912 resultados para Asthma phenotypes
Rationale: Asthma has substantial morbidity and mortality and a strong genetic component, but identification of genetic risk factors is limited by availability of suitable studies. Objectives: To test if population-based cohorts with self-reported physician-diagnosed asthma and genome-wide association (GWA) data could be used to validate known associations with asthma and identify novel associations. Methods: The APCAT (Analysis in Population-based Cohorts of Asthma Traits) consortium consists of 1,716 individuals with asthma and 16,888 healthy controls from six European-descent population-based cohorts. We examined associations in APCAT of thirteen variants previously reported as genome-wide significant (P<5x10-8) and three variants reported as suggestive (P<5×10-7). We also searched for novel associations in APCAT (Stage 1) and followed-up the most promising variants in 4,035 asthmatics and 11,251 healthy controls (Stage 2). Finally, we conducted the first genome-wide screen for interactions with smoking or hay fever. Main Results: We observed association in the same direction for all thirteen previously reported variants and nominally replicated ten of them. One variant that was previously suggestive, rs11071559 in RORA, now reaches genome-wide significance when combined with our data (P = 2.4×10-9). We also identified two genome-wide significant associations: rs13408661 near IL1RL1/IL18R1 (PStage1+Stage2 = 1.1x10-9), which is correlated with a variant recently shown to be associated with asthma (rs3771180), and rs9268516 in the HLA region (PStage1+Stage2 = 1.1x10-8), which appears to be independent of previously reported associations in this locus. Finally, we found no strong evidence for gene-environment interactions with smoking or hay fever status. Conclusions: Population-based cohorts with simple asthma phenotypes represent a valuable and largely untapped resource for genetic studies of asthma. © 2012 Ramasamy et al.
BACKGROUND: Epidemiological data for south Asian children in the United Kingdom are contradictory, showing a lower prevalence of wheeze, but a higher rate of medical consultations and admissions for asthma compared with white children. These studies have not distinguished different asthma phenotypes or controlled for varying environmental exposures. OBJECTIVE: To compare the prevalence of wheeze and related health-service use in south Asian and white pre-schoolchildren in the United Kingdom, taking into account wheeze phenotype (viral and multiple wheeze) and environmental exposures. METHODS: A postal questionnaire was completed by parents of a population-based sample of 4366 white and 1714 south Asian children aged 1-4 years in Leicestershire, UK. Children were classified as having viral wheeze or multiple trigger wheeze. RESULTS: The prevalence of current wheeze was 35.6% in white and 25.5% in south Asian 1-year-olds (P<0.001), and 21.9% and 20.9%, respectively, in children aged 2-4 years. Odds ratios (ORs) (95% confidence interval) for multiple wheeze and for viral wheeze, comparing south Asian with white children, were 2.21 (1.19-4.09) and 1.43 (0.77-2.65) in 2-4-year-olds after controlling for socio-economic conditions, environmental exposures and family history. In 1-year-olds, the respective ORs for multiple and viral wheeze were 0.66 (0.47-0.92) and 0.81 (0.64-1.03). Reported GP consultation rates for wheeze and hospital admissions were greater in south Asian children aged 2-4 years, even after adjustment for severity, but the use of inhaled corticosteroids was lower. CONCLUSIONS: South Asian 2-4-year-olds are more likely than white children to have multiple wheeze (a condition with many features of chronic atopic asthma), after taking into account ethnic differences in exposure to some environmental agents. Undertreatment with inhaled corticosteroids might partly explain their greater use of health services.
U-BIOPRED is a European Union consortium of 20 academic institutions, 11 pharmaceutical companies and six patient organisations with the objective of improving the understanding of asthma disease mechanisms using a systems biology approach.This cross-sectional assessment of adults with severe asthma, mild/moderate asthma and healthy controls from 11 European countries consisted of analyses of patient-reported outcomes, lung function, blood and airway inflammatory measurements.Patients with severe asthma (nonsmokers, n=311; smokers/ex-smokers, n=110) had more symptoms and exacerbations compared to patients with mild/moderate disease (n=88) (2.5 exacerbations versus 0.4 in the preceding 12 months; p<0.001), with worse quality of life, and higher levels of anxiety and depression. They also had a higher incidence of nasal polyps and gastro-oesophageal reflux with lower lung function. Sputum eosinophil count was higher in severe asthma compared to mild/moderate asthma (median count 2.99% versus 1.05%; p=0.004) despite treatment with higher doses of inhaled and/or oral corticosteroids.Consistent with other severe asthma cohorts, U-BIOPRED is characterised by poor symptom control, increased comorbidity and airway inflammation, despite high levels of treatment. It is well suited to identify asthma phenotypes using the array of "omic" datasets that are at the core of this systems medicine approach.
RIASSUNTO Premesse: Nonostante l’asma sia stata considerata per anni come un’unica malattia, studi recenti ne dimostrano l’eterogeneità. L’intento di caratterizzare tale eterogeneità ha condotto a studiare molteplici sottogruppi ovvero “fenotipi”. Nell’asma comune questo approccio è stato utilizzato da svariati anni, meno invece nell’asma occupazionale. Poco è noto anche riguardo alle caratteristiche della risposta infiammatoria nel corso dei test di provocazione bronchiale specifici (SIC) con isocianati valutata con metodiche non invasive; in particolare l’origine dell’incremento di ossido nitrico misurato ad un flusso espiratorio di 50 ml/s (FeNO50) precedentemente riscontrato, se sia alveolare o bronchiale, i livelli di dimetilarginina asimmetrica (ADMA) e la temperatura dell’aria espirata (EBT). Scopi dello studio: 1) verificare se anche per l’asma occupazionale (OA) da isocianati siano individuabili dei fenotipi o se essa ne rappresenti uno unico 2) studiare l’infiammazione delle vie aeree sperimentalmente indotta tramite: la misurazione dell’NO frazionato mediante i parametri “flow-independent” che stimano sia la regione alveolare, ovvero la concentrazione di NO alveolare (CaNO), che la regione bronchiale ovvero il flusso di NO a livello bronchiale (JawNO), la concentrazione di NO a livello della parete bronchiale (CawNO) e la diffusione di NO all’interfaccia lume-parete bronchiale (DawNO); la misurazione dell’ADMA nel condensato dell’aria esalata (EBC); la misurazione dell’EBT. Materiali e metodi: Per lo studio sulla fenotipizzazione dell’asma da isocianati sono stati esaminati pazienti risultati positivi al test di provocazione bronchiale specifico con isocianati nel periodo compreso tra il 1988 e il 2013. Mediante l’utilizzo di un approccio multivariato dato dall’analisi gerarchica dei cluster e di un ampio pool di variabili appropriate abbiamo studiato se i soggetti affetti da asma professionale da isocianati rappresentino uno o più cluster. Mediante un altro approccio multivariato, dato dall’analisi delle k-medie, si sono individuate le caratteristiche che differenziano in maniera significativa i soggetti distribuiti nei diversi cluster. Per il secondo scopo dello studio dal 2012 al 2015 abbiamo reclutato soggetti afferiti presso il nostro centro per sospetta asma professionale. In questi pazienti in corso di sham-test e di SIC con isocianati fino a 24 post test sono stati monitorati e misurati: la funzionalità respiratoria incluso il test di provocazione bronchiale aspecifico con metacolina, l’NO frazionato, l’ADMA nell’EBC e l’EBT. Risultati: L’utilizzo dell’analisi gerarchica dei cluster ci ha portati a stabilire che i 187 pazienti studiati non costituiscono un unico gruppo omogeneo ma possono essere suddivisi in 3 cluster. L’applicazione poi del metodo multivariato delle k-medie, su tre cluster, ci ha consentito di individuare due cluster di pazienti sensibilizzati a TDI con prevalente risposta late al SIC e un cluster di pazienti sensibilizzati a MDI con prevalente risposta early al SIC. I soggetti appartenenti ai due cluster dei TDI differiscono fra di loro in maniera significativa per l’età alla diagnosi e all’esordio dei sintomi respiratori, la distribuzione per sesso, il BMI, la distribuzione in quanto abitudine al fumo, l’IT, il FEV1 basale % del predetto, l’età di inizio esposizione, gli anni di latenza e la durata dell’esposizione. Per quanto riguarda invece lo studio del profilo infiammatorio delle vie aeree abbiamo reclutato 25 pazienti, 18 maschi e 7 femmine. Nel gruppo dei SIC-positivi FeNO50 è aumentato significativamente a 24 ore dal test (mediana 111.8 ppb [IQR, 167.5]; p<0.05) se confrontato con lo sham (58.6 ppb [74.7]). I livelli di JawNO hanno manifestato il medesimo time-course con un incremento significativo post 24 ore dall’esposizione (6.6 nL/s [81]; p <0.05) se confrontato con lo sham (3.3 nL/s [3.7]). Non sono state riscontrate significative variazioni negli altri parametri. Non sono state riscontrate significative variazioni dell’ADMA nell’EBC e dell’EBT in entrambi i gruppi. Conclusioni: L’asma da isocianati è una patologia eterogenea come l’asma comune. Gli elementi principali che differenziano i cluster di asma professionale da isocianati sono l’agente sensibilizzante e il tipo di risposta al SIC (cluster 3 vs cluster 1 e 2). Anche nell’ambito dell’asma indotta dallo stesso agente (TDI) si sono evidenziati due cluster in cui quello con peggiore funzionalità respiratoria è rappresentato da soggetti più anziani alla diagnosi e con maggiore durata dell’esposizione. I motivi per cui l’asma occupazionale risulta essere eterogenea possono essere un differente meccanismo d’azione dei monomeri o una diversa suscettibilità degli individui appartenenti ai diversi cluster sia in termini di insorgenza della malattia sia in termini di evoluzione della stessa. L’assetto infiammatorio delle vie aeree nel corso del SIC non si caratterizza nei soggetti sensibilizzati ad isocianati né con un incremento dell’ADMA né con un incremento dell’EBT. Si riscontra invece un aumento di FeNO50 dovuto esclusivamente ad un aumentato flusso di NO dalla parete bronchiale al lume. Abbiamo perciò dimostrato che la misurazione del FeNO50 nel corso del SIC può fornire informazioni aggiuntive al monitoraggio funzionale spirometrico, anche perché la broncoostruzione e la risposta infiammatoria delle vie aeree si sono rivelate dissociate.
Background: Currently, there are no studies of well-characterized severe asthmatics in Brazil. We aimed to study a population of severe treated asthmatics still uncontrolled to characterize them and define possible phenotypes. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional outpatient study of severe asthmatics, evaluating functional and inflammatory markers, health-related quality of life, anxiety and depression symptoms, clinical control status, and characteristics related to atopy, age of asthma onset, induced sputum eosinophil levels, and airflow limitation. We also grouped the subgroups characteristics to identify phenotypes. The study is registered on ClinicalTrial.gov NCT 01089322. Results: From 128 eligible patients with severe/uncontrolled asthma, 74 fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The cohort was comprised of 85% women, frequently with a body mass index higher than 31 kg m(-2), atopy (60%), early-onset disease (50%), sputum eosinophilia (80%), comorbidities, and reduced quality of life. Nonatopics had significant higher asthma onset (19 y.a.) and twice level of induced sputum eosinophil. Late-onset patients had significantly less atopy (57%) and higher levels of induced sputum eosinophils. Non-eosinophilics had lower levels of inflammatory markers. Patients with airflow limitation had more intensive care unit admissions (56%) and 1.5 times more airway resistance. Subgroups characteristics identified a priori four well-characterized phenotypes, with 55% presenting sputum eosinophilia. Conclusion: Our data emphasize the high burden of disease, the persistence of inflammation and the existence of clinical possible phenotypes population sharing common features with published cohorts. Despite the necessity of further investigation into pathogenic mechanisms, this study with clinically difficult patient group may help to improve future asthma care. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
It has been suggested that there are several distinct phenotypes of childhood asthma or childhood wheezing. Here, we review the research relating to these phenotypes, with a focus on the methods used to define and validate them. Childhood wheezing disorders manifest themselves in a range of observable (phenotypic) features such as lung function, bronchial responsiveness, atopy and a highly variable time course (prognosis). The underlying causes are not sufficiently understood to define disease entities based on aetiology. Nevertheless, there is a need for a classification that would (i) facilitate research into aetiology and pathophysiology, (ii) allow targeted treatment and preventive measures and (iii) improve the prediction of long-term outcome. Classical attempts to define phenotypes have been one-dimensional, relying on few or single features such as triggers (exclusive viral wheeze vs. multiple trigger wheeze) or time course (early transient wheeze, persistent and late onset wheeze). These definitions are simple but essentially subjective. Recently, a multi-dimensional approach has been adopted. This approach is based on a wide range of features and relies on multivariate methods such as cluster or latent class analysis. Phenotypes identified in this manner are more complex but arguably more objective. Although phenotypes have an undisputed standing in current research on childhood asthma and wheezing, there is confusion about the meaning of the term 'phenotype' causing much circular debate. If phenotypes are meant to represent 'real' underlying disease entities rather than superficial features, there is a need for validation and harmonization of definitions. The multi-dimensional approach allows validation by replication across different populations and may contribute to a more reliable classification of childhood wheezing disorders and to improved precision of research relying on phenotype recognition, particularly in genetics. Ultimately, the underlying pathophysiology and aetiology will need to be understood to properly characterize the diseases causing recurrent wheeze in children.
Two distinct, stable inflammatory phenotypes have been described in adults with asthma: eosinophilic and non-eosinophilic. Treatment strategies based on these phenotypes have been successful. This study evaluated sputum cytology in children with asthma to classify sputum inflammatory phenotypes and to assess their stability over time.
Childhood wheezing and asthma vary greatly in clinical presentation and time course. The extent to which phenotypic variation reflects heterogeneity in disease pathways is unclear.
Background Nitric oxide is released by immune, epithelial and endothelial cells, and plays an important part in the pathophysiology of asthma. Objective To investigate the association of inducible nitric oxide synthases (iNOS) gene repeat polymorphisms with asthma. Methods 230 families with asthma (842 individuals) were recruited to identify and establish the genetic association of iNOS repeats with asthma and associated phenotypes. Serum nitric oxide levels in selected individuals were measured and correlated with specific genotypes. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to determine the effect of age and sex. Results A total of four repeats—a (CCTTT)n promoter repeat, a novel intron 2 (GT)n repeat (BV680047), an intron 4 (GT)n repeat (AFM311ZB1) and an intron 5 (CA)n repeat (D17S1878)—were identified and genotyped. A significant transmission distortion to the probands with asthma was seen for allele 3 of the AFM311ZB1 gene (p = 0.006). This allele was also found to be significantly associated with percentage blood eosinophils (p<0.001) and asthma severity (p = 0.04). Moreover, it was functionally correlated with high serum nitric oxide levels (p = 0.006). Similarly, the promoter repeat was found to be associated with serum total immunoglobulin (Ig)E (p = 0.028). Individuals carrying allele 4 of this repeat have high serum IgE (p<0.001) and nitric oxide levels (p = 0.03). Conclusion This is the first study to identify the repeat polymorphisms in the iNOS gene that are associated with severity of asthma and eosinophils. The functional relevance of the associated alleles with serum nitric oxide levels was also shown. Therefore, these results could be valuable in elucidating the role of nitric oxide in asthma pathogenesis.
Background To date, no genome-wide association study (GWAS) has considered the combined phenotype of asthma with hay fever. Previous analyses of family data from the Tasmanian Longitudinal Health Study provide evidence that this phenotype has a stronger genetic cause than asthma without hay fever. Objective We sought to perform a GWAS of asthma with hay fever to identify variants associated with having both diseases. Methods We performed a meta-analysis of GWASs comparing persons with both physician-diagnosed asthma and hay fever (n = 6,685) with persons with neither disease (n = 14,091). Results At genome-wide significance, we identified 11 independent variants associated with the risk of having asthma with hay fever, including 2 associations reaching this level of significance with allergic disease for the first time: ZBTB10 (rs7009110; odds ratio [OR], 1.14; P = 4 × 10−9) and CLEC16A (rs62026376; OR, 1.17; P = 1 × 10−8). The rs62026376:C allele associated with increased asthma with hay fever risk has been found to be associated also with decreased expression of the nearby DEXI gene in monocytes. The 11 variants were associated with the risk of asthma and hay fever separately, but the estimated associations with the individual phenotypes were weaker than with the combined asthma with hay fever phenotype. A variant near LRRC32 was a stronger risk factor for hay fever than for asthma, whereas the reverse was observed for variants in/near GSDMA and TSLP. Single nucleotide polymorphisms with suggestive evidence for association with asthma with hay fever risk included rs41295115 near IL2RA (OR, 1.28; P = 5 × 10−7) and rs76043829 in TNS1 (OR, 1.23; P = 2 × 10−6). Conclusion By focusing on the combined phenotype of asthma with hay fever, variants associated with the risk of allergic disease can be identified with greater efficiency.
Purpose of review: Optimal asthma management includes both the control of asthma symptoms and reducing the risk of future asthma exacerbations. Traditionally, treatment has been adjusted largely on the basis of symptoms and lung function and for many patients, this approach delivers both excellent symptom control and reduced risk. However, the relationship between these two key components of the disease may vary between different asthmatic phenotypes and disease severities and there is increasing recognition of the need for more individualized treatment approaches.
Recent findings: A number of factors which predict exacerbation risk have been identified including demographic and behavioural features and specific inflammatory biomarkers. Type-2 cytokine-driven eosinophilic airways inflammation predisposes to frequent exacerbations and predicts response to corticosteroids, and the usefulness of sputum eosinophilia as both a marker of exacerbation risk and biomarker for adjustment of corticosteroid treatment has been established for some time. However, attempts to develop surrogate markers, which would be more straightforward to deliver in the clinic, have been challenging.
Summary: Some patients with asthma have persistent symptoms in the absence of type-2 cytokine driven-eosinophilic airways inflammation due to noncorticosteroid responsive mechanisms (T2-low disease). Composite biomarker strategies using easily measured surrogate indicators of type-2 inflammation (such as fractional exhaled nitric oxide, blood eosinophil count and serum periostin levels) may predict exacerbation risk better but it is unclear if they can be used to adjust corticosteroid treatment. Biomarkers will be used to target novel biologic treatments but additionally may be used to optimize corticosteroid treatment dose and act as prognostics for exacerbation risk and potentially other important longer term asthma outcomes.
Exposure to outdoor air pollutants and passive tobacco smoke are common but avoidable worldwide risk factors for morbidity and mortality of individuals. In addition to well-known effects of pollutants on the cardiovascular system and the development of cancer, in recent years the association between air pollution and respiratory morbidity has become increasingly apparent. Not only in adults, but also in children with asthma and in healthy children a clear harmful effect of exposure towards air pollutants has been demonstrated in many studies. Among others increased pollution has been shown to result in more frequent and more severe respiratory symptoms, more frequent exacerbations, higher need for asthma medication, poorer lung function and increased visits to the emergency department and more frequent hospitalisations. While these associations are well established, the available data on the role of air pollution in the development of asthma seems less clear. Some studies have shown that increased exposure towards tobacco smoke and air pollution leads to an increase in asthma incidence and prevalence; others were not able to confirm those findings. Possible reasons for this discrepancy are different definitions of the outcome asthma, different methods for exposure estimation and differences in the populations studied with differing underlying genetic backgrounds. Regardless of this inconsistency, several mechanisms have already been identified linking air pollution with asthma development. Among these are impaired lung growth and development, immunological changes, genetic or epigenetic effects or increased predisposition for allergic sensitisation. What the exact interactions are and which asthmatic phenotypes will be influenced most by pollutants will be shown by future studies. This knowledge will then be helpful in exploring possible preventive measures for the individual and to help policy makers in deciding upon most appropriate regulations on a population level.
Background: Intermediate phenotypes are often measured as a proxy for asthma. It is largely unclear to what extent the same set of environmental or genetic factors regulate these traits. Objective: Estimate the environmental and genetic correlations between self-reported and clinical asthma traits. Methods: A total of 3073 subjects from 802 families were ascertained through a twin proband. Traits measured included self-reported asthma, airway histamine responsiveness (AHR), skin prick response to common allergens including house dust mite (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus [D. pter]), baseline lung function, total serum immunoglobulin E (IgE) and eosinophilia. Bivariate and multivariate analyses of eight traits were performed with adjustment for ascertainment and significant covariates. Results: Overall 2716 participants completed an asthma questionnaire and 2087 were clinically tested, including 1289 self-reported asthmatics (92% previously diagnosed by a doctor). Asthma, AHR, markers of allergic sensitization and eosinophilia had significant environmental correlations with each other (range: 0.23-0.89). Baseline forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) showed low environmental correlations with most traits. Fewer genetic correlations were significantly different from zero. Phenotypes with greatest genetic similarity were asthma and atopy (0.46), IgE and eosinophilia (0.44), AHR and D. pter (0.43) and AHR and airway obstruction (-0.43). Traits with greatest genetic dissimilarity were FEV1 and atopy (0.05), airway obstruction and IgE (0.07) and FEV1 and D. pter (0.11). Conclusion: These results suggest that the same set of environmental factors regulates the variation of many asthma traits. In addition, although most traits are regulated to great extent by specific genetic factors, there is still some degree of genetic overlap that could be exploited by multivariate linkage approaches.