1000 resultados para Arsenic resistance
Elevation of arsenic levels in soils causes considerable concern with respect to plant uptake and subsequent entry into wildlife and human food chains, Arsenic speciation in the environment is complex, existing in both inorganic and organic forms, with interconversion between species regulated by biotic and abiotic processes. To understand and manage the risks posed by soil arsenic it is essential to know how arsenic is taken up by the roots and metabolized within plants. Some plant species exhibit phenotypic variation in response to arsenic species, which helps us to understand the toxicity of arsenic and the way in which plants have evolved arsenic resistances. This knowledge, for example, could be used produce plant cultivars that are more arsenic resistant or that have reduced arsenic uptake. This review synthesizes current knowledge on arsenic uptake, metabolism and toxicity for arsenic resistant and nonresistant plants, including the recently discovered phenomenon of arsenic hyperaccumulation in certain fern species. The reasons why plants accumulate and metabolize arsenic are considered in an evolutionary context. © New Phytologist.
Campylobacter jejuni est l’agent causal de la campylobactériose, infection bactérienne importante en santé publique. Un des vecteurs de transmission de C. jejuni pour l’humain est le poulet via la chaîne alimentaire. Les mécanismes impliqués dans colonisation caecale commensale des oiseaux par C. jejuni sont toujours peu caractérisés, bien qu’une meilleure compréhension de ces mécanismes puisse apporter des solutions pour le contrôle du pathogène à la ferme. Cette étude avait pour buts de caractériser les propriétés phénotypiques et les facteurs génétiques impliqués dans la colonisation du poulet par C. jejuni et d’identifier de nouveaux mécanismes impliqués dans cette association. Des souches, issues d’élevages conventionnels échantillonnés en 2003 et en 2008 ainsi que d’élevages biologiques, ont été caractérisées afin d’obtenir leur profil de résistance aux antibiotiques, leur autoagglutination et leur chimiotactisme. Les souches des élevages conventionnels ont de plus été caractérisées pour leur capacité à adhérer et envahir une culture primaire de cellules caecales de poulet. Une puce à ADN a été développée pour détecter la présence de 254 gènes et variants associés à la colonisation des poulets ainsi qu’à la résistance aux antibiotiques chez les souches issues d’élevages conventionnels. Les propriétés phénotypiques et la présence de certains gènes chez les souches ont par la suite été comparées. Finalement, des souches ayant des caractéristiques différentes ont été utilisées dans un modèle de colonisation du poulet pour évaluer l’efficacité d’un nouvel additif alimentaire à base d’acides organiques et d’huiles essentielles sur le contrôle de C. jejuni. Les propriétés phénotypiques des souches étaient très variées et n’étaient pas corrélées entre elles, à l’exception de l’adhésion et de l’invasion. L’analyse génétique a révélé que le contenu en gènes des souches était variable, notamment au niveau des gènes de l’enveloppe bactérienne, au flagelle, aux récepteurs du chimiotactisme et à la résistance à l’arsenic. Les souches de 2003 et de 2008 étaient semblables lorsque leur contenu en gènes ainsi que leurs propriétés phénotypiques étaient comparés. Des gènes possiblement associés à un fort ou un faible potentiel de colonisation ont été identifiés. L’additif alimentaire a diminué la contamination des carcasses bien qu’une augmentation de la colonisation intestinale ait été observée pour certaines souches. La moitié des lots de poulets d’origine biologique étaient positifs pour C. jejuni. Les souches issues de ce type d’élevage étaient peu résistantes aux antibiotiques et possédaient des phénotypes variés. Cette étude a permis de mieux définir les caractéristiques importantes de C. jejuni qui sont associées à la colonisation intestinale du poulet. Elle a établi pour la première fois au Canada la présence du pathogène dans les élevages de poulets biologiques. Cette étude fait partie des quelques études qui décrivent la présence des gènes de colonisation et de résistance aux antibiotiques dans une collection de souches issues uniquement du poulet. Elle a également remis en doute l’importance de certains gènes dans la colonisation. La caractérisation exhaustive des souches a également permis d’identifier de nouveaux gènes possiblement associés à la colonisation de poulet par C. jejuni. Finalement, elle a indiqué que l’utilisation d’un mélange d’huiles essentielles et d’acide organique encapsulés pouvait être efficace pour réduire la contamination des carcasses de poulet par C. jejuni et que son effet était souche-dépendant.
A Chromobacterium violaceum é uma beta-proteobactéria Gram-negativa comum da microbiota tropical e um patógeno oportunista para animais e humanos. A infecção causada pela C. violaceum apresenta alta taxa de mortalidade, mas os mecanismos da patogenicidade ainda não foram caracterizados. Como outros microorganismos ambientais, essa bactéria está exposta a condições externas muito variáveis, que exigem grande adaptabilidade e sistemas de proteção eficientes. Entre esses sistemas encontra-se um operon arsRBC de resistência ao arsênio, metaloide danoso à saúde humana associado a lesões de pele, doenças neurológicas e câncer. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar as alterações na expressão proteica de C. violaceum ATCC 12472 na presença do arsenito e caracterizar as diversas proteínas secretadas pela bactéria. As proteínas da C. violaceum foram analisadas por eletroforese bidimensional e espectrometria de massas. A análise proteômica revelou que o arsenito induz um aumento na quantidade das proteínas envolvidas na resposta ao estresse oxidativo, reparo do DNA e metabolismo energético. Entre as proteínas secretadas, foram identificados fatores de virulência (metalopeptidases, colagenase e toxinas), transportadores, proteínas de proteção contra estresses e com potencial aplicação biotecnológica. Os resultados mostraram que a C. violaceum possui um arsenal molecular de adaptação que a torna capaz de conservar suas atividades celulares e provocar lesões em outros organismos.
Arsenic trioxide (ATO) has been tested in relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma with limited success. In order to better understand drug mechanism and resistance pathways in myeloma we generated an ATO-resistant cell line, 8226/S-ATOR05, with an IC50 that is 2–3-fold higher than control cell lines and significantly higher than clinically achievable concentrations. Interestingly we found two parallel pathways governing resistance to ATO in 8226/S-ATOR05, and the relevance of these pathways appears to be linked to the concentration of ATO used. We found changes in the expression of Bcl-2 family proteins Bfl-1 and Noxa as well as an increase in cellular glutathione (GSH) levels. At low, clinically achievable concentrations, resistance was primarily associated with an increase in expression of the anti-apoptotic protein Bfl-1 and a decrease in expression of the pro-apoptotic protein Noxa. However, as the concentration of ATO increased, elevated levels of intracellular GSH in 8226/S-ATOR05 became the primary mechanism of ATO resistance. Removal of arsenic selection resulted in a loss of the resistance phenotype, with cells becoming sensitive to high concentrations of ATO within 7 days following drug removal, indicating changes associated with high level resistance (elevated GSH) are dependent upon the presence of arsenic. Conversely, not until 50 days without arsenic did cells once again become sensitive to clinically relevant doses of ATO, coinciding with a decrease in the expression of Bfl-1. In addition we found cross-resistance to melphalan and doxorubicin in 8226/S-ATOR05, suggesting ATO-resistance pathways may also be involved in resistance to other chemotherapeutic agents used in the treatment of multiple myeloma.
Arsenic is a ubiquitous environmental toxic substance. As a consequence of continual exposure to arsenic, nearly every organism, from Escherichia coli to humans have evolved arsenic detoxification pathways. One of the pathways is extrusion of arsenic from inside the cells, thereby conferring resistance. The R773 arsRDABC operon in E. coli encodes an ArsAB efflux pump that confers resistance to arsenite. ArsA is the catalytic subunit of the pump, while ArsB forms the oxyanion conducting pathway. ArsD is an arsenite metallochaperone that binds arsenite and transfers it to ArsA. The interaction of ArsA and ArsD allows for resistance to As(III) at environmental concentrations. The interaction between ArsA ATPase and ArsD metallochaperone was examined. A quadruple mutant in the arsD gene encoding a K2A/K37A/K62A/K104A ArsD is unable to interact with ArsA. An error-prone mutagenesis approach was used to generate random mutations in the arsA gene that restored interaction with the quadruple arsD mutant in yeast two-hybrid assays. Three such mutants encoding Q56R, F120I and D137V ArsA were able to restore interaction with the quadruple ArsD mutant. Structural models generated by in silico docking suggest that an electrostatic interface favors reversible interaction between ArsA and ArsD. Mutations in ArsA that propagate changes in hydrogen bonding and salt bridges to the ArsA-ArsD interface also affect their interactions. The second objective was to examine the mechanism of arsenite resistance through methylation and subsequent volatilization. Microbial ArsM (As(III) S-adenosylmethyltransferase) catalyzes the formation of trimethylarsine as the volatile end product. The net result is loss of arsenic from cells. The gene for CrArsM from the eukaryotic green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was chemically synthesized and expressed in E. coli. The purified protein catalyzed the methylation of arsenite into methyl-, dimethyl- and trimethyl products. Synthetic purified CrArsM was crystallized in an unliganded form. Biochemical and biophysical studies conducted on CrArsM sheds new light on the pathways of biomethylation. While in microbes ArsM detoxifies arsenic, the human homolog, hAS3MT, converts inorganic arsenic into more toxic and carcinogenic forms. An understanding of the enzymatic mechanism of ArsM will be critical in deciphering its parallel roles in arsenic detoxification and carcinogenesis.
A detailed study on arsenical creosote with reference to leaching, corrosion and anti-borer properties was carried out. Results showed that aging had very little effect on the preservative which suggested better fixation of the preservative into the wood. Corrosion of mild steel, galvanised iron, aluminium-magnesium alloy (M57S) and copper panels in the preservative was found to be negligible. Normal creosote and low temperature creosote of Regional Research Laboratory, Hyderabad, both fortified with arsenic trioxide resisted borer damage on wooden panels for a period of over five months in the port of Cochin. The performance of low temperature creosote fortified with arsenic was found to be equally satisfactory when compared to normal creosote fortified in the same manner. A loading of 208.6 Kgs/ml³ for Haldu (Adina cordifolia) and 138 Kgs/m³ for Mango (Mangifera indica) in the case of normal creosote and 177 Kgs/m³ for Mango the case of RRL creosote were found to be sufficient for treating the wood.
Rapid thermal annealing of arsenic implanted Si1-xGex was studied by secondary ion-mass spectroscopy (SIMS) and spreading resistance probe (SRP) over a wide range of Ge fractions (0-43%). Redistribution of the implanted arsenic was followed as a function of Ge content and annealing temperature. Arsenic concentration profiles from SIMS indicated that the behavior of implanted arsenic in Si1-xGex after RTA was different from that in Si, and the Si1-xGex samples exhibited box-shaped, concentration-dependent diffusion profiles with increasing Ge content. The maximum concentrations of electrically active arsenic in Si1-xGex was found to decrease with increasing Ge content. Experimental results showed that the arsenic diffusion is enhanced with increasing temperature for certain Ge content and strongly dependent on Ge content, and the higher Ge content, the faster As diffusion.
No unequivocal evidence exists of genetically inherited resistance to metals/metalloids in field populations of earthworms. We studied cocoon production in adult Lumbricus rubellus Hoffmeister collected from an abandoned arsenic and copper mine (Devon Great Consols, Devon, UK), and abandoned tungsten mine (Carrock Fell, Cumbria, UK) and an uncontaminated cultured population. The earthworms were kept in uncontaminated soil for nine weeks. From a total of 42 L. rubellus from each site, Devon Great Consols adults produced 301 cocoons, of which 42 were viable; Carrock Fell 60 cocoons, of which 11 were viable; and the reference population 101 cocoons, of which 62 were viable. The hatchlings were collected and stored at 4 degrees C at weekly intervals. After 12 weeks, all hatchlings were transferred to clean soil and maintained at 15 degrees C for 20 weeks until they showed evidence of a clitellum. In toxicity trials, F1 generation L. rubellus were exposed to 2,000 mg As/kg as sodium arsenate or 300 mg Cu/kg as copper chloride for 28 d. The F1 generation L. rubellus from Devon Great Consols mine demonstrated resistance to arsenate but not copper. All L. rubellus from Devon Great Consols kept in soil treated with sodium arsenate remained in good condition over the 28-d period but lost condition rapidly and suffered high mortality in soil treated with copper chloride. The control population suffered high mortality in soil treated with sodium arsenate and copper chloride. Previous work has shown that field-collected adults demonstrate resistance to both arsenate and Cu toxicity under these conditions. Thus, while arsenate resistance may be demonstrated in F1 generation L. rubellus from one of the contaminated sites, Cu resistance is not. The F1 adults and F2 cocoons did not have significantly higher levels of As than the control population, with no residual As tissue burden, suggesting that resistance to As in these populations may be inherited.
Chemical pollution of the environment has become a major source of concern. In particular, many studies have investigated the impact of pollution on biota in the environment. Studies on metalliferous contaminated mine spoil wastes have shown that some soil organisms have the capability to become resistant to metal/metalloid toxicity. Earthworms are known to inhabit arsenic-rich metalliferous soils and, due to their intimate contact with the soil, in both the solid and aqueous phases, are likely to accumulate contaminants present in mine spoil. Earthworms that inhabit metalliferous contaminated soils must have developed mechanisms of resistance to the toxins found in these soils. The mechanisms of resistance are not fully understood; they may involve physiological adaptation (acclimation) or be genetic. This review discusses the relationships between earthworms and arsenic-rich mine spoil wastes, looking critically at resistance and possible mechanisms of resistance, in relation to soil edaphic factors and possible trophic transfer routes.
Arsenic speciation was determined in Lumbricus rubellus Hoffmeister from arsenic-contaminated mine spoil sites and an uncontaminated site using HPLC-MS, HPLC-ICP-MS and XAS. It was previously demonstrated that L. rubellus from mine soils were more arsenate resistant than from the uncontaminated site and we wished to investigate if arsenic speciation had a role in this resistance. Earthworms from contaminated sites had considerably higher arsenic body burdens (maximum 1,358 mg As kg-1) compared to the uncontaminated site (maximum 13 mg As kg-1). The only organo-arsenic species found in methanol/water extracts for all earthworm populations was arsenobetaine, quantified using both HPLC-MS and HPLC-ICP-MS. Arsenobetaine concentrations were high in L. rubellus from the uncontaminated site when concentrations were expressed as a percentage of the total arsenic burden (23% mean), but earthworms from the contaminated sites with relatively low arsenic burdens also had these high levels of arsenobetaine (17% mean). As arsenic body burden increased, the percentage of arsenobetaine present decreased in a dose dependent manner, although its absolute concentration rose with increasing arsenic burden. The origin of this arsenobetaine is discussed. XAS analysis of arsenic mine L. rubellus showed that arsenic was primarily present as As(III) co-ordinated with sulfur (30% approx.), with some As(v) with oxygen (5%). Spectra for As(III) complexed with glutathione gave a very good fit to the spectra obtained for the earthworms, suggesting a role for sulfur co-ordination in arsenic metabolism at higher earthworm arsenic burdens. It is also possible that the disintegration of As(III)-S complexes may have taken place due to (a) processing of the sample, (b) storage of the extract or (c) HPLC anion exchange. HPLC-ICP-MS analysis of methanol extracts showed the presence of arsenite and arsenate, suggesting that these sulfur complexes disintegrate on extraction. The role of arsenic speciation in the resistance of L. rubellus to arsenate is considered.
Two arsenic and heavy metal-contaminated mine spoil sites, at Carrock Fell, Cumbria, United Kingdom, and Devon Great Consols Mine, Devon, United Kingdom, have been found to support populations of the earthworms Lumbricus rubellus Hoffmeister and Dendrodrilus rubidus (Savigny). Lumbricus rubellus and D. rubidus collected from the Devon site and an uncontaminated site were kept for 28 d in uncontaminated soil and in soil containing 750 mg/kg CuCl2, the state of the specimens being recorded using a semiquantitative assessment of earthworm health (condition index). The condition index remained high for all specimens except those of L. rubellus and D. rubidus from uncontaminated sites, which displayed 100% mortality. Bioavailability of Cu in the soils from one uncontaminated and two contaminated sites and in the uncontaminated soil treated with CuCl2 was determined using sequential extraction. Soils from Devon Great Consols had the greatest availability of Cu, Carrock Fell the lowest. Total tissue Cu for L. rubellus and D. rubidus from the contaminated sites did not change significantly for each species during the experiment. Total tissue concentrations of Cu for L. rubellus and D. rubidus from uncontaminated sites increased significantly during the first 7 d, after which mortality was 90%, making it impossible to continue the analysis.
Lumbricus rubellus Hoffmeister, inhabiting soil at the 19th century Devon Great Consols mine at Tavistock, Devon, UK, show high tolerance to Cu- and As-toxicity and frequently have a striking yellow coloration. Specimens from this site (mature and immature) and from an uncontaminated site on Lancaster University campus (mature) were photographed, and the slide images digitized and analyzed. All L. rubellus showed reddish-purple pigmentation of the body wall that declined in intensity posteriorly. The metal- and metalloid-resistant earthworms, whether mature or immature, showed yellowing in the posterior half of the body. The source of the coloration was intense yellow pigmentation of the chloragogenous tissue surrounding the alimentary canal. The yellow pigmentation is masked by reddish-purple body wall pigmentation anteriorly. Total As concentrations in tissues were determined for the anterior, middle and posterior sections of resistant and non-resistant L. rubellus. Highest concentrations were in the middle sections of the mature and immature resistant L. rubellus (36.17 ± 19.77 and 27.77 ± 9.02 mg As kg-1, respectively). Resistant immature L. rubellus lost condition over 28 d in soil treated with 750 mg As kg-1, possibly due to a higher metabolism, whilst there was no loss in condition for resistant mature L. rubellus in the treated soil. As far as the authors are aware, this is the first report of yellow pigmentation of this kind in earthworms. The pigmentation may provide a useful indicator of exposure/resistance to soil contamination. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in arsenate resistance in arbuscular mycorrhizal associations is investigated here for two Glomus spp. isolated from the arsenate-resistant grass Holcus lanatus. Glomus mosseae and Glomus caledonium were isolated from H. lanatus growing on an arsenic-contaminated mine-spoil soil. The arsenate resistance of spores was compared with nonmine isolates using a germination assay. Short-term arsenate influx into roots and long-term plant accumulation of arsenic by plants were also investigated in uninfected arsenate resistant and nonresistant plants and in plants infected with mine and nonmine AMF. Mine AMF isolates were arsenate resistant compared with nonmine isolates. Resistant and nonresistant G. mosseae both suppressed high-affinity arsenate/phosphate transport into the roots of both resistant and nonresistant H. lanatus. Resistant AMF colonization of resistant H. lanatus growing in contaminated mine spoil reduced arsenate uptake by the host. We conclude that AMF have evolved arsenate resistance, and conferred enhanced resistance on H. lanatus.
No unequivocal evidence exists of genetically inherited resistance to metals/metalloids in field populations of earthworms. We studied cocoon production in adult Lumbricus rubellus Hoffmeister collected from an abandoned arsenic and copper mine (Devon Great Consols, Devon, UK), and abandoned tungsten mine (Carrock Fell, Cumbria, UK) and an uncontaminated cultured population. The earthworms were kept in uncontaminated soil for nine weeks. From a total of 42 L. rubellus from each site, Devon Great Consols adults produced 301 cocoons, of which 42 were viable; Carrock Fell 60 cocoons, of which 11 were viable; and the reference population 101 cocoons, of which 62 were viable. The hatchlings were collected and stored at 4degreesC at weekly intervals. After 12 weeks, all hatchlings were transferred to clean soil and maintained at 15degreesC for 20 weeks until they showed evidence of a clitellum. In toxicity trials, F1 generation L. rubellus were exposed to 2,000 mg As/kg as sodium arsenate or 300 mg Cu/kg as copper chloride for 28 d. The F1 generation L. rubellus from Devon Great Consols mine demonstrated resistance to arsenate but not copper. All L. rubellus from Devon Great Consols kept in soil treated with sodium arsenate remained in good condition over the 28-d period but lost condition rapidly and suffered high mortality in soil treated with copper chloride. The control population suffered high mortality in soil treated with sodium arsenate and copper chloride. Previous work has shown that field-collected adults demonstrate resistance to both arsenate and Cu toxicity under these conditions. Thus, while arsenate resistance may be demonstrated in F1 generation L. rubellus from one of the contaminated sites, Cu resistance is not. The F1 adults and F2 cocoons did not have significantly higher levels of As than the control population, with no residual As tissue burden, suggesting that resistance to As in these populations may be inherited.
Chemical pollution of the environment has become a major source of concern. In particular, many studies have investigated the impact of pollution on biota in the environment. Studies on metalliferous contaminated mine spoil wastes have shown that some soil organisms have the capability to become resistant to metal/metalloid toxicity. Earthworms are known to inhabit arsenic-rich metalliferous soils and, due to their intimate contact with the soil, in both the solid and aqueous phases, are likely to accumulate contaminants present in mine spoil. Earthworms that inhabit metalliferous contaminated soils must have developed mechanisms of resistance to the toxins found in these soils. The mechanisms of resistance are not fully understood; they may involve physiological adaptation (acclimation) or be genetic. This review discusses the relationships between earthworms and arsenic-rich mine spoil wastes, looking critically at resistance and possible mechanisms of resistance, in relation to soil edaphic factors and possible trophic transfer routes. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.