983 resultados para Ariel, Sylvia Plath.
This dissertation aims at investigating the book Ariel (1965), written by Sylvia Plath, as a kind of performative and ritual poetry that fragments and reconstructs the personal experience, manipulating the memory of the autobiographical body as a way to rehearse and restore subjectivity. We propose that, in Ariel, the hyperbolic, transcendent and parodic transfiguration of real episodes, used as literary substance, corrupts and subverts the specular idea of a confessional truth usually related to the writer s work. Our objective is to examine signs of confluence between Sylvia Plath s poetry and performance art, departing from de idea that the spectacularization of the self, the exhibition of private rituals, the theatricalization of autobiographical circumstances and the undressing of one s craziness and vulnerability are mutual procedures to the poet and the perfomer. Simultaneously unfolding between the inside and the outside of the poem, Sylvia Plath s real suicide and the death and rebirth rituals performed in the literary text appear as symbolic elements that might reveal the performer s liminal space, where reality and representation coexist, and where the performative testimony does not frame only the real subject s body but also his/her infinite possibilities of being restored through art.
Nos poemas da coletânea Ariel, de Sylvia Plath, há diversos diálogos entre a inserção biográfica que os caracteriza e discursos da tradição religiosa, mitológica, histórica e literária. Nessa teia, a voz lírica tipicamente feminina dos poemas plathianos é constituída por meio de uma imagética corporal que a faz emergir diante desses discursos. Tal imagética muitas vezes faz par com a figurativização da morte em suas mais diversas facetas. A relação entre corpo e morte, no entanto, vai além da caracterização temática, pois ela representa o próprio processo da escritura. Desse modo, os poemas de Ariel podem ser vistos como constituintes de uma poética de dramatização e gozo de uma morte em cena.
Partiendo fundamental pero no exclusivamente de las formas de lectura crítica y de los métodos de análisis textual propuestos por el movimiento crítico denominado Nuevo Historicismo, este estudio tiene por objeto analizar aspectos esenciales de la paulatina modelación y construcción textual o discursiva de Sylvia Plath, poeta icónica de la literatura contemporánea de los EE.UU. La elección de Plath como objeto de estudio se basa en los siguientes motivos: 1) Su ubicación en el canon poético contemporáneo como autora de culto, situación que no se repite en ningún otro poeta coetáneo. Plath ha sido y es identificada como un “mito” o una “leyenda” a la altura de otros iconos de la cultura contemporánea popular proveniente de Norteamérica. 2) La polémica ha rodeado siempre la biografía de esta autora, desde su suicidio a una edad temprana hasta el presente. Dicha polémica surge de forma más señalada alrededor de dos aspectos fundamentales: por un lado, la de su personalidad poética entendida como esencialmente autobiográfica o confesional, cuestión a menudo disputada; y por otro lado su estatus como figura icónica de la cultura norteamericana (y no solo en el ámbito de las letras). Como icono de la cultura norteamericana, Plath ha sido etiquetada en algunos ámbitos como “la Marilyn Monroe de los literatos”, es decir, una joven artista, con una prometedora carrera, desaparecida demasiado pronto y congelada de ese modo en el inconsciente colectivo. 3) La situación particular en torno a lo que podemos convenir en denominar su “yo textual”. Esta situación cobra una especial relevancia en el mundo de las letras y la cultura. Sylvia Plath estaba casada en el momento de su suicidio en 1963 con el joven poeta inglés Ted Hughes, de carrera prometedora, y futura figura central de las instituciones británicas como Poeta Laureado que fue desde 1984 hasta su muerte en 1998. A la muerte de Plath, los permisos de publicación de todos sus escritos y materiales quedaron en manos de Ted Hughes, que a lo largo de las décadas, y pese a que en 1963 la pareja vivía separada como consecuencia de una crisis producto de una infidelidad de Hughes, publicó los escritos de Plath siempre de acuerdo con su criterio personal. Las desavenencias entre la pareja, la posesión de Hughes de los derechos de autor de Plath, la publicación idiosincrática que Hughes hizo de los textos de Plath (fragmentaria, poco planificada, aunque siempre informada y matizada por sus propios prefacios, notas e introducciones) le granjearon poca empatía, cuando no manifiesta hostilidad, por parte de sectores del público y la crítica, en especial el feminismo...
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This study examines adolescent student responses to a women's literature unit taught within a grade 12 Writer's Craft course. Current research (Gilligan, 1989, Pipher, 1994 & Slack, 1999) suggests that there is a great under-representation of female authors in the high school literature curriculum. The use of women's literature may draw attention to important literary figures who are historically overlooked within the curriculum. It gives voice to a marginalized group and presents students with alternative subjects and heroes. It encourages students to develop a critical perspective and reevaluate assumptions about institutions, ideologies, language and culture. It also allows me, as a teacher, to reflect on my own teaching practices and explore alternate feminist pedagogical principles and teaching styles encouraging multiplicity of voices, deconstruction of power relations, and alternative assessment tools within the classroom. As an educator, it is important for me to teach curriculum that is relevant and meaningful to students and help them become critical, self-reflective thinkers. It is also important for me to assist students in their exploration of self and encourage them to expand their awareness of historical, social and global issues. Sylvia Plath's (1963) The belljar is used as the primary text taught within this unit. In this novel, the bell jar is a central image that signifies entrapment and isolation. "To the person in the bell jar, blank and stopped as a dead body, the world itself is the bad dream"(p.l 54). As a metaphor, the bell jar resonates with young readers in a variety of ways.
Cette thèse est une réflexion concernant les particularités du langage, principalement de l’utilisation de la métaphore, dans les textes d’écrivaines ayant été internées. Mon analyse considère les œuvres de Janet Frame, Sylvia Plath, Unica Zürn, Emma Santos et Susanna Kaysen, ainsi que d’autres textes étant mentionnés dans une moindre mesure. Le fait d’avoir vécu une expérience de vie extrême, physique et psychique, a des répercussions sur l’esprit et la perception de soi, leurs représentations textuelles, ainsi que le rapport à l’écrit et à la littérature. Des figures subies ou choisies se répètent dans ces textes. Elles renseignent sur ce que ces femmes ont vécu, comment elles ont été affectées et la littérature. Cette thèse est divisée en cinq idées principales concernant les liens entre la folie, l’écriture et les femmes internées correspondant à la division des chapitres. Le premier porte sur la figure de la cloche de verre et ses variations chez diverses écrivaines. Il s’agit d’une métaphore puissante, efficace pour traduire l’état d’esprit de l’internée qui permet d’expliciter l’importance et le fonctionnement de la métaphore, son rôle dans l’écriture et la pensée. Le deuxième traite des métaphores spatiales et des lieux de pensée présents dans ces textes. Il est un examen de comment, alors que l’esprit devient de plus en plus fragile et l’image du corps incertaine en raison des traitements et des conditions de vie imposées, apparaît la nécessité d’un lieu, figuré ou réel, d’où écrire et de comment ce lieu est en relation avec le langage et la structuration de l’écrit et de la pensée. Le troisième porte sur la notion d’abjection. Ces femmes sont considérées, traitées, se perçoivent et vivent comme des animaux, des excréments ou des déchets. Il est une décortication de la représentation de l’effritement des limites de la subjectivité lors de l’internement. J’y explique à quel point l’hôpital pousse la personne vers la saleté et l’animalité plutôt que vers la guérison, ainsi que les conséquences pour la perception de soi que le fait d’être placé hors du social entraîne. Le quatrième concerne la notion d’objet et les processus qui font qu’à force d’être réifiées les narratrices des textes se perçoivent comme des objets plutôt que des personnes. Le rapport que l’esprit entretient avec les objets et l’importance qu’ils ont pour son fonctionnement y sont examinés. Le cinquième traite enfin des réflexions sur l’utilisation du langage, que ces écrivaines ont réalisées, sur les mots et procédés qu’elles emploient pour les communiquer ainsi que sur l’importance du corps féminin et de la conception de la féminité dans la production des textes et des idées qu’ils portent. J’en arrive à établir à quel point, pour ces écrivaines, la vie dépend du littéraire. Ma thèse démontre comment la littérature leur a fourni un espace d’analyse et de structure de leur personne et de leur pensée, ainsi qu’un lieu de parole émergeant de l’utilisation du langage et des interactions entre l’esprit, les mots et le monde.
In writing “Not in the Legends”, one of the images and concepts which constantly returned was that of pilgrimage. I began to write these poems while studying abroad in London, after having passed the previous semester in France and travelling around Europe. There was something in the repetition of sightseeing— walking six miles in Luxembourg to see the grave of General Patton, taking photographs of the apartment where Sylvia Plath ended her life, bowing before the bones of saints, searching through Père Lachaise for the grave of Théodore Gericault— which struck me as numinous and morbid. At the same time, I came to love living abroad and I grew discontent with both remaining and returning. I wanted the opportunity to live everywhere all the time and not have to choose between home and away. Returning from abroad, I turned my attention to the landscape of my native country. I found in the New England pilgrims a narrative of people who had left their home in search of growth and freedom. In these journeys I began to appreciate the significance of place and tried to understand what it meant to move from one place to another, how one chose a home, and why people searched for meaning in specific locations. The processes of moving from student to worker and from childhood to adulthood have weighed on me. I began to see these transitions towards maturity as travels to a different land. Memory and nostalgia are their own types of pilgrimage in their attempts to return to lost places, as is the reading of literature. These pilgrimages, real and metaphorical, form the thematic core of the collection. I read the work of many poets who came before me, returning to the places where the Canon was forged. Those poets have a large presence in the work I produced. I wondered how I, as a young poet, could earn my own place in the tradition and sought models in much the same way a painter studies the brushstrokes of a master. In the process, I have tried to uncover what it means to be a poet. Is it something like being a saint? Is it something like being a colonist? Or is to be the one who goes in search of saints and colonists? In trying to measure my own life and work based on the precedent, I have questioned what role era and generation have on the formation of identity. I focused my reading heavily on the early years of English poetry, trying to find the essence of the time when the language first achieved the transcendence of verse. In following the development of English poetry through Coleridge, John Berryman, and Allison Titus, I have explored the progression of those basic virtues in changing contexts. Those bearings, applied to my modern context, helped to shape the poetry I produced. Many of the poems in “Not in the Legends” are based on my own personal experience. In my recollections I have tried to interrogate nostalgia rather than falling into mere reminiscence. Rather than allowing myself poems of love and longing, I have tried to find the meaning of those emotions. A dominant conflict exists between adventure and comfort which mirrors the central engagement with the nature of being “here” or “there”. It is found in scenes of domesticity and wilderness as I attempt to understand my own simultaneous desire for both. For example, in “Canned Mangoes…” the intrusion of nature, even in a context as innocuous as a poem by Sir Walter Raleigh, unravels ordinary comforts of the domestic sphere. The character of “The Boy” from Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot proved such an interesting subject for me because he is one who can transcend the normal boundaries of time and place. The title suggests connections to both place and time. “Legends” features the dual meaning of both myths and the keys to maps. To propose something “Not in the Legends” is to find something which has no precedent in our histories and our geographies, something beyond our field of knowledge and wholly new. One possible interpretation I devised was that each new generation lives a novel existence, the future being the true locus of that which is beyond our understanding. The title comes from Keats’ “Hyperion, a Fragment”, and details the aftermath of the Titanomachy. The Titans, having fallen to the Olympians, are a representation of the passing of one generation for the next. Their dejection is expressed by Saturn, who laments: Not in my own sad breast, Which is its own great judge and searcher out, Can I find reason why ye should be thus: Not in the legends of the first of days… (129-132) The emotions of the conquered Titans are unique and without antecedent. They are experiencing feelings which surpass all others in history. In this, they are the equivalent of the poet who feels that his or her own sufferings are special. In contrast are Whitman’s lines from “Song of Myself” which serve as an epigraph to this collection. He contends for a sense of continuity across time, a realization that youth, age, pleasure, and suffering have always existed and will always exist. Whitman finds consolation in this unity, accepting that kinship with past generations is more important that his own individuality. These opposing views offer two methods of presenting the self in history. The instinct of poetry suggests election. The poet writes because he feels his experiences are special, or because he believes he can serve as a synecdoche for everyone. I have fought this instinct by trying to contextualize myself in history. These poems serve as an attempt at prosopography with my own narrative a piece of the whole. Because the earth abides forever, our new stories get printed over the locations of the old and every place becomes a palimpsest of lives and acts. In this collection I have tried to untangle some of those layers, especially my own, to better understand the sprawling legend of history.
NEC(ROMANTIC) is a poetry collection thematically linked through images of insects, celestial bodies, bones, and other elements of the supernatural. These images are indicative of spells, but the parenthesis around romantic in the collection’s title also implies idealism. The poems explore the author’s experiences with death, grief, love, oppression, and addiction. NEC(ROMANTIC) employs the use of traditional forms such as the villanelle, sestina, and haiku to organize these experiences. Prose poetry and a peca kucha ground the center of NEC(ROMANTIC) which alternates between lyrical and narrative gestures. NEC(ROMANTIC) is influenced by Sylvia Plath. The author uses Plaths methods of compression, sound, and rhythm to create a swift, child-like tone when examining emotionally laden topics. Ilya Kaminsky influences lyrical elements of the poems, including surrealism. Spencer Reese’s combination of the natural and personal world is also paramount to this book. Adrienne Rich and Audre Lorde influence NEC(ROMANTIC)’s political poetry.
The thesis paper is about the process of creating and directing Hauntings, a dance theater work, performed in the 2016 MFA Spring Thesis Concert. The concert was shared with Curtis Stedge, fellow cohort and MFA candidate in the Department of Theater, Dance and Performance Studies at the University of Maryland, College Park. This document is meant to accompany the archival footage of the dance. Hauntings is a moving lyric poem depicting themes and motifs of the emotional landscape of its characters. It is a time-less world rendering the complexities of the psyche and soul. Love, obsession, loss, and nostalgia emerge as Smith and her fellow artists represent characters struggling with impermanence and mortality. The work is seeped in symbolism and metaphor. The dances/scenes draw inspiration from the music of Chopin, Liszt, Stravinsky, Charles Trenet, Rina Ketty, and poetry by John Keats, Sylvia Plath, Ted Hughes, W.B Yeats, and Claire Clemons Cowan.
GHOST TREE SOCIAL tells a coming out story of sorts. In terms of style, many of the poems are short, imagistic lyrics, though some are extended catalogues. Specific natural images—lakes, rivers, and snow—are often contrasted with cultural markers. The imagistic poems are thinking through the work of Sylvia Plath. The catalogue poems shift between diaristic, narrative, and critical modes, responding to the poetry of Elizabeth Bishop and the essays of Edouard Glissant. Voice-driven fragments disrupt the more traditional lyric poems. The fragments fall between formal lyrics like confetti from a gay club’s rafters; or the fragments hold the lyric poems in bondage. The lyric poem then re-signifies as form through resonances with the other discursive and poetic form of the fragment. Following critical writers such as Adrienne Rich and Audre Lorde, the re-signification of lyric form reflects the need for new signs for self and community organized queerly as opposed to more typical binary categories—man or woman, living or dead, rich or poor, white or black—where the first term is privileged and the second term often denigrated.