991 resultados para Atomistic Simulations


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A novel superplastic deformation in an intermetallic B2-NiAl nanowire of cross-sectional dimensions of similar to 20 angstrom with failure strain as high as similar to 700% at 700 K temperature is reported. The minimum temperature under which the superplasticity has been observed is around 0.36 T-m, which is much lower than 0.5 T-m (T-m = melting temperature i.e. 1911 K for bulk B2-NiAl). Superplasticity is observed due to transformation from crystalline phase to amorphous phase after yielding of the nanowire. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Atomistic simulations are used to investigate the mechanical behavior of metal nanowire with fivefold twinned structure. The twinned nanowires were reported in recent experiments [B. Wu et al., Nano Lett. 6, 468 (2006)]. In the present paper, we find that the yield strength of the fivefold twinned Cu nanowire is 1.3 GPa higher than that of the face-centered-cubic (fcc) < 110 > single crystalline Cu nanowire without fivefold twinned structure, and the microstructure-hardened mechanism is primarily due to the twinned boundaries which act as the barriers for the dislocation emission and propagation. However, we also find that the fivefold twinned Cu nanowire has lower ductility than that of fcc < 110 > single crystalline Cu nanowire without the twinned structure, and this is mainly attributed to the scarcity and low mobility of dislocations. In addition, in our simulations the effect of preexisting stacking faults and dislocations on strength of the fivefold twinned nanowires is investigated.


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We report large scale molecular dynamics simulations of dynamic cyclic uniaxial tensile deformation of pure, fully dense nanocrystalline Ni, to reveal the crack initiation, and consequently intergranular fracture is the result of coalescence of nanovoids by breaking atomic bonds at grain boundaries and triple junctions. The results indicate that the brittle fracture behavior accounts for the transition from plastic deformation governed by dislocation to one that is grain-boundary dominant when the grain size reduces to the nanoscale. The grain-boundary mediated plasticity is also manifested by the new grain formation and growth induced by stress-assisted grain-boundary diffusion observed in this work. This work illustrates that grain-boundary decohesion is one of the fundamental deformation mechanisms in nanocrystalline Ni.


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Qens/wins 2014 - 11th International Conference on Quasielastic Neutron Scattering and 6th International Workshop on Inelastic Neutron Spectrometers / editado por:Frick, B; Koza, MM; Boehm, M; Mutka, H


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Molecular dynamics simulations of the events after the photodissociation of CO in the myoglobin mutant L29F in which leucine is replaced by phenylalanine are reported. Using both classical and mixed quantum-classical molecular dynamics calculations, we observed the rapid motion of CO away from the distal heme pocket to other regions of the protein, in agreement with recent experimental results. The experimentally observed and calculated infrared spectra of CO after dissociation are also in good agreement. We compared the results with data from simulations of WT myoglobin. As the time resolution of experimental techniques is increased, theoretical methods and models can be validated at the atomic scale by direct comparison with experiment.


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A non-destructive sorting method to separate single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) by diameter was recently proposed. By this method, SWNTs are suspended in water by surfactant encapsulation and the separation is carried out by ultracentrifugation in a density gradient. SWNTs of different diameters are distributed according to their densities along the centrifuge tube. A mixture of two anionic surfactants, namely sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) and sodium cholate (SC), presented the best performance in discriminating nanotubes by diameter. Unexpectedly, small diameter nanotubes are found at the low density part of the centrifuge tube. We present molecular dynamics studies of the water-surfactant-SWNT system to investigate the role of surfactants in the sorting process. We found that surfactants can actually be attracted towards the interior of the nanotube cage, depending on the relationship between the surfactant radius of gyration and the nanotube diameter. The dynamics at room temperature showed that, as the amphiphile moves to the hollow cage, water molecules are dragged together, thereby promoting the nanotube filling. The resulting densities of filled SWNT are in agreement with measured densities.


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In questa tesi viene descritto lo studio delle fasi liquido-cristalline del 4-n-ottil-4-cianobifenile eseguito tramite simulazioni al calcolatore molecular dynamics, sia per campioni bulk che per film smectici sottili. Impiegando un campo di forze "molecular mechanics" precedentemente usato con successo per studiare sistemi composti da 250 molecole della serie degli n-cianobifenili (nCB, con n pari a 4-8 atomi di carbonio nella catena alifatica), si è simulato il comportamento di un sistema bulk di 750 molecole e di un film smectico di 1500 molecole. Nel primo caso, sottoponendo il campione a un graduale raffreddamento, si è osservata la formazione spontanea di fasi ordinate quali quella nematica e quella smectica. Nel secondo caso, invece, si è studiata l'influenza dell'interfaccia con il vuoto sull'ordine posizionale e orientazionale di film sottili di diverso spessore e temperatura. Si sono confrontate le proprietà di entrambi i sistemi simulati con i dati sperimentali disponibili in letteratura, confermando la bontà del modello nel riprodurre fedelmente le caratteristiche dei campioni reali.


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In this thesis, atomistic simulations are performed to investigate hydrophobic solvation and hydrophobic interactions in cosolvent/water binary mixtures. Many cosolvent/water binary mixtures exhibit non-ideal behavior caused by aggregation at the molecular scale level although they are stable and homogenous at the macroscopic scale. Force-field based atomistic simulations provide routes to relate atomistic-scale structure and interactions to thermodynamic solution properties. The predicted solution properties are however sensitive to the parameters used to describe the molecular interactions. In this thesis, a force field for tertiary butanol (TBA) and water mixtures is parameterized by making use of the Kirkwood-Buff theory of solution. The new force field is capable of describing the alcohol-alcohol, water-water and alcohol-water clustering in the solution as well as the solution components’ chemical potential derivatives in agreement with experimental data. With the new force field, the preferential solvation and the solvation thermodynamics of a hydrophobic solute in TBA/water mixtures have been studied. First, methane solvation at various TBA/water concentrations is discussed in terms of solvation free energy-, enthalpy- and entropy- changes, which have been compared to experimental data. We observed that the methane solvation free energy varies smoothly with the alcohol/water composition while the solvation enthalpies and entropies vary nonmonotonically. The latter occurs due to structural solvent reorganization contributions which are not present in the free energy change due to exact enthalpy-entropy compensation. It is therefore concluded that the enthalpy and entropy of solvation provide more detailed information on the reorganization of solvent molecules around the inserted solute. Hydrophobic interactions in binary urea/water mixtures are next discussed. This system is particularly relevant in biology (protein folding/unfolding), however, changes in the hydrophobic interaction induced by urea molecules are not well understood. In this thesis, this interaction has been studied by calculating the free energy (potential of mean force), enthalpy and entropy changes as a function of the solute-solute distance in water and in aqueous urea (6.9 M) solution. In chapter 5, the potential of mean force in both solution systems is analyzed in terms of its enthalpic and entropic contributions. In particular, contributions of solvent reorganization in the enthalpy and entropy changes are studied separately to better understand what are the changes in interactions in the system that contribute to the free energy of association of the nonpolar solutes. We observe that in aqueous urea the association between nonpolar solutes remains thermodynamically favorable (i.e., as it is the case in pure water). This observation contrasts a long-standing belief that clusters of nonpolar molecules dissolve completely in the presence of urea molecules. The consequences of our observations for the stability of proteins in concentrated urea solutions are discussed in the chapter 6 of the thesis.


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In this thesis, we have dealt with several problems concerning liquid crystals (LC) phases, either in the bulk or at their interfaces, by the use of atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. We first focused our attention on simulating and characterizing the bulk smectic phase of 4-n-octyl-4'-cyanobiphenyl (8CB), allowing us to investigate the antiparallel molecular arrangement typical of SmAd smectic phases. A second topic of study was the characterization of the 8CB interface with vacuum by simulating freely suspended thin films, which allowed us to determine the influence of the interface on the orientational and positional order. Then we investigated the LC-water and LC-electrolyte water solution interface. This interface has recently found application in the development of sensors for several compounds, including biological molecules, and here we tried to understand the re-orientation mechanism of LC molecules at the interface which is behind the functioning of these sensors. The characterization of this peculiar interface has incidentally led us to develop a polarizable force field for the pentyl-cyanobiphenyl mesogen, whose process of parametrization and validation is reported here in detail. We have shown that this force field is a significant improvement over its previous, static charge non polarizable version in terms of density, orientational order parameter and translational diffusion.


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Supramolecular two-dimensional engineering epitomizes the design of complex molecular architectures through recognition events in multicomponent self-assembly. Despite being the subject of in-depth experimental studies, such articulated phenomena have not been yet elucidated in time and space with atomic precision. Here we use atomistic molecular dynamics to simulate the recognition of complementary hydrogen-bonding modules forming 2D porous networks on graphite. We describe the transition path from the melt to the crystalline hexagonal phase and show that self-assembly proceeds through a series of intermediate states featuring a plethora of polygonal types. Finally, we design a novel bicomponent system possessing kinetically improved self-healing ability in silico, thus demonstrating that a priori engineering of 2D self-assembly is possible.


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The conductance across an atomically narrow metallic contact can be measured by using scanning tunneling microscopy. In certain situations, a jump in the conductance is observed right at the point of contact between the tip and the surface, which is known as “jump to contact” (JC). Such behavior provides a way to explore, at a fundamental level, how bonding between metallic atoms occurs dynamically. This phenomenon depends not only on the type of metal but also on the geometry of the two electrodes. For example, while some authors always find JC when approaching two atomically sharp tips of Cu, others find that a smooth transition occurs when approaching a Cu tip to an adatom on a flat surface of Cu. In an attempt to show that all these results are consistent, we make use of atomistic simulations; in particular, classical molecular dynamics together with density functional theory transport calculations to explore a number of possible scenarios. Simulations are performed for two different materials: Cu and Au in a [100] crystal orientation and at a temperature of 4.2 K. These simulations allow us to study the contribution of short- and long-range interactions to the process of bonding between metallic atoms, as well as to compare directly with experimental measurements of conductance, giving a plausible explanation for the different experimental observations. Moreover, we show a correlation between the cohesive energy of the metal, its Young's modulus, and the frequency of occurrence of a jump to contact.


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En una planta de fusión, los materiales en contacto con el plasma así como los materiales de primera pared experimentan condiciones particularmente hostiles al estar expuestos a altos flujos de partículas, neutrones y grandes cargas térmicas. Como consecuencia de estas diferentes y complejas condiciones de trabajo, el estudio, desarrollo y diseño de estos materiales es uno de los más importantes retos que ha surgido en los últimos años para la comunidad científica en el campo de los materiales y la energía. Debido a su baja tasa de erosión, alta resistencia al sputtering, alta conductividad térmica, muy alto punto de fusión y baja retención de tritio, el tungsteno (wolframio) es un importante candidato como material de primera pared y como posible material estructural avanzado en fusión por confinamiento magnético e inercial. Sin embargo, el tiempo de vida del tungsteno viene controlado por diversos factores como son su respuesta termo-mecánica en la superficie, la posibilidad de fusión y el fallo por acumulación de helio. Es por ello que el tiempo de vida limitado por la respuesta mecánica del tungsteno (W), y en particular su fragilidad, sean dos importantes aspectos que tienes que ser investigados. El comportamiento plástico en materiales refractarios con estructura cristalina cúbica centrada en las caras (bcc) como el tungsteno está gobernado por las dislocaciones de tipo tornillo a escala atómica y por conjuntos e interacciones de dislocaciones a escalas más grandes. El modelado de este complejo comportamiento requiere la aplicación de métodos capaces de resolver de forma rigurosa cada una de las escalas. El trabajo que se presenta en esta tesis propone un modelado multiescala que es capaz de dar respuestas ingenieriles a las solicitudes técnicas del tungsteno, y que a su vez está apoyado por la rigurosa física subyacente a extensas simulaciones atomísticas. En primer lugar, las propiedades estáticas y dinámicas de las dislocaciones de tipo tornillo en cinco potenciales interatómicos de tungsteno son comparadas, determinando cuáles de ellos garantizan una mayor fidelidad física y eficiencia computacional. Las grandes tasas de deformación asociadas a las técnicas de dinámica molecular hacen que las funciones de movilidad de las dislocaciones obtenidas no puedan ser utilizadas en los siguientes pasos del modelado multiescala. En este trabajo, proponemos dos métodos alternativos para obtener las funciones de movilidad de las dislocaciones: un modelo Monte Cario cinético y expresiones analíticas. El conjunto de parámetros necesarios para formular el modelo de Monte Cario cinético y la ley de movilidad analítica son calculados atomísticamente. Estos parámetros incluyen, pero no se limitan a: la determinación de las entalpias y energías de formación de las parejas de escalones que forman las dislocaciones, la parametrización de los efectos de no Schmid característicos en materiales bcc,etc. Conociendo la ley de movilidad de las dislocaciones en función del esfuerzo aplicado y la temperatura, se introduce esta relación como ecuación de flujo dentro de un modelo de plasticidad cristalina. La predicción del modelo sobre la dependencia del límite de fluencia con la temperatura es validada experimentalmente con ensayos uniaxiales en tungsteno monocristalino. A continuación, se calcula el límite de fluencia al aplicar ensayos uniaxiales de tensión para un conjunto de orientaciones cristalográticas dentro del triángulo estándar variando la tasa de deformación y la temperatura de los ensayos. Finalmente, y con el objetivo de ser capaces de predecir una respuesta más dúctil del tungsteno para una variedad de estados de carga, se realizan ensayos biaxiales de tensión sobre algunas de las orientaciones cristalográficas ya estudiadas en función de la temperatura.-------------------------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT ----------------------------------------------------------Tungsten and tungsten alloys are being considered as leading candidates for structural and functional materials in future fusion energy devices. The most attractive properties of tungsten for the design of magnetic and inertial fusion energy reactors are its high melting point, high thermal conductivity, low sputtering yield and low longterm disposal radioactive footprint. However, tungsten also presents a very low fracture toughness, mostly associated with inter-granular failure and bulk plasticity, that limits its applications. As a result of these various and complex conditions of work, the study, development and design of these materials is one of the most important challenges that have emerged in recent years to the scientific community in the field of materials for energy applications. The plastic behavior of body-centered cubic (bcc) refractory metals like tungsten is governed by the kink-pair mediated thermally activated motion of h¿ (\1 11)i screw dislocations on the atomistic scale and by ensembles and interactions of dislocations at larger scales. Modeling this complex behavior requires the application of methods capable of resolving rigorously each relevant scale. The work presented in this thesis proposes a multiscale model approach that gives engineering-level responses to the technical specifications required for the use of tungsten in fusion energy reactors, and it is also supported by the rigorous underlying physics of extensive atomistic simulations. First, the static and dynamic properties of screw dislocations in five interatomic potentials for tungsten are compared, determining which of these ensure greater physical fidelity and computational efficiency. The large strain rates associated with molecular dynamics techniques make the dislocation mobility functions obtained not suitable to be used in the next steps of the multiscale model. Therefore, it is necessary to employ mobility laws obtained from a different method. In this work, we suggest two alternative methods to get the dislocation mobility functions: a kinetic Monte Carlo model and analytical expressions. The set of parameters needed to formulate the kinetic Monte Carlo model and the analytical mobility law are calculated atomistically. These parameters include, but are not limited to: enthalpy and energy barriers of kink-pairs as a function of the stress, width of the kink-pairs, non-Schmid effects ( both twinning-antitwinning asymmetry and non-glide stresses), etc. The function relating dislocation velocity with applied stress and temperature is used as the main source of constitutive information into a dislocation-based crystal plasticity framework. We validate the dependence of the yield strength with the temperature predicted by the model against existing experimental data of tensile tests in singlecrystal tungsten, with excellent agreement between the simulations and the measured data. We then extend the model to a number of crystallographic orientations uniformly distributed in the standard triangle and study the effects of temperature and strain rate. Finally, we perform biaxial tensile tests and provide the yield surface as a function of the temperature for some of the crystallographic orientations explored in the uniaxial tensile tests.


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The thermally driven Structural phase transition in the organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite (CnH2n+1NH3)(2)PbI4 has been investigated using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. This system consists of positively charged alkyl-amine chains anchored to a rigid negatively charged PbI4 sheet with the chains organized as bilayers with a herringbone arrangement. Atomistic simulations were performed using ail isothermal-isobaric ensemble over a wide temperature range from 65 to 665 K for different alkyl chain lengths, n = 12, 14, 16, and 18. The simulations are able to reproduce the essential Features of the experimental observations of this system, including the existence of a transition, the linear variation of the transition temperature with alkyl chain length, and the expansion of the bilayer thickness at the transition. By use of the distance fluctuation Criteria, it is Shown that the transition is associated With a Melting of the alkyl chains of the anchored bilayer. Ail analysis of the conformation of the alkyl chains shows increased disorder in the form of gauche defects above due melting transition. Simulations also show that the melting transition is characterized by the complete disappearance of all-trans alkyl chains in the anchored bilayer, in agreement with experimental observations. A conformationally disordered chain has a larger effective cross-sectional area, and above due transition a uniformly tilted arrangement of the anchored chains call no longer be Sustained. At the melt the angular distribution of the orientation of the chains are 110 longer uniform; the chains are splayed allowing for increased space for individual chains of the anchored bilayer. This is reflected in a sharp rise in the ratio of the mean head-to-head to tail-to-tail distance of the chains of the bilayer at the transition resulting in in expansion of the bilayer thickness. The present MD simulations provide a simple explanation as to how changes in conformation of individual alkyl-chains gives rise to the observed increase in the interlayer lattice spacing of (CnH2n+1NH3)(2)PbI4 at the melting transition.