962 resultados para Astrocyte Differentiation
Glycogen is a hallmark of mature astrocytes, but its emergence during astrocytic differentiation is unclear. Differentiation of E14 mouse neurospheres into astrocytes was induced with fetal bovine serum (FBS), Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF), or Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor (CNTF). Cytochemical and enzymatic analyses showed that glycogen is present in FBS- or LIF- but not in CNTF-differentiated astrocytes. Glycogenolysis was induced in FBS- and LIF-differentiated astrocytes but glycogen resynthesis was observed only with FBS. Protein targeting to glycogen mRNA expression appeared with glial fibrillary acidic protein and S100beta in FBS and LIF conditions but not with CNTF. These results show that glycogen metabolism constitutes a useful marker of astrocyte differentiation.
Intermediate filament (IF) proteins constitute an extremely large multigene family of developmentally and tissue-regulated cytoskeleton proteins abundant in most vertebrate cell types. Astrocyte precursors of the CNS usually express vimentin as the major IF. Astrocyte maturation is followed by a switch between vimentin and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) expression, with the latter being recognized as an astrocyte maturation marker. Levels of GFAP are regulated under developmental and pathological conditions. Upregulation of GFAP expression is one of the main characteristics of the astrocytic reaction commonly observed after CNS lesion. In this way, studies on GFAP regulation have been shown to be useful to understand not only brain physiology but also neurological disease. Modulators of GFAP expression include several hormones such as thyroid hormone, glucocorticoids and several growth factors such as FGF, CNTF and TGFß, among others. Studies of the GFAP gene have already identified several putative growth factor binding domains in its promoter region. Data obtained from transgenic and knockout mice have provided new insights into IF protein functions. This review highlights the most recent studies on the regulation of IF function by growth factors and hormones.
The influence of dexamethasone on the development of neurons and oligodendrocytes was studied in serum-free, aggregating rat brain cell cultures. Synaptogenesis and myelination occur in this culture system. The concentration of myelin basic protein and the activity of 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase were used as oligodendroglia and myelin markers. Choline acetyltransferase and acetylcholinesterase served as neuronal markers, glutamine synthetase reflected astrocyte differentiation, while ornithine decarboxylase served as a general marker for cell growth and maturation. This study showed that dexamethasone stimulated the differentiation of cholinergic neurons and astrocytes. The effect of dexamethasone on oligodendroglial differentiation and myelination depended on the stage of development: during the early phase of myelination dexamethasone had a stimulatory effect, whereas at a later stage it showed a significant inhibition.
Promotion of remyelination is an important therapeutic strategy to facilitate functional recovery after traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI). Transplantation of neural stem cells (NSCs) or oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) has been used to enhance remyelination after SCI. However, the microenvironment in the injured spinal cord is inhibitory for oligodendrocyte (OL) differentiation of NSCs or OPCs. Identifying the signaling pathways that inhibit OL differentiation in the injured spinal cord could lead to new therapeutic strategies to enhance remyelination and functional recovery after SCI. In the present study, we show that reactive astrocytes from the injured rat spinal cord or their conditioned media inhibit OL differentiation of adult OPCs with concurrent promotion of astrocyte differentiation. The expression of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) is dramatically increased in the reactive astrocytes and their conditioned media. Importantly, blocking BMP activity by BMP receptor antagonist, noggin, reverse the effects of active astrocytes on OPC differentiation by increasing the differentiation of OL from OPCs while decreasing the generation of astrocytes. These data indicate that the upregulated bone morphogenetic proteins in the reactive astrocytes are major factors to inhibit OL differentiation of OPCs and to promote its astrocyte differentiation. These data suggest that manipulation of BMP signaling in the endogenous or grafted NSCs or OPCs may be a useful therapeutic strategy to increase their OL differentiation and remyelination and enhance functional recovery after SCI.
We have identified isoforms of dystrophin and utrophin, a dystrophin homologue, expressed in astrocytes and examined their expression patterns during dibutyryl-cAMP (dBcAMP)-induced morphological differentiation of astrocytes. Immunoblot and immunocytochemical analyses showed that full-length-type dystrophin (427 kDa), utrophin (395 kDa), and Dp71 (75 kDa), a small-type dystrophin isoform, were coexpressed in cultured nondifferentiated rat brain astrocytes and were found to be located in the cell membrane. During morphological differentiation of the astrocytes induced by 1 mM dBcAMP, the amount of Dp71 markedly increased, whereas that of dystrophin and utrophin decreased. Northern blot analyses revealed that dBcAMP regulates the mRNA levels of Dp71 and dystrophin but not that of utrophin. dBcAMP slightly increased the amount of the β-dystroglycan responsible for anchoring dystrophin isoforms and utrophin to the cell membrane. Immunocytochemical analyses showed that most utrophin was observed in the cytoplasmic area during astrocyte differentiation, whereas Dp71 was found along the cell membrane of the differentiated astrocytes. These findings suggest that most of the dystrophin/utrophin-dystroglycan complex on cell membrane in cultured astrocytes was replaced by the Dp71-dystroglycan complex during morphological differentiation. The cell biological roles of Dp71 are discussed.
Les astrocytes sont des cellules gliales présentes dans le système nerveux central, qui exercent de nombreuses fonctions physiologiques essentielles et sont impliquées dans la réponse aux lésions et dans plusieurs pathologies du cerveau. Les astrocytes sont générés par les cellules de la glie radiale, les précurseurs communs de la plupart des cellules neuronales et gliales du cerveau, après le début de la production des neurones. Le passage de la neurogenèse à la gliogenèse est le résultat de mécanismes moléculaires complexes induits par des signaux intrinsèques et extrinsèques responsables du changement de propriété des précurseurs et de leur spécification. Le gène Pax6 code pour un facteur de transcription hautement conservé, impliqué dans plusieurs aspects du développement du système nerveux central, tels que la régionalisation et la neurogenèse. Il est exprimé à partir des stades les plus précoces dans les cellules neuroépithéliales (les cellules souches neurales) et dans la glie radiale, dérivant de la différenciation de ces cellules. L’objectif de cette étude est d’analyser le rôle de Pax6 dans la différenciation et dans le développement des astrocytes. À travers l’utilisation d’un modèle murin mutant nul pour Pax6, nous avons obtenu des résultats suggérant que la suppression de ce gène cause l'augmentation de la prolifération et de la capacité d'auto-renouvellement des cellules souches neurales embryonnaires. In vitro, les cellules mutantes prolifèrent de façon aberrante et sous-expriment les gènes p57Kip2, p16Ink4a, p19Arf et p21Cip1, qui inhibent la progression du le cycle cellulaire. De plus, Pax6 promeut la différenciation astrocytaire des cellules souches neurales embryonnaires et est requis pour la différenciation des astrocytes dans la moëlle épinière. Les mutants nuls pour Pax6 meurent après la naissance à cause de graves défauts développementaux dus aux fonctions essentielles de ce gène dans le développement embryonnaire de plusieurs organes. En utilisant un modèle murin conditionnel basé sur le système CRE/ loxP (hGFAP-CRE/ Pax6flox/flox) qui présente l’inactivation de Pax6 dans les cellules de la glie radiale, viable après la naissance, nous avons montré que Pax6 est impliqué dans la maturation et dans le développement post-natal des astrocytes. Le cortex cérébral des souris mutantes conditionnelles ne présente pas d’astrocytes matures à l’âge de 16 jours et une très faible quantité d’astrocytes immatures à l’âge de trois mois, suggérant que Pax6 promeut la différenciation et la maturation des astrocytes. De plus, Pax6 semble jouer un rôle même dans le processus de différenciation et de maturation de cellules gliales rétiniennes. L’étude des gènes et des mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la génération des astrocytes est crucial pour mieux comprendre le rôle physiologique et les altérations pathologiques des ces cellules.
As part of our attempts at understanding fundamental principles that underlie the generation of nondividing terminally differentiated progeny from dividing precursor cells, we have developed approaches to a quantitative analysis of proliferation and differentiation of oligodendrocyte type 2 astrocyte (O-2A) progenitor cells at the clonal level. Owing to extensive previous studies of clonal differentiation in this lineage, O-2A progenitor cells represent an excellent system for such an analysis. Previous studies have resulted in two competing hypotheses; one of them suggests that progenitor cell differentiation is symmetric, the other hypothesis introduces an asymmetric process of differentiation. We propose a general model that incorporates both such extreme hypotheses as special cases. Our analysis of experimental data has shown, however, that neither of these extreme cases completely explains the observed kinetics of O-2A progenitor cell proliferation and oligodendrocyte generation in vitro. Instead, our results indicate that O-2A progenitor cells become competent for differentiation after they complete a certain number of critical mitotic cycles that represent a period of symmetric development. This number varies from clone to clone and may be thought of as a random variable; its probability distribution was estimated from experimental data. Those O-2A cells that have undergone the critical divisions then may differentiate into an oligodendrocyte in each of the subsequent mitotic cycles with a certain probability, thereby exhibiting the asymmetric type of differentiation.
Several groups have demonstrated the existence of self-renewing stem cells in embryonic and adult mouse brain. In vitro, these cells proliferate in response to epidermal growth factor, forming clusters of nestin-positive cells that may be dissociated and subcultured repetitively. Here we show that, in stem cell clusters derived from rat embryonic striatum, cell proliferation decreased with increasing number of passages and in response to elevated concentrations of potassium (30 mM KCl). In monolayer culture, the appearance of microtubule-associated protein type-5-immunoreactive (MAP-5(+)) cells (presumptive neurons) in response to basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) was reduced at low cell density and with increasing number of passages. In the presence of bFGF, elevated potassium caused a more differentiated neuronal phenotype, characterized by an increased proportion of MAP-5(+) cells, extensive neuritic branching, and higher specific activity of glutamic acid decarboxylase. Dissociated stem cells were able to invade cultured brain cell aggregates containing different proportions of neurons and glial cells, whereas they required the presence of a considerable proportion of glial cells in the host cultures to become neurofilament H-positive. The latter observation supports the view that astrocyte-derived factors influence early differentiation of the neuronal cell lineage.
Astrocytes are the brain non-nerve cells competent for the expression of clear and dense-core vesicles (DCVs) and for their regulated exocytosis. This process, called gliosecretion, nearly resembles the neurosecretion occurring in neurons and neurosecretory cells. REST/NRSF is a transcription repressor known to orchestrate nerve-cell differentiation, governing the expression of hundreds of neuron-specific genes through their repression in the non-nerve and their fine modulation in the nerve cells. Our previous studies in neurosecretory rat PC12 cells identified REST as the critical factor for the expression not only of individual genes, but also of the whole neurosecretory process via multiple, direct and indirect mechanisms (D'Alessandro et al., J. Neurochem., 2008; Klajn et al., J. Neurosci., 2009). Therefore we wondered whether gliosecretion was governed by REST. We investigated rat astrocyte primary cultures: they exhibited high REST, which directly represses the transcription of at least one target gene, and expressed neither DCVs nor their markers (granins, peptides, membrane proteins). Transfection of a dominant-negative construct of REST (REST/ DBD-GFP) induced the appearance of DCVs filled with secretogranin2 and NPY that are distinct from other intracellular organelles. TIRF analysis of astrocytes co-transfected with REST/DBD-GFP and NPY-mRFP constructs revealed NPY-mRFP-positive DCVs undergoing Ca2þ-dependent exocytosis, largely prevented by BoNT/B. Immunohistochemistry of the I-II layers of the human temporal brain cortex showed all neurons and microglia exhibiting the expected inappreciable and high levels of REST, respectively. In contrast astrocyte RESTwas variable, going from inappreciable to high, accompanied by variable expression of DCVs. In this work it has been demonstrated that astrocyte DCV expression and gliosecretion are governed by REST (Prada et al., 2011 in press). The variable in situ REST levels may contribute to the well known structural/functional heterogeneity of astrocytes and this new observation might be of great interest for the understanding of both astrocyte physiology and pathology.
Serum-free aggregating cell cultures of fetal rat telencephalon treated with the potent tumor promoter phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) showed a marked, rapid, and sustained increase in the activity of the astrocyte-specific enzyme glutamine synthetase (GS). This effect was accompanied by a small increase in RNA synthesis and a progressive reduction in DNA synthesis. Only mitotically active cultures were responsive to PMA treatments. Since in aggregate cultures astrocytes are the preponderant cell type, both in number and mitotic activity, it can be concluded that PMA induces and/or enhances the terminal differentiation of astrocytes. The developmental expression of GS was also greatly stimulated by mezerein, a potent nonphorbol tumor promoter, but not by 4 alpha-phorbol 12,13-didecanoate, a nonpromoting phorbol ester. Since both tumor promoters, PMA and mezerein, are potent and specific activators of C-kinase, it is suggested that C-kinase plays a regulatory role in the growth and differentiation of normal astrocytes.
AbstractPPARP is a nuclear receptor responding in vivo to several free fatty acids, and implicated in cell metabolism, differentiation and survival. PPARp is ubiquitously expressed but shows high expression in the developing and adult brain. PPARp is expressed in different cell types such as neurons and astrocytes, where it might play a role in metabolism. To study this nuclear receptor the laboratory engineered a PPARP -/- mouse model. The aim of my PhD was to dissect the role of PPARP in astrocytes.Experiments in primary culture revealed that cortical astrocytes from PPARP -/- mouse have an impaired energetic metabolism. Unstimulated PPARP -/- astrocytes exhibit a 30% diminution in glucose uptake, correlating to a 30% decrease in lactate release and intracellular glucose. After acute stimulation by D- aspartate mimicking glutamate exposure, both WT and -/- astrocytes up-regulate their metabolism to respond to the increasing energy needed (ATP) for glutamate uptake. According to the Astrocyte Neuron Lactate Shuttle Hypothesis (ANLSH), the ratio between glucose uptake/ lactate release is 1. However, stimulated PPARp -/- astrocytes display a higher increase in lactate release than glucose uptake which remains lower than in WT. The extra glucose equivalents could come from the degradation of intra cellular glycogen stores, which indeed decrease in PPARP -/- cells upon stimulation. Lower glucose metabolism correlates with a decreased acute glutamate uptake in PPARP -/- astrocytes. Reciprocally, we also observed an increase of glutamate uptake and ATP production after treatment of WT astrocytes with a PPARp agonist. Glutamate transporter protein expression is not affected. However, their trafficking and localization might be altered as PPARp -/- astrocytes have higher cholesterol levels, which may also affect proper transporter structure in the membrane.Metabolism, transporter localization and cholesterol levels are respectively linked to cell mobility, cell cytoskeleton and cellular membrane composition. All three functions are important in astrocytes to in vivo acquire star shaped morphology, in a process known as stellation. PPARP -/- astrocytes showed an impaired acquired stellation in presence of neurons or chemical stimuli, as well as more actin stress fibers and cell adhesion structures. While non stellation of astrocytes is mainly an in vitro phenomenon, it reveals PPARp -/- primary astrocytes inability to respond to different exterior stimuli. These morphological phenotypes correlate with a slower migration in cell culture wound healing assays.This thesis work demonstrates that PPARp is implicated in cortical astrocyte glucose metabolism. PPARp absence leads to an unusual intracellular glycogen use. Added to the effect on acute glutamate uptake and astrocyte migration, PPARp could be an interesting target for neuroprotection therapies.RésuméPPARP est un récepteur nucléaire qui a pour ligands naturels certains acides gras libres. Il est impliqué dans le métabolisme, la différentiation et la survie des cellules. PPARP est ubiquitaire, et a une expression élevée dans le cerveau en développement ainsi qu'adulte. PPARp est exprimé dans différents types cellulaires tels que les neurones et les astrocytes, où il régule potentiellement leurs métabolismes. Pour étudier ce récepteur nucléaire, le laboratoire a créé un modèle de souris PPARp -/-. L'objectif de ma thèse est de comprendre le rôle de PPARp dans les astrocytes.Les expériences montrent un défaut du métabolisme énergétique dans les astrocytes corticaux primaires tirés de souris PPARp -/-. Sans stimulation, l'entrée du glucose dans les astrocytes PPARP -/- est diminuée de 30% ce qui correspond à une diminution de 30% du relargage du lactate. Après stimulation par du D-Aspartate qui mime une exposition au glutamate, les astrocytes WT et -/- augmentent leur métabolisme en réponse à la demande accrue en énergie (ATP) due à l'entrée du glutamate. D'après l'Astrocyte Neuron Lactate Shuttle Hypothesis (ANLSH), le ratio entre le glucose entrant et le lactate sortant est de 1. Cependant le relargage du lactate dans les astrocytes PPARP-/- est plus élevé que l'entrée du glucose. L'apport supplémentaire de glucose transformé en lactate pourrait provenir de la dégradation des stocks de glycogène intracellulaire, qui sont partiellement diminués après stimulation dans les cellules PPARP -/-. Un métabolisme plus faible du glucose corrèle avec une réduction de l'import du glutamate dans les astrocytes PPARp -/-. Réciproquement, nous observons une augmentation de l'import du glutamate et de la production d'ATP après traitement avec l'agoniste pour PPARp. Bien que l'expression des transporteurs de glutamate ne soit pas affectée, nous ne pouvons pas exclure que leur localisation et leur structure soient altérées du fait du niveau élevé de cholestérol dans les astrocytes PPARp -/-.Le métabolisme, la localisation des transporteurs et le niveau de cholestérol sont tous liés au cytosquelette, à la mobilité, et à la composition des membranes cellulaires. Toutes ces fonctions sont importantes pour les astrocytes pour acquérir leur morphologie in vivo. Les astrocytes PPARP -/- présentent un défaut de stellation, aussi bien en présence de neurones que de stimuli chimiques, ainsi qu'un plus grand nombre de fibres de stress (actine) et de structures d'adhésion cellulaire. Bien que les astrocytes non stellaires soient principalement observés in vitro, le défaut de stellation des astrocytes primaires PPARp -/- indique une incapacité à répondre aux différents stimuli extérieurs. Ces phénotypes morphologiques corrèlent avec une migration plus lente en cas de lésion de la culture.Ce travail de thèse a permis de démontrer l'implication de PPARP dans le métabolisme du glucose des astrocytes corticaux. L'absence de ce récepteur nucléaire amène à l'utilisation du glucose intracellulaire, auquel s'ajoutent les effets sur l'import du glutamate et la migration des astrocytes. PPARp aurait des effets neuroprotecteurs, et de ce fait pourrait être utilisé à des fins thérapeutiques.
Prion protein (PrP(C)) interaction with stress inducible protein 1 (STI1) mediates neuronal survival and differentiation. However, the function of PrP(C) in astrocytes has not been approached. In this study, we show that STI1 prevents cell death in wild-type astrocytes in a protein kinase A-dependent manner, whereas PrP(C)-null astrocytes were not affected by STI1 treatment. At embryonic day 17, cultured astrocytes and brain extracts derived from PrP(C)-null mice showed a reduced expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and increased vimentin and nestin expression when compared with wild-type, suggesting a slower rate of astrocyte maturation in PrP(C)-null animals. Furthermore, PrP(C)-null astrocytes treated with STI1 did not differentiate from a flat to a process-bearing morphology, as did wild-type astrocytes. Remarkably, STI1 inhibited proliferation of both wild-type and PrP(C)-null astrocytes in a protein kinase C-dependent manner. Taken together, our data show that PrP(C) and STI1 are essential to astrocyte development and act through distinct signaling pathways.(C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Astrogliosis is induced by neuronal damage and is also a pathological feature of the major aging-related neurodegenerative disorders. The mechanisms that control the cascade of astrogliosis have not been well established. In a previous study, we identified a novel androgen receptor (AR)-interacting protein (p44/WDR77) and found that it plays a critical role in the control of proliferation and differentiation of prostate epithelial cells. In the present study, we found that deletion of the p44 gene in the mouse brain caused accelerated aging with dramatic astrogliosis. The p44/WDR77 is expressed in astrocytes and loss of p44/WDR77 expression in astrocytes leads to astrogliosis. Our results reveal a novel role of p44/WDR77 in astrocytes, which may explain the well-documented role of androgens in suppression of astrogliosis. While many of detailed mechanisms of astrocyte activation remain to be elucidated, a number pathways have been implicated in astrocyte activation including p21Cip1 and the NF-kB pathway. Astrocytic activation induced by p44/WDR77 gene deletion was associated with a significant increase of p21Cip1 expression and NF-kB activation characterized by p65 nuclear localization. We found that down-regulation of p21Cip1 expression inhibited astrocyte activation induced by the p44/WDR77 deletion and was accompanied by a decreased p65 nuclear localization. While p21Cip1 role in astrocyte activation and NF-kB activation is not well understood, studies of other cell cycle regulators have implicated cell cycle control systems as modulators of astrocyte activation, thus p21Cip1 could induce secondary effect to induce p65 nuclear localization. However, p65 knockdown completely relieved the inhibition of astrocyte growth induced by the p44/WDR77 deletion, while p21Cip1 knockdown only partially recovered this inhibition. Thus, NF-kB activity performs additional regulatory actions not mediated by p21Cip1. These analyses imply that p4/WDR77 suppresses astrocyte activation through modulating p21Cip1 expression and NF-kB activation.
We have discovered that intracellular redox state appears to be a necessary and sufficient modulator of the balance between self-renewal and differentiation in dividing oligodendrocyte-type-2 astrocyte progenitor cells. The intracellular redox state of freshly isolated progenitors allows prospective isolation of cells with different self-renewal characteristics. Redox state is itself modulated by cell-extrinsic signaling molecules that alter the balance between self-renewal and differentiation: growth factors that promote self-renewal cause progenitors to become more reduced, while signaling molecules that promote differentiation cause progenitors to become more oxidized. Moreover, pharmacological antagonists of the redox effects of these cell-extrinsic signaling molecules antagonize their effects on self-renewal and differentiation, indicating that cell-extrinsic signaling molecules that modulate this balance converge on redox modulation as a critical component of their effector mechanism.
Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common neoplasm of the larynx and glottis, and its prognosis depends on the size of the lesion, level of local invasion, cervical lymphatic spread, and presence of distant metastases. Ki-67 (MKI67) is a protein present in the core, whose function is related to cell proliferation. To evaluate the expression of marker Ki-67 in squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx and glottis and its correlation to pathological findings. Experimental study with immunohistochemistry analysis of Ki-67, calculating the percentage of the cell proliferation index in glottic squamous cell carcinomas. Sixteen cases were analyzed, with six well-differentiated and 10 poorly/moderately differentiated tumors. There was a correlation between cell proliferation index and degree of cell differentiation, with higher proliferation in poorly/moderately differentiated tumors. The cell proliferation index, as measured by Ki-67, may be useful in the characterization of histological degree in glottic squamous cell tumors.