17 resultados para Asio clamator
Objetivou-se relatar características morfológicas do bulbo ocular e determinar valores de referência para testes oftálmicos selecionados em corujas-orelhudas (Asio clamator). Foram estudados 32 olhos de 16 corujas (Asio clamator), adultas e jovens, machos e fêmeas, de vida livre. Sendo compilados dados referentes a observações morfológicas do crânio, bulbo ocular e anexos, além de mensuração de testes oftálmicos, incluindo, Teste Lacrimal de Schirmer (TLS), cultura da microbiota normal da conjuntiva, estesiometria, pressão intraocular (PIO), espessura de córnea central (ECC), diâmetro horizontal da rima palpebral, diâmetro horizontal da córnea e oftalmoscopia indireta. Vinte e dois tipos de bactérias foram identificados em 12 corujas havendo predominância de microrganismos Gram-positivos. A média encontrada para o TLS foi de 5,03±3,28mm/min, para o diâmetro horizontal da rima palpebral em 16 corujas foi 21,24±1,17mm, e 15,7±2,74mm para o diâmetro horizontal da córnea. O valor médio para o teste de estesiometria foi de 0,80±0,59cm, a PIO média de 13,81±5,62mmHg e ECC média de 0,28±0,03cm. O estudo contribuiu para a caracterização da morfologia ocular e para o estabelecimento de valores de referências de testes diagnósticos oftálmicos em corujas-orelhudas, sendo necessário ainda o desenvolvimento de estudos complementares sobre histologia ocular desta espécie.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Objective To report the biometric values and ultrasonographic aspects of the normal eye of the Striped owl (Rhinoptynx clamator). Sample population Twenty-seven healthy, free-living, adult Striped owls from the Ecological Park of Tiete Veterinary Ambulatory (Sao Paulo, Brazil). Procedures Both eyes of all owls underwent B-mode ultrasonographic examination and biometry was performed for lens axial length (WL), depth of the anterior (AC) and vitreous (VC) chambers, axial length of the globe (LB) and the pecten oculi (LP) of both eyes, using a 12 MHz probe. The owls were manually restrained without sedation and the eyes were topically anesthetized. Results Biometric and statistical findings were as follows: in the left eye, the means and standard deviations were: LB = 23.76 +/- 0.92 mm, WL = 7.79 +/- 0.27 mm, AC = 4.27 +/- 0.47 mm, VC = 11.36 +/- 0.29 mm and LP = 5.69 +/- 0.50 mm; in the right eye, the values were: LB = 24.25 +/- 0.79 mm, WL = 8.03 +/- 0.40 mm, AC = 4.56 +/- 0.52 mm, VC = 11.40 +/- 0.25 mm, and LP = 5.68 +/- 0.41 mm. No significant differences were found between left and right eyes measurements of LB, WL, AC, VC, and LP dimensions. Conclusions Ocular ultrasound aspects and biometric values of the Striped owl are reported. The study`s results provide means for various ocular measurements. The ultrasound is an easy and safe exam to be performed in the Striped owl`s eyes.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo relatar os aspectos comportamentais de nidificação, alimentação e desenvolvimento dos ninhegos de Rhinoptynx clamator (Strigidae) em um fragmento florestal no Campus Marco Zero da Universidade Federal do Amapá. Apenas um ninho foi encontrado, no solo e na base de um tucumã Astrocaryum oleatum. Três ovos brancos com manchas marrons foram observados, cuja medida foi de 41 x 35 mm em média. A incubação durou 28 dias e foi efetuada pela fêmea, e o último filhote a nascer viveu apenas dois dias. Os filhotes sobreviventes foram medidos durante o seu desenvolvimento. Durante a estação reprodutiva foram coletadas algumas pelotas de regurgitação, sendo encontrados três tipos de vertebrados: Rattus sp., Micoureus cf. regina e Columbina talpacoti.
Data sheet produced by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources is about different times of animals, insects, snakes, birds, fish, butterflies, etc. that can be found in Iowa.
Data sheet produced by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources is about different times of animals, insects, snakes, birds, fish, butterflies, etc. that can be found in Iowa.
The Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus) is an open-country species breeding in the northern United States and Canada, and has likely experienced a long-term, range-wide, and substantial decline. However, the cause and magnitude of the decline is not well understood. We set forth to address the first two of six previously proposed conservation priorities to be addressed for this species: (1) better define habitat use and (2) improve population monitoring. We recruited 131 volunteers to survey over 6.2 million ha within the state of Idaho for Short-eared Owls during the 2015 breeding season. We surveyed 75 transects, 71 of which were surveyed twice, and detected Short-eared Owls on 27 transects. We performed multiscale occupancy modeling to identify habitat associations, and performed multiscale abundance modeling to generate a state-wide population estimate. Our results suggest that within the state of Idaho, Short-eared Owls are more often found in areas with marshland or riparian habitat or areas with greater amounts of sagebrush habitat at the 1750 ha transect scale. At the 50 ha point scale, Short-eared Owls tend to associate positively with fallow and bare dirt agricultural land and negatively with grassland. Cropland was not chosen at the broader transect scale suggesting that Short-eared Owls may prefer more heterogeneous landscapes. On the surface our results may seem contradictory to the presumed land use by a “grassland” species; however, the grasslands of the Intermountain West, consisting largely of invasive cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum), lack the complex structure shown to be preferred by these owls. We suggest the local adaptation to agriculture represents the next best habitat to their historical native habitat preferences. Regardless, we have confirmed regional differences that should be considered in conservation planning for this species. Last, our results demonstrate the feasibility, efficiency, and effectiveness of utilizing public participation in scientific research to achieve a robust sampling methodology across the broad geography of the Intermountain West.
This paper reviews the potential use of three types of spatial technology to land managers, namely satellite imagery, satellite positioning systems and supporting computer software. Developments in remote sensing and the relative advantages of multispectral and hyperspectral images are discussed. The main challenge to the wider use of remote sensing as a land management tool is seen as uncertainty whether apparent relationships between biophysical variables and spectral reflectance are direct and causal, or artefacts of particular images. Developments in satellite positioning systems are presented in the context of land managers’ need for position estimates in situations where absolute precision may or may not be required. The role of computer software in supporting developments in spatial technology is described. Spatial technologies are seen as having matured beyond empirical applications to the stage where they are useful and reliable land management tools. In addition, computer software has become more user-friendly and this has facilitated data collection and manipulation by semi-expert as well as specialist staff.
Using Landsat imagery, forest canopy density (FCD) estimated with the FCD Mapper®, was correlated with predominant height (PDH, measured as the average height of the tallest 50 trees per hectare) for 20 field plots measured in native forest at Noosa Heads, south-east Queensland, Australia. A corresponding image was used to calculate FCD in Leyte Island, the Philippines and was validated on the ground for accuracy. The FCD Mapper was produced for the International Tropical Timber Organisation and estimates FCD as an index of canopy density using reflectance characteristics of Landsat Enhanced Thematic (ETM) Mapper images. The FCD Mapper is a ‘semi-expert’ computer program which uses interactive screens to allow the operator to make decisions concerning the classification of land into bare soil, grass and forest. At Noosa, a positive strong nonlinear relationship (r2 = 0.86) was found between FCD and PDH for 15 field plots with variable PDH but complete canopy closure. An additional five field plots were measured in forest with a broken canopy and the software assessed these plots as having a much lower FCD than forest with canopy closure. FCD estimates for forest and agricultural land in the island of Leyte and subsequent field validation showed that at appropriate settings, the FCD Mapper differentiated between tropical rainforest and banana or coconut plantation. These findings suggest that in forests with a closed canopy this remote sensing technique has promise for forest inventory and productivity assessment. The findings also suggest that the software has promise for discriminating between native forest with a complete canopy and forest which has a broken canopy, such as coconut or banana plantation.
The reflectance signatures of plantation pine canopy and understorey components were measured using a spectro-radiometer. The aim was to establish whether differences observed in the reflectance signature of stressed and unstressed pine needles were consistent with observed differences in the reflectance of multispectral Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) images of healthy and stressed forest. Because overall scene reflectance includes the contribution of each scene component, needle reflectance may not be representative of canopy reflectance. In this investigation, a limited dataset of reflectance signatures from stressed and unstressed needles confirmed the negative relationship between pine needle health and reflectance which was observed in visible red wavelengths. However, the reflectance contribution from bushes, pine needle litter and bare soil tended to reinforce this relationship suggesting that in this instance, overall scene reflectance is comprised of the proportional reflectance of each scene component. In near infrared wavelengths, differences between healthy and stressed needle reflectance suggested a strong positive relationship between reflectance and tree health. For Landsat TM images, previous research had only observed a weak positive relationship between stand health and near infrared reflectance in these pine canopies. This suggests that for multispectral Landsat TM images, reflectance of near infrared light from pine canopies may be affected by other factors which may include the scattering of light within canopies. These results are seen as promising for the use of hyperspectral images to detect stand health, provided that pixel reflectance is not influenced by other scene components.
An investigation was undertaken to test the effectiveness of two procedures for recording boundaries and plot positions for scientific studies on farms on Leyte Island, the Philippines. The accuracy of a Garmin 76 Global Positioning System (GPS) unit and a compass and chain was checked under the same conditions. Tree canopies interfered with the ability of the satellite signal to reach the GPS and therefore the GPS survey was less accurate than the compass and chain survey. Where a high degree of accuracy is required, a compass and chain survey remains the most effective method of surveying land underneath tree canopies, providing operator error is minimised. For a large number of surveys and thus large amounts of data, a GPS is more appropriate than a compass and chain survey because data are easily up-loaded into a Geographic Information System (GIS). However, under dense canopies where satellite signals cannot reach the GPS, it may be necessary to revert to a compass survey or a combination of both methods.
As part of ACIAR project ASEM/2003/052, Improving Financial Returns to Smallholder Tree Farmers in the Philippines, plantations of timber trees in Leyte Island, the Philippines were located using a systematic survey of the island. The survey was undertaken in order to compile a database of plantations which could be used to guide the planning of project activities. In addition to recording a range of qualitative and quantitative information for each plantation, the survey spatially referenced each site using a Global Positioning System (GPS) to electronic maps of the island which were held in a Geographical Information System (GIS). Microsoft Excel and Mapsource® software were used as the software links between GPS coordinates and the GIS. Mapping of farm positions was complicated by different datums being used for maps of Leyte Island and this caused GPS positions to be displaced from equivalent positions on the map. Photos of the sites were hyperlinked to their map positions in the GIS in order to assist staff to recall site characteristics.
The area of private land suitable and available for growing hoop pine (Araucaria cunninghamii) on the Atherton Tablelands in North Queensland was modelled using a geographic information system (GIS). In Atherton, Eacham and Herberton shires, approximately 64,700 ha of privately owned land were identified as having a mean annual rainfall and soil type similar to Forestry Plantations Queensland (FPQ) hoop pine growth plots with an approximate growth rate of 20 m3 per annum. Land with slope of over 25° and land covered with native vegetation were excluded in the estimation. If land which is currently used for high-value agriculture is also excluded, the net area of land potentially suitable and available for expansion of hoop pine plantations is approximately 22,900 ha. Expert silvicultural advice emphasized the role of site preparation and weed control in affecting the long-term growth rate of hoop pine. Hence, sites with less than optimal fertility and rainfall may be considered as being potentially suitable for growing hoop pine at a lower growth rate. The datasets had been prepared at various scales and differing precision for their description of land attributes. Therefore, the results of this investigation have limited applicability for planning at the individual farm level but are useful at the regional level to target areas for plantation expansion.
Foram identificadas 12 espécies de malófagos no Parque Zoológico Municipal Quinzinho de Barros, Sorocaba e Fundação Jardim Zoológico, Rio de Janeiro. Ciconiphilus pectiniventris em Cygnus atratus (Anseriformes, Anatidae); Kurodaia sp. em Buteo albicaudatus (Falconiformes, Accipitridae); Degeeriella sp. em Falco sparverius (Falconiformes, Falconidae); Colpocephalum sp. e Goniocotes parviceps em Pavo cristatus (Galliformes, Phasianidae); Goniodes pavonis em Rhea americana (Rheiformes, Rheidae); Colpocephalum cristatae e Heptapsogaster sp. em Cariama cristata (Gruiformes, Cariamidae); Austrophilopterus cancellosus em Ramphastos dicolorus (Piciformes, Ramphastidae); Strigiphilus crucigerus em Otus choliba (Strigiformes, Strigidae); Kurodaia sp. em Rhinoptynx clamator (Strigiformes, Strigidae) e Colpocephalum pectinatum em Speotyto cunicularia (Strigiformes, Strigidae). As relações parasito hospedeiros em Strigiformes são novas no Brasil.