999 resultados para Arterial Injury
Aims: We investigated the impact of arterial injury on neointimal hyperplasia following implantation of drug-eluting stents (DES). Methods and results: A total of 196 patients with 223 segments (sirolimus-eluting stents [SES]: 104, paclitaxel-eluting stents [PES]: 119) underwent intravascular ultrasound eight months after DES implantation. Arterial injury was defined as the balloon-to-artery ratio (BAR). Segments were categorised into two groups: high BAR defined as BAR>1.1 (120 segments), and low BAR defined as BAR ≤1.1 (103 segments). Baseline clinical characteristics were similar for both groups. Although reference vessel diameter was smaller, stent diameter, maximal balloon pressure and balloon diameter were higher in the high BAR compared with the low BAR group. Lumen (7.10±1.91 vs. 6.25±1.69, p=0.001), stent (7.31±1.95 vs. 6.41±1.80, p=0.001), and external elastic membrane (17.1±4.9 vs. 14.8±4.0, p<0.0001) areas (mm2) were higher, but neointimal hyperplasia (0.21±0.36 vs. 0.16±0.48, p=0.42) area (mm2) was similar in the high BAR compared with the low BAR group. Arterial injury as assessed by BAR was not associated with the amount of neointimal hyperplasia (R2=0.003, p=0.40). Conclusions: Arterial injury does not correlate with the amount of neointimal hyperplasia following DES implantation. Conventionally aggressive DES implantation techniques do not adversely affect long-term outcome with respect to restenosis. - See more at: http://www.pcronline.com/eurointervention/30th_issue/79/#sthash.1do4X31G.dpuf
PURPOSE: To evaluate selective and superselective catheter therapy of serious arterial damage associated with orthopedic surgery of the pelvis, hip joint, femur, and knee. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between 1989 and 2005, 16 consecutive patients with arterial damage after orthopedic surgery (seven women, nine men; mean age, 62 years; age range, 21-82 y) underwent angiographic exploration. Seven patients were in hemodynamically unstable condition. Initial orthopedic procedures were iliac crest internal fixation (n = 1); total hip prosthesis (n = 3); revision of total hip prosthesis (n = 4); revision of acetabular cup prosthesis (n = 1); gamma-nailing, nail-plate fixation, or intramedullary nailing (n = 3); and total knee prosthesis (n = 4). RESULTS: Angiography showed pseudoaneurysms (n = 11), vascular lacerations with active extravasation (n = 3), and arteriovenous fistulas with extravasation (n = 2). After angiographic documentation of serious arterial injury, 14 patients were treated with a single or coaxial catheter technique in combination with coils alone, coils and polyvinyl alcohol particles, coils and Gelfoam pledgets, or Gelfoam pledgets; or balloon occlusion with isobutyl cyanoacrylate and coils. Two patients were treated with covered stents. In all, bleeding was effectively controlled in a single session in 16 patients, with immediate circulatory stabilization. Major complications included death, pulmonary embolism, and postprocedural hematoma. CONCLUSION: Selective and superselective catheter therapy may be used for effective, minimally invasive management of rare but potentially life-threatening vascular complications after orthopedic surgery.
Arterial injury induces a series of proliferative, vasoactive, and inflammatory responses that lead to vascular proliferative diseases, including atherosclerosis and restenosis. Although several factors have been defined which stimulate this process in vivo, the role of specific cellular gene products in limiting this response is not well understood. The p21 cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor affects cell cycle progression, senescence, and differentiation in transformed cells, but its expression in injured blood vessels has not been investigated. In this study, we report that p21 protein is induced in porcine arteries following balloon catheter injury and suggest that p21 is likely to play a role in limiting arterial cell proliferation in vivo. Vascular endothelial and smooth muscle cell growth was arrested through the ability of p21 to inhibit progression through the G1 phase of the cell cycle. Following injury to porcine arteries, p21 gene product was detected in the neointima and correlated inversely with the location and kinetics of intimal cell proliferation. Direct gene transfer of p21 using an adenoviral vector into balloon injured porcine arteries inhibited the development of intimal hyperplasia. Taken together, these findings suggest that p21, and possibly related cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors, may normally regulate cellular proliferation following arterial injury, and strategies to increase its expression may prove therapeutically beneficial in vascular diseases.
Purpose: The phenotype of vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs) is altered in several arterial pathologies, including the neointima formed after acute arterial injury. This study examined the time course of this phenotypic change in relation to changes in the amount and distribution of matrix glycosaminoglycans. Methods: The immunochemical staining of heparan sulphates (HS) and chondroitin sulphates (CS) in the extracellular matrix of the arterial wall was examined at early points after balloon catheter injury of the rabbit carotid artery. SMC phenotype was assessed by means of ultrastructural morphometry of the cytoplasmic volume fraction of myofilaments. The proportions of cell and matrix components in the media were analyzed with similar morphometric techniques. Results: HS and CS were shown in close association with SMCs of the uninjured arterial media as well as being more widespread within the matrix. Within 6 hours after arterial injury, there was loss of the regular pericellular distribution of both HS and CS, which was associated with a significant expansion in the extracellular space. This preceded the change in ultrastructural phenotype of the SMCs. The glycosaminoglycan loss was most exaggerated at 4 days, after which time the HS and CS reappeared around the medial SMCs. SMCs of the recovering media were able to rapidly replace their glycosaminoglycans, whereas SMCs of the developing neointima failed to produce HS as readily as they produced CS. Conclusions: These studies indicate that changes in glycosaminoglycans of the extracellular matrix precede changes in SMC phenotype after acute arterial injury. In the recovering arterial media, SMCs replace their matrix glycosaminoglycans rapidly, whereas the newly established neointima fails to produce similar amounts of heparan sulphates.
To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of covered stents for the management of iatrogenic arterial injury.
BACKGROUND: Currently, only anecdotal information exists on the presentation and outcome of coronary arterial injury after ablation procedures. METHODS AND RESULTS: Four patients who sustained coronary artery injury of a cohort of patients undergoing 4655 consecutive ablation procedures (0.09%) are described. The patients' mean age was 45+/-11 years, and 1.8+/-0.5 prior ablation attempts had been unsuccessful. Coronary injury occurred from epicardial ventricular tachycardia ablation in 2 patients (irrigated radiofrequency ablation in one and cryoablation in the other) and ablation within the middle cardiac vein with irrigated radiofrequency in 2 patients. All involved branches of the right coronary artery. Acute occlusion presenting with ST-segment elevation immediately after ablation was recognized during the procedure in 2 cases. Occlusion failed to respond to nitroglycerin or balloon dilation, and stenting was required in both cases. Acute myocardial infarction occurred 2 weeks after epicardial ablation as a result of occlusion of a right ventricular branch of the right coronary artery giving rise to the posterior descending coronary artery in 1 patient. A moderate asymptomatic stenosis was seen on angiography after epicardial cryoablation in 1 patient. All patients recovered and remained asymptomatic from the coronary injury and arrhythmias during 37+/-53 months of follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Coronary arterial injury after ablation procedures is rare. It may present acutely or several weeks after an ablation procedure. Acute occlusion appears to require coronary stenting. Unanticipated anatomic variations can predispose to coronary injury.
The protective effects of estrogen in the cardiovascular system result from both systemic effects and direct actions of the hormone on the vasculature. Two estrogen receptors have been identified, ERα and ERβ. We demonstrated previously that estrogen inhibits the response to vascular injury in both wild-type and ERα-deficient mice, and that ERβ is expressed in the blood vessels of each, suggesting a role for ERβ in the vascular protective effects of estrogen. In the present study, we examined the effect of estrogen administration on mouse carotid arterial injury in ERβ-deficient mice. Surprisingly, in ovariectomized female wild-type and ERβ knockout mice, 17β-estradiol markedly and equally inhibited the increase in vascular medial area and the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells after vascular injury. These data demonstrate that ERβ is not required for estrogen-mediated inhibition of the response to vascular injury, and suggest that either of the two known estrogen receptors is sufficient to protect against vascular injury, or that another unidentified estrogen receptor mediates the vascular protective effects of estrogen.
The testing of a 30-mer dG-rich phosphorothioate oligodeoxynucleotide (LG4PS) for effects on the behaviour of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) in vitro and in vivo is described. LG4PS at 0.3 mu M inhibited significantly the phenotype modulation of freshly isolated rabbit VSMC, and cell outgrowth from pig aortic explants was inhibited similar to 80% by 5 mu M LG4PS. The growth of proliferating rabbit and pig VSMC was inhibited similar to 70% by 0.3 mu M and 5 mu M LG4PS, respectively. Though less marked, the antiproliferative effects of LG4PS on human VSMC were comparable to those obtained with heparin. The cytotoxic effects of LG4PS on VSMC in vitro were low. Despite these promising results, adventitial application of 2-200 nmol LG4PS in pluronic gel failed to reduce vascular hyperplasia in balloon-injured rabbit carotid arteries, and the highest dose caused extensive mortality. (C) 1997 Academic Press Limited.
Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty is frequently used in patients with severe arterial narrowing due to atherosclerosis. However, it induces severe arterial injury and an inflammatory response leading to restenosis. Here, we studied a potential activation of the endocannabinoid system and the effect of FA amide hydrolase (FAAH) deficiency, the major enzyme responsible for endocannabinoid anandamide degradation, in arterial injury. We performed carotid balloon injury in atherosclerosis-prone apoE knockout (apoE(-/-)) and apoE(-/-)FAAH(-/-) mice. Anandamide levels were systemically elevated in apoE(-/-) mice after balloon injury. ApoE(-/-)FAAH(-/-) mice had significantly higher baseline anandamide levels and enhanced neointima formation compared with apoE(-/-) controls. The latter effect was inhibited by treatment with CB1 antagonist AM281. Similarly, apoE(-/-) mice treated with AM281 had reduced neointimal areas, reduced lesional vascular smooth-muscle cell (SMC) content, and proliferating cell counts. The lesional macrophage content was unchanged. In vitro proliferation rates were significantly reduced in CB1(-/-) SMCs or when treating apoE(-/-) or apoE(-/-)FAAH(-/-) SMCs with AM281. Macrophage in vitro adhesion and migration were marginally affected by CB1 deficiency. Reendothelialization was not inhibited by treatment with AM281. In conclusion, endogenous CB1 activation contributes to vascular SMC proliferation and neointima formation in response to arterial injury.
Transluminal coronary angioplasty is a routine therapeutic intervention in coronary heart disease. Despite the high rate of primary success, restenosis continues to be its major limitation. Porcine models have been considered to be the most adequate experimental models for studying restenosis. One limitation of porcine models is the need for radiological guidance and the expenses involved. The objective of the present study was to adapt an experimental model of angioplasty in the porcine carotid artery that does not require radiological equipment. Eight animals were used to develop the technique of balloon injury to the common carotid artery by dissection without radiological guidance. This technique was then employed in six other animals. Under anesthesia, the left common carotid artery was dissected and incised at the carotid sinus for insertion of an over-the-wire angioplasty balloon towards the aorta. Overstretch injury of the carotid artery was performed under direct visualization. After 30 days, the arteries were excised and pressure-fixated. Uninjured carotid arteries from 3 additional animals were used as controls. A decreased luminal area associated with intimal hyperplasia and medial reaction was observed in all injured arteries. Immunohistochemistry identified the intimal hyperplastic cells as smooth muscle cells. Computerized morphometry of the ballooned segments revealed the following mean areas: lumen 2.12 mm2 (± 1.09), intima 0.22 mm2 (± 0.08), media 3.47 mm2 (± 0.67), and adventitia 1.11 mm2 (± 0.34). Our experimental model of porcine carotid angioplasty without radiological guidance induced a vascular wall reaction and permitted the quantification of this response. This porcine model may facilitate the study of vascular injury and its response to pharmacological interventions
Le CD40 est un membre de la famille des récepteurs du facteur de nécrose tumorale ("Tumour necrosis factor", TNF), initialement identifié sur des cellules de carcinome de la vessie. L'interaction du CD40 avec son ligand (CD40L) est d'une importance cruciale pour le développement des cellules B et de la commutation d'isotype au cours de la réponse immunitaire acquise. L'expression du complexe CD40/CD40L était initialement cru d'être limiter aux cellules du système immunitaire, mais aujourd'hui il est bien connu que ce complexe est également exprimé sur les cellules du système circulatoire et vasculaire, et est impliqué dans diverses réactions inflammatoires; de sorte que le CD40L est maintenant considéré comme une molécule thrombo-inflammatoire prédictive des événements cardiovasculaires. Les plaquettes expriment constitutivement le CD40, alors que le CD40L n'est exprimé que suite à leur l'activation. Il est ensuite clivé en sa forme soluble (sCD40L) qui représente la majorité du sCD40L en circulation. Il fut démontré que le sCD40L influence l'activation plaquettaire mais son effet exact sur la fonction plaquettaire, ainsi que les mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires sous-jacents à son action demeurent inconnus. Ainsi, ce projet a été entrepris dans le but d’adresser les objectifs spécifiques suivants: 1) évaluer les effets in vitro du sCD40L sur l'activation et l'agrégation plaquettaire; 2) identifier les récepteurs plaquettaires impliqués dans l’action du sCD40L; 3) élucider les voies signalétiques intracellulaires induits par le sCD40L; 4) évaluer les effets du sCD40L sur la formation de thrombus in vivo. Nous avons trouvé que le sCD40L augmente fortement l'activation et l'agrégation des plaquettes en réponse à de faibles concentrations d'agonistes. Les plaquettes humaines traitées avec une forme mutante du sCD40L qui n'interagit pas avec le CD40, et les plaquettes de souris déficientes en CD40 ne furent pas en mesure d'induire de telles réponses, indiquant que le récepteur principal du sCD40L au niveau des plaquettes est le CD40. En plus, nous avons identifié la présence de plusieurs membres de la famille du facteur associé du récepteur du TNF ("TNF receptor-associated factor", TRAF) dans les plaquettes et nous avons montré que seulement le TRAF2 s'associe avec le CD40 suite à la stimulation par le sCD40L. Nos résultats indiquent aussi que le sCD40L agisse sur les plaquettes au repos par l'entremise de deux voies signalétiques distinctes. La première voie implique l'activation de la petite GTPase Rac1 et de sa cible en aval, soit la protéine kinase p38 activée par le mitogène ("p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase", p38 MAPK ), menant au changement de forme plaquettaire et à la polymérisation de l'actine; alors que la deuxième voie implique l'activation de la cascade signalétique du NF-kB. Par ailleurs, à la suite d'une lésion artérielle induite par le chlorure de fer, le sCD40L exacerbe la formation de thrombus et l'infiltration leucocytaire au sein du thrombus dans les souris du type sauvage, mais pas chez les souris déficientes en CD40. En conclusion, ce projet a permis d'identifier pour la première fois deux voies signalétiques distinctes en aval du CD40 plaquettaire et a permis d'établir leur implication dans l'activation et l'agrégation plaquettaire en réponse au sCD40L. De manière plus importante, ce projet nous a permis d'établir un lien direct entre les niveaux élevés du sCD40L circulant et la formation de thrombus in vivo, tout en soulignant l'importance du CD40 dans ce processus. Par conséquent, l'axe CD40/CD40L joue un rôle important dans l'activation des plaquettes, les prédisposant à une thrombose accrue en réponse à une lésion vasculaire. Ces résultats peuvent expliquer en partie la corrélation entre les taux circulants élevés du sCD40L et l'incidence des maladies cardiovasculaires.
The signalling pathway CD40/CD40L (CD40 ligand) plays an important role in atherosclerotic plaque formation and rupture. AngII (angiotensin II), which induces oxidative stress and inflammation, is also implicated in the progression of atherosclerosis. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that AngII increases CD40/CD40L activity in vascular cells and that ROS (reactive oxygen species) are part of the signalling cascade that controls CD40/CD40L expression. Human CASMCs (coronary artery smooth muscle cells) in culture exposed to IL (interleukin)-1 beta or TNF-alpha (tumour necrosis factor-a) had increased superoxide generation and enhanced CD40 expression, detected by EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) and immunoblotting respectively. Both phenomena were abolished by previous incubation with membrane-permeant antioxidants or cell transfection with P22(phox) antisense. AngII (50-200 nmol/l) induced an early and sustained increase in CD40 mRNA and protein expression in CASMCs, which was blocked by treatment with antioxidants. Increased CD40 expression led to enhanced activity of the pathway, as AngII-treated cells stimulated with recombinant CD40L released higher amounts of IL-8 and had increased COX-2 (cyclo-oxygenase-2) expression. We conclude that AngII stimulation of vascular cells leads to a ROS-dependent increase in CD40/CD40L signalling pathway activity. This phenomenon may be an important mechanism modulating the arterial injury observed in atherosclerosis-related vasculopathy.
Taking into account the number of craniotomies performed every day around the world, iatrogenic aneurysm post-craniotomy is extremely rare with only anecdotal cases reported in literature. We report an iatrogenic aneurysm affecting a cortical vessel which probably developed during dural closure of a conventional craniotomy. The aneurysm was discovered 6 months after surgery on a routine control angiography. The patient was successfully treated by trapping the parent vessel and excising the aneurysm. Histopathological findings were compatible with a true type of traumatic aneurysm. The possibility of this rare condition occurring highlights the risk of arterial injury during craniotomy.