1000 resultados para Arts textiles
Ce cahier de recherche fait état des travaux menés au cours de la première étape (2013-2014) du projet « Archives et création : nouvelles perspectives sur l’archivistique ». Il comprend les textes suivants : Yvon Lemay et Anne Klein, « Introduction », p. 4-6; Yvon Lemay, « Archives et création : nouvelles perspectives sur l’archivistique », p. 7-19; Anne-Marie Lacombe, « Exploitation des archives à des fins de création : un aperçu de la littérature », p. 20-59; Simon Côté-Lapointe, « Archives sonores et création : une pratique à la croisée des chemins », p. 60-83; Hélène Brousseau, « Fibres, archives et société », p. 84-104; Annie Lecompte-Chauvin, « Comment les archives entrent dans nos vies par le biais de la littérature », p. 105-120; Aude Bertrand, « Valeurs, usages et usagers des archives », p. 121-150; Laure Guitard, « Indexation, émotions, archives », p. 151-168; Anne Klein, Denis Lessard et Anne-Marie Lacombe, « Archives et mise en archives dans le champ culturel. Synthèse du colloque « Archives et création, regards croisés : tournant archivistique, courant artistique », p. 169-178. De plus, dans le but de situer le projet dans un contexte plus large, le cahier inclut une bibliographie des travaux effectués sur les archives et la création depuis 2007, p. 179-182.
Ce cahier de recherche fait état des travaux menés au cours de la deuxième étape (2014-2015) du projet « Archives et création : nouvelles perspectives sur l’archivistique ». Les textes sont les suivants : Yvon Lemay et Anne Klein, « Préface », p. 4-5; Yvon Lemay, « Deuxième cahier de recherche : présentation », p. 6-26; Érika Nimis, « Combler les silences de l’histoire africaine. Ou comment des artistes visuels s’approprient des archives photographiques pour éclairer le passé à la lumière du présent », p. 27-42; Hélène Brousseau, « L'utilisation d’archives dans les arts visuels : dialogue entre une artiste et une archiviste », p. 43-58; Simon Côté-Lapointe, « Créer à partir d’archives : bilan, démarches et techniques d’un projet exploratoire », p. 59-95; Annaëlle Winand, « Le concept d’archive(s) et les films de réemploi », p. 96-111; Nicolas Bednarz et Céline Widmer, « Archives au pluriel : le Montréal de 1914-1918. L’expérience d’une création collaborative et multidisciplinaire », p. 112-142; Mattia Scarpulla, « La mémoire performative. Considérations sur les traces de la danse et les dispositifs de capture des mouvements », p. 143-173; Yvon Lemay et Anne Klein, « Quartiers disparus : l’envers du décor », p. 174-190. De plus, le cahier comprend une « Bibliographie » des travaux effectués sur les archives et la création depuis 2007, p. 191-196, et des informations sur « Les auteurs », p. 197.
v. 1. Chimie minérale. Métalloïdes.--v. 2. Chimie minérale. Métaux.--v. 3. Chimie organique.--v. 4. Matières textiles et Matières tinctoriales.--v. 5. Matières animales et fonctions organiques. Suppléments. Table générale.
v.1. The house, its plan, decoration and care / by Isabel Bevier. -- v.2. Household bacteriology / by S. Maria Elliott. -- v.3. Household hygiene / by S. Maria Elliott. -- v.4. Chemistry of the household / by Margaret E. Dodd. -- v.5. Principles of cookery / by Anna Barrows. -- v.6. Food and dietetics / by Alice P. Norton. -- v.7. Household management by Bertha M. Terrill. -- v.8. Personal hygiene / ed. by M. Le Bosquet. -- v.9. Home care of the sick / by Amy E. Pope. -- v.10. Textiles and clothing / by Kate H. Watson. -- v.11. Study of child life / by Marion F. Washburne. -- v.12. Care of children / by A.C. Cotton.
Includes index.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Mixed martial arts (MMA) have become a fast-growing worldwide expansion of martial arts competition, requiring high level of skill, physical conditioning, and strategy, and involving a synthesis of combat while standing or on the ground. This study quantified the effort-pause ratio (EP), and classified effort segments of stand-up or groundwork development to identify the number of actions performed per round in MMA matches. 52 MMA athletes participated in the study (M age = 24 yr., SD = 5; average experience in MMA = 5 yr., SD = 3). A one-way analysis of variance with repeated measurements was conducted to compare the type of action across the rounds. A chi-squared test was applied across the percentages to compare proportions of different events. Only one significant difference (p < .05) was observed among rounds: time in groundwork of low intensity was longer in the second compared to the third round. When the interval between rounds was not considered, the EP ratio (between high-intensity effort to low-intensity effort plus pauses) WE S 1:2 to 1:4. This ratio is between ratios typical for judo, wrestling, karate, and taekwondo and reflects the combination of ground and standup techniques. Most of the matches ended in the third round, involving high-intensity actions, predominantly executed during groundwork combat.
The present study had as objective to verify the production of fight, martial arts and combat sports in articles published in the main Physical Education academic journals available in Brazil after the establishment of the CONFEF, as well as analyze the subjects studied in these articles. The subject classification followed Tani (1996)`s proposition concerning an academic structure to Kinesiology, Physical Education and Sport. When considering the 2561 articles published on these journals only 75 (2.93%) were related to Fight/Martial Arts/Combat Sports. It was verified a predominance of studies conducted in the Biodynamic area (40%), followed by Human Movement Socio-cultural Studies (32%) and Motor Behavior (8%). The applied studies were divided as: Human Movement Pedagogy (10.7%), Sports Training (8%), Sports Administration (1.3%) and Adapted Human Movement (none study published). These data indicate: (1) a reduced number of publications concerning these activities, especially those of applied nature; (2) a need to promote inter and multidisciplinary research about this subject.
Background-Randomized trials that studied clinical outcomes after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with bare metal stenting versus coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) are underpowered to properly assess safety end points like death, stroke, and myocardial infarction. Pooling data from randomized controlled trials increases the statistical power and allows better assessment of the treatment effect in high-risk subgroups. Methods and Results-We performed a pooled analysis of 3051 patients in 4 randomized trials evaluating the relative safety and efficacy of PCI with stenting and CABG at 5 years for the treatment of multivessel coronary artery disease. The primary end point was the composite end point of death, stroke, or myocardial infarction. The secondary end point was the occurrence of major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular accidents, death, stroke, myocardial infarction, and repeat revascularization. We tested for heterogeneities in treatment effect in patient subgroups. At 5 years, the cumulative incidence of death, myocardial infarction, and stroke was similar in patients randomized to PCI with stenting versus CABG (16.7% versus 16.9%, respectively; hazard ratio, 1.04, 95% confidence interval, 0.86 to 1.27; P = 0.69). Repeat revascularization, however, occurred significantly more frequently after PCI than CABG (29.0% versus 7.9%, respectively; hazard ratio, 0.23; 95% confidence interval, 0.18 to 0.29; P<0.001). Major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events were significantly higher in the PCI than the CABG group (39.2% versus 23.0%, respectively; hazard ratio, 0.53; 95% confidence interval, 0.45 to 0.61; P<0.001). No heterogeneity of treatment effect was found in the subgroups, including diabetic patients and those presenting with 3-vessel disease. Conclusions-In this pooled analysis of 4 randomized trials, PCI with stenting was associated with a long-term safety profile similar to that of CABG. However, as a result of persistently lower repeat revascularization rates in the CABG patients, overall major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular event rates were significantly lower in the CABG group at 5 years.