic or thermal electrode pretreatment. Further work on the cathodic pretreatment of gold in acid solution revealed that as the activity of the gold surface was increased, its performance as a substrate for hydrogen gas evolution under constant potential conditions deteriorated. The change in activity of the gold atoms at the interface, which was attributed to a hydrogen embrittlement process (the occurrence of the latter was subsequently checked by surface microscopy), was confirmed, as in earlier work, by the appearance of a substantial anodic peak at ca. 0.5 V (RHE) in a post-activation positive sweep. Changes in the catalytic activity of a metal surface reflect the fact that the structure (or topography), thermodynamic activity and electronic properties of a surface are dependent not only on pretreatment but also, in the case of the hydrogen evolution reaction, vary with time during the course of reaction. As will be reported shortly, similar (and often more dramatic) time-dependent behaviour was observed for hydrogen gas evolution on other metal electrodes.


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Auto/biographical documentaries ask audiences to take a ‘leap of faith’, not being able to offer any real ‘proof’ of the people and events they claim to document, other than that of the film-maker’s saying this is what happened. With only memory and history seen through the distorting lens of time, ‘the authenticity of experience functions as a receding horizon of truth in which memory and testimony are articulated as modes of salvage’. Orchids: My Intersex Adventure follows a salvaging of the film-maker’s life events and experiences, being born with an intersex condition, and, via the filming and editing process, revolving around the core question: who am I? From this transformative creative documentary practice evolves a new way of embodying experience and ‘seeing’, playfully dubbed here as the ‘intersex gaze’.


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In this paper I question the representation of and ethical responsibilities to young people with intersex (hermaphroditic) conditions in documentary film, and explore the creative practice challenges working with bodies with intersex, embedded in the production of a feature auto/biographical documentary entitled Orchids. Bodies with intersex conditions are often presented as abject, in need of ‘fixing’ during infancy and early childhood, undesirable, and incapable of desire. Seen through the lens of experience and memory, Orchids takes a personal coming-of-age narrative and reconfigures understandings of the (im)moral body in the light of its transformative potential. Just as practice research challenges the dominant hegemony of quantitative and qualitative research, my creative work positions itself as a nuanced performative piece, and through its distinctive distillation and celebration of a new form of discursive rupturing discovers the intersex voice.


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Put Britney Spears into a YouTube search and the third auto-fill on the list is “Britney Spears without Autotune”. Auto-Tune has become the music industry equivalent of doping in the Tour de France circa 2005; we know everyone’s doing it, but we still have a sense of surprise and outrage when it becomes public. In the last week or so a video has surfaced of the pop singer Britney Spears – with examples of her vocal before and after processing. Whether or not the “before” version is actually the raw material for the “after” version is difficult to say. What’s not difficult to say is that the “before” vocal is distinctly lacking in a demonstrable ability to sing in tune.


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The importance of firms’ adaptation processes is prominent in today’s business environment which is characterised by ever changing customers, technologies, and competition. Ever since Schumpeter’s (1942) classic work strategic renewal has been found crucial for firms’ adaptation to environmental change. The role of strategic renewal in firms’ adaptation processes includes development of capabilities for the purpose of sustainability of competitive advantage against environmental changes.


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By referring to Niklas Luhmann's theory of self-referential systems, Aldo Mascareño (2008, submitted for publication) gives an account of system-environment interrelatedness, explaining how social and individual constitute each other through the process of communication and co-creation of meanings. Two possible extensions to his account are discussed. Firstly, auto-communication within the system that happens without any external reference needs to be taken into account while describing the existence and constant re-creation of psychic systems. Secondly, in order for the system and environment or two systems to communicate, an imagined and temporary intersubjectivity between the two needs to be assumed.


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Cued recall and item recognition are considered the standard episodic memory retrieval tasks. However, only the neural correlates of the latter have been studied in detail with fMRI. Using an event-related fMRI experimental design that permits spoken responses, we tested hypotheses from an auto-associative model of cued recall and item recognition [Chappell, M., & Humphreys, M. S. (1994). An auto-associative neural network for sparse representations: Analysis and application to models of recognition and cued recall. Psychological Review, 101, 103-128]. In brief, the model assumes that cues elicit a network of phonological short term memory (STM) and semantic long term memory (LTM) representations distributed throughout the neocortex as patterns of sparse activations. This information is transferred to the hippocampus which converges upon the item closest to a stored pattern and outputs a response. Word pairs were learned from a study list, with one member of the pair serving as the cue at test. Unstudied words were also intermingled at test in order to provide an analogue of yes/no recognition tasks. Compared to incorrectly rejected studied items (misses) and correctly rejected (CR) unstudied items, correctly recalled items (hits) elicited increased responses in the left hippocampus and neocortical regions including the left inferior prefrontal cortex (LIPC), left mid lateral temporal cortex and inferior parietal cortex, consistent with predictions from the model. This network was very similar to that observed in yes/no recognition studies, supporting proposals that cued recall and item recognition involve common rather than separate mechanisms.