997 resultados para Asymptotic throughout capacity


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Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) rely on intervehicle relay to extend the communication range of individual vehicles for message transmissions to roadside units (RSUs). With the presence of a large number of quickly moving vehicles in the network, the end-to-end transmission performance from individual vehicles to RSUs through intervehicle relaying is, however, highly unreliable due to the violative intervehicle connectivity. As an effort toward this issue, this paper develops an efficient message routing scheme that can maximize the message delivery throughput from vehicles to RSUs. Specifically, we first develop a mathematical framework to analyze the asymptotic throughput scaling of VANETs. We demonstrate that in an urban-like layout, the achievable uplink throughput per vehicle from vehicle to RSUs scales as Θ(1/ log n) when the number of RSUs scales as Θ(n/log n) with n denoting vehicle population. By noting that the network throughput is bottlenecked by the unbalanced data traffic generated by hotspots of realistic urban areas, which may overload the RSUs nearby, a novel packet-forwarding scheme is proposed to approach the optimal network throughput by exploiting the mobility diversity of vehicles to balance the data traffic across the network. Using extensive simulations based on realistic traffic traces, we demonstrate that the proposed scheme can improve the network throughput approaching the asymptotic throughput capacity.


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In this paper, the impact of interference from multiple licensed transceivers on cognitive underlay single carrier systems is examined. Specifically, the situation is considered in which the secondary network is limited by three key parameters: 1) maximum transmit power at the secondary transmitter, 2) peak interference power at the primary receivers, and 3) interference power from the primary transmitters. For this cognitive underlay single carrier system, the signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) of the secondary network is obtained for transmission over frequency selective fading channels. Based on this, a new closedform expression for the cumulative distribution function of the SIR is evaluated, from which the outage probability and the ergodic capacity are derived. Further insights are established by analyzing the asymptotic outage probability and the asymptotic ergodic capacity in the high transmission power regime. In particular, it is corroborated that the asymptotic outage diversity gain is equal to the multipath gain of the frequency selective channel in the secondary network. The asymptotic ergodic capacity also gives new insight into the additional power cost for different network parameters while maintaining a specified target ergodic capacity. Illustrative numerical examples are presented to validate the outage probability and ergodic capacity under different interference power profiles.


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In this paper, we investigate the end-to-end performance of dual-hop proactive decode-and-forward relaying networks with Nth best relay selection in the presence of two practical deleterious effects: i) hardware impairment and ii) cochannel interference. In particular, we derive new exact and asymptotic closed-form expressions for the outage probability and average channel capacity of Nth best partial and opportunistic relay selection schemes over Rayleigh fading channels. Insightful discussions are provided. It is shown that, when the system cannot select the best relay for cooperation, the partial relay selection scheme outperforms the opportunistic method under the impact of the same co-channel interference (CCI). In addition, without CCI but under the effect of hardware impairment, it is shown that both selection strategies have the same asymptotic channel capacity. Monte Carlo simulations are presented to corroborate our analysis.


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The Queensland University of Technology (QUT) is known for several flagship eResearch centres. It also has a number of mature, centralised research support services that address a several of areas of eResearch. The university has openly stated its aspiration to be an institution with a strongly embedded eResearch capability and to this end it has expressed the desire to establish a university-wide eResearch support service. However, articulating this desire is much easier than realising it. During 2008 QUT undertook a major review into eResearch that made recommendations on the development of university-wide eResearch support service and the building of eResearch capabilities and capacity throughout the university. The results of this review were reported last year at this conference. In 2009, QUT is progressing a second, follow-on project – Building eResearch Support Capability and Capacity. It has been designed to build upon existing strengths in HPC, repositories, data management, and the delivery of integrated skills for eresearch. The purpose of this presentation is to give an update on QUT’s journey, one year on from its first major report into eResearch. It will outline how the university is approaching this challenge, the current work being carried out and the strategies being employed. We will also discuss the lessons learned.


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In this paper we analyze the performance degradation of slotted amplify-and-forward protocol in wireless environments with high node density where the number of relays grows asymptotically large. Channel gains between source-destination pairs in such networks can no longer be independent. We analyze the degradation of performance in such wireless environments where channel gains are exponentially correlated by looking at the capacity per channel use. Theoretical results for eigenvalue distribution and the capacity are derived and compared with the simulation results. Both analytical and simulated results show that the capacity given by the asymptotic mutual information decreases with the network density.


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HE has been changing rapidly due to globalisation that has increased the interconnectedness between nations and people throughout the world (Mok, 2012). As HE has manifested into different forms and governed by competing rationales in recent years, this paper focuses on transnational HE, which is an example of the interconnectedness of universities beyond the national borders. Indonesia is also influenced by the above changes. It took part in free-trade agreements that include HE as a sector to be liberated and accessed by international providers (Nizam, 2006). Indonesian universities found themselves bracing for the global competition for students and simultaneously having to improve their quality in order to survive amidst the growing competition. This competition gave birth to joint transnational HE programs with overseas partners among many Indonesian universities (Macaranas, 2010).


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Background Research is a major driver of health care improvement and evidence-based practice is becoming the foundation of health care delivery. For health professions to develop within emerging models of health care delivery, it would seem imperative to develop and monitor the research capacity and evidence-based literacy of the health care workforce. This observational paper aims to report the research capacity levels of statewide populations of public-sector podiatrists at two different time points twelve-months apart. Methods The Research Capacity & Culture (RCC) survey was electronically distributed to all Queensland Health (Australia) employed podiatrists in January 2011 (n = 58) and January 2012 (n = 60). The RCC is a validated tool designed to measure indicators of research skill in health professionals. Participants rate skill levels against each individual, team and organisation statement on a 10-point scale (one = lowest, ten = highest). Chi-squared and Mann Whitney U tests were used to determine any differences between the results of the two survey samples. A minimum significance of p < 0.05 was used throughout. Results Thirty-seven (64%) podiatrists responded to the 2011 survey and 33 (55%) the 2012 survey. The 2011 survey respondents reported low skill levels (Median < 4) on most aspects of individual research aspects, except for their ability to locate and critically review research literature (Median > 6). Whereas, most reported their organisation’s skills to perform and support research at much higher levels (Median > 6). The 2012 survey respondents reported significantly higher skill ratings compared to the 2011 survey in individuals’ ability to secure research funding, submit ethics applications, and provide research advice, plus, in their organisation’s skills to support, fund, monitor, mentor and engage universities to partner their research (p < 0.05). Conclusions This study appears to report the research capacity levels of the largest populations of podiatrists published. The 2011 survey findings indicate podiatrists have similarly low research capacity skill levels to those reported in the allied health literature. The 2012 survey, compared to the 2011 survey, suggests podiatrists perceived higher skills and support to initiate research in 2012. This improvement coincided with the implementation of research capacity building strategies.


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This paper reports on a current initiative at Queensland University of Technology to provide timely, flexible and sustainable training and support to academic staff in blended learning and associated techno-pedagogies via a web-conferencing classroom and collaboration tool, Elluminate Live!. This technology was first introduced to QUT in 2008 as part of the university‘s ongoing commitment to meeting the learning needs of diverse student cohorts. The centralised Learning Design team, in collaboration with the university‘s department of eLearning Services, was given the task of providing training and support to academic staff in the effective use of the technology for teaching and learning, as part of the team‘s ongoing brief to support and enhance the provision of blended learning throughout the university. The resulting program, ―Learning Design Live‖ (LDL) is informed by Rogers‘ theory of innovation and diffusion (2003) and structured according to Wilson‘s framework for faculty development (2007). This paper discusses the program‘s design and structure, considers the program‘s impact on academic capacity in blended learning within the institution, and reflects on future directions for the program and emerging insights into blended learning and participant engagement for both staff and students.


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The suitability of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) in regenerative medicine relies on retention of their proliferative expansion potential in conjunction with the ability to differentiate toward multiple lineages. Successful utilisation of these cells in clinical applications linked to tissue regeneration requires consideration of biomarker expression, time in culture and donor age, as well as their ability to differentiate towards mesenchymal (bone, cartilage, fat) or non-mesenchymal (e.g., neural) lineages. To identify potential therapeutic suitability we examined hMSCs after extended expansion including morphological changes, potency (stemness) and multilineage potential. Commercially available hMSC populations were expanded in vitro for > 20 passages, equating to > 60 days and > 50 population doublings. Distinct growth phases (A-C) were observed during serial passaging and cells were characterised for stemness and lineage markers at representative stages (Phase A: P+5, approximately 13 days in culture; Phase B: P+7, approximately 20 days in culture; and Phase C: P+13, approximately 43 days in culture). Cell surface markers, stem cell markers and lineage-specific markers were characterised by FACS, ICC and Q-PCR revealing MSCs maintained their multilineage potential, including neural lineages throughout expansion. Co-expression of multiple lineage markers along with continued CD45 expression in MSCs did not affect completion of osteogenic and adipogenic specification or the formation of neurospheres. Improved standardised isolation and characterisation of MSCs may facilitate the identification of biomarkers to improve therapeutic efficacy to ensure increased reproducibility and routine production of MSCs for therapeutic applications including neural repair.


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This study examines the effect of electric field on energy absorption capacity of carbon nanotube forests (CNTFs), comprising of vertically aligned multiwalled carbon nanotubes, under both quasistatic (strain rate, (epsilon) over dot = 10(-3) s(-1)) and dynamic ((epsilon) over dot = similar to 10(3) s(-1)) loading conditions. Under quasistatic condition, the CNTFs were cyclically loaded and unloaded while electric field was applied along the length of carbon nanotube (CNT) either throughout the loading cycle or explicitly during either the loading or the unloading segment. The energy absorbed per cycle by CNTF increased monotonically with electric field when the field was applied only during the loading segment: A 7 fold increase in the energy absorption capacity was registered at an electric field of 1 kV/m whereas no significant change in it was noted for other schemes of electro-mechanical loading. The energy absorption capacity of CNTF under dynamic loading condition also increased monotonically with electric field; however, relative to the quasistatic condition, less pronounced effect was observed. This intriguing strain rate dependent effect of electric field on energy absorption capacity of CNTF is explained in terms of electric field induced strengthening of CNTF, originating from the time dependent electric field induced polarization of CNT. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The spiny lobster (Panulirus argus) fishery in Florida was operationally inefficient and overcapitalized throughout the 1980s. The Trap Certificate Program initiated during the 1992–93 season was intended to increase gear efficiency by reducing the number of traps being used while maintaining the same catch level in the fishery. A depletion model was used to estimate trap fishing efficiency. The costs of fishing operations and the value of the catch were used to determine the revenues generated by the fishery under different trap levels. A negative functional relationship was found between the catchability coefficient and the number of traps, which indicated that the fewer traps operating under the trap reduction scheme were more efficient. Also, the financial analyses indicated that the higher catch efficiency resulting from fewer traps generated significantly higher revenues, despite lower stock abundances. This study indicates that the trap reduction program had improved a situation that would have been much worse.


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It is commonly accepted that aerobic exercise increases hippocampal neurogenesis, learning and memory, as well as stress resiliency. However, human populations are widely variable in their inherent aerobic fitness as well as their capacity to show increased aerobic fitness following a period of regimented exercise. It is unclear whether these inherent or acquired components of aerobic fitness play a role in neurocognition. To isolate the potential role of inherent aerobic fitness, we exploited a rat model of high (HCR) and low (LCR) inherent aerobic capacity for running. At a baseline, HCR rats have two- to three-fold higher aerobic capacity than LCR rats. We found that HCR rats also had two- to three- fold more young neurons in the hippocampus than LCR rats as well as rats from the heterogeneous founder population. We then asked whether this enhanced neurogenesis translates to enhanced hippocampal cognition, as is typically seen in exercise-trained animals. Compared to LCR rats, HCR rats performed with high accuracy on tasks designed to test neurogenesis-dependent pattern separation ability by examining investigatory behavior between very similar objects or locations. To investigate whether an aerobic response to exercise is required for exercise-induced changes in neurogenesis and cognition, we utilized a rat model of high (HRT) and low (LRT) aerobic response to treadmill training. At a baseline, HRT and LRT rats have comparable aerobic capacity as measured by a standard treadmill fit test, yet after a standardized training regimen, HRT but not LRT rats robustly increase their aerobic capacity for running. We found that sedentary LRT and HRT rats had equivalent levels of hippocampal neurogenesis, but only HRT rats had an elevation in the number of young neurons in the hippocampus following training, which was positively correlated with accuracy on pattern separation tasks. Taken together, these data suggest that a significant elevation in aerobic capacity is necessary for exercise-induced hippocampal neurogenesis and hippocampal neurogenesis-dependent learning and memory. To investigate the potential for high aerobic capacity to be neuroprotective, doxorubicin chemotherapy was administered to LCR and HCR rats. While doxorubicin induces a progressive decrease in aerobic capacity as well as neurogenesis, HCR rats remain at higher levels on those measures compared to even saline-treated LCR rats. HCR and LCR rats that received exercise training throughout doxorubicin treatment demonstrated positive effects of exercise on aerobic capacity and neurogenesis, regardless of inherent aerobic capacity. Overall, these findings demonstrate that inherent and acquired components of aerobic fitness play a crucial role not only in the cardiorespiratory system but also the fitness of the brain.


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We consider a multiple femtocell deployment in a small area which shares spectrum with the underlaid macrocell. We design a joint energy and radio spectrum scheme which aims not only for co-existence with the macrocell, but also for an energy-efficient implementation of the multi-femtocells. Particularly, aggregate energy usage on dense femtocell channels is formulated taking into account the cost of both the spectrum and energy usage. We investigate an energy-and-spectral efficient approach to balance between the two costs by varying the number of active sub-channels and their energy. The proposed scheme is addressed by deriving closed-form expressions for the interference towards the macrocell and the outage capacity. Analytically, discrete regions under which the most promising outage capacity is achieved by the same size of active sub-channels are introduced. Through a joint optimization of the sub-channels and their energy, properties can be found for the maximum outage capacity under realistic constraints. Using asymptotic and numerical analysis, it can be noticed that in a dense femtocell deployment, the optimum utilization of the energy and the spectrum to maximize the outage capacity converges towards a round-robin scheduling approach for a very small outage threshold. This is the inverse of the traditional greedy approach. © 2012 IEEE.