961 resultados para Atmospheric mercury


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Mercury is a potent neurotoxin even at low concentrations. The unoxidised metal has a high vapour pressure and can circulate through the atmosphere, but when oxidised can deposit and be accumulated through the food chain. This work aims to investigate the oxidation processes of atmospheric Hg0(g). The first part describes efforts to make a portable Hg sensor based on Cavity Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy (CEAS). The detection limit achieved was 66 ngm−3 for a 10 second averaging time. The second part of this work describes experiments carried out in a temperature controlled atmospheric simulation chamber in the Desert Research Institute, Reno, Nevada, USA. The chamber was built around an existing Hg CRDS system that could measure Hg concentrations in the chamber of<100 ngm−3 at 1 Hz enabling reactions to be followed. The main oxidant studied was bromine, which was quantified with a LED based CEAS system across the chamber. Hg oxidation in the chamber was found to be mostly too slow for current models to explain. A seven reaction model was developed and tested to find which parameters were capable of explaining the deviation. The model was overdetermined and no unique solution could be found. The most likely possibility was that the first oxidation step Hg + Br →HgBr was slower than the preferred literature value by a factor of two. However, if the more uncertain data at low [Br2] was included then the only parameter that could explain the experiments was a fast, temperature independent dissociation of HgBr some hundreds of times faster than predicted thermolysis or photolysis rates. Overall this work concluded that to quantitatively understand the reaction of Hg with Br2, the intermediates HgBr and Br must be measured. This conclusion will help to guide the planning of future studies of atmospheric Hg chemistry.


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Atmospheric models suggest that the reduction of Hg(II) to Hg(O) by S(W) prolongs the residence time of mercury. The redox reaction was investigated both in the aqueous phase (where the reductant is sulfite) and on particulate matter (where the reductant in SO2(g)). In both cases, one of the ultimate products is HgS. A mechanism is proposed involving formation of Hg(O) followed by mercury-induced disproportionation of SO2.


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Long-term monitoring of data of ambient mercury (Hg) on a global scale to assess its emission, transport, atmospheric chemistry, and deposition processes is vital to understanding the impact of Hg pollution on the environment. The Global Mercury Observation System (GMOS) project was funded by the European Commission (http://www.gmos.eu) and started in November 2010 with the overall goal to develop a coordinated global observing system to monitor Hg on a global scale, including a large network of ground-based monitoring stations, ad hoc periodic oceanographic cruises and measurement flights in the lower and upper troposphere as well as in the lower stratosphere. To date, more than 40 ground-based monitoring sites constitute the global network covering many regions where little to no observational data were available before GMOS. This work presents atmospheric Hg concentrations recorded worldwide in the framework of the GMOS project (2010–2015), analyzing Hg measurement results in terms of temporal trends, seasonality and comparability within the network. Major findings highlighted in this paper include a clear gradient of Hg concentrations between the Northern and Southern hemispheres, confirming that the gradient observed is mostly driven by local and regional sources, which can be anthropogenic, natural or a combination of both.


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We present here the first mercury speciation study in the water column of the Southern Ocean, using a high-resolution south-to-north section (27 stations from 65.50°S to 44.00°S) with up to 15 depths (0-4440 m) between Antarctica and Tasmania (Australia) along the 140°E meridian. In addition, in order to explore the role of sea ice in Hg cycling, a study of mercury speciation in the 'snow-sea ice-seawater' continuum was conducted at a coastal site, near the Australian Casey station (66.40°S; 101.14°E). In the open ocean waters, total Hg (Hg(T)) concentrations varied from 0.63 to 2.76 pmol/L with 'transient-type' vertical profiles and a latitudinal distribution suggesting an atmospheric mercury source south of the Southern Polar Front (SPF) and a surface removal north of the Subantartic Front (SAF). Slightly higher mean Hg(T) concentrations (1.35 ± 0.39 pmol/L) were measured in Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) compared to Antarctic Intermediate water (AAIW) (1.15 ± 0.22 pmol/L). Labile Hg (Hg(R)) concentrations varied from 0.01 to 2.28 pmol/L, with a distribution showing that the Hg(T) enrichment south of the SPF consisted mainly of Hg(R) (67 ± 23%), whereas, in contrast, the percentage was half that in surface waters north of PFZ (33 ± 23%). Methylated mercury species (MeHg(T)) concentrations ranged from 0.02 to 0.86 pmol/L. All vertical MeHg(T) profiles exhibited roughly the same pattern, with low concentrations observed in the surface layer and increasing concentrations with depth up to an intermediate depth maximum. As for Hg(T), low mean MeHg(T) concentrations were associated with AAIW, and higher ones with AABW. The maximum of MeHg(T) concentration at each station was systematically observed within the oxygen minimum zone, with a statistically significant MeHg(T) vs Apparent Oxygen Utilization (AOU) relationship (p <0.001). The proportion of Hg(T) as methylated species was lower than 5% in the surface waters, around 50% in deep waters below 1000 m, reaching a maximum of 78% south of the SPF. At Casey coastal station Hg(T) and Hg(R) concentrations found in the 'snow-sea ice-seawater' continuum were one order of magnitude higher than those measured in open ocean waters. The distribution of Hg(T) there suggests an atmospheric Hg deposition with snow and a fractionation process during sea ice formation, which excludes Hg from the ice with a parallel Hg enrichment of brine, probably concurring with the Hg enrichment of AABW observed in the open ocean waters. Contrastingly, MeHg(T) concentrations in the sea ice environment were in the same range as in the open ocean waters, remaining below 0.45 pmol/L. The MeHg(T) vertical profile through the continuum suggests different sources, including atmosphere, seawater and methylation in basal ice. Whereas Hg(T) concentrations in the water samples collected between the Antarctic continent and Tasmania are comparable to recent measurements made in the other parts of the World Ocean (e.g., Soerensen et al., 2010; doi:10.1021/es903839n), the Hg species distribution suggests distinct features in the Southern Ocean Hg cycle: (i) a net atmospheric Hg deposition on surface water near the ice edge, (ii) the Hg enrichment in brine during sea ice formation, and (iii) a net methylation of Hg south of the SPF.


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Frost flowers are ice crystals that grow on refreezing sea ice leads in Polar Regions by wicking brine from the sea ice surface and accumulating vapor phase condensate. These crystals contain high concentrations of mercury (Hg) and are believed to be a source of reactive halogens, but their role in Hg cycling and impact on the fate of Hg deposited during atmospheric mercury depletion events (AMDEs) are not well understood. We collected frost flowers growing on refreezing sea ice near Barrow, Alaska (U.S.A.) during an AMDE in March 2009 and measured Hg concentrations and Hg stable isotope ratios in these samples to determine the origin of Hg associated with the crystals. We observed decreasing Delta199Hg values in the crystals as they grew from new wet frost flowers (mean Delta199Hg = 0.77 ± 0.13 per mil, 1 s.d.) to older dry frost flowers (mean Delta199Hg = 0.10 ± 0.05 per mil, 1 s.d.). Over the same time period, mean Hg concentrations in these samples increased from 131 ± 6 ng/L (1 s.d.) to 180 ± 28 ng/L (1 s.d.). Coupled with a previous study of Hg isotopic fractionation during AMDEs, these results suggest that Hg initially deposited to the local snowpack was subsequently reemitted during photochemical reduction reactions and ultimately accumulated on the frost flowers. As a result of this process, frost flowers may lead to enhanced local retention of Hg deposited during AMDEs and may increase Hg loading to the Arctic Ocean.


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汞,是一种人体非必需的有毒重金属元素,一种全球性污染物,其全球生物地球化学循环演化规律的研究是目前环境科学领域的热点问题。汞在大气中的行为对其全球生物地球化学循环起着极其重要的控制作用。因此,关于大气汞循环演化规律的研究已经成为目前汞全球生物地球化学研究的热点问题。大气中的汞主要分为三类,即气态单质汞(GEM)、活性气态汞(RGM)和颗粒态汞(TPM)。各种形态汞的物理化学性质不同,在大气中的行为存在显著的差异。研究大气中不同形态汞的分布特征,对于正确认识汞在大气中的循环演化规律意义重大。目前中国是全球人为活动向大气释汞最多的国家,而城市区域是人为活动的中心地带,城市大气汞污染形势严峻。因此,开展城市大气中不同形态汞的研究对于评价与预测城市环境汞污染特征以及正确认识大气汞的局地、区域、全球循环演化规律具有重要的理论与实际意义。 本论文选取贵州省省会贵阳市的中心城区作为研究区域。贵阳市(东经106º07´~107º17´,北纬26º11´~27º22´)位于中国西南地区正好处在环太平洋汞矿化带中,能源消耗以煤炭为主,大气环境污染属煤烟型污染,常年影响大气环境质量的主要污染物是二氧化硫和可吸入颗粒物。本论文的研究工作包括:⑴2004年4月~12月在中国科学院地球化学研究所建立与完善了大气中气态总汞(TGM)、GEM、RGM、TPM的采集与分析方法,并测定了大气和雨水中不同形态汞的含量,对大气汞的干、湿沉降通量进行了估算;⑵2005年4月~2006年1月在贵阳市中心城区的居民区、商业区、工业区、游览区4个功能区各设1个研究点,农村设1个对照点,按春、夏、冬3个季节研究了大气中GEM、RGM、TPM的分布特征,估算了贵阳市中心城区大气汞的干沉降通量,并利用高分辨透射电子显微镜(HR–TEM)分析技术对冬季各采样点TPM的来源作了定性识别;⑶测量了中心城区表层土壤和某些植物的总汞(THg)含量,探讨了大气汞对中心城区地表生态系统的污染效应。通过本论文的研究,得出以下主要结论: 1.在国内外研究基础上,建立了金捕汞管–冷原子荧光光谱法(CVAFS)测定大气中TGM的方法、微型捕集管–CVAFS测定大气中TPM的方法、镀KCl直形扩散管–金捕汞管串联采集RGM与GEM的方法。每种形态汞的测量技术水平都在pg•m-3量级。并在国内首次实现了对城市大气中GEM、RGM、TPM的同步测量。 2.2005 ~ 2006年间贵阳市中心城区大气中GEM、RGM、TPM的平均浓度分别是9.11 ng•m-3、132.4 pg•m-3、1.02 ng•m-3,均为对照点的1.5倍,都显著高于全球背景参考值1.5 ~ 2.0 ng·m-3、< 10 pg•m-3、1 ~ 86 pg•m-3。3种形态汞的季节、昼夜与空间分布特征如下:⑴GEM:①季节平均浓度表现为冬季>夏季>春季,居民采暖燃煤释放是造成冬季GEM浓度高的主要原因。②春、夏非采暖季受释放源及其排放方式、自身物理化学性质与气候条件等因素的影响一般是夜间高于白天;冬季则受居民白天采暖燃煤影响主要表现为白天高于夜间。③年平均浓度,工业区>居民区>商业区>游览区>对照点。⑵RGM:①季节平均浓度表现为春季>夏季>冬季,气候条件对RGM的影响较大。②受白天释放源、自身物理化学性质、大气氧化强度与气候条件等因素的影响,春、夏、冬3季一般都为白天高于夜间。③年平均浓度,商业区>工业区、居民区>游览区、对照点。⑶TPM:①季节平均浓度表现为冬季>夏季>春季,居民采暖燃煤释放是造成冬季TPM浓度高的主要原因。②受释放源及其排放方式、自身物理化学性质与气候条件等因素的影响,春、夏、冬3季一般都为夜间高于白天。③年平均浓度,工业区>居民区>商业区>对照点>游览区。④TPM受局地释放源的影响显著,而燃煤释放是其冬季的普遍来源。 3.2005 ~ 2006年间不同形态汞在贵阳市中心城区大气中的含量分布为GEM(89.8 %)> TPM(8.8 %)> RGM(1.5 %),其中(RGM + TPM)占大气总汞(TAM)的比例略高于对照点的10.0 %,但显著高于全球背景参考值1 ~ 5 %,说明贵阳市中心城区大气汞向地表生态系统的沉降通量相对背景区较大。因为尽管RGM、TPM在大气中的含量很低,但正是它们控制了大气汞向地表生态系统的沉降速率。 4.2005 ~ 2006年间贵阳市中心城区各功能区及对照点大气中不同形态汞日均浓度的相关关系大多数都表现为不显著,表明在贵阳市中心城区及对照点大气中不同形态汞的来源可能是多元化的。 5.2005 ~ 2006年间贵阳市中心城区大气中GEM、RGM、TPM的干沉降通量平均值分别为28.7 μg•m-2•yr-1、10.4 μg•m-2•yr-1、160.9 μg•m-2•yr-1,均为对照点的1.5倍,其中TPM控制了大气汞向地表生态系统的干沉降通量;TAM干沉降通量平均值为200.1 μg•m-2•yr-1,其时空差异表现为冬季>春季>夏季和工业区>居民区>商业区>对照点>游览区。 6.经估算,2005 ~ 2006年间在贵阳市中心城区面积范围内大气汞干、湿沉降总量为54.7 kg•yr-1,它仅占燃煤向大气排汞量(以2003年为例,贵阳市中心城区燃煤向大气排汞量为334 kg•yr-1)的16.4 %,说明贵阳市中心城区的大部分大气汞仍然停留在大气中,最终将经由大气进行长距离迁移,散布到更广的区域。 7.在中国科学院地球化学研究所,2000 ~ 2006年间的大气TGM污染程度呈逐年递增趋势;2004年大气汞的干沉降通量为16.5 ng•m-2•h-1,高于湿沉降通量12.2 ng•m-2•h-1。 8.贵阳市中心城区及对照点不同类型土壤THg含量的几何平均值分别是0.370和0.276 mg•kg -1,都高于贵阳市土壤汞背景值0.201 mg•kg -1。土壤释汞是贵阳市大气气态总汞的一个重要自然源,而土壤THg含量是土壤释汞的最主要影响因子。因此,为了提高城乡居民的生活环境质量,更为了保护城乡居民的健康,非常有必要采取防治措施来降低贵阳市中心城区及对照点的土壤汞污染。 9.贵阳市中心城区苔藓THg平均含量为0.258 mg•kg -1,为对照点的1.5倍;中心城区某些常见的木本植物叶片THg含量范围是 0.068 ~ 0.181 mg•kg -1,木本植物叶片吸收大气汞的能力表现为落叶植物>常绿植物。苔藓、梧桐叶片中的THg含量与其生长时期的大气汞浓度密切相关,能够指示区域大气汞的污染现状与空间分布规律。


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汞是一种可以通过大气进行长距离跨国界进行传输的污染物,为了正确认识汞的全球大气循环演化规律,应该在全球不同区域内开展背景区大气不同形态汞含量的长期和高时间分辨率的观测研究。本论文工作利用高时间分辨率自动大气测汞仪(Tekran®2537A),于2005年8月~2006年7月对长白山地区大气气态总汞进行了连续一年的野外观测,同时按季节对该区大气中的颗粒态汞与活性气态汞进行了采集和分析。 研究结果表明,长白山地区大气气态总汞(TGM)的年平均含量为(3.22±1.78)ng•m-3。长白山地区大气气态总汞含量高于北半球大气汞含量的背景值(1.5~2.0 ng•m-3),表明该地区已受到一定程度的大气汞污染。该区气态总汞表现出季节变化规律,含量高低按季节表现为:冬季(3.61ng•m-3)>春季(3.44ng•m-3)>秋季(3.15ng•m-3)>夏季(2.56ng•m-3)。在对长白山地区大气汞来源的解析中,该区频率最高的指示风向西南(SW)、西北(NW)和非主导风向东北(NE)方位上,城镇人为采暖、燃煤和对生物燃料的使用成为该地区的大气汞的主要人为来源,而土壤释汞和其他来源的大气汞经中长距离迁移也是造成该区大气汞含量偏高的原因。 对长白山地区不同时段的颗粒态汞(PM)与活性气态汞(RGM)含量的研究结果发现,采样期间颗粒态汞含量平均值为(77±136)pg•m-3,活性气态汞含量平均值为(65±84)pg•m-3。利用该结果计算了不同形态汞对长白山地区大气汞的组成。结果显示气态原子汞的贡献比例最大,约为94.0%;其次为颗粒态汞(PM<2.5),贡献比例为2.4%;活性气态汞的比例2.0%;贡献最小的是颗粒态汞(PM>2.5),所占比例1.6%。 论文工作还测定了长白山地区一年的大气降水中的总汞浓度,利用该雨水中的总汞含量估算该地区一年汞的湿沉降通量,同时用穿透雨(Throughfall)方法和模型法对大气中汞的干沉降进行估算。结果表明:长白山地区大气汞的干沉降通量大于湿沉降通量,干、湿沉降通量分别为16.5μg•m-2•a-1(模型计算为20.2μg•m-2•a-1)和8.4μg•m-2•a-1,且大气汞的总沉降通量为24.9μg•m-2•a-1。