998 resultados para Asymmetric Regulation
In recognition of the telecommunications industry’s increasing importance for the growth and competitiveness of Latin American countries, this edition of the FAL Bulletin is based on the presentation given by Mr. Patricio Rozas of the Infrastructure Services Unit of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), at the International Forum on New Telecommunications and Broadcasting Models, organized by the Senate of the Republic of Mexico and held in Mexico City between 28 and 30 October 2013.
La division cellulaire asymétrique (DCA) consiste en une division pendant laquelle des déterminants cellulaires sont distribués préférentiellement dans une des deux cellules filles. Par l’action de ces déterminants, la DCA générera donc deux cellules filles différentes. Ainsi, la DCA est importante pour générer la diversité cellulaire et pour maintenir l’homéostasie de certaines cellules souches. Pour induire une répartition asymétrique des déterminants cellulaires, le positionnement du fuseau mitotique doit être très bien contrôlé. Fréquemment ceci génère deux cellules filles de tailles différentes, car le fuseau mitotique n’est pas centré pendant la mitose, ce qui induit un positionnement asymétrique du sillon de clivage. Bien qu’un complexe impliquant des GTPases hétérotrimériques et des protéines liant les microtubules au cortex ait été impliqué directement dans le positionnement du fuseau mitotique, le mécanisme exact induisant le positionnement asymétrique du fuseau durant la DCA n'est pas encore compris. Des études récentes suggèrent qu’une régulation asymétrique du cytosquelette d’actine pourrait être responsable de ce positionnement asymétrique du faisceau mitotique. Donc, nous émettons l'hypothèse que des contractions asymétriques d’actine pendant la division cellulaire pourraient déplacer le fuseau mitotique et le sillon de clivage pour créer une asymétrie cellulaire. Nos résultats préliminaires ont démontré que le blebbing cortical, qui est une indication de tension corticale et de contraction, se produit préférentiellement dans la moitié antérieure de cellule précurseur d’organes sensoriels (SOP) pendant le stage de télophase. Nos données soutiennent l'idée que les petites GTPases de la famille Rho pourraient être impliqués dans la régulation du fuseau mitotique et ainsi contrôler la DCA des SOP. Les paramètres expérimentaux développés pour cette thèse, pour étudier la régulation de l’orientation et le positionnement du fuseau mitotique, ouvrirons de nouvelles avenues pour contrôler ce processus, ce qui pourrait être utile pour freiner la progression de cellules cancéreuses. Les résultats préliminaires de ce projet proposeront une manière dont les petites GTPases de la famille Rho peuvent être impliqués dans le contrôle de la division cellulaire asymétrique in vivo dans les SOP. Les modèles théoriques qui sont expliqués dans cette étude pourront servir à améliorer les méthodes quantitatives de biologie cellulaire de la DCA.
Microorganisms exhibit varied regulatory strategies such as direct regulation, symmetric anticipatory regulation, asymmetric anticipatory regulation, etc. Current mathematical modeling frameworks for the growth of microorganisms either do not incorporate regulation or assume that the microorganisms utilize the direct regulation strategy. In the present study, we extend the cybernetic modeling framework to account for asymmetric anticipatory regulation strategy. The extended model accurately captures various experimental observations. We use the developed model to explore the fitness advantage provided by the asymmetric anticipatory regulation strategy and observe that the optimal extent of asymmetric regulation depends on the selective pressure that the microorganisms experience. We also explore the importance of timing the response in anticipatory regulation and find that there is an optimal time, dependent on the extent of asymmetric regulation, at which microorganisms should respond anticipatorily to maximize their fitness. We then discuss the advantages offered by the cybernetic modeling framework over other modeling frameworks in modeling the asymmetric anticipatory regulation strategy. (C) 2013 Published by Elsevier Inc.
O presente estudo destina-se à análise do modelo de assimetria regulatória, a partir de dois problemas pontuais, quais sejam: os mecanismos necessários para se obter um ambiente assimétrico, bem como a maneira pela qual se deve orquestrar tal modelo, de forma a compatibilizar uma convivência sustentável em uma estrutura híbrida de competição. Observar-se-á a maneira pela qual pode ser promovida a alteração de um ambiente de simetria regulatória para um ambiente de assimetria, resguardando os direitos e obrigações dos prestadores de determinada atividade, inseridos naquela seara. Ademais, buscar-se-á sugerir instrumentos legais para se permitir a composição de dois meios de exploração de determinada atividade econômica, um que se dê segundo o direito público (publicatio); e outro, que se relacione com o direito privado (ordenatio); compreendendo assim, a dita assimetria regulatória. A título ilustrativo, adentrar-se-á na verificação da medida provisória (MP) 656/14 - a qual previa um possível modelo em que se teria duas ofertas de infraestrutura aeroportuária - para melhor exemplificar como, juridicamente, pode-se viabilizar esta disposição de prestação dual, via poder público (ou delegatários), segundo a forma de concessão; e iniciativa privada, segundo a forma de autorização.
G-Quadruplexes occupy important regulatory regions in the genome. DNA G-quadruplexes in the promoter regions and RNA quadruplexes in the UTRs (untranslated regions) have been individually studied and variously implicated at different regulatory levels of gene expression. However, the formation of G-quadruplexes in the sense and antisense strands and their corresponding roles in gene regulation have not been studied in much detail. In the present study, we have elucidated the effect of strand asymmetry in this context. Using biophysical methods, we have demonstrated the formation of stable G-quadruplex structure in vitro using CD and UV melting. Additionally, ITC was employed to demonstrate that a previously reported selective G-quadruplex ligand was able to bind and stabilize the G-quadruplex in the present sequence. Further, we have shown using reporter constructs that although the DNA G-quadruplex in either strand can reduce translation efficiency, transcriptional regulation differs when G-quadruplex is present in the sense or antisense strand. We demonstrate that the G-quadruplex motif in the antisense strand substantially inhibits transcription, while when in the sense strand, it does not affect transcription, although it does ultimately reduce translation. Further, it is also shown that the G-quadruplex stabilizing ligand can enhance this asymmetric transcription regulation as a result of the increased stabilization of the G-quadruplex.
Neste trabalho é analisada a relação entre um regulador e uma empresa petrolífera. Há várias incertezas inerentes à essa relação e o trabalho se concentra nos efeitos da assimetria de informação. Fazemos a caracterização da regulação ótima sob informação assimétrica, quando o regulador deve desenhar um mecanismo que induz a firma a revelar corretamente sua informação privada. No caso em que a rma não pode se comprometer a não romper o acordo, mostramos que o regulador pode não implementar o resultado ótimo que é obtido sob informação completa. Nesse caso, o regulador não consegue compartilhar os riscos com a firma de forma ótima. Por fim, é apresentado um exemplo, em que mostramos que a condição de Spence-Mirrlees (SMC) pode não valer. Esse resultado aparece de forma natural no modelo.
The snowshoe hare and the Canadian lynx in the boreal forests of North America show 9- to 11-year density cycles. These are generally assumed to be linked to each other because lynx are specialist predators on hares. Based on time series data for hare and lynx, we show that the dominant dimensional structure of the hare series appears to be three whereas that of the lynx is two. The three-dimensional structure of the hare time series is hypothesized to be due to a three-trophic level model in which the hare may be seen as simultaneously regulated from below and above. The plant species in the hare diet appear compensatory to one another, and the predator species may, likewise, be seen as an internally compensatory guild. The lynx time series are, in contrast, consistent with a model of donor control in which their populations are regulated from below by prey availability. Thus our analysis suggests that the classic view of a symmetric hare–lynx interaction is too simplistic. Specifically, we argue that the classic food chain structure is inappropriate: the hare is influenced by many predators other than the lynx, and the lynx is primarily influenced by the snowshoe hare.
Representatives of several Internet service providers (ISPs) have expressed their wish to see a substantial change in the pricing policies of the Internet. In particular, they would like to see content providers (CPs) pay for use of the network, given the large amount of resources they use. This would be in clear violation of the ``network neutrality'' principle that had characterized the development of the wireline Internet. Our first goal in this article is to propose and study possible ways of implementing such payments and of regulating their amount. We introduce a model that includes the users' behavior, the utilities of the ISP and of the CPs, and, the monetary flow that involves the content users, the ISP and CP, and, in pUrticular, the CP's revenues from advertisements. We consider various game models and study the resulting equilibria; they are all combinations of a noncooperative game (in which the ISPs and CPs determine how much they will charge the users) with a ``cooperative'' one on how the CP and the ISP share the payments. We include in our model a possible asymmetric weighting parameter (that varies between zero to one). We also study equilibria that arise when one of the CPs colludes with the TSP. We also study two dynamic game models as well as the convergence of prices to the equilibrium values.
Cellular polarity concerns the spatial asymmetric organization of cellular components and structures. Such organization is important not only for biological behavior at the individual cell level, but also for the 3D organization of tissues and organs in living organisms. Processes like cell migration and motility, asymmetric inheritance, and spatial organization of daughter cells in tissues are all dependent of cell polarity. Many of these processes are compromised during aging and cellular senescence. For example, permeability epithelium barriers are leakier during aging; elderly people have impaired vascular function and increased frequency of cancer, and asymmetrical inheritance is compromised in senescent cells, including stem cells. Here, we review the cellular regulation of polarity, as well as the signaling mechanisms and respective redox regulation of the pathways involved in defining cellular polarity. Emphasis will be put on the role of cytoskeleton and the AMP-activated protein kinase pathway. We also discuss how nutrients can affect polarity-dependent processes, both by direct exposure of the gastrointestinal epithelium to nutrients and by indirect effects elicited by the metabolism of nutrients, such as activation of antioxidant response and phase-II detoxification enzymes through the transcription factor nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (Nrf2). In summary, cellular polarity emerges as a key process whose redox deregulation is hypothesized to have a central role in aging and cellular senescence.
Loans are illiquid assets that can be sold in a secondary market even that buyers have no certainty about their quality. I study a model in which a lender has access to new investment opportunities when all her assets are illiquid. To raise funds, the lender may either borrow using her assets as collateral, or she can sell them in a secondary market. Given asymmetric information about assets quality, the lender cannot recover the total value of her assets. There is then a role for the government to correct the information problem using fiscal tools.
This paper develops a model of the regulator-regulated firm relationship in a regional natural gas commodity market which can be linked to a competitive market by a pipeline. We characterize normative policies under which the regulator, in addition to setting the level of the capacity of the pipeline, regulates the price of gas, under asymmetric information on the firm’s technology, and may (or may not) operate (two-way) transfers between consumers and the firm. We then focus on capacity and investigate how its level responds to the regulator’s taking account of the firm’s incentive compatibility constraints. The analysis yields some insights on the role that transport capacity investments may play as an instrument to improve the efficiency of geographically isolated markets.
This paper investigates the introduction of type dynamic in the La ont and Tirole's regulation model. The regulator and the rm are engaged in a two period relationship governed by short-term contracts, where, the regulator observes cost but cannot distinguish how much of the cost is due to e ort on cost reduction or e ciency of rm's technology, named type. There is asymmetric information about the rm's type. Our model is developed in a framework in which the regulator learns with rm's choice in the rst period and uses that information to design the best second period incentive scheme. The regulator is aware of the possibility of changes in types and takes that into account. We show how type dynamic builds a bridge between com- mitment and non-commitment situations. In particular, the possibility of changing types mitigates the \ratchet e ect". We show that for small degree of type dynamic the equilibrium shows separation and the welfare achived is close to his upper bound (given by the commitment allocation).
Includes bibliography
The proteasome is a multimeric and multicatalytic intracellular protease responsible for the degradation of proteins involved in cell cycle control, various signaling processes, antigen presentation, and control of protein synthesis. The central catalytic complex of the proteasome is called the 20S core particle. The majority of these are flanked on one or both sides by regulatory units. Most common among these units is the 19S regulatory unit. When coupled to the 19S unit, the complex is termed the asymmetric or symmetric 26S proteasome depending on whether one or both sides are coupled to the 19S unit, respectively. The 26S proteasome recognizes poly-ubiquitinylated substrates targeted for proteolysis. Targeted proteins interact with the 19S unit where they are deubiquitinylated, unfolded, and translocated to the 20S catalytic chamber for degradation. The 26S proteasome is responsible for the degradation of major proteins involved in the regulation of the cellular cycle, antigen presentation and control of protein synthesis. Alternatively, the proteasome is also active when dissociated from regulatory units. This free pool of 20S proteasome is described in yeast to mammalian cells. The free 20S proteasome degrades proteins by a process independent of poly-ubiquitinylation and ATP consumption. Oxidatively modified proteins and other substrates are degraded in this manner. The 20S proteasome comprises two central heptamers (β-rings) where the catalytic sites are located and two external heptamers (α-rings) that are responsible for proteasomal gating. Because the 20S proteasome lacks regulatory units, it is unclear what mechanisms regulate the gating of α-rings between open and closed forms. In the present review, we discuss 20S proteasomal gating modulation through a redox mechanism, namely, S-glutathionylation of cysteine residues located in the α-rings, and the consequence of this post-translational modification on 20S proteasomal function.
When particle flux is regulated by multiple factors such as particle supply and varying transport rate, it is important to identify the respective dominant regimes. We extend the well-studied totally asymmetric simple exclusion model to investigate the interplay between a controlled entrance and a local defect site. The model mimics cellular transport phenomena where there is typically a finite particle pool and nonuniform moving rates due to biochemical kinetics. Our simulations reveal regions where, despite an increasing particle supply, the current remains constant while particles redistribute in the system. Exploiting a domain wall approach with mean-field approximation, we provide a theoretical ground for our findings. The results in steady-state current and density profiles provide quantitative insights into the regulation of the transcription and translation process in bacterial protein synthesis.