957 resultados para Atrioventricular node
Le nœud auriculoventriculaire (AV) joue un rôle vital dans le cœur normal et pathologique. Il connecte les oreillettes aux ventricules et, grâce à sa conduction lente, génère un délai entre les contractions auriculaire et ventriculaire permettant d’optimiser le pompage sanguin. Sa conduction lente et sa longue période réfractaire font du nœud AV un filtre d’impulsions auriculaires lors de tachyarythmies assurant ainsi une fréquence ventriculaire plus lente favorable au débit cardiaque. L’optimisation de ce filtrage est une cible dans le traitement de ces arythmies. Malgré ce rôle vital et de nombreuses études, le nœud AV demeure l’objet de plusieurs controverses qui en rendent la compréhension laborieuse. Nos études expérimentales sur des préparations isolées de cœurs de lapin visent à apporter des solutions à certains des problèmes qui limitent la compréhension des propriétés fréquentielles du nœud AV. Le premier problème concerne la définition de la propriété de récupération nodale. On s’accorde généralement sur la dépendance du temps de conduction nodale (intervalle auriculo-Hissien, AH) du temps de récupération qui le précède mais un débat presque centenaire persiste sur la façon de mesurer ce temps de récupération. Selon que l’on utilise à cette fin la longueur du cycle auriculaire (AA) ou l’intervalle His-auriculaire précédent (HA), la même réponse nodale montre des caractéristiques différentes, un paradoxe à ce jour inexpliqué. Le temps de conduction nodale augmente aussi avec le degré et la durée d'une fréquence rapide, un phénomène appelé fatigue. Or, les caractéristiques de la fatigue mesurée varient avec l’indice de récupération utilisé (AA vs. HA). De plus, une troisième propriété appelée facilitation qui entraîne un raccourcissement du temps de conduction diffère aussi avec l’indice de récupération utilisé. Pour établir l’origine de ce problème, nous avons déterminé les différences entre les courbes de récupération (AH compilé en fonction du AA ou HA) pour 30 états fonctionnels nodaux différents. Ces conditions étaient obtenues à l’aide de protocoles permettant la variation du cycle de base (BCL) et du cycle prétest (PTCL), deux paramètres connus pour altérer la fonction nodale. Nous avons pu établir que pour chaque état fonctionnel, la forme de la courbe de récupération et le niveau de fatigue étaient les mêmes pour les deux indices de récupération. Ceci s’applique aussi aux données obtenues à des BCL et PTCL égaux comme dans les protocoles de stimulation prématurée conventionnels couramment utilisés. Nos résultats ont établi pour la première fois que les propriétés nodales de récupération et de fatigue sont indépendantes de l’indice de récupération utilisé. Nos données montrent aussi que les différences entre les courbes de récupération en fonction de l’indice utilisé proviennent d’effets associés aux variations du PTCL. Notre deuxième étude établit à partir des mêmes données pourquoi les variations du PTCL altèrent différemment les courbes de récupération selon l’indice utilisé. Nous avons démontré que ces différences augmentaient en proportion directe avec l’augmentation du temps de conduction au battement prétest. Cette augmentation cause un déplacement systématique de la courbe construite avec l’intervalle AA vers la droite et de celle construite avec l’intervalle HA vers la gauche. Ce résultat met en évidence l’importance de tenir compte des changements du temps de conduction prétest dans l’évaluation de la fonction nodale, un paramètre négligé dans la plupart des études. Ce résultat montre aussi que chacun des deux indices a des limites dans sa capacité d’évaluer le temps de récupération nodale réel lorsque le temps de conduction prétest varie. Lorsque ces limites sont ignorées, comme c’est habituellement le cas, elles entraînent un biais dans l’évaluation des effets de fatigue et de facilitation. Une autre grande difficulté dans l’évaluation des propriétés fréquentielles du nœud AV concerne son état réfractaire. Deux indices sont utilisés pour évaluer la durée de la période réfractaire nodale. Le premier est la période réfractaire efficace (ERPN) définie comme l’intervalle AA le plus long qui n’est pas conduit par le nœud. Le deuxième est la période réfractaire fonctionnelle (FRPN) qui correspond à l’intervalle minimum entre deux activations mesurées à la sortie du nœud. Paradoxalement et pour des raisons obscures, l’ERPN augmente alors que la FRPN diminue avec l’augmentation de la fréquence cardiaque. De plus, ces effets varient grandement avec les sujets, les espèces et l’âge. À partir des mêmes données que pour les deux autres études, nous avons cherché dans la troisième étude l’origine des variations fréquentielles de l’ERPN et de la FRPN. Le raccourcissement du BCL prolonge l’ERPN mais n’affecte pas la FRPN. L’allongement de l’ERPN provient principalement d’un allongement du temps de conduction prétest. Un PTCL court en comparaison avec un BCL court allonge encore plus substantiellement le temps de conduction prétest mais raccourcit en même temps l’intervalle His-auriculaire, ces deux effets opposés s’additionnent pour produire un allongement net de l’ERPN. Le raccourcissement de l’intervalle His-auriculaire par le PTCL court est aussi entièrement responsable pour le raccourcissement de la FRPN. Nous avons aussi établi que, lorsque la composante du temps de conduction prétest est retirée de l’ERPN, un lien linéaire existe entre la FRPN et l’ERPN à cause de leur dépendance commune de l’intervalle His-auriculaire. Le raccourcissement combiné du BCL et du PTCL produit des effets nets prévisibles à partir de leurs effets individuels. Ces effets reproduisent ceux obtenus lors de protocoles prématurés conventionnels. Ces observations supportent un nouveau schème fonctionnel des variations fréquentielles de l’ERPN et de la FRPN à partir des effets distincts du BCL et du PTCL. Elles établissent aussi un nouveau lien entre les variations fréquentielles de l’ERPN et de la FRPN. En conclusion, la modulation fréquentielle de la fonction du nœud AV provient de la combinaison d’effets concurrents cumulatifs liés au cycle de base et non-cumulatifs liés au cycle prétest. Ces effets peuvent être interprétés de façon consistante indépendamment de l’indice de récupération en tenant compte des changements du temps de conduction au battement prétest. Les effets fréquentiels disparates sur l’ERPN et la FRPN sont aussi grandement liés aux changements du temps de conduction prétest. Lorsque l’analyse tient compte de ce facteur, l’ERPN et la FRPN montrent des variations parallèles fortement liées à celles de l’intervalle His-auriculaire. Le nouveau schème fonctionnel des propriétés fréquentielles du nœud AV supporté par nos données aidera à mieux cibler les études sur les mécanismes cellulaires contrôlant la modulation fréquentielle nodale. Nos données pourraient aider à l’interprétation et au contrôle des réponses nodales diverses associées aux tachyarythmies supraventriculaires et à leur traitement pharmacologique. En bref, nos travaux supportent une compréhension factuelle améliorée du comportement fréquentiel du nœud AV, un domaine aux applications multiples en rythmologie cardiaque.
The role of gap junction channels on cardiac impulse propagation is complex. This review focuses on the differential expression of connexins in the heart and the biophysical properties of gap junction channels under normal and disease conditions. Structural determinants of impulse propagation have been gained from biochemical and immunocytochemical studies performed on tissue extracts and intact cardiac tissue. These have defined the distinctive connexin coexpression patterns and relative levels in different cardiac tissues. Functional determinants of impulse propagation have emerged from electrophysiological experiments carried out on cell pairs. The static properties (channel number and conductance) limit the current flow between adjacent cardiomyocytes and thus set the basic conduction velocity. The dynamic properties (voltage-sensitive gating and kinetics of channels) are responsible for a modulation of the conduction velocity during propagated action potentials. The effect is moderate and depends on the type of Cx and channel. For homomeric-homotypic channels, the influence is small to medium; for homomeric-heterotypic channels, it is medium to strong. Since no data are currently available on heteromeric channels, their influence on impulse propagation is speculative. The modulation by gap junction channels is most prominent in tissues at the boundaries between cardiac tissues such as sinoatrial node-atrial muscle, atrioventricular node-His bundle, His bundle-bundle branch and Purkinje fibers-ventricular muscle. The data predict facilitation of orthodromic propagation.
We describe the case of a 16-year-old woman with a surgically corrected tetralogy of Fallot presenting with recurrent wide-QRS-complex tachycardia. The tachycardia could be induced and terminated with ventricular stimulation only. QRS morphology during sinus rhythm and tachycardia was identical and variable VA-conduction was observed. Mapping of the tachycardia showed that variations of HH intervals preceded VV intervals. Therefore, a mechanism involving re-entry within the bundle branches was suggested. However, detailed mapping showed cranial to caudal depolarization of the His bundle, leading to the diagnosis of atrioventricular node re-entrant tachycardia. The tachycardia was abolished by radiofrequency catheter ablation of the slow AV nodal pathway. We conclude that variable VA conduction can occur in patients with atrioventricular node re-entrant tachycardia. The atrial tissue is not always an integral part of the re-entrant circuit.
BACKGROUND: Atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation is less frequently performed in women than in men. Although the prevalence of AF is slightly higher in men, this does not fully account for the lower number of AF ablations performed in women. This study sought to examine the effect of gender on referral for AF and subsequent AF management. METHODS: Consecutive patients referred to our tertiary arrhythmia outpatient clinic for AF management were retrospectively analyzed. RESULTS: Of 264 patients referred, only 27% were women. Women were older than men (63 +/- 9 vs 58 +/- 11 years, P = 0.002), more often had paroxysmal AF (78% vs 63% in men, P = 0.022), and women more frequently complained about palpitations (71% vs 49%, P = 0.002). In addition, they had more often experienced amiodarone side effects than men (56% vs 36%, P = 0.046). In this referred population, there was no difference in the proportion of women and men undergoing AF ablation immediately following the initial evaluation (21% vs 25%, P = ns), at any time during the follow-up (38% vs 44%, P = ns), and there was no difference in the proportion of patients undergoing atrioventricular node ablation in both sexes (6% of women vs 3% of men, P = ns). CONCLUSIONS: There is an important difference in the proportion of men and women referred for management of AF in a specialized outpatient arrhythmia clinic, with women being referred three times less often than men. However, there is no gender-related difference in the subsequent treatment decisions. These findings emphasize the importance of focusing on management of symptomatic AF in women.
OBJECTIVES This study prospectively evaluated the role of a novel 3-dimensional, noninvasive, beat-by-beat mapping system, Electrocardiographic Mapping (ECM), in facilitating the diagnosis of atrial tachycardias (AT). BACKGROUND Conventional 12-lead electrocardiogram, a widely used noninvasive tool in clinical arrhythmia practice, has diagnostic limitations. METHODS Various AT (de novo and post-atrial fibrillation ablation) were mapped using ECM followed by standard-of-care electrophysiological mapping and ablation in 52 patients. The ECM consisted of recording body surface electrograms from a 252-electrode-vest placed on the torso combined with computed tomography-scan-based biatrial anatomy (CardioInsight Inc., Cleveland, Ohio). We evaluated the feasibility of this system in defining the mechanism of AT-macro-re-entrant (perimitral, cavotricuspid isthmus-dependent, and roof-dependent circuits) versus centrifugal (focal-source) activation-and the location of arrhythmia in centrifugal AT. The accuracy of the noninvasive diagnosis and detection of ablation targets was evaluated vis-à-vis subsequent invasive mapping and successful ablation. RESULTS Comparison between ECM and electrophysiological diagnosis could be accomplished in 48 patients (48 AT) but was not possible in 4 patients where the AT mechanism changed to another AT (n = 1), atrial fibrillation (n = 1), or sinus rhythm (n = 2) during the electrophysiological procedure. ECM correctly diagnosed AT mechanisms in 44 of 48 (92%) AT: macro-re-entry in 23 of 27; and focal-onset with centrifugal activation in 21 of 21. The region of interest for focal AT perfectly matched in 21 of 21 (100%) AT. The 2:1 ventricular conduction and low-amplitude P waves challenged the diagnosis of 4 of 27 macro-re-entrant (perimitral) AT that can be overcome by injecting atrioventricular node blockers and signal averaging, respectively. CONCLUSIONS This prospective multicenter series shows a high success rate of ECM in accurately diagnosing the mechanism of AT and the location of focal arrhythmia. Intraprocedural use of the system and its application to atrial fibrillation mapping is under way.
The arrhythmology focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of heart rhythm disorders and their complications, and has undergone a dramatic evolution over the past two decades. The widespread use of catheter ablation, the introduction of implantable cardioverter defibrillators for the prevention of sudden cardiac death and, finally, the development of cardiac resynchronization therapy led to a gradual loss of the impact of antiarrhythmic drugs as a therapeutic approach. This report was performed as a result of an internship performed in Cardiac Physiology with the duration of 400 hours. The main goal of the internship was to strengthen theoretical knowledge and acquire practical experience in the varied fields of arrhythmology, especially in the areas of Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology. During the internship were performed 41 electrophysiologic studies, where Atrioventricular Node Reentrant Tachycardia and Atrial Fibrillation were the most observed arrhythmias. New technologies such as three-dimensional mapping for electrophysiology studies are developing quickly and being use on a daily basis, as they prove to have safe and higher success rates. The proof is that in approximately half of the studies, one of the two mapping systems available, Carto or NavX, was used. In addition, were interrogated 283 pacemakers during the pacing clinics, being the dual chamber with DDD pacing mode the most encountered device. A large number of devices with Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy and/or Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators were also observed. This report is divided into three chapters. Chapter I is constituted by a revision of the literature and includes concepts such as definition and mechanisms of cardiac arrhythmias; a brief description of the varied diagnostic tools and its recommendations; and a presentation of the different therapeutic approaches available and its indications. The second chapter is a descriptive drawing of the activity performed in the modules of Electrophysiology and Pacing. Lastly, the chapter III presents two clinical cases in Electrophysiology considered interesting from a clinical point of view.
The Node-based Local Mesh Generation (NLMG) algorithm, which is free of mesh inconsistency, is one of core algorithms in the Node-based Local Finite Element Method (NLFEM) to achieve the seamless link between mesh generation and stiffness matrix calculation, and the seamless link helps to improve the parallel efficiency of FEM. Furthermore, the key to ensure the efficiency and reliability of NLMG is to determine the candidate satellite-node set of a central node quickly and accurately. This paper develops a Fast Local Search Method based on Uniform Bucket (FLSMUB) and a Fast Local Search Method based on Multilayer Bucket (FLSMMB), and applies them successfully to the decisive problems, i.e. presenting the candidate satellite-node set of any central node in NLMG algorithm. Using FLSMUB or FLSMMB, the NLMG algorithm becomes a practical tool to reduce the parallel computation cost of FEM. Parallel numerical experiments validate that either FLSMUB or FLSMMB is fast, reliable and efficient for their suitable problems and that they are especially effective for computing the large-scale parallel problems.
It is known that adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) is a cotransmitter in the heart. Additionally, ATP is released from ischemic and hypoxic myocytes. Therefore, cardiac-derived sources of ATP have the potential to modify cardiac function. ATP activates P2X(1-7) and P2Y(1-14) receptors; however, the presence of P2X and P2Y receptor subtypes in strategic cardiac locations such as the sinoatrial node has not been determined. An understanding of P2X and P2Y receptor localization would facilitate investigation of purine receptor function in the heart. Therefore, we used quantitative PCR and in situ hybridization to measure the expression of mRNA of all known purine receptors in rat left ventricle, right atrium and sinoatrial node (SAN), and human right atrium and SAN. Expression of mRNA for all the cloned P2 receptors was observed in the ventricles, atria, and SAN of the rat. However, their abundance varied in different regions of the heart. P2X(5) was the most abundant of the P2X receptors in all three regions of the rat heart. In rat left ventricle, P2Y(1), P2Y(2), and P2Y(14) mRNA levels were highest for P2Y receptors, while in right atrium and SAN, P2Y(2) and P2Y(14) levels were highest, respectively. We extended these studies to investigate P2X(4) receptor mRNA in heart from rats with coronary artery ligation-induced heart failure. P2X(4) receptor mRNA was upregulated by 93% in SAN (P < 0.05), while a trend towards an increase was also observed in the right atrium and left ventricle (not significant). Thus, P2X(4)-mediated effects might be modulated in heart failure. mRNA for P2X(4-7) and P2Y(1,2,4,6,12-14), but not P2X(2,3) and P2Y(11), was detected in human right atrium and SAN. In addition, mRNA for P2X(1) was detected in human SAN but not human right atrium. In human right atrium and SAN, P2X(4) and P2X(7) mRNA was the highest for P2X receptors. P2Y(1) and P2Y(2) mRNA were the most abundant for P2Y receptors in the right atrium, while P2Y(1), P2Y(2), and P2Y(14) were the most abundant P2Y receptor subtypes in human SAN. This study shows a widespread distribution of P2 receptor mRNA in rat heart tissues but a more restricted presence and distribution of P2 receptor mRNA in human atrium and SAN. This study provides further direction for the elucidation of P2 receptor modulation of heart rate and contractility.
Molecular architecture of the human sinus node: insights into the function of the cardiac pacemaker.
BACKGROUND: Although we know much about the molecular makeup of the sinus node (SN) in small mammals, little is known about it in humans. The aims of the present study were to investigate the expression of ion channels in the human SN and to use the data to predict electrical activity. METHODS AND RESULTS: Quantitative polymerase chain reaction, in situ hybridization, and immunofluorescence were used to analyze 6 human tissue samples. Messenger RNA (mRNA) for 120 ion channels (and some related proteins) was measured in the SN, a novel paranodal area, and the right atrium (RA). The results showed, for example, that in the SN compared with the RA, there was a lower expression of Na(v)1.5, K(v)4.3, K(v)1.5, ERG, K(ir)2.1, K(ir)6.2, RyR2, SERCA2a, Cx40, and Cx43 mRNAs but a higher expression of Ca(v)1.3, Ca(v)3.1, HCN1, and HCN4 mRNAs. The expression pattern of many ion channels in the paranodal area was intermediate between that of the SN and RA; however, compared with the SN and RA, the paranodal area showed greater expression of K(v)4.2, K(ir)6.1, TASK1, SK2, and MiRP2. Expression of ion channel proteins was in agreement with expression of the corresponding mRNAs. The levels of mRNA in the SN, as a percentage of those in the RA, were used to estimate conductances of key ionic currents as a percentage of those in a mathematical model of human atrial action potential. The resulting SN model successfully produced pacemaking. CONCLUSIONS: Ion channels show a complex and heterogeneous pattern of expression in the SN, paranodal area, and RA in humans, and the expression pattern is appropriate to explain pacemaking.
This paper formulates a node-based smoothed conforming point interpolation method (NS-CPIM) for solid mechanics. In the proposed NS-CPIM, the higher order conforming PIM shape functions (CPIM) have been constructed to produce a continuous and piecewise quadratic displacement field over the whole problem domain, whereby the smoothed strain field was obtained through smoothing operation over each smoothing domain associated with domain nodes. The smoothed Galerkin weak form was then developed to create the discretized system equations. Numerical studies have demonstrated the following good properties: NS-CPIM (1) can pass both standard and quadratic patch test; (2) provides an upper bound of strain energy; (3) avoid the volumetric locking; (4) provides the higher accuracy than those in the node-based smoothed schemes of the original PIMs.
This work focuses on the development of a stand-alone gas nanosensor node, powered by solar energy to track concentration of polluted gases such as NO2, N2O, and NH3. Gas sensor networks have been widely developed over recent years, but the rise of nanotechnology is allowing the creation of a new range of gas sensors [1] with higher performance, smaller size and an inexpensive manufacturing process. This work has created a gas nanosensor node prototype to evaluate future field performance of this new generation of sensors. The sensor node has four main parts: (i) solar cells; (ii) control electronics; (iii) gas sensor and sensor board interface [2-4]; and (iv) data transmission. The station is remotely monitored through wired (ethernet cable) or wireless connection (radio transmitter) [5, 6] in order to evaluate, in real time, the performance of the solar cells and sensor node under different weather conditions. The energy source of the node is a module of polycrystalline silicon solar cells with 410cm2 of active surface. The prototype is equipped with a Resistance-To-Period circuit [2-4] to measure the wide range of resistances (KΩ to GΩ) from the sensor in a simple and accurate way. The system shows high performance on (i) managing the energy from the solar panel, (ii) powering the system load and (iii) recharging the battery. The results show that the prototype is suitable to work with any kind of resistive gas nanosensor and provide useful data for future nanosensor networks.