977 resultados para Auto pull system


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Esta dissertação descreve o estudo do controlo e da monitorização de um sistema de autopull, bem como o estudo da implementação de um destes sistemasnuma área de negócio. Inicialmente, de modo a percecionar as melhores opções a tomar para a realização deste projeto foram estudadas duas redes de comunicação locais, redes Ethernet e redes CAN, tendo-se optado pelas redes Ethernet, sendo as razões que determinaram esta escolha explanadas no desenvolvimento do relatório. Após ter sido selecionada a rede que foi utilizada, foram estudados os requisitos do sistema e procuradas no mercado soluções que os satisfaçam. Para a comunicação em tempo real foram utilizadas Web Sockets e para a utilização destas,foi necessário um servidor de Web Sockets, tendo a escolha recaídosobre onodejs. Posteriormente, foi elaborada uma interface gráfica que permitiu a criação de um sistema inteligente que auxilia os clientes do espaço a efetuarem pedidos bem como a chamarem os funcionários, não necessitando de passar os longos tempos de espera que normalmenteestão associados a estes espaços. Posto isto, foi realizado um website que deverá apresentar o espaço, os próximos eventos a realizar e outras informações importantes. Este sistema torna-se uma mais-valia para a divulgação da tecnologia implementada e para a divulgação dos espaços que eventualmente venham a adotar um sistema análogo. De seguida foi efetuado um plano de negócios, simulando um espaço físico que eventualmente implementasse esta tecnologia. Para tal, foi estudada a envolvente externa e interna em que este negócio estaria inserido, as políticas de marketing que deveriam ser seguidas e ainda um plano financeiro que descrevesse o investimento, as vendas esperadas e todos os restantes componentes económicos do projeto. Por último foram tecidas as principais conclusões inerentes ao projeto desenvolvido e analisadas as possibilidades de melhorias futuras.


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Using an iterative sequence of Wittig olefination, reduction, oxidation, and condensation of an active methylene group to carbonyl, it was possible to prepare a series of organometallic push-pull molecules [(CO)(5)M=C(OCH3)(-CH=CH-)(n)(C5H4)Fe(C5H5), M = W, Cr, n = 1-4] in which ferrocene is the donor element and a Fisher carbene moeity is the acceptor group. The molecular first hyperpolarizability beta was determined by hyper-Rayleigh scattering experiments. The beta values ranged from 110 x 10(-30) to 2420 x 10(-30) esu in acetonitrile, and they are among the highest reported for organometallic molecules so far. Electrochemical measurements are consistent with the push-pull nature of these compounds.


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Coffee berries are known to release several volatile organic compounds, among which is the spiroacetal, conophthorin, an attractant for the coffee berry borer Hypothenemus hampei. Elucidating the effects of other spiroacetals released by coffee berries is critical to understanding their chemo-ecological roles in the host discrimination and colonization process of the coffee berry borer, and also for their potential use in the management of this pest. Here, we show that the coffee berry spiroacetals frontalin and 1,6-dioxaspiro [4.5] decane (referred thereafter as brocain), are also used as semiochemicals by the coffee berry borer for host colonization. Bioassays and chemical analyses showed that crowding coffee berry borers from 2 to 6 females per berry, reduced borer fecundity, which appeared to correlate with a decrease in the emission rates of conophthorin and frontalin over time. In contrast, the level of brocain did not vary significantly between borer-uninfested and infested berries. Brocain was attractive at lower doses, but repellent at higher doses while frontalin alone or in a blend was critical for avoidance. Field assays with a commercial attractant comprising a mixture of ethanol and methanol (1:1), combined with frontalin, confirmed the repellent effect of this compound by disrupting capture rates of H. hampei females by 77% in a coffee plantation. Overall, our results suggest that the levels of frontalin and conophthorin released by coffee berries determine the host colonization behaviour of H. hampei, possibly through a 'push-pull' system, whereby frontalin acts as the 'push' (repellent) and conophthorin acting as the 'pull' (attractant). Furthermore, our results reveal the potential use of frontalin as a repellent for management of this coffee pest.


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To investigate the effects of adopting a pull system in assembly lines in contrast to a push system, simulation software called “ARENA” is used as a tool in order to present numerical results from both systems. Simulation scenarios are created to evaluate the effects of attributes changing in assembly systems, with influential factors including the change of manufacturing system (push system to pull system) and variation of demand. Moreover, pull system manufacturing consists of the addition attribute, which is the number of buffer storage. This paper will provide an analysis based on a previous case study, hence process time and workflow refer to the journal name “Optimising and simulating the assembly line balancing problem in a motorcycle manufacturing company: a case study” [2]. The implementation of the pull system mechanism is to produce a system improvement in terms of the number of Work-In-Process (WIP), total time of products in the system, and the number of finished product inventory, while retaining the same throughput.


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This paper will document the initial discrete-event simulation performed to study a proposed change from a push to a pull system in an existing manufacturing company. The system is characterised by five machine lines with intermediate buffers, and five major part groupings. A simulation model has been developed to mimic the flow of kanban cards in the physical system, by using a series of requests that propagate back through the facility, which the machines must respond to. The customer
demand therefore controls the level of activity in the plant. The results of the initial modelling steps will be presented in this paper, especially the impact of kanban lot size and demand variability on the output and stability of the production system, from which a set of future work is proposed.


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An asymmetric MOSFET-C band-pass filter(BPF)with on chip charge pump auto-tuning is presented.It is implemented in UMC (United Manufacturing Corporation)0.18μm CMOS process technology. The filter system with auto-tuning uses a master-slave technique for continuous tuning in which the charge pump OUtputs 2.663 V, much higher than the power supply voltage, to improve the linearity of the filter. The main filter with third order low-pass and second order high-pass properties is an asymmetric band-pass filter with bandwidth of 2.730-5.340 MHz. The in-band third order harmonic input intercept point(HP3) is 16.621 dBm,wim 50 Ω as the source impedance. The input referred noise iS about 47.455μVrms. The main filter dissipates 3.528 mW while the auto-tuning system dissipates 2.412 mW from a 1.8 V power supply. The filter with the auto-tuning system occupies 0.592 mm~2 and it can be utilized in GPS (global positioning system)and Bluetooth systems.


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Trabalho Final de mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica perfil Manutenção e Produção


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This paper reviews the state-of-the-art in the automation of underground mining vehicles and reports on the development of an autonomous navigation system under development through the CMTE with sponsorship arranged by AMIRA. Past attempts at automating LHDs and haul trucks are described and their particular strengths and weaknesses are discussed. The auto-guidance system being developed overcomes some of the limitations of state-of-the-art prototype æcommercialÆ systems. It can be retrofitted to existing remote controlled vehicles, uses minimum installed infrastructure and is flexible enough for rapid relocation to alternate routes. The navigation techniques use data fusion of two separate sets of sensors combining natural feature recognition, nodal maps and inertial navigation techniques. Collision detection is incorporated and people and other traffic are excluded from the tramming area. This paper describes the work being done by the group with regard to auto-tramming and also outlines the future goals.


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During the VITAL cruise in the Bay of Biscay in summer 2002, two devices for measuring the length of swimming fish were tested: 1) a mechanical crown that emitted a pair of parallel laser beams and that was mounted on the main camera and 2) an underwater auto-focus video camera. The precision and accuracy of these devices were compared and the various sources of measurement errors were estimated by repeatedly measuring fixed and mobile objects and live fish. It was found that fish mobility is the main source of error for these devices because they require that the objects to be measured are perpendicular to the field of vision. The best performance was obtained with the laser method where a video-replay of laser spots (projected on fish bodies) carrying real-time size information was used. The auto-focus system performed poorly because of a delay in obtaining focus and because of some technical problems.


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Projecto apresentado ao Instituto Politécnico do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Logística Orientada por Prof. Doutor Gouveia


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Internet est devenu au fil des années un outil de communication exceptionnel. Or lorsqu’on évoque le cyberespace, on pense généralement à un « no man’s land » juridique, un espace sans lois. Est-ce vraiment le cas? Le pouvoir étatique est-il mis de côté? L’auteur affirme que le droit, loin d’être totalement écarté, doit maintenant composer avec d’autres formes de régulation. En prenant l’exemple d’Internet, l’auteur en vient à présenter l’évolution de la régulation d’un tel système, allant de l’autorégulation à la co-régulation, c’est-à-dire « une coopération entre la société civile et les pouvoirs publics ». Il souligne par ailleurs que, de par l’aspect « international » de l’Internet, les institutions supranationales prennent une importance de plus en plus en grande puisque c’est elles qui viendront compenser la portée limitée de l’intervention des États-nations. On prend l’exemple de l’Union européenne et du développement des « régionalismes ». Mais bien qu’il ne soit plus à même de régir et de réguler à lui seul un système comme Internet, il reste que le droit étatique est essentiel. À travers le développement de concepts, la création de dialogues et de consensus, il est en mesure de défendre des droits que la technologie pourrait venir compromettre en exigeant que le développement technologique se fasse en conformité avec les législations traditionnelles.


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The thesis focused on development of an auto-pilot system for UAV’s and small fixed wing aircraft for use in hazardous flight conditions, such as severe weather. This led to development of a mathematical algorithm that unbinds the flight systems from coupling effects which can adaptively changed to the environment.