994 resultados para Arquitectos - España - s. 20-21
During the summer of 1963 the Materials Department noted the three to four ·year old concrete pavement on I-80 in Cass County was showing extensive surface cracking adjacent to joints and cracks. An examination of the pavement and a few cores from the cracked areas was made by the I.S.H.C. Materials Department and later by David Stark of the P.C.A. Additional surveys were conducted on other concrete pavement made with coarse aggregate from similar rock from two different sources. Blue-line cracking was found on some primary pavement and the indications of incipient cracks were seen on I-29 in Pottawattamie County, north of Council Bluffs. A good "D"-crack pattern is now evident. Surveys were then made of the entire Interstate concrete pavement. No other sections of Interstate were "D"-cracking, although some sections showed joint discoloration. None of these pavements, including the discolored sections, contained "D"-crack associated aggregates. At the same time as the Interstate survey additional pavements and sources were checked. Some "D"-cracking was noticed on certain sections of primary pavement 5-10 years old, in the vicinity of Waterloo and Cedar Rapids. The "D"-cracked pavement was from three aggregate sources, the Newton, Otis, and Burton Ave. quarries. Other pavements in this area that were older or from· different· coarse aggregate sources were not "D"-cracked. We believe that all the "D"-cracking is related, although dedolomitization is probably involved in the intermediate dolomite rocks.
12 x 18 cm
Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing south Merritton along the boundary between the Grantham and Thorold Townships. Identified structures associated with the Canal include Locks 19, 20, 21, and 22, Lock Tenders House, and the towing path. The surveyors' measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Local area landmarks are also identified and include streets and roads (ex. Pine Street and Macadamized Road), J. Brown Cement Mill, W. B. Hendershot Saw Mill, W. Parnall Spoke and Sash Factory, W. Beatty Saw Mill, W. Beatty Tannery, a number of structures (possibly houses) belonging to: Mrs. Aikins, J. Battle, and E. Keefer, and a foundry, smithy, and machine shop (all of which possible belonged to J. Dobbie). Properties and property owners of note are: Concession 10 Lots 9 and 10, W. C. Loan Company, P.H. Ball, and J. Keefer. Two small properties belonging to W. B. Hendershot and W. Beatty exist and are outlined in red. A half acre property reserved for a lock lot exists and is outlined in blue. An additional property reserved for a quarry is also identified, but not outlined.
The first letter begins with Eleanore Celeste writing a few words in french and discussing a song "oh! Frenchy" that has become popular. She continues to study French and plans to study American History. The second letter describes how the postman came to the door with five letter from Arthur. The letters are labelled number 163.
Esta publicaci??n recoge los contenidos de las Jornadas Regionales sobre Nuevas Tendencias en la Evaluaci??n de la Educaci??n F??sica celebradas en el Centro del Profesorado y de Recursos de Avil??s y cuya finalidad ha sido la de propiciar un lugar de encuentro donde el profesorado de educaci??n primaria y secundaria intercambiase distintas experiencias y conocimientos. Se analiza y reflexiona sobre las pr??cticas de evaluaci??n, las estrategias que se est??n llevando a cabo con el alumnado, y cu??les son las ??ltimas corrientes aplicables en esta materia. Todo ello, con el objetivo de abrir nuevas v??as que enriquezcan y mejoren la pr??ctica docente y evaluadora.
Se recogen las Actas del II Simposio sobre Experiencias Didácticas de Lengua y Literatura Españolas. El objetivo es mostrar la problemática en el desarrollo de una serie de ponencias y comunicaciones. Las primeras se centran en el comentario de textos, el análisis de léxico en obras literarias, la aplicación de medios audiovisuales en Lengua y Literatura, cuestiones de metodologÃa y organización de centros docentes, asà como la situación del profesorado ante la E.S.O. Las comunicaciones reflexionan sobre el área de Lengua Castellana y Literatura y el taller de teatro..
Se recogen las actas de la reuni??n sobre la renovaci??n de la Educaci??n Secundaria y Profesional, organizada por el Ministerio de Educaci??n y Ciencia los d??as 24, 25 y 26 de junio de 1987. En la reuni??n se inicia un proceso de reflexi??n y discusi??n sobre la Propuesta para Debate sobre la Reforma de la Educaci??n Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria y Profesional presentada por el Ministerio de Educaci??n y Ciencia.
El primer encuentro sobre consultorios matrimoniales, de inspiración cristiana, ha sido celebrado en Milán, en la sede del Centro Italiano di SessuologÃa (CIS), y con la colaboración del Instituto La Casa. El objetivo fundamental del encuentro es aportar soluciones a la problemática familiar y matrimonial, proporcionando una metodologÃa, que ayude a la familia en la gama de situaciones médicas, psicológicas, educativas y morales a las que se tiene que enfrentar un matrimonio. Los temas tratados en este encuentro, se pueden aplicar sin ningún problema a la familia española, dada la similitud entre ésta y la familia italiana. La convocatoria de estas jornadas de estudio se articulaba en varios puntos: métodos de trabajo en los consultorios, preparación de expertos, cursos de preparación al matrimonio y coordinación entre los diversos organismos familiares.