1000 resultados para Arguments (Literatura)
One of the problems with books which are relatively general in nature is that many of the individual contributions tend to be so narrow and specialised that only the author has any knowledge of (or interest in) the issues under discussion. At first sight this appears to be the case with Detecting Detection. Fortunately, however, first impressions are deceiving. Although the essays in the volume deal with writers as diverse and disparate as the Catalano-Spanish writer Juan Marse, the Bulgarian-French philosopher Julia Kristeva and the once-vaunted giant of English literature,Graham Greene, among numerous others, there is much to be enjoyed and learnt, even if some of the works under discussion are unfamiliar to the crime fiction reader and/or scholar to whom the book initially appears to be directed.
Tese de doutoramento, Teoria da Literatura, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2003
Els debats recents sobre l'accés obert (OA) han tendit a tractar les revistes d'OA i l'auto-arxiu com dues rutes diferents. Alguns partidaris de l'auto-arxiu fins i tot han suggerit que per si sol aquest pot conduir a l'accés obert complet de la literatura científica mundial. En aquest article es discuteix que, de fet, cada camí correspon a una fase del moviment cap a l'accés obert; que amb el simple fet de l’auto-arxiu no n'hi ha prou, i que cal que els dipòsits proporcionin alguna capacitat de crear marques. De totes maneres, fer això desembocaria, finalment, en la creació d'overlay journals (o bases de dades). Per tant, els dos camins es fusionarien per crear un paisatge d'OA madur.
The flows of foreign investments in Brazil starting from the 1990s have called attention due to the magnitude of the invested value, the prevalence of properties acquisitions as a preferential way of carrying out these investments, and for the primacy of the operations involving rivals companies. This article searches for an explanation for the cycle of foreign direct investment flows, which is happening in Brazil. Arguments were reconsidered on the existence of sole assets and the advantages of property and control as a basis for carrying out overseas investments, and to explicit their link with the M&As.
Literary works are thought provokers that make it possible to access several forms to view the world and reality. They provide diversified points of view and infinite connections. In a particular way, among all the other forms of art expression literature is considered to be the closest to life, once it is able to reconnect all human dimensions emotional, rational, mystic, personal, universal, corporal, historic, mythical. This thesis aims at offering some reflections about the frontiers and bridges between science and literature aiming at understanding the complexity that guides them. It presents a new reading of Iracema novel: Ceará tale of José de Alencar from a meticulous incursion through new ways and natural spaces interwoven by Alencar. It tries to hear the echoes of this indianist novel in the university students today. In a broader context, it creates arguments that question the multiple threadsthat join science and literature so that a science of complexity arises distinguishing but not separating the innumerous narratives about the world. For this purpose, this thesis has as interlocutors: Antonio Candido, Charles P. Snow, Edgar Morin, Emilio Ciurana, Fritjof Capra, George Steiner, Ilya Prigogine, Isabelle Stengers, Roger Chartier, Roland Barthes. The plot presented here does not limit the novel to science, but makes it a rereading of the word, of life, once this is the raw material of books. As a methodological strategy, we rebuilt Iracema´s character trips in a way to update the novel, resulting in the video documentary Iracema ways: the arid and remote interior, the plateau, the sea. Iracema novel and character enhancing dialogs that allow the dichotomy rupture between two cultures (Charles P. Snow), recognizing they are not incommunicable and revealing the core argument of the thesis: Iracema belongs to a complex category. It is a hybrid novel that is far, far away from that bluish plateau in the horizon
Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE
Este trabajo gira en torno a algunos de los textos de Esteban Echeverría tales como La Cautiva, El Matadero y El Dogma Socialista, los cuales han sido considerados inaugurales en cuanto a la constitución de la literatura y el pensamiento argentinos, en el contexto de la teoría literaria y la historia de las ideas. A partir de un recorrido sobre algunas de las lecturas que se han hecho sobre nuestro autor durante el siglo XIX y el siglo XX se intenta bosquejar un retrato de Echeverría desde distintas perspectivas atravesadas por discusiones en torno a la originalidad, el plagio y la glosa. Conceptos, proyectos, deseos y acontecimientos tales como el desierto, la libertad, la igualdad y la democracia se encuentran en la configuración de signos que traza una escritura inacabada en la que todavía está presente la tensión entre lo dicho y lo no dicho.
In 1543 Nicolas Copernicus published his Revolutionibus Orbium's Coelelestium. This is the scientific work that gave birth to modern science, something thoroughly European, since scientists of different countries contributed to it: Poland, Italy, Germany, Spain, France, Holland, etc. A work that appeared in a crucial moment obviously represented the need of that time to correct the Julian calendar. A new procedure to calculate the positions of the stars was necessary for astrology and for the making of predictions that were important at that time. Our intention is to outline the history of how it was introduced in Spain at the beginning of the scientific revolution. We will not conceal that Spain has been a country that has only contributed to scientific literature in a deficient way, maybe we can offer some arguments that help to understand why this has happened.
A case of central nervous system actinomycosis is reported. A 33-year-old male complained of headache, vomiting and blurred vision lasting for eight days prior to admission. On examination, a right hemiparesis, as well an intracranial hypertension were detected. The cerebrospinal fluid showed mild lymphomononuclear hypercytosis. Necropsy disclosed three abscess in the cerebral hemispheres, in addition to moderate cerebral edema on the left side but without purulent leptomeningitis. Actinomyces filaments and granules were demonstrated in the cerebral and lung abscesses. The Brazilian literature on actinomycosis is reviewed and six published cases with nervous system involvement were found. Relevant clinical and anatomical aspects of the cases and of the present one are discussed.
A case of a right frontal astrocytoma with spinal metastatic lesion in the region of the third dorsal vertebra is reported. The metastatic nodule was removed six months after the craniotomy. In the literature concerning to the dissemination of tumors cells is suggested that there is not a causal relationship between CSF seeding and operative intervention. Acess to the ventricular system or basal cisterns is of primary importance in the production of metastases.
A case of spinal intramedular cysticercosis in a 13-year-old Brazilian female and a case of spinal leptomeningeal infestation by cysticercosis in a 51 year-old Brazilian female are presented. A review of 95 published cases of medullar cysticercosis since 1856 shows the incidence of this condition. Extramedullar forms are explained by the downward migration of larvae from the cerebral to the spinal subarachnoid space and most larvae are expected to be stopped in the upper portions of the spinal canal due to peculiarities of the anatomy of the spinal cord.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física