854 resultados para Arithmetic unit
Paper submitted to the XVIII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS), Ciudad Real, España, 2003.
Pt 1, by Daniel E. Atkins, issued as File no. 713 of the University of Illinois Dept. of Computer Science in 1966.
"This work was supported in part by the Atomic Energy Commission and the Office of Naval Research under AEC Contract AT(11-1)-415."
Paper submitted to the IFIP International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SOC), Darmstadt, Germany, 2003.
A demanda crescente por poder computacional estimulou a pesquisa e desenvolvimento de processadores digitais cada vez mais densos em termos de transistores e com clock mais rápido, porém não podendo desconsiderar aspectos limitantes como consumo, dissipação de calor, complexidade fabril e valor comercial. Em outra linha de tratamento da informação, está a computação quântica, que tem como repositório elementar de armazenamento a versão quântica do bit, o q-bit ou quantum bit, guardando a superposição de dois estados, diferentemente do bit clássico, o qual registra apenas um dos estados. Simuladores quânticos, executáveis em computadores convencionais, possibilitam a execução de algoritmos quânticos mas, devido ao fato de serem produtos de software, estão sujeitos à redução de desempenho em razão do modelo computacional e limitações de memória. Esta Dissertação trata de uma versão implementável em hardware de um coprocessador para simulação de operações quânticas, utilizando uma arquitetura dedicada à aplicação, com possibilidade de explorar o paralelismo por replicação de componentes e pipeline. A arquitetura inclui uma memória de estado quântico, na qual são armazenados os estados individuais e grupais dos q-bits; uma memória de rascunho, onde serão armazenados os operadores quânticos para dois ou mais q-bits construídos em tempo de execução; uma unidade de cálculo, responsável pela execução de produtos de números complexos, base dos produtos tensoriais e matriciais necessários à execução das operações quânticas; uma unidade de medição, necessária à determinação do estado quântico da máquina; e, uma unidade de controle, que permite controlar a operação correta dos componente da via de dados, utilizando um microprograma e alguns outros componentes auxiliares.
Paper submitted to Euromicro Symposium on Digital Systems Design (DSD), Belek-Antalya, Turkey, 2003.
Expressions for finite sums involving the binomial coefficients with unit fraction coefficients whose denominators form an arithmetic sequence are determined.
It can be observed that the number and the complexity of the application's domains, where the Paraconsistent Annotated Logic has been used, have grown a lot in the last decade. This increase in the complexity of the application's domain is an extra challenge for the designers of such systems, once there are not suitable computer hardware to run paraconsistent systems. This work proposes a new hardware architecture for the building Paraconsistent system.
Algorithms are described for the basic arithmetic operations and square rooting in a negative base. A new operation called polarization that reverses the sign of a number facilitates subtraction, using addition. Some special features of the negative-base arithmetic are also mentioned.
On the basis of signed-digit negabinary representation, parallel two-step addition and one-step subtraction can be performed for arbitrary-length negabinary operands.; The arithmetic is realized by signed logic operations and optically implemented by spatial encoding and decoding techniques. The proposed algorithm and optical system are simple, reliable, and practicable, and they have the property of parallel processing of two-dimensional data. This leads to an efficient design for the optical arithmetic and logic unit. (C) 1997 Optical Society of America.
In this paper we propose a design methodology for low-power high-performance, process-variation tolerant architecture for arithmetic units. The novelty of our approach lies in the fact that possible delay failures due to process variations and/or voltage scaling are predicted in advance and addressed by employing an elastic clocking technique. The prediction mechanism exploits the dependence of delay of arithmetic units upon input data patterns and identifies specific inputs that activate the critical path. Under iso-yield conditions, the proposed design operates at a lower scaled down Vdd without any performance degradation, while it ensures a superlative yield under a design style employing nominal supply and transistor threshold voltage. Simulation results show power savings of upto 29%, energy per computation savings of upto 25.5% and yield enhancement of upto 11.1% compared to the conventional adders and multipliers implemented in the 70nm BPTM technology. We incorporated the proposed modules in the execution unit of a five stage DLX pipeline to measure performance using SPEC2000 benchmarks [9]. Maximum area and throughput penalty obtained were 10% and 3% respectively.
Scientific applications rely heavily on floating point data types. Floating point operations are complex and require complicated hardware that is both area and power intensive. The emergence of massively parallel architectures like Rigel creates new challenges and poses new questions with respect to floating point support. The massively parallel aspect of Rigel places great emphasis on area efficient, low power designs. At the same time, Rigel is a general purpose accelerator and must provide high performance for a wide class of applications. This thesis presents an analysis of various floating point unit (FPU) components with respect to Rigel, and attempts to present a candidate design of an FPU that balances performance, area, and power and is suitable for massively parallel architectures like Rigel.