934 resultados para Ash Deposition


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This article describes an experimental study on ash deposition during the co-firing of bituminous coal with pine sawdust and olive stones in a laboratory furnace. The main objective of this study was to relate the ash deposit rates with the type of biomass burned and its thermal percentage in the blend. The thermal percentage of biomass in the blend was varied between 10% and 50% for both sawdust and olive stones. For comparison purposes, tests have also been performed using only coal or only biomass. During the tests, deposits were collected with the aid of an air-cooled deposition probe placed far from the flame region, where the mean gas temperature was around 640 degrees C. A number of deposit samples were subsequently analyzed on a scanning electron microscope equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray detector. Results indicate that blending sawdust with coal decreases the deposition rate as compared with the firing of unblended coal due to both the sawdust low ash content and its low alkalis content. The co-firing of coal and sawdust yields deposits with high levels of silicon and aluminium which indicates the presence of ashes with high fusion temperature and, thus, with less capacity to adhere to the surfaces. In contrast, in the co-firing of coal with olive stones the deposition rate increases as compared with the firing of unblended coal and the deposits produced present high levels of potassium, which tend to increase their stickiness.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The knowledge of how animals deposited chemical components as water, protein, fat and ash in the carcass is importance for the formulation of a balanced diet, allowing maximum performance with a low environmental impact. So, the study was carried out to evaluate the influence of different tilapia strains (Chitralada, Commercial, Red and Universidade Federal de Lavras [UFLA]) on the deposition of bodily chemical components in the carcass. The bodily components analyzed were water, protein, fat and ash. For the determination of the bodily chemical deposition curves by age, the exponential, Brody, logistic, Gompertz and von Bertalanffy models were adjusted. The Commercial and UFLA strains deposited water at a faster speed (P<0.05) compared with the remaining strains. As for protein, the Red strain had a lower estimated maturity weight (49.37 g), and was more precocious (202 days) with regard to maximum deposition in comparison to the other strains (Chitralada, UFLA and Commercial) in which there was an estimated maturity weight of 231.5 g and maximum depositionfor 337 days. There were no differences (P>0.05) for the logistic model parameter between Red, UFLA and Commercial strains for fat, which presented a maximum fat deposition (0.23 g) at 310 days of age. Regarding ash deposition, the Commercial strain presented a higher maximum deposition (0.10 g) at 337 days, occurring later than the other strains that presented maximum deposition (0.033g) at 254 days of age. Thus, it was concluded that the genetic strains evaluated differ in chemical deposition curves of water, protein, fat and ash.


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The objective of this work was to study growth and body nutrient deposition profiles of male and female Cobb and Ross broilers using Gompertz equations. A total number of 1,920 one- to 56-day-old broilers were used. A randomized experimental design in a factorial arrangement (2 strains x 2 sex), with 4 replicates of 120 birds each, was applied. Diets were formulated to supply the nutrient requirements recommended by the genetic companies. A sample of birds was weekly weighed and sacrificed after 24 hours fasting. Carcasses were de-feathered and weighed again. The parameters of the Gompertz equation for body weight and its components (water, ashes, protein, and fat) were estimated. An interaction (p<0.05) between sex and breed was observed for mature weight (Wm) (kg), growth rate (b) (daily) and time at maximum growth rate (t*) (day) of body weight, and body water and ash. Cobb was presented earlier growth and body protein and ash deposition. Ross strain was superior in body water deposition.


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The Australian Coal Industry Research Laboratory (ACIRL) furnace is scaled to simulate slagging and fouling in operating boilers. This requires that the gas and target temperatures, the heat flux, and the flow pattern be the same as those in real boilers. The gas and target temperatures are maintained by insulating the wall and cooling the target respectively. The flow pattern of a small burner cannot be the same as a large furnace. However, this flow pattern is partially compensated for by placing the slagging panels in three vertical locations. The paper develops the models of radiant heat transfer from the flame to the deposits both in pilot-scale and full-scale furnaces. They are used to compare the effective radiant heat transfer of the pilot- and full-scale furnaces. The experimental data both from the pilot- and full-scale furnaces are used to verify the incident heat flux and temperature profiles in the pilot- and full-scale furnaces. The results showed that the thermal condition in the pilot-scale furnace meets the requirements for studying the slagging regarding the gas temperature and the incident heat flux, particularly for the panel #1. The gas temperature in the convective section also meets the requirement for studying the fouling.


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Diplomityön tavoitteena oli tutkia kerrostumien muodostumista voimalaitoskattiloiden lämpöpinnoille ja niiden vaikutusta lämmönsiirtoon. Kerrostumien vaikutusta lämpöpintojen lämpötiloihin tutkittiin kerrostumasondin avulla kierto- ja kerrosleijukattiloissa. Saadun mittausaineiston muodostettiin mittaustilannetta vastaava laskentamalli, jonka avulla pystytään selvittämään voimalaitoksen lämpöpintojen likaantumista käyttöperiodin aikana. Työn alussa tarkasteltiin kerrostumien muodostumismekanismeja lämmönsiirtopinnoille, kerrostumien ominaisuuksia ja virtausympäristön vaikutusta lämmönsiirtoon. Poltossa syntyvä tuhka kiinnittyy eri mekanismeilla kattilan seinille ja lämpöpinnoille riippuen polttoaineesta ja ympäröivistä olosuhteista. Likakerrosten muodostuminen lämmönsiirtimen pinnalle pienentää putkeen siirtyvää lämpövirtaa ja alentaa kattilan hyötysuhdetta. Kerrostumien lämmönjohtumisesta ja mikrorakenteesta on hyvin vähän kokeellisen tietoa, mikä vaikeuttaa reaalisten mallien muodostamista kattilan käyttäytymisestä sen likaantuessa.Työn kokeellisessa osassa tarkasteltiin kahdella eri kattilalla tehtyjä mittauksia. Mittaukset tehtiin kerrostumasondilla, jonka lämmönsiirrosta luotiin laskentamalli SIMULINK-simulointiohjelmalla. Mittaustuloksina saatiin kolmen eri pinnan lämpötilat, jotka muuttuivat kerrostuman ja jäähdytyksen vaikutuksesta. Laskentamallista muokattiin mittaustilanteita vastaava, jolloin lämpötilamuutoksista nähdään likakerroksen ominaisuuksien vaikutus lämmönsiirtoon. Sondista muodostettiin myös FLUENT-malli, jolla tarkasteltiin yksittäisen putken virtauskenttää sekä kahden lähekkäin olevan putken vaikutusta virtaukseen.


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Although it is well known that firing biomass fuels leads to increased deposition buildup on heat transfer surfaces in boiler compared with firing coal, existing empirical knowledge about combustion of different types of biofuels is limited. The aim of this study is to give greater awareness and understanding of the circumstances which are able to decrease considerably deposition build up on heat transfer surfaces when firing different types of biofuels. The crucial part of this thesis is experimental investigation of fouling tendency while firing biomass fuels, such as straw, bark, and peat having different chemical composition. In order to give comprehensive overview of ash deposition phenomena the number of not less important issues such as mechanisms of ash deposition, effect of fouling on heat transfer, and design of boilers subjected to ash buildup were examined as well. The answers obtained in this study may be a step towards a better knowledge of firing biofuels as separately as in mixtures, and may provide solutions for successful combustion technique of biomass fuels.


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The aim of this work is to study metal and As concentrations in soil due to ash deposition from a coal plant at Figueira (PR), evaluating the macroelement (Al, Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ti, V) and microelement (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb, Zn) concentrations in the soil around the coal plant. The plant operation caused a slight increase in the majority of the metal concentrations in the top soil close to the plant (up to 1 km) in the wind direction (NW). The elements As, Cd, Mo, Pb and Zn are considered likely soil pollutants, and As is considered the only critical element.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Increases in the low-field mass-specific magnetic susceptibility (chi), dropstones and the terrigenous sediment component from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 882 (~45°N) have been interpreted to indicate a major onset of ice-rafting to the sub-Arctic northwest Pacific Ocean during marine isotope stage (MIS) G6 (from ~2.75 Ma). In contrast, studies of the terrigenous content of sediments cored downwind of ODP Site 882 indicate that dust and disseminated volcanic ash deposition in the sub-Arctic Pacific increased markedly during MIS G6. To investigate the relative contribution of dust, volcanic ash and ice rafting to the Pliocene chi increase, we present new high-resolution environmental magnetic and ice-rafted debris records from ODP Sites 882 and 885. Our results demonstrate that the chi increase at both sites across MIS G6 is predominantly controlled by a previously overlooked mixture of aeolian dust and volcanic ash. Our findings call into question the reliability of chi as a proxy for ice-rafting to the North Pacific. They also highlight a previously undocumented link between iron fertilisation and biogeochemical cycling in the North Pacific at a key stage during intensification of late Pliocene northern hemisphere glaciation.


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Two main coal-bearing sequences developed during the Oligocene in the Tertiary Ebro Basin, the Calaf (early Oligocene) and Mequinenza (late Oligocene) coal basins. Coal deposition took place in shallow marsh-swamp-lake complexes which sometimes became closed and evolved under warm climatic conditions with fluctuating humidity. These shallow lacustrine systems are closely interrelated with the terminal parts of the distributive fluvial systems which spread from the tectonically active Ebro basin margins. Laterally extensive lignite-bearing sequences, including rather thin, lenticular autochthonous and/or hypautochthonous coal seams with high ash and sulphur contents, characterized coal deposition in the shallow lacustrine systems. Coal seam geometry, which makes them nearly subeconomic, resulted from the tectonic instability during basin margin evolution and the sometimes closed, arid conditions under which the lacustrine systems evolved. High ash and sulphur contents resulted from the inadequate isolation of peat forming environments from clastic influx and from the very low acidity and sometimes high sulphate contents of the lacustrine waters. Coal exploration in shallow lacustrine sequences similar to those described here must take into account that the spread of coal-forming environments and maxima of coal deposition are usually coincident with lake expansions and retraction or shifting of the terminal fluvial zones interrelated with the lacustrine areas.


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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is associated with inflammatory cell reactions, tissue destruction and lung remodeling. Many signaling pathways for these phenomena are still to be identified. We developed a mouse model of COPD to evaluate some pathophysiological mechanisms acting during the initial stage of the disease. Forty-seven 6- to 8-week-old female C57/BL6 mice (approximately 22 g) were exposed for 2 months to cigarette smoke and/or residual oil fly ash (ROFA), a concentrate of air pollution. We measured lung mechanics, airspace enlargement, airway wall thickness, epithelial cell profile, elastic and collagen fiber deposition, and by immunohistochemistry transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1), macrophage elastase (MMP12), neutrophils and macrophages. We observed regional airspace enlargements near terminal bronchioles associated with the exposure to smoke or ROFA. There were also increases in airway resistance and thickening of airway walls in animals exposed to smoke. In the epithelium, we noted a decrease in the ciliated cell area of animals exposed to smoke and an increase in the total cell area associated with exposure to both smoke and ROFA. There was also an increase in the expression of TGF-β1 both in the airways and parenchyma of animals exposed to smoke. However, we could not detect inflammatory cell recruitment, increases in MMP12 or elastic and collagen fiber deposition. After 2 months of exposure to cigarette smoke and/or ROFA, mice developed regional airspace enlargements and airway epithelium remodeling, although no inflammation or increases in fiber deposition were detected. Some of these phenomena may have been mediated by TGF-β1.


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The Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland emitted a cloud of ash into the atmosphere during April and May 2010. Over the UK the ash cloud was observed by the FAAM BAe-146 Atmospheric Research Aircraft which was equipped with in-situ probes measuring the concentration of volcanic ash carried by particles of varying sizes. The UK Met Office Numerical Atmospheric-dispersion Modelling Environment (NAME) has been used to simulate the evolution of the ash cloud emitted by the Eyjafjallajökull volcano during the period 4–18 May 2010. In the NAME simulations the processes controlling the evolution of the concentration and particle size distribution include sedimentation and deposition of particles, horizontal dispersion and vertical wind shear. For travel times between 24 and 72 h, a 1/t relationship describes the evolution of the concentration at the centre of the ash cloud and the particle size distribution remains fairly constant. Although NAME does not represent the effects of microphysical processes, it can capture the observed decrease in concentration with travel time in this period. This suggests that, for this eruption, microphysical processes play a small role in determining the evolution of the distal ash cloud. Quantitative comparison with observations shows that NAME can simulate the observed column-integrated mass if around 4% of the total emitted mass is assumed to be transported as far as the UK by small particles (< 30 μm diameter). NAME can also simulate the observed particle size distribution if a distal particle size distribution that contains a large fraction of < 10 μm diameter particles is used, consistent with the idea that phraetomagmatic volcanoes, such as Eyjafjallajökull, emit very fine particles.


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Two respirable coal fly ash samples ((LESSTHEQ) 3(mu)m), one from a pressurized fluidized-bed combustion miniplant and one from a conventional combustion power plant, were investigated for physical properties, chemical composition and biological activity. Electron microscopy illustrated irregularity in fluidized-bed combustion fly ash and sphericity in conventional combustion fly ash. Elemental analysis of these samples showed differences in trace elements. Both fly ash samples were toxic in rabbit alveolar macrophage and Chinese hamster ovary cell systems in vitro. The macrophages were more sensitive to toxicity of fly ash than the ovary cells. For measuring the cytotoxicity of fly ash, the most sensitive parameters were adenosine triphosphate in the alveolar macrophage system and viability index in the hamster ovary system. Intact fluidized-bed combustion fly-ash particles showed mutagenicity only in strains TA98 and TA1538 without metabolic activation in the Ames Salmonella assay. No mutagenicity was detected in bioassay of conventional combustion fly ash particles. Solvent extraction yielded more mass from fluidized-bed combustion fly ash than from conventional combustion fly ash. The extracts of fluidized-bed combustion fly ash showed higher mutagenic activity than conventional combustion fly ash. These samples contained direct-acting, frameshift mutagens.^ Fly ash samples collected from the same fluidized-bed source by cyclones, a fabric filter, and a electrostatic precipitator at various temperatures were compared for particle size, toxicity, and mutagenicity. Results demonstrated that the biological activity of coal fly ash were affected by the collection site, device, and temperature.^ Coal fly ash vapor-coated with 1-nitropyrene was developed as a model system to study the bioavailability and recovery of nitroaromatic compounds in fly ash. The effects of vapor deposition on toxicity and mutagenicity of fly ash were examined. The nitropyrene coating did not significantly alter the ash's cytotoxicity. Nitropyrene was bioavailable in the biological media, and a significant percentage was not recovered after the coated fly ash was cultured with alveolar macrophages. 1-Nitropyrene loss increased as the number of macrophages was increased, suggesting that the macrophages are capable of metabolizing or binding 1-nitropyrene present in coal fly ash. ^