411 resultados para Ataxia espinocerebelosa
A doença de Machado-Joseph (DMJ) ou ataxia espinocerebelosa do tipo 3 (SCA3), conhecida por ser a mais comum das ataxias hereditárias dominantes em todo o mundo, é uma doença neurodegenerativa autossómica dominante que leva a uma grande incapacidade motora, embora sem alterar o intelecto, culminando com a morte do doente. Atualmente não existe nenhum tratamento eficaz para esta doença. A DMJ é resultado de uma alteração genética causada pela expansão de uma sequência poliglutamínica (poliQ), na região C-terminal do gene que codifica a proteína ataxina-3 (ATXN3). Os mecanismos celulares das doenças de poliglutaminas que provocam toxicidade, bem como a função da ATXN3, não são ainda totalmente conhecidos. Neste trabalho, usamos, pela sua simplicidade e potencial genético, um pequeno animal invertebrado, o nemátode C. elegans, com o objetivo de identificar fármacos eficazes para o combate contra a patogénese da DMJ, analisando simultaneamente o seu efeito na agregação da ATXN3 mutante nas células neuronais in vivo e o seu impacto no comportamento motor dos animais. Este pequeno invertebrado proporciona grandes vantagens no estudo dos efeitos tóxicos de proteínas poliQ nos neurónios, uma vez que a transparência das suas 959 células (das quais 302 são neurónios) facilita a deteção de proteínas fluorescentes in vivo. Para além disso, esta espécie tem um ciclo de vida curto, é económica e de fácil manutenção. Neste trabalho testámos no nosso modelo transgénico da DMJ com 130Qs em C.elegans dois compostos potencialmente moduladores da agregação da ATXN3 mutante e da resultante disfunção neurológica, atuando pela via da autofagia. De modo a validar a possível importância terapêutica da ativação da autofagia os compostos candidatos escolhidos foram o Litío e o análogo da Rapamicina CCI-779, testados independentemente e em combinação. A neuroproteção conferida pelo Litío e pelo CCI-779 independentemente sugere que o uso destes fármacos possa ser considerado uma boa estratégia como terapia para a DMJ, a testar em organismos evolutivamente mais próximos do humano. A manipulação da autofagia, segundo vários autores, parece ser benéfica e pode ser a chave para o desenvolvimento de novos tratamentos para várias doenças relacionadas com a agregação proteica e o envelhecimento.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Biomédicas, 5 de Outubro de 2015, Universidade dos Açores.
Spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1), spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2) and Machado-Joseph disease or spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (MJD/SCA3) are three distinctive forms of autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) caused by expansions of an unstable CAG repeat localized in the coding region of the causative genes. Another related disease, dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA) is also caused by an unstable triplet repeat and can present as SCA in late onset patients. We investigated the frequency of the SCA1, SCA2, MJD/SCA3 and DRPLA mutations in 328 Brazilian patients with SCA, belonging to 90 unrelated families with various patterns of inheritance and originating in different geographic regions of Brazil. We found mutations in 35 families (39%), 32 of them with a clear autosomal dominant inheritance. The frequency of the SCA1 mutation was 3% of all patients; and 6 % in the dominantly inherited SCAs. We identified the SCA2 mutation in 6% of all families and in 9% of the families with autosomal dominant inheritance. The MJD/SCA3 mutation was detected in 30 % of all patients; and in the 44% of the dominantly inherited cases. We found no DRPLA mutation. In addition, we observed variability in the frequency of the different mutations according to geographic origin of the patients, which is probably related to the distinct colonization of different parts of Brazil. These results suggest that SCA may be occasionally caused by the SCA1 and SCA2 mutations in the Brazilian population, and that the MJD/SCA3 mutation is the most common cause of dominantly inherited SCA in Brazil.
Epidermal growth factor (EGF) has been reported to either sensitize or protect cells against ionizing radiation. We report here that EGF increases radiosensitivity in both human fibroblasts and lymphoblasts and down-regulates both ATM (mutated in ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T)) and the catalytic subunit of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PKcs). No further radiosensitization was observed in A-T cells after pretreatment with EGF. The down-regulation of ATM occurs at the transcriptional level. Concomitant with the down-regulation of ATM, the DNA binding activity of the transcription factor Sp1 decreased. A causal relationship was established between these observations by demonstrating that up-regulation of Sp1 DNA binding activity by granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor rapidly reversed the EGF-induced decrease in ATM protein and restored radiosensitivity to normal levels. Failure to radiosensitize EGF-treated cells to the same extent as observed for A-T cells can be explained by induction of ATM protein and kinase activity with time post-irradiation. Although ionizing radiation damage to DNA rapidly activates ATM kinase and cell cycle checkpoints, we have provided evidence for the first time that alteration in the amount of ATM protein occurs in response to both EGF and radiation exposure. Taken together these data support complex control of ATM function that has important repercussions for targeting ATM to improve radiotherapeutic benefit.
Epidermal growth factor (EGF) has been reported to either sensitize or protect cells against ionizing radiation. We report here that EGF increases radiosensitivity in both human fibroblasts and lymphoblasts and downregulates both ATM (mutated in ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T)) and the catalytic subunit of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PKcs). No further radiosensitization was observed in A-T cells after pretreatment with EGF. The down-regulation of ATM occurs at the transcriptional level. Concomitant with the down-regulation of ATM, the DNA binding activity of the transcription factor Spl decreased. A causal relationship was established between these:observations by demonstrating that upregulation of Spl DNA binding activity by granulocyte/ macrophage colony-stimulating factor rapidly reversed the EGF-induced decrease in ATM protein and restored radiosensitivity to normal levels. Failure to radiosensitize EGF-treated cells to the same extent as observed for A-T cells ban be explained by induction of ATM protein and kinase activity with time post-irradiation, Although ionizing radiation damage to DNA rapidly activates ATM kinase and cell cycle checkpoints, we have provided evidence for the first time that alteration in the amount of ATM protein occurs in response to both EGF and radiation exposure. Taken together these data support complex control of ATM function that has important repercussions for targeting ATM to improve radiotherapeutic benefit.
Recent studies have provided evidence that breast cancer susceptibility gene products (Brca1 and Brca2) suppress cancer, at least in part, by participating in DNA damage signaling and DNA repair. Brca1 is hyperphosphorylated in response to DNA damage and co-localizes with Rad51, a protein involved in homologous-recombination, and Nbs1·Mre11·Rad50, a complex required for both homologous-recombination and nonhomologous end joining repair of damaged DNA. Here, we report that there is a qualitative difference in the phosphorylation states of Brca1 between ionizing radiation (IR) and UV radiation. Brca1 is phosphorylated at Ser-1423 and Ser-1524 after IR and UV; however, Ser-1387 is specifically phosphorylated after IR, and Ser-1457 is predominantly phosphorylated after UV. These results suggest that different types of DNA-damaging agents might signal to Brca1 in different ways. We also provide evidence that the rapid phosphorylation of Brca1 at Ser-1423 and Ser-1524 after IR (but not after UV) is largely ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) kinase-dependent. The overexpression of catalytically inactive ATM and Rad3 related (ATR) kinase inhibited the UV-induced phosphorylation of Brca1 at these sites, indicating that ATR controls Brca1 phosphorylation in vivo after the exposure of cells to UV light. Moreover, ATR associates with Brca1; ATR and Brca1 foci co-localize both in cells synchronized in S phase and after exposure of cells to DNA-damaging agents. ATR can itself phosphorylate the region of Brca1 phosphorylated by ATM (Ser-Gln cluster in the C terminus of Brca1, amino acids 1241-1530). However, there are additional uncharacterized ATR phosphorylation site(s) between residues 521 and 757 of Brca1. Taken together, our results support a model in which ATM and ATR act in parallel but somewhat overlapping pathways of DNA damage signaling but respond primarily to different types of DNA lesion.
There is evidence that ATM plays a wider role in intracellular signalling in addition to DNA damage recognition and cell cycle control, In this report we show that activation of the EGF receptor is defective in ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) cells and that sustained stimulation of cells with EGF downregulates ATM protein in control cells but not in A-T cells expressing mutant protein, Concomitant with the downregulation of ATM, DNA-binding activity of the transcription factor Spl decreased in controls after EGF treatment but increased from a lower basal level in A-T cells to that in untreated control cells, Mutation in two Spl consensus sequences in the ATM promoter reduced markedly the capacity of the promoter to support luciferase activity in a reporter assay. Overexpression of anti-sense ATM cDNA in control cells decreased the;basal level of Spl, which in turn was increased by subsequent treatment of cells with EGF, similar to that observed in,A-T cells. On the other hand full-length ATM cDNA increased the basal level of Spl binding in A-T cells, and in response to EGF Spl binding decreased, confirming that this is an ATR I-dependent process. Contrary to that observed in control cells there was no radiation-induced change in ATM protein in EGF-treated A-T cells and likewise no alteration in Spl binding activity. The results demonstrate that EGF-induced downregulation of ATM (mutant) protein in A-T cells is defective and this appears to be due to less efficient EGFR activation and abnormal Spl regulation.
Cells from patients with the genetic disorder ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) are hypersensitive to ionizing radiation and radiomimetic agents, both of which generate reactive oxygen species capable of causing oxidative damage to DNA and other macromolecules. We describe in A-T cells constitutive activation of pathways that normally respond to genotoxic stress, Basal levels of p53 and p21(WAF1/CIP1), phosphorylation on serine 15 of p53, and the Tyr15-phosphorylated form of cdc2 are chronically elevated in these cells. Treatment of A-T cells with the antioxidant alpha -lipoic acid significantly reduced the levels of these proteins, pointing to the involvement of reactive oxygen species in their chronic activation. These findings suggest that the absence of functional ATM results in a mild but continuous state of oxidative stress, which could account for several features of the pleiotropic phenotype of A-T.
Recent studies have provided evidence that breast cancer susceptibility gene products (Brca1 and Brca2) suppress cancer, at least in part, by participating in DNA damage signaling and DNA repair. Brca1 is hyperphosphorylated in response to DNA damage and co-localizes with Rad51, a protein involved in homologous-recombination, and Nbs1.Mre11.Rad50, a complex required for both homologous-recombination and nonhomologous end joining repair of damaged DNA. Here, we report that there is a qualitative difference in the phosphorylation states of Brca1 between ionizing radiation (IR) and UV radiation. Brca1 is phosphorylated at Ser-1423 and Ser-1524 after IR and W; however, Ser-1387 is specifically phosphorylated after IR, and Ser-1457 is predominantly phosphorylated after W. These results suggest that different types of DNA-damaging agents might signal to Brca1 in different ways. We also provide evidence that the rapid phosphorylation of Brca1 at Ser-1423 and Ser-1524 after IR (but not after W) is largely ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) kinase-dependent. The overexpression of catalytically inactive ATM and Rad3 related (ATR) kinase inhibited the UV-induced phosphorylation of Brca1 at these sites, indicating that ATR controls Brca1 phosphorylation in vivo after the exposure of cells to UV light. Moreover, ATR associates with Brca1; ATR and Brca1 foci co-localize both in cells synchronized in S phase and after exposure of cells to DNA-damaging agents. ATR can itself phosphorylate the region of Brca1 phosphorylated by ATM (Ser-Gln cluster in the C terminus of Brca1, amino acids 1241-1530), However, there are additional uncharacterized ATR phosphorylation site(s) between residues 521 and 757 of Brca1, Taken together, our results support a model in which ATM and ATR act in parallel but somewhat overlapping pathways of DNA damage signaling but respond primarily to different types of DNA lesion.
In mammals, the ATM (ataxia-telangiectasia-mutated) and ATR (ATM and Rad3-related) protein kinases function as critical regulators of the cellular DNA damage response. The checkpoint functions of ATR and ATM are mediated, in part, by a pair of checkpoint effector kinases termed Chk1 and Chk2. In mammalian cells, evidence has been presented that Chk1 is devoted to the ATR signaling pathway and is modified by ATR in response to replication inhibition and UV-induced damage, whereas Chk2 functions primarily through ATM in response to ionizing radiation (IR), suggesting that Chk2 and Chk1 might have evolved to channel the DNA damage signal from ATM and ATR, respectively. We demonstrate here that the ATR-Chk1 and ATM-Chk2 pathways are not parallel branches of the DNA damage response pathway but instead show a high degree of cross-talk and connectivity. ATM does in fact signal to Chk1 in response to IR. Phosphorylation of Chk1 on Ser-317 in response to IR is ATM-dependent. We also show that functional NBS1 is required for phosphorylation of Chk1, indicating that NES1 might facilitate the access of Chk1 to ATM at the sites of DNA damage. Abrogation of Chk1 expression by RNA interference resulted in defects in IR-induced S and G2/M phase checkpoints; however, the overexpression of phosphorylation site mutant (S317A, S345A or S317A/S345A double mutant) Chk1 failed to interfere with these checkpoints. Surprisingly, the kinase-dead Chk1 (D130A) also failed to abrogate the S and G2 checkpoint through any obvious dominant negative effect toward endogenous Chk1. Therefore, further studies will be required to assess the contribution made by phosphorylation events to Chk1 regulation. Overall, the data presented in the study challenge the model in which Chk1 only functions downstream from ATR and indicate that ATM does signal to Chk1. In addition, this study also demonstrates that Chk1 is essential for IR-induced inhibition of DNA synthesis and the G2/M checkpoint.
Atm gene-disrupted mice recapitulate the majority of characteristics observed in patients with the genetic disorder ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T). However, although they exhibit defects in neuromotor function and a distinct neurological phenotype, they do not show the progressive neurodegeneration seen in human patients, but there is evidence that ataxia-telangiectasia mutated ( Atm)-deficient animals have elevated levels of oxidized macromolecules and some neuropathology. We report here that in vitro survival of cerebellar Purkinje cells from both Atm knock-out and Atm knock-in mice was significantly reduced compared with their wild-type littermates. Although most of the Purkinje neurons from wild-type mice exhibited extensive dendritic elongation and branching under these conditions, most neurons from Atm-deficient mice had dramatically reduced dendritic branching. An antioxidant ( isoindoline nitroxide) prevented Purkinje cell death in Atm-deficient mice and enhanced dendritogenesis to wild-type levels. Furthermore, administration of the antioxidant throughout pregnancy had a small enhancing effect on Purkinje neuron survival in Atm gene-disrupted animals and protected against oxidative stress in older animals. These data provide strong evidence for a defect in the cerebellum of Atm-deficient mice and suggest that oxidative stress contributes to this phenotype.
Ataxia-telangiectasia Mutated (ATM), mutated in the human disorder ataxia-telangiectasia, is rapidly activated by DNA double strand breaks. The mechanism of activation remains unresolved, and it is uncertain whether autophosphorylation contributes to activation. We describe an in vitro immunoprecipitation system demonstrating activation of ATM kinase from unirradiated extracts by preincubation with ATP. Activation is both time- and ATP concentration-dependent, other nucleotides fail to activate ATM, and DNA is not required. ATP activation is specific for ATM since it is not observed with kinase-dead ATM, it requires Mn2+, and it is inhibited by wortmannin. Exposure of activated ATM to phosphatase abrogates activity, and repeat cycles of ATP and phosphatase treatment reveal a requirement for autophosphorylation in the activation process. Phosphopeptide mapping revealed similarities between the patterns of autophosphorylation for irradiated and ATP-treated ATM. Caffeine inhibited ATM kinase activity for substrates but did not interfere with ATM autophosphorylation. ATP failed to activate either A-T and rad3-related protein (ATR) or DNA-dependent protein kinase under these conditions, supporting the specificity for ATM. These data demonstrate that ATP can specifically induce activation of ATM by a mechanism involving autophosphorylation. The relationship of this activation to DNA damage activation remains unclear but represents a useful model for understanding in vivo activation.
Caracterização da ataxia, sintomas relacionados com as alterações de movimento, objectivos da fisioterapia, importância do movimento. A fisioterapia pode ajudar as pessoas com ataxia a realizar as actividades funcionais para além da execução através de compensação; a aprendizagem motora é possível; treino de tarefas funcionais; repetição dos exercícios; exercícios que desafiem as capacidades do indivíduo.