870 resultados para Articular pain


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on the improvement of the mandibular movements and painful symptoms in individuals with temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Forty patients were randomly divided into two groups (n=20): Group 1 received the effective dose (GaAlAs laser ? 830 nm, 40 mW, 5J/cm2) and Group 2 received the placebo application (0 J/cm2), in continuous mode on the affected condyle lateral pole: superior, anterior, posterior, and posterior-inferior, twice a week during 4 weeks. Four evaluations were performed: E1 (before laser application), E2 (right after the last application), E3 (one week after the last application) and E4 (30 days after the last application). The Kruskal-Wallis test showed significant more improvements (p<0.01) in painful symptoms in the treated group than in the placebo group. A significant improvement in the range of mandibular movements was observed when the results were compared between the groups at E4. Laser application can be a supportive therapy in the treatment of TMD, since it resulted in the immediate decrease of painful symptoms and increased range of mandibular movements in the treated group. The same results were not observed in the placebo group.


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Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of different manual techniques on cervical ranges of 17 motion and pressure pain sensitivity in subjects with latent trigger point of the upper trapezius muscle. 18 Methods: One hundred seventeen volunteers, with a unilateral latent trigger point on upper trapezius due to computer 19 work, were randomly divided into 5 groups: ischemic compression (IC) group (n = 24); passive stretching group (n = 20 23); muscle energy technique group (n = 23); and 2 control groups, wait-and-see group (n = 25) and placebo group 21 (n = 22). Cervical spine range of movement was measured using a cervical range of motion instrument as well as 22 pressure pain sensitivity by means of an algometer and a visual analog scale. Outcomes were assessed pretreatment, 23 immediately, and 24 hours after the intervention and 1 week later by a blind researcher. A 4 × 5 mixed repeated- 24 measures analysis of variance was used to examine the effects of the intervention and Cohen d coefficient was used. 25 Results: A group-by-time interaction was detected in all variables (P b .01), except contralateral rotation. The 26 immediate effect sizes of the contralateral flexion, ipsilateral rotation, and pressure pain threshold were large for 3 27 experimental groups. Nevertheless, after 24 hours and 1 week, only IC group maintained the effect size. 28 Conclusions: Manual techniques on upper trapezius with latent trigger point seemed to improve the cervical range of 29 motion and the pressure pain sensitivity. These effects persist after 1 week in the IC group. (J Manipulative Physiol 301 Ther 2013;xx:1-10)


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This study aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of partial use of anterior repositioning appliances in the management of TMJ pain and dysfunction when compared to stabilization splints and a control group in a one-year follow-up. Sample was initially constituted by 60 patients, randomly divided into three groups: I- stabilization splints, II- repositioning splints and III- no treatment. The whole sample was evaluated by means of TMJ and muscle palpation, mandibular AROM, analysis of occlusal contacts, joint sounds inspection and Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) for one year; 52 patients composed the final sample. A significant (after 15 days) improvement in pain report (VAS) and palpation index was found for group II (p≤0.01). The occurrence of occlusal alterations as posterior open bite or gross interferences after the splint therapy and increased muscle tenderness were not problems in this study. Similar results in joint noises reduction were observed for the entire sample. It was concluded that controlled partial use of repositioning splints is a beneficial tool in the management of intra-articular pain and dysfunction, with no risks of irreversible occlusal changes.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare the existence of radiographic abnormalities in two groups of patients, those with and without hip pain. METHODS: A total 222 patients were evaluated between March 2007 and April 2009; 122 complained of groin pain, and 100 had no symptoms. The individuals in both groups underwent radiographic examinations of the hip using the following views: anteroposterior, Lequesne false profile, Dunn, Dunn 45º, and Ducroquet. RESULTS: A total of 1110 radiographs were evaluated. Female patients were prevalent in both groups (52% symptomatic, 58% asymptomatic). There were statistically significant differences between the groups in age (p<0.0001), weight (p = 0.002) and BMI (p = 0.006). The positive findings in the group with groin pain consisted of the presence of a bump on the femoral head in the anteroposterior view (p<0.0001) or in the Dunn 45º view (p = 0.008). The difference in the a angle in the anteroposterior, Dunn, Dunn 45º, and Ducroquet views for all of the cases studied was p,0.0001. The joint space measurement differed significantly between groups in the Lequesne view (p = 0.007). The Lequesne anteversion angle (ρ) and the femoral offset measurement also differed significantly (p = 0.005 and p = 0.0001, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that the best views for diagnosing a femoroacetabular impingement are the anteroposterior pelvic orthostatic, the Dunn 45º, and the Ducroquet views. The following findings correlated with hip pain: a decrease in the femoral offset, an increase in the α angle, an increase in the Lequesne ρ angle, a decrease in the CE angle of Wiberg, a thinner articular space and the presence of a bump on the femoral head-neck transition.


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Mansonella ozzardi infections are common in the riverside communities along the Solimões, Negro and Purus Rivers in the state of Amazonas (AM). However, little is known about the presence of this parasite in communities located in regions bordering AM and the state of Acre. The prevalence rate of M. ozzardi infections was determined in blood samples from volunteers according to the Knott method. A total of 355 volunteers from six riverine communities were enrolled in the study and 65 (18.3%) were found to be infected with M. ozzardi. As expected, most of the infections (25%) occurred in individuals involved in agriculture, cattle rearing and fishing and an age/sex group analysis revealed that the prevalence increased beginning in the 40-50-years-of-age group and reached 33% in both sexes in individuals over 50 years of age. Based on the described symptomatology, articular pain and headache were found to be significantly higher among infected individuals (56 and 65% prevalence, respectively, p < 0.05). Sera from volunteers were subjected to ELISA using a cocktail of recombinant proteins from Onchocerca volvulus to evaluate the specificity of the test in an endemic M. ozzardi region. No cross-reactions between M. ozzardi-infected individuals and recombinant O. volvulusproteins were detected, thus providing information on the secure use of this particular cocktail in areas where these parasites are sympatric.


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Disease characteristics. Recessive multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (EDM4/rMED) is characterized by joint pain (usually in the hips or knees); malformations of hands, feet, and knees; and scoliosis. Approximately 50% of affected individuals have some abnormal finding at birth, e.g., clubfoot, clinodactyly, or (rarely) cystic ear swelling. Onset of articular pain is variable but usually occurs in late childhood. Stature is usually within the normal range prior to puberty; in adulthood, stature is only slightly diminished and ranges from 150 to 180 cm. Functional disability is mild. Diagnosis/testing. Diagnosis of EDM4/rMED is based on clinical and radiographic findings. SLC26A2 is the only gene known to be associated with EDM4/rMED. Molecular genetic testing is available on a clinical basis. Management. Treatment of manifestations: physiotherapy for muscular strengthening; cautious use of analgesic medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs); orthopedic surgery as indicated. Surveillance: radiographs as indicated. Agents/circumstances to avoid: sports involving joint overload. Genetic counseling. EDM4/rMED is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. At conception, each sib of a proband with EDM4/rMED has a 25% chance of being affected, a 50% chance of being an asymptomatic carrier, and a 25% chance of being unaffected and not a carrier. Once an at-risk sib is known to be unaffected, the risk of his/her being a carrier is 2/3. Carrier testing for at-risk relatives and prenatal testing for pregnancies at increased risk is possible if both disease-causing alleles in the family are known and the carrier status of the parents has been confirmed. Requests for prenatal testing for mild conditions such as EDM4/rMED are not common.


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Nous avons préalablement démontré que l'endothéline-1 (ET-1), un peptide vasoconstricteur de 21 acides aminés, joue un rôle central dans le métabolisme des tissus articulaires et a des fonctions cataboliques sur le cartilage articulaire dans l'ostéoarthrose, en liant son récepteur de type A (ETA). Suite à la relâche du nonapeptide vasodilatateur bradykinine (BK), et l'augmentation d'expression du récepteur B1 des kinines (BKB1), ces médiateurs engendrent un cycle d'inflammation, une destruction du cartilage, et une douleur articulaire. Lors de cette étude, l'efficacité thérapeutique des antagonistes spécifiques du ETA et/ou BKB1 dans un modèle animal d'ostéoarthrose a été testée. Notre hypothèse est que l'antagonisme va diminuer la progression de la pathologie et de la douleur articulaire. L'ostéoarthrose a été induite chez des rats par rupture chirurgicale du ligament croisé antérieur. Les animaux ont été traités par injections intra articulaire hebdomadaires des antagonistes peptidiques spécifiques du ETA et/ou BKB1. La douleur articulaire a été évaluée par le test d'incapacitance statique durant les deux mois postopératoires ; la morphologie articulaire a été examinée post mortem par radiologie et histologie. On constate que le traitement a diminué la douleur et a préservé la morphologie articulaire ; la double inhibition a été plus efficace que la simple inhibition. En conclusion, l'antagonisme double d'ETA et BKB1 améliore la douleur chronique et prévient la dégradation articulaire dans l'ostéoarthrose, ce qui suggère que ces récepteurs peuvent être des cibles thérapeutiques potentiels pour le traitement de cette pathologie.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Individuals with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) often have signs and symptoms such as intra-articular pain, muscle spasm, neck pain radiating from others who interfere with this balance. Over time can lead to postural changes and correction of the cervical spine, anterior head and shoulder asymmetry. The aim was to verify the effects of manual therapy on posture in subjects with TMD. Materials and methods: 30 volunteers (mean: 21.43± SD:1.43) of both sexes who had TMD classified according to axis I of the Research Diagnostic Criteria participated in this study. These were photographed in the anterior frontal and sagittal planes for analysis of the following angles (acromion clavicular joint, sternoclavicular joint, orbicular external, corners of the mouthand and protruding head). After, the volunteers were divided into groups ATM (manual therapy in the treatment of temporomandibular joint), Cervical (manual therapy in the treatment of cervical joint) and Control. The Kolmogokov-Smirnov test, followed by ANOVA, considering a significance level of 5% was used. Results: Groups ATM, Cervical and Control were considered homogeneous with respect to the values of the angles measured. These also showed no significant difference between the 1st, 5th and 10th sessions, so the manual therapy techniques applied to the TMJ and Cervical groups were not sufficient to change postural alignment. Conclusion: The postural alignment, the TMD patients evaluated in this study did not change after attending the sessions proposals with manual therapy techniques in the cervical and TMJ.


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Introduction: This paper examines the various factors that contribute to the occurrence of sleep alterations during peri and post climacteric and thus produce significant imperil to women's quality of life. Among the probable causes of insomnia or sleep disorders associated to climacteric stand out the occurrence of vasomotor symptoms, depressive state and respiratory distress during sleep, such as sleep apnea, along with chronic pain, although psychosocial factors related to the climacteric bear major influence on such clinical status. Method: The bibliographic analysis was carried out using several electronic data base namely: Cochrane, Medline, Embase, Bni Plus, Biological Abstracts, Psycinfo, Web Of Science, Sigle, Dissertation Abstracts and ZETOC published in English, Spanish and Poruguese. The key terms used were: sleep, REM sleep, slow wave sleep polysomnography; electroencephalogram; sleep disturbances; disturbances of sleep onset and maintenance; excessive somnolence disturbances; climacteric; menopause; depression; neurobiology; biologic models; circadian rhythm; mental health and epidemiology. Case studies and letters to the editor were excluded. The summaries of the identified studies found in the data base were analyzed and assessed, and the data analyzed separately according to the subjective or objective criteria for data collection. Results: The climacteric transition constitutes a period of major risk for the development of depressive, vasomotor and insomnia symptoms although not caused solely by hypoestrogenism. The diagnostic methods used in the study of sleep disorders range from subjective assessment by means of response to specific questionnaires to the objective analysis of actigraphic or polissonographic daytime and nocturnal reports. Polissonographic studies of the whole night, performed at the laboratory, are the golden method of choice for diagnostic of sleep disorders. Studies point to the high prevalence of sleep disorders in the climacteric, especially insomnia, apnea and periodic movement of legs and also to the fact that this phase of life presents decrease in the quality of sleep. Women in peri and post climacteric show higher sleep latency and difficulty in its maintenance and refer being less satisfied with its quality even when compared to those who are not climacteric. Exception made to the vasomotor symptomatology, the other climacteric complaints such as mood disturbances, libido alterations, cognitive deficit, articular pain and sleep disorders are markedly associated to psychosocial factors, lifestyle and especially to women's perception of what the climacteric means to their lives. Conclusion: The analysis of the available studies revealed a proneness to deterioration of quality of life of climacteric women markedly in the sleep disturbances, depressed mood and anxiety domains and should not to be basically attributed to the climacteric. It is necessary that the professionals consider the need of assessment of such pathologies as complex phenomena and the literature lacks studies contemplating such dimensions.


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OBJECTIVE: A previous study of radiofrequency neurotomy of the articular branches of the obturator nerve for hip joint pain produced modest results. Based on an anatomical and radiological study, we sought to define a potentially more effective radiofrequency method. DESIGN: Ten cadavers were studied, four of them bilaterally. The obturator nerve and its articular branches were marked by wires. Their radiological relationship to the bone structures on fluoroscopy was imaged and analyzed. A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study was undertaken on 20 patients to determine the structures that would be encountered by the radiofrequency electrode during different possible percutaneous approaches. RESULTS: The articular branches of the obturator nerve vary in location over a wide area. The previously described method of denervating the hip joint did not take this variation into account. Moreover, it approached the nerves perpendicularly. Because optimal coagulation requires electrodes to lie parallel to the nerves, a perpendicular approach probably produced only a minimal lesion. In addition, MRI demonstrated that a perpendicular approach is likely to puncture femoral vessels. Vessel puncture can be avoided if an oblique pass is used. Such an approach minimizes the angle between the target nerves and the electrode, and increases the likelihood of the nerve being captured by the lesion made. Multiple lesions need to be made in order to accommodate the variability in location of the articular nerves. CONCLUSIONS: The method that we described has the potential to produce complete and reliable nerve coagulation. Moreover, it minimizes the risk of penetrating the great vessels. The efficacy of this approach should be tested in clinical trials.


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IL-33, a new member of the IL-1 family, signals through its receptor ST2 and induces T helper 2 (Th2) cytokine synthesis and mediates inflammatory response. We have investigated the role of IL-33 in antigen-induced hypernociception. Recombinant IL-33 induced cutaneous and articular mechanical hype rn ociception in a time- and dose-dependent manner. The hypernociception was inhibited by soluble (s) ST2 (a decoy receptor of IL-33), IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra), bosentan [a dual endothelin (ET)(A)/ETB receptor antagonist], clazosentan (an ETA receptor antagonist), or indomethacin (a cyclooxygenase inhibitor). IL-33 induced hypernociception in IL-18(-/-) mice but not in TNFR1(-/-) or IFN gamma(-/-) mice. The IL-33-induced hypernociception was not affected by blocking IL-15 or sympathetic amines (guanethidine). Furthermore, methylated BSA (mBSA)-induced cutaneous and articular mechanical hypernociception depended on TNFR1 and IFN gamma and was blocked by sST2, IL-1ra, bosentan, clazosentan, and indomethacin. mBSA also induced significant IL-33 and ST2 mRNA expression. Importantly, we showed that mBSA induced hypernociception via the IL-33 -> TNF alpha -> IL-1 beta -> IFN gamma -> ET-1 -> PGE(2) signaling cascade. These results therefore demonstrate that IL-33 is a key mediator of immune inflammatory hype rn ociception normally associated with a Th1 type of response, revealing a hitherto unrecognized function of IL-33 in a key immune pharmacological pathway that may be amenable to therapeutic intervention.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE We investigated the effect of the phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor, tadalafil, on the acute hypernociception in rat models of arthritis. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH Rats were treated with either an intra-articular injection of zymosan (1 mg) or surgical transection of the anterior cruciate ligament (as an osteoarthritis model). Controls received saline intra-articular or sham operation respectively. Joint pain was evaluated using the articular incapacitation test measured over 6 h following zymosan or between 4 and 7 days after anterior cruciate ligament transection. Cell counts, tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin-1 (IL-1), and the chemokine, cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant-1 (CINC-1) were measured in joint exudates 6 h after zymosan. Groups received tadalafil (0.02-0.5 mg.kg(-1) per os) or saline 2 h after intra-articular zymosan. Other groups received the mu-opioid receptor antagonist naloxone or the cGMP inhibitor 1H-[1,2,4] oxadiazolo [4,3-a] quinoxalin-1-one (ODQ) before tadalafil. KEY RESULTS Tadalafil dose-dependently inhibited hypernociception in zymosan and osteoarthritis models. In zymosan-induced arthritis, tadalafil significantly decreased cell influx and TNF-alpha release but did not alter IL-1 or CINC-1 levels. Pretreatment with ODQ but not with naloxone prevented the anti-inflammatory effects of tadalafil. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS Therapeutic oral administration of tadalafil provided analgesia mediated by guanylyl cyclase and was independent of the release of endogenous opioids. This effect of tadalafil was associated with a decrease in neutrophil influx and TNF-alpha release in inflamed joints.


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IL-17 is an important cytokine in the physiopathology of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, its participation in the genesis of nociception during RA remains undetermined. In this study, we evaluated the role of IL-17 in the genesis of articular nociception in a model of antigen (mBSA)-induced arthritis. We found that mBSA challenge in the femur-tibial joint of immunized mice induced a dose-and time-dependent mechanical hypernociception. The local IL-17 concentration within the mBSA-injected joints increased significantly over time. Moreover, co-treatment of mBSA challenged mice with an antibody against IL-17 inhibited hypernociception and neutrophil recruitment. In agreement, intraarticular injection of IL-17 induced hypernociception and neutrophil migration, which were reduced by the pre-treatment with fucoidin, a leukocyte adhesion inhibitor. The hypernociceptive effect of IL-17 was also reduced in TNFR1(-/-) mice and by pre-treatment with infliximab (anti-TNF antibody), a CXCR1/2 antagonist or by an IL-1 receptor antagonist. Consistent with these findings, we found that IL-17 injection into joints increased the production of TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta and CXCL1/KC. Treatment with doxycycline (non-specific MMPs inhibitor), bosentan (ET(A)/ET(B) antagonist), indomethacin (COX inhibitor) or guanethidine (sympathetic blocker) inhibited IL-17-induced hypernociception. IL-17 injection also increased PGE(2) production, MMP-9 activity and COX-2, MMP-9 and PPET-1 mRNA expression in synovial membrane. These results suggest that IL-17 is a novel pro-nociceptive cytokine in mBSA-induced arthritis, whose effect depends on both neutrophil migration and various pro-inflammatory mediators, as TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta, CXCR1/2 chemokines ligands, MMPs, endothelins, prostaglandins and sympathetic amines. Therefore, it is reasonable to propose IL-17 targeting therapies to control this important RA symptom. (C) 2009 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.