918 resultados para Authoritarian Regimes


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Sakr challenges the notion that transnational media technologies have forced states in the Arab Middle East to cede ever more control to non-state players since the 1990s. Taking account of a long history of foreign political engineering in Arab countries, she probes the realities of Arab broadcasting privatization, intra-regional harmonization of government communication policies, and external financial support for media freedom and reform, to show how Arab governments were large successfully in harnessing forces implicated in media globalization in a way that entrenched authoritarian elements of the status quo. The findings validate an alternative to globalization theory that places a dual focus on the agency of national ruling elites and the international structures that underpin the power of those elites today, as in the past.


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There is international consensus among scholars that democratic transitions are multicausal processes in which both internal and international variables are involved (Pridham 1991, 1995; Whitehead 1996; Schmitter 1996; Linz and Stepan 1996; Carothers 1999; Morlino and Magen 2008; Grilli di Cortona 2009). This chapter is limited, on the one hand, to the dependent variable consisting solely of the crisis/breakdown/transformation of non-democratic regimes in the Third Wave of democratization, and, on the other hand, to an independent variable identified solely with the international dimension of democratic transition. This factor, which can be termed the Proactive International Dimension (PID), specifically concerns that combination of actions or processes, produced by one or more international actors, that, intentionally or not, cause or contribute to the crisis/breakdown/transformation of a non-democratic regime.


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This chapter describes current trends in the global media environment, with a focus on their implications for the management of public agendas and political processes. It assesses the extent to which trends such as the growth of the blogosphere, "citizen journalism," and other forms if user-generated content, have complicated and problematized news and agenda management as engaged in by both media and political elites. It argues that, in large part due to the rise of the internet and the proliferation if online producers of information and commentary, alongside 24-hour news channels such as CNN and Al Jazeera, political and social actors today face a much more complex, chaotic communication environment than ever bifore, an environment characterized as one of cultural chaos. Having outlined the roots of this trend in the emergence of an expanded, globalized public sphere, the chapter goes on to ask if elite control over the political agenda has been eroded, and if it has, what the consequences for governmmt and the exercise if power might be. Can authoritarian regimes in China, the Middle East, and elsewhere survive the onset if internet-fueled global journalism, for example? In a political environment where public opinion is driven and buffeted by news coverage if unprecedented speed and volume, can democratic governments retain sufficient control over decision- and policy-making processes to enable competent social administration al'ld political management? Can the citizens of contemporary democracies use the emerging media environment to enhance elite accountability and strengthen the democratic process? The chapter concludes that the changing global media environment has the potmtial to strengthen democratic processes, though there is no sil'lgle template for the impact of the internet and other new media on specific countries.


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Whilst the dynamics informing processes have taken time to become clear, civic resistance initiated by young people using new media began in Egypt in 2010 against the Mubarak regime, soon widened to Tunisia, Yemen and Libya. Known as the 'Arab Spring', this phenomenon re-ignited discussion about the political role of digital space and its democratic potential. While parallels between authoritarian regimes and universities and educational institutions might seem overdrawn to some readers, I suggest there is value in considering the 'Digital Spring' (apropos the 'Arab Spring') as a metaphor to suggest the possibility that similar processes are taking place in schools and universities. This invites discussion about the political significance of digital space and its democratic potential in those institutions. To assess how some young people engage in digitally mediated politics within schools and universities, I identify five propositions which amalgamate descriptive and normative elements derived from Habermas and Dahlgren. These propositions offer an ideal taxonomy of normative and descriptive elements to establish whether digital technology promotes participation and debate in ways that sustain democratic practice.


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The outbreak of revolt and revolution in the Middle East has given rise to a re-consideration of threat and security analyses as they pertain to the region and beyond. The resilience of some authoritarian regimes and the rapid collapse of others signal a significant transition within the region to which jihadi Islamist groups form one part of a powerful matrix. This article analyses the part and place of jihadi Islamism and Islamisms more generally in the revolts and revolutions. The article contends that events provide both opportunities and threats in strategies aimed at countering terrorism in the Middle East.


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Affirmer que les citoyens des démocraties occidentales sont l’objet d’une surveillance systématique efficace et à grande échelle a de quoi provoquer une réaction incrédule. Démagogie, diront certains. Pourtant, les progrès réalisés dans les technologies de collecte, de traitement et de stockage d’information forcent une réflexion sur cette hypothèse. Il a été souligné justement que les coûts élevés liés aux moyens rudimentaires employés par les polices secrètes d’antan endiguaient en quelque sorte la menace. Les filatures, les infiltrations, les rapts nocturnes de dissidents pêchaient par manque de subtilité. Au contraire, le génie des techniques modernes vient de ce qu’elles n’entravent pas le quotidien des gens. Mais au-delà du raffinement technique, le contrôle panoptique de la masse atteint un sommet d’efficience dès lors que celle-ci est amenée à y consentir. Comme le faisait remarquer le professeur Raab : « [TRADUCTION] La surveillance prospère naturellement dans les régimes autoritaires qui ne s’exposent pas au débat public ni à la critique. Lorsqu’elle est utilisée dans des régimes dits démocratiques, elle est légitimée et circonscrite par des arguments de nécessité ou de justifications spéciales, tout comme la censure »[1]. Or, le droit, en tant que discours de rationalité, accomplit savamment ce travail de légitimation. C’est dans cet esprit qu’une analyse radicale des règles de droit encadrant le droit à la vie privée apporte une lucidité nouvelle sur notre faux sentiment de sécurité.


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Analizando las políticas económicas del régimen de Pinochet, se determina en qué sentido permitieron la construcción de legitimidad. Sin desconocer el uso de la fuerza, se sostiene que gracias a las políticas económicas, sus resultados y la nueva lógica económica en ellas incorporada, Pinochet llegó a ser legítimo para una importante porción de la población.


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Desde 1958 hasta el presente el sistema político venezolano ha pasado de ser una democracia representativa, entre 1958 y 1998, para convertirse en un régimen autoritario electoral entre los años 1999 y 2006, durante la presidencia de Hugo Chávez. Este cambio de régimen ha tenido un impacto significativo y negativo sobre la institucionalidad electoral en el país, pues a diferencia del pasado reciente, los comicios en Venezuela han dejado de ser un mecanismo competitivo, con capacidad para expresar fidedignamente la voluntad colectiva y traducirla en esquemas idóneos de representación. En las páginas que siguen se examinan las recientes transformaciones del sistema político venezolano, su impacto sobre las reglas y condiciones del juego electoral, y las opciones y retos que enfrentan las fuerzas gubernamentales y las de oposición ante las elecciones presidenciales de diciembre 2006 en el marco del nuevo régimen autoritario electoral.-----From 1958 to the present, the Venezuelan political system has shifted from the representative democracy it was in the 1958–1998 period, to an authoritarian electoral regime from 1999 to 2006 under the presidency of Hugo Chávez. This change in the nature of the regime has had a significant and negative impact on the country’s electoral institutions and on its ‘institutionality’ since, unlike the recent past, elections in Venezuela are no longer a competition mechanism capable of reliably giving room to the expression of collective will and translating it into suitable representative frameworks. The paper examines these recent transformations undergone by the Venezuelan political system, their impact on the rules and conditions of the electoral contest, and the alternatives and challenges faced by both the government strongholds and the opposition vis-à-vis the coming December 2006 presidential elections in the midst of the new authoritarian regime’s electoral framework.


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Stolen elections are triggering events that overcome barriers to revolutionary action against electoral authoritarian regimes. They mobilize ordinary citizens, strengthen the opposition, and divide the regime. As neo-institutionalist theories of revolution suggest, the relative openness of electoral authoritarianism inhibits mass protest. But when elections are stolen, regimes undergo “closure,” increasing the probability of protest. The failure of other potential revolutionary precipitants underlines that stolen elections are not merely replaceable final straws. Stolen elections have not only been crucial for the emergence of revolutionary situations, they have shaped outcomes as well. Linking popular mobilization to fraudulent elections has become part of the repertoire of contention of democratic revolutionaries.


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Recent years have seen an emerging civil society in an authoritarian China. The authoritarian embrace of civil society challenges the conventional wisdom that civil society is closely linked to democracy. In Beijing, the rhetoric of civil society linked less to democracy than to modernization. However, does civil society development have any impact on democratization in authoritarian regimes? The thesis tries to provide a tentative answer by studying civil society and democratization in post-Mao China. As a result of economic development and political reforms, gradual political liberalization has marked a shift of state-society relations that gives rise to a certain degree of democratization and a growing civil society. The thesis uses a statistical correlation study to examine the relations between grassroots democratization and civil society development. The study concludes that civil society development may have contributed to democratization at the grassroots level but not on the national level. The impact of civil society on democratization depends on the political structure of the state and will remain limited unless the government allows for further state-led democratic openings.


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This essay focuses on the poet and intellectual Ko Un, a prominent nationalist and critic of successive authoritarian regimes in Korea. Ashis Nandy gleaned insights into colonial India by investigating the lives of individuals who were emblematic of British colonialism. For instance Nandy focused on Rudyard Kipling to explain how colonialism damaged both Indians and the English who were complicit to it. Similarly, I intend to use the life and literary output of Ko Un to glean insights into Korea’s fight for democracy in the context of the onset of modernisation. Through his political activism and writing Ko celebrated the lives of ordinary Koreans, including his one-time prison mate Kim Dae-jung and numerous political activists, workers, and farmers. He linked their struggle for democracy to a much longer quest to preserve what he considered to be the unique and invaluable aspects of the Korean national character.


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The recent "Arab spring", with its popular uprisings in many Arab countries, has exposed the ambiguity at the heart of American promotion of democracy in the Middle East. The US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq were packaged as democracy promotion, as heralding the beginning of a new phase in the politics of the Middle East when democracy would replace authoritarian regimes. Many of these authoritarian regimes, however, were sustained by US support. The recent popular uprisings threaten to bring democracy without promotion by the US, and threaten to overthrow regimes previously supported by the US and important for US strategy in the region – hence an initial hesitant response by the US to some of the uprisings. This book explores the contradictions in American democracy promotion in the Middle East. It discusses the principles underlying US democracy promotion, and the debates surrounding US policy formation, and examines the application of US democracy promotion in specific cases. It concludes by assessing the likely future patterns of US engagement with democratic reform in the Middle East.


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Exploramos neste trabalho o desenvolvimento e a ascensão da função de polícia política da capital federal do Brasil, aqui compreendida como um mecanismo de proteção e manutenção do poder do Estado. Tomando por base as décadas de 1920 e 1930, procuramos investigar duas hipóteses. Primeiro, que nessa primeira década, o exercício de polícia política, a cargo da 4ª. Delegacia Auxiliar, pode ser tomado como o início do aperfeiçoamento da função. Segundo que o decênio seguinte, ao ser marcado em seus primeiros anos por um processo de democratização das instituições brasileiras - que culmina com promulgação da Carta Constitucional de 1934, nos instiga à indagação sobre a necessidade do Estado contar oficialmente, a partir de 1933, com um órgão para o exercício exclusivo da função de polícia política. A análise contempla, a partir da legislação sobre reorganização dos serviços policiais e da repressão social e política, bem como acerca dos documentos produzidos pela polícia política, a relação entre o desenvolvimento desses órgãos e os eventos sociais e políticos no contexto nacional e internacional. Os pressupostos que nortearam o desenvolvimento dos órgãos de polícia política nas décadas enfocadas, sugerem que a relação de exclusividade entre os mesmos e os regimes autoritários deve ser problematizada, ainda que, ao longo da história, grande parte dos governos de matriz autoritária ou totalitária tenha desenvolvido órgãos de polícia política que exerceram um papel proeminente na estrutura de segurança do Estado. Longe, contudo, de esgotar a discussão, buscamos oferecer elementos adicionais para o entendimento sobre a necessidade de o Estado manter uma polícia voltada à produção de informações visando ao acompanhamento de certos eventos sociais e políticos.


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Incluye bibliografía.