859 resultados para Artificial wetland abatement
The uptake of hexavalent chromium in free living floating aquatic macrophytes Eicchornia crassipes cultivated in non-toxic chromium-doped hydroponic solutions is presented. A Cr-uptake bioaccumulation experiment was carried out using healthy macrophytes grown in a temperature controlled greenhouse. Six samples of nutrient media and plants were collected during the 23 day experiment. Roots and leaves were acid digested with the addition of an internal Gallium standard, for thin film sample preparation and quantitative Cr analysis by PIXE method. The Cr(6+) mass uptake by the macrophytes reached up to 70% of the initial concentration, comparable to former results and literature data. The Cr-uptake data were described using a non-structural first order kinetic model. Due to low cost and high removal efficiency, living aquatic macrophytes E. crassipes are a viable biosorbent in an artificial wetland of a water effluent treatment plant. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
En este trabajo se presenta la descripción e investigación en la evaluación de vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides) y la elefanta (Pennisetum purpureum) en el diseño de humedales artificiales. Para el tratamiento de aguas residuales de origen doméstico, siendo la vegetación uno de los principales componentes de estos sistemas de tratamientos no convencionales. Muchos \sistemas naturales" están siendo considerados con el propósito del tratamiento del agua residual y control de la contaminación del agua, debido a su alta fiabilidad ambiental y los bajos costos de construcción y mantenimiento, es el caso de los humedales artificiales. El interés en los sistemas naturales está basado en la conservación de los recursos asociados con estos sistemas como opuesto al proceso de tratamiento convencional de aguas residuales que es intensivo respecto al uso de energía y químicos. Los wetlands o humedales artificiales constituyen una alternativa de tratamiento debido a su alta eficiencia de remoción de contaminantes, a su bajo costo de instalación y mantenimiento y a su alta fiabilidad ambiental, generalmente un humedal artificial esta constituido por un medio de soporte el cual generalmente es arena o grava, vegetación y microorganismos o biopelícula los cuales llevan los diferentes procesos bioquímicos para remover los contaminantes del afluente. El objetivo general de este trabajo ha sido: Evaluar la eficiencia de remoción de materia orgánica, sólidos, nitrógeno y fósforo total de dos especies de plantas: vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides) y la elefanta (Pennisetum purpureum), en el diseño de humedales artificiales para el tratamiento de aguas residuales de origen doméstico. Los humedales artificiales o sistemas pilotos, se encuentran ubicados en la universidad de Medellín y reciben una preparación de agua sintética, que asemeja a las características de un agua residual de origen doméstico. En el presente trabajo se evalúa el porcentaje de remoción de la carga orgánica de aguas residuales, en un sistema de tratamiento por humedales artificiales con dos especies vegetales. El sistema fue diseñado con tres módulos instalados de manera adjunta. En el primero no se integra ninguna especie vegetal, solo el medio de sustrato el cual constituye el blanco (-), en el segundo se integraron organismos de la especie vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides), en el tercer sistema piloto, organismos de la especie elefanta (Pennisetum purpureum) y en el cuarto organismos de la especie papiro japones (Cyperus alternifolius), los cuales constituyen el control positivo (+). Los módulos experimentales fueron limpiados, cortados y adecuados acorde al montaje inicial de las plantas y al espacio requerido para su disposición. A cada sistema piloto se le agrega medio de soporte constituido por grava (5 a 10 cm) y arena (15 a 20 cm), el sustrato es evaluado y caracterizado por su diámetro nominal, posterior en cada sistema se siembran las especies en un área de 3x3 y cada humedal por dos semanas se adecua bajo la solución de Hoagland y Arnon y régimen de humedad. En el agua sintética se analizaron los siguientes parámetros: pH, sólidos totales, sólidos suspendido totales, sólidos disueltos totales, demanda química de oxígeno (DQO), demanda bioquímica de oxígeno (DBO5), nitrógeno total (NTK) y fosforo total (PT). También se realizó la determinación del crecimiento de las plantas a partir del incremento de biomasa, porosidad de la raíz y de igual forma se determina NTK y PT. Los resultados demostraron que el sistema es una opción para la remoción de la carga orgánica y de nutrientes en aguas residuales de origen doméstico, de bajo costo de operación y mantenimiento, especialmente se observa que las plantas que crecen en sistemas de régimen de humedad ácuico y ústico, tienden a tener una mayor recepción y adaptación en los humedales artificiales pilotos, es el caso de la elefanta (Pennisetum purpureum), el cual presenta las más altas tasas de remoción de contaminantes y nutrientes en el afluente, seguido por el papiro japonés (Cyperus alternifolius) y el vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides), respecto a tasas de remoción. La remoción de contaminantes que se presentan más altos respectivamente, constituyen sólidos en primera instancia, seguido por la demanda bioquímica de oxigeno (DBO5), demanda química de oxígeno (DQO), nitrógeno total (NTK) y fósforo total (PT), estos últimos presentan una baja tasa de remoción, debido a la naturaleza misma del contaminante, a los organismos que realizan la remoción y absorción y al tiempo de retención que se elige, el cual influye en la tasa de remoción del contaminante siendo menor en la concentración de fósforo, pero se encuentranen el rango esperado para estos sistemas de tratamiento no convencionales.
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have been found to be a robust tool to model many non-linear hydrological processes. The present study aims at evaluating the performance of ANN in simulating and predicting ground water levels in the uplands of a tropical coastal riparian wetland. The study involves comparison of two network architectures, Feed Forward Neural Network (FFNN) and Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) trained under five algorithms namely Levenberg Marquardt algorithm, Resilient Back propagation algorithm, BFGS Quasi Newton algorithm, Scaled Conjugate Gradient algorithm, and Fletcher Reeves Conjugate Gradient algorithm by simulating the water levels in a well in the study area. The study is analyzed in two cases-one with four inputs to the networks and two with eight inputs to the networks. The two networks-five algorithms in both the cases are compared to determine the best performing combination that could simulate and predict the process satisfactorily. Ad Hoc (Trial and Error) method is followed in optimizing network structure in all cases. On the whole, it is noticed from the results that the Artificial Neural Networks have simulated and predicted the water levels in the well with fair accuracy. This is evident from low values of Normalized Root Mean Square Error and Relative Root Mean Square Error and high values of Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency Index and Correlation Coefficient (which are taken as the performance measures to calibrate the networks) calculated after the analysis. On comparison of ground water levels predicted with those at the observation well, FFNN trained with Fletcher Reeves Conjugate Gradient algorithm taken four inputs has outperformed all other combinations.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The use of buffer areas in forested catchments has been actively researched during the last 15 years; but until now, the research has mainly concentrated on the reduction of sediment and phosphorus loads, instead of nitrogen (N). The aim of this thesis was to examine the use of wetland buffer areas to reduce the nitrogen transport in forested catchments and to investigate the environmental impacts involved in their use. Besides the retention capacity, particular attention was paid to the main factors contributing to the N retention, the potential for increased N2O emissions after large N loading, the effects of peatland restoration for use as buffer areas on CH4 emissions, as well as the vegetation composition dynamics induced by the use of peatlands as buffer areas. To study the capacity of buffer areas to reduce N transport in forested catchments, we first used large artificial loadings of N, and then studied the capacity of buffer areas to reduce ammonium (NH4-N) export originating from ditch network maintenance areas in forested catchments. The potential for increased N2O emissions were studied using the closed chamber technique and a large artificial N loading at five buffer areas. Sampling for CH4 emissions and methane-cycling microbial populations were done on three restored buffer areas and on three buffers constructed on natural peatlands. Vegetation composition dynamics was studied at three buffer areas between 1996 and 2009. Wetland buffer areas were efficient in retaining inorganic N from inflow. The key factors contributing to the retention were the size and the length of the buffer, the hydrological loading and the rate of nutrient loading. Our results show that although the N2O emissions may increase temporarily to very high levels after a large N loading into the buffer area, the buffer areas in forested catchments should be viewed as insignificant sources of N2O. CH4 fluxes were substantially higher from buffers constructed on natural peatlands than from the restored buffer areas, probably because of the slow recovery of methanogens after restoration. The use of peatlands as buffer areas was followed by clear changes in plant species composition and the largest changes occurred in the upstream parts of the buffer areas and the wet lawn-level surfaces, where the contact between the vegetation and the through-flow waters was closer than for the downstream parts and dry hummock sites. The changes in the plant species composition may be an undesired phenomenon especially in the case of the mires representing endangered mire site types, and therefore the construction of new buffer areas should be primarily directed into drained peatland areas.
Bream (Abramis brava orientalis) is one of Cyprindae the Caspian Sea and its basin which has a special ecological, biological and economical role. Stock of this fish in the Caspian Sea has reduced during several years for different reason the over fishing, different industrial, agriculture, urban pollution and destroy of the spawning habitat. So that fishery company decided to recover the stock of this fish by the way of artificial reproduction of a Bream couple hunted from south coast of the Caspian Sea (Iran) and setting the fingerling to the rivers and inflow wetlands of the Caspian Sea.This activity has due to 20 tons Bream annual fishing in the Iranian South coast of the Caspian Sea (Gilan province coast and Anzali wetland), The artificial reproduction has decreased Bream population diversity of Caspian sea and Anzali wetland.So it has been declined to improve Braem population diversity by the entrance of Azerbijan republic Bream and encounter to the Caspian sea Bream. Meanwhile there is Bream in the Aras Dam Lake which had been forgotten by the Fishery Company of Iran .For this reason specifications morphometric, meristic and inter species Molecular Genetic have been surveyed in Anzali wetland,Southern coast of Caspian Sea ,Aras Darn Lake and Azerbijan republic during 2003-2005. According to the research on specifications of Morphometric and Meristic of Anzali wetland(120 species),Southern coast of Caspian Sea(90 species), Aras Dam Lake(110 species) and Azerbijan Republic(125 species)has Morphometric and Meristic differences. So that average weight and total length of Anzali wetland Bream respectively was 167 g and 23/76 cm, 102 g and 27/62 cm in Caspian Sea , 461 g and 3 5/38 cm in Aras Darn Lake and 3 4189 g and 15/21 cm in Azerbijan republic (We forced to use 1 year Bream of artificial reproduction in Iran). Also variation coefficient average Morphometric, Morphometric specification Ration and meristic in Anzali wetland Bream was 17/45, 21/56 and 4/63, in Caspian Sea bream 22/58, 15/27 and 3124, in Aras Dam lake Lake 17145. 1.5/27 and 3/57 and Azerbaijan republic Bream 22/29, 19/66 and 4/22. Also Bream of these four regions in general status had Morphometric significant differences based on One Way ANOVA Analysis. Meanwhile Anzali wetland Bream with Caspian Sea Bream from 41 Morphometric surveyed factors in 33 factors, with Aras Darn Lake Bream in 41 factors, with Azerbkjan republic Bream in 41 factors,Caspian Sea Bream with Aras Darn Lake Bream in 36 factors,with Azerbijan republic B ream in 40 factors and A ras Dam L ake Bream with Azerbijan republic Bream in 38 factors had significant statistical differences. These four regions Bream had differences according to the Morphomertric specification ration based on One Way ANOVA Analysis. Also Anzali wetland Bream was surveyed with Caspian Sea Bream from 37 factors i n 27 factors, Anzali wetland Bream with Aras Dam 1ake in 37 factors Anzali wetland Bream with Azerbijan republic Bream in 32 factors,Caspian sea bream with Arsa Dam Lake Bream in 26 factors, Caspian Sea Bream with Azerbijan republic Bream in 29 factors and Aras Dam Lake Bream with Azerbijan republic Bream in 34 factor had significant statistical differences. Based on Meristic factor of four regions bream in 16 surveyed factors in 10 factors had meaningful differences according to the One Way ANOVA Analysis. While Anzali wetland Bream was surveyed with Caspian Sea Bream from in 3 factors,Anzali wetland Bream with Aras Dam lake in 8 factors,Anzali wetland Bream with Azerbijan republic B ream in 6 factors,Caspian Sea bream with Arsa Dam Lake Bream in 6 factors,Caspian sea Bream with Azerbijan republic Bream in 3 factors and Aras Dam Lake Bream with Azerijan republic Bream in 8 factor had significant statistical differences.Meanwihle based on Factor Analysis and Discriminant Breams had differences. Also according to the resrarchs Anzali wetland Bream in 0+ age group till 5+ (6 age groups),Caspian Sea bream in 1+ - 5+(5 age groups),Aras Darn Lake Bream in 1+ - 7+ (7 age groups) and Azerbijan republic Bream for Morphometric and Meristic studies in 1+age group and for molecular Genetic reaserch were in 8+and 9+ age groups. According to the research 4 ecosystems Bream in status of same age, Aras lake Bream were bigger according to weight and length.Also in this research genetic diversity between four population was researched by PCR-RFLP technic on a piece of mitochondrion genome with the length of 3500bp contain of tRNA-leu,tRNA-glu,ND5/6,Cytb. Between 17 used enzyme. 4 enzyme, Dral, Bc11, Haefll and Banff showed diversity in totally 6 composite haplotype was detected. Maximum nucleotide diversity by the value% 0/58 in Azerbijan republic Bream by all haplotype. Aras darn Lake Bream had 2 haplotype and nucleotide diversity of %0/35.Anzali wetland and Caspian Sea Bream had no diversity. Statistical analysis by the usage of Monte Carlo with 1000 repeat showed significant differences between Azerbaijan Bream and other Bream(P<0/0001) but there was no significant difference between 3 regions Bream(P>0/5).
Water flow and flooding duration in wetlands influence the structure and productivity of microbial communities partly through their influence on nutrient loading. The effect of flow-regulated nutrient loads is especially relevant for microbial communities in nutrient-poor settings, where delivery controls nutrient uptake rates and the intensity of microbial interactions. We examined the effect of hydrologic history and proximity to water sources on nutrient enrichment of benthic microbial assemblages (periphyton) and on their diatom species composition, along the artificial boundaries of Taylor Slough, a historically phosphorus-depleted drainage of the Florida Everglades. Concentrations of phosphorus in periphyton declined from the wetland boundary near inflow structures to 100-m interior, with spatial and temporal variability in rates dependent on proximity to and magnitude of water flow. Phosphorus availability influenced the beta diversity of diatom assemblages, with higher values near inflow structures where resources were greatest, while interior sites and reference transects contained assemblages with constant composition of taxa considered endemic to the Everglades. This research shows how hydrologic restoration may have unintended consequences when incoming water quality is not regulated, including a replacement of distinctive microbial assemblages by ubiquitous, cosmopolitan ones.
Movement strategies of small forage fish (<8 cm total length) between temporary and permanent wetland habitats affect their overall population growth and biomass concentrations, i.e., availability to predators. These fish are often the key energy link between primary producers and top predators, such as wading birds, which require high concentrations of stranded fish in accessible depths. Expansion and contraction of seasonal wetlands induce a sequential alternation between rapid biomass growth and concentration, creating the conditions for local stranding of small fish as they move in response to varying water levels. To better understand how landscape topography, hydrology, and fish behavior interact to create high densities of stranded fish, we first simulated population dynamics of small fish, within a dynamic food web, with different traits for movement strategy and growth rate, across an artificial, spatially explicit, heterogeneous, two-dimensional marsh slough landscape, using hydrologic variability as the driver for movement. Model output showed that fish with the highest tendency to invade newly flooded marsh areas built up the largest populations over long time periods with stable hydrologic patterns. A higher probability to become stranded had negative effects on long-term population size, and offset the contribution of that species to stranded biomass. The model was next applied to the topography of a 10 km × 10 km area of Everglades landscape. The details of the topography were highly important in channeling fish movements and creating spatiotemporal patterns of fish movement and stranding. This output provides data that can be compared in the future with observed locations of fish biomass concentrations, or such surrogates as phosphorus ‘hotspots’ in the marsh.