916 resultados para Australian Rules Footballers


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The sensitivity of several short tests of speed of information processing to the effects of mild head injury in rugby league football was investigated. The measures used were the Symbol Digit Modalities Test, the Digit Symbol Substitution Test, and the Speed of Comprehension Test. Two studies were conducted, the first to examine the effect of practice, the second to determine sensitivity to cognitive impairment immediately following injury. The first study established alternate form equivalence and demonstrated that performance on the Speed of Comprehension and Digit Symbol Substitution tests improved with practice, whereas the Symbol Digit Modalities test remained stable. A second study of 10 players who subsequently sustained mild head injuries showed that measures of speed of information processing were sensitive to impairment in the postacute phase, whereas an untimed task of word recognition (Spot-the-Word) was not. Speed of Comprehension was more sensitive to postinjury impairment than either the Digit Symbol Substitution or Symbol Digit Modalities tests. A repeated baseline assessment before injury using the higher score to reflect a player's potential, allowed measurement of impaired performance on sensitive tests.


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This paper reports a follow-up study to an article on the sensitivity of three tests of speed of information processing to impairment after concussion (Hinton-Bayre, Geffen, BL McFarland, 1997). Group analyses showed that practice effects can obscure the effects of concussion on information processing, thereby making the assessment of functional impairment and recovery after injury unreliable. A Reliable Change Index (RCI) was used to assess individual variations following concussion. It was found that 16 of the 20 concussed professional rugby league players were impaired 1-3 days following injury. It was also demonstrated that 7 players still displayed cognitive deficits at 1-2 weeks, before returning to preseason levels at 3-5 weeks. The RCI permits comparisons between different tests, players, and repeated assessments, thereby providing a quantitative basis for decisions regarding return to play.


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This study aimed to replicate and cross-validate the Rapid Screen of Concussion (RSC) for diagnosing mild TBI (mTBI). One hundred (81 male, 19 female) cases of mTBI and 35 (23 male and 12 female) cases of orthopaedic injuries were tested within 24 hr of injury. Double cross-validation was used to examine whether total RSC scores obtained in the cur-rent sample, generalised to one previously reported. In the new sample, mTBI patients answered fewer orientation questions, recalled fewer words on the learning trial and after a delay, judged fewer sentences in 2 min, and completed fewer symbols in the Digit Symbol Substitution Test than orthopaedic controls. The formulae and cut-offs developed on the original and new samples produced similar sensitivity and overall correct classification rates. Inclusion of the Digit Symbol Substitution Test performance of the new sample improved the sensitivity (80.2%) and specificity (82.6%) in males. It did not improve the correct classification rate in females, which was 89.5% sensitivity and 91.7% specificity before the inclusion of the Digit Symbol Substitution Test. Taken together, these results indicate that a combined score on this 12-min screen yields a measure of level of brain impairment up to 24 hr after mTBI.


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This Article does not have an abstract.


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A Sigmosceptrella sp. from the Great Australian Eight, Australia, has yielded the new norditerpene cyclic peroxide, nuapapuin A (2a), and the norsesterterpene cyclic peroxide sigmosceptrellin D (3a), characterized as the corresponding methyl esters 2b and 3b. The crude methylated sponge extract also yielded the new norsesterterpene cyclic peroxide sigmosceptrellin E methyl ester (4). Relative stereochemistry about C2, C3, and C6 was assigned by established empirical rules and absolute stereochemistry by the advanced Mosher procedure. A plausible biosynthetic pathway has been proposed that rationalizes key transformations in the biosynthesis of all known norterpene cyclic peroxides and related norterpene ketones, dienes and sigmosceptrins.


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The case of Re McBain; ex parte Australian Catholic Bishops Conference sought to make an order under s 76 of the Constitution that the decision of the Federal Court was incorrect in law - decision was made on the basis of constitutional and procedural issues - High Court consolidated the definition of 'matter' in sections 75 and 76 of the Constitution - writ of certiorari considered - role of the Attorney-General in proceedings in which he had granted a fiat - case reiterated the role of the judiciary in Australia.


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Since 1994, Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia have adopted new choice of law rules for cross-border torts that, in different ways, centre on the application of the law of the place where the tort occurred (the lex loci delicti). All three countries abandoned some species of the rule in Phillips v Eyre, which required some reference to the law of the forum (the lex fori) as well as the lex loci delicti. However, predictions were made that, where possible, courts in these countries would continue to show a strong inclination to apply the lex fori in cross-border tort cases - and would use a range of homing devices to do so. A comprehensive survey and analysis of the cases that have been decided under the Australian, British and Canadian lex loci delicti regimes suggests that courts in these countries do betray a homing instinct, but one that has actually been tightly restrained by appeal courts. Where application of the lex fori was formally allowed by use of a 'flexible exception' in Canada and the United Kingdom, this has been contained by courts of first appeal. Indeed, only the continuing characterization of the assessment of damages as a procedural question in Canada and the United Kingdom, seems to remain as a significant homing device for courts in these countries. © 2006 Oxford University Press.


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Australian corporate insolvency laws contained within Chapter 5 of the Corporations Act are currently being reviewed with respect to four principal areas identified by Australian Government Treasury. The four themes of review include employee ‘benefit’ enhancements; seeking to deter misconduct of company officers; rules around insolvency practitioner disclosure with respect to their remuneration and related independence issues; and some minor proposed changes to the voluntary administration procedure, widely regarded as requiring only minor adjustment. At this time, the draft legislation is not available for general release and is being discussed within the Australian Government appointed Insolvency Law Advisory Group. The next steps are public comment for review of draft legislation and then operation of the legislative change. These are expected to occur in 2007. This paper seeks to outline the likely issues associated with the expected reforms of the Australian insolvency regime.


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We use QCD sum rules (QCDSR) to calculate the width of the radiative decay of the meson X(3872), assumed to be a mixture between charmonium and exotic molecular [c (q) over bar][q (c) over bar] states with J(PC) = 1(++). We find that in a small range for the values of the mixing angle, 5 degrees <= theta <= 13 degrees, we get the branching ratio Gamma(X -> J/psi gamma)/Gamma(X -> J/psi pi(+)pi(-)) = 0.19 +/- 0.13, which is in agreement, with the experimental value. This result is compatible with the analysis of the mass and decay width of the mode J/psi(n pi) performed in the same approach.


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We evaluate the mass of the B(s0) scalar meson and the coupling constant in the B(s0)BK vertex in the framework of QCD sum rules. We consider the B(s0) as a tetraquark state to evaluate its mass. We get m(Bs0) = (5.85 +/- 0.13) GeV, which is in agreement, considering the uncertainties, with predictions supposing it as a b (s) over bar state or a B (K) over bar bound state with J(P) = 0(+). To evaluate the g(Bs0BK) coupling, we use the three-point correlation functions of the vertex, considering B(s0) as a normal b (s) over bar state. The obtained coupling constant is: g(Bs0BK) = (16.3 +/- 3.2) GeV. This number is in agreement with light-cone QCD sum rules calculation. We have also compared the decay width of the B(s0) -> BK process considering the B(s0) to be a b (s) over bar state and a BK molecular state. The width obtained for the BK molecular state is twice as big as the width obtained for the b (s) over bar state. Therefore, we conclude that with the knowledge of the mass and the decay width of the B(s0) meson, one can discriminate between the different theoretical proposals for its structure.