42 resultados para Armenians.
G?l, A. (2005). Imagining the Turkish nation through 'othering' Armenians. Nations and Nationalism. 11(1), 121-139 RAE2008
The history of Armenia during Late Antiquity, just as in the Classical period, was largely influenced by its geographical position as a land located between the empires of Rome and Persia.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 8)
Mode of access: Internet.
"This copy was printed for Colin Macauley."
Mode of access: Internet.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
The paper deals with digitization as a method of protecting and preserving cultural and historical heritage of Armenians in Bulgaria. It attempts to establish the level of development of this process in the country, to identify the good examples and information gaps in order to outline the priorities and perspectives.
Le génocide arménien de 1915 a eu de conséquentes répercussions identitaires sur les différentes générations d’Arméniens en diaspora, créant ainsi, pour les communautés arméniennes diasporiques, une responsabilité de perpétuer la mémoire collective traumatique. Cependant, des différences s’observent entre ces générations dans la définition de l’arménité ainsi que dans les sources d’approvisionnement identitaire. Ainsi, notre question de recherche vise à comprendre comment les contenus des imaginaires nationaux et les sources de (re)production culturelle changent entre les deuxième, troisième et quatrième générations d’Arméniens établis à Montréal. L’objectif de cette présente recherche est de faire combiner la littérature scientifique émergente sur le nationalisme diasporique, ainsi que celle sur le rôle du cyberespace. Par le biais d'entrevues auprès d'Arméniens, exilés depuis le génocide arménien de 1915 et établis à Montréal, nous montrerons, dans un premier temps, comment le contenu des imaginaires nationaux change par le passage d'une identité traditionnelle à une identité symbolique. Deuxièmement, nous verrons comment les sources de (re)production culturelle se transforment par le passage de sources traditionnelles aux sources numériques avec l'avènement du cyberespace.
Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a forma como o Brasil e o buscaram se inserir na sociedade internacional europeia – nos moldes Inglesa de Relações Internacionais a define - no período que vai da a assinatura da Lei Eusébio de Queiroz do lado brasileiro e do tratado de Império Otomano, até a criação da Liga das Nações, em 1919. Estes são como “impérios periféricos” ao centro europeu, integrando o grupo que não eram nem colônias, nem potências no período em tela. Assim, contrastar os esforços feitos por Brasil e Império Otomano em utilizar o internacional e a diplomacia – formal e não-formal –, e as formas de transformações que empreenderam em suas capitais visando serem “civilizados”. Por outro lado, chama-se atenção para as conexões que se entre Brasil e Império Otomano justamente em função dessa maior Europa. Estas conexões são analisadas então em duas fases. Uma tentativas formais de relações diplomáticas, chamada de “relações envolveu inclusive viagens de D. Pedro II a domínios otomanos. A vinda de súditos otomanos – gregos, armênios, judeus e árabes – para o Brasil e de novas relações diplomáticas travadas.
Taking the three basic systems of Yes/No particles the group looked at the relative deep and surface structures, and asked what types of systems are present in the Georgian, Polish and Armenian languages. The choice of languages was of particular interest as the Caucasian and Indo-European languages usually have different question-answering systems, but Georgian (Caucasian) and Polish (Indo-European) in fact share the same system. The Armenian language is Indo-European, but the country is situated in the southern Caucasus, on Georgia's southern border, making it worth analysing Armenian in comparison with Georgian (from the point of view of language interference) and with Polish (as two relative languages). The group identified two different deep structures, tracing the occurrence of these in different languages, and showed that one is more natural in the majority of languages. They found no correspondence between relative languages and their question-answer systems and demonstrated that languages in the same typological class may show different systems, as with Georgian and the North Caucasian languages. It became clear that Georgian, Armenian and Polish all have an agree/disagree question-answering system defined by the same deep structure. From this they conclude that the lingual mentalities of Georgians, Armenians and Poles are more oriented to the communicative act. At the same time the Yes/No system, in which a positive particle stands for a positive answer and a negative particle for a negative answer, also functions in these languages, indicating that the second deep structure identified also functions alongside the first.
The War has brought us into a close relation with Armenia. The annihilation of her people in 1915 and 1916 aroused universal sympathy. For the most of us Armenia, hitherto, had been relegated to a position of partial obscurity in the Near East. We were acquainted with the fact that they had suffered persecution beore at Turkish hands but an indifference born of unfamiliarity with her history, customs and people still continued with us. However much the gulf separating ourselves and these people has been narrowed by the war it is only by an actual journey into their life past and present that we can ever come into a full appreciation of a people who despite persecution and oppression are potentially fine citizens.