72 resultados para Arginase


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Arginase activity has been related to leishmaniasis development, thus we studied the constitutive and insulin-like growth factor (IGF) I-induced arginase activity of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis isolates from patients with different clinical forms of American tegumentary leishmaniasis (ATL). Isolates from mucosal leishmaniasis presented higher basal levels of arginase activity than isolates from other clinical forms of ATL. Isolates from disseminated leishmaniasis that present mucosal lesion in some cases reached the arginase activity similar to that of isolates from mucosal leishmaniasis upon IGF-I stimulation. Differences in arginase activity may influence disease outcomes such as evolution to mucosal lesion in patients with L (V.) braziliensis infection. (C) 2010 Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The distinction of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) from metastatic tumor in the liver often presents a diagnostic challenge that carries significant impact on prognostication and therapy. The number of diagnostically useful immunohistochemical markers of hepatocytes is limited to hepatocyte paraffin antigen (HepPar-1), polyclonal carcinoembryonic antigen, and CD10, with alpha-fetoprotein and glypican-3 labeling HCCs. Arginase-1 (Arg-1) is a binuclear manganese metalloenzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of arginine to ornithine and urea. We used immunohistochemistry to compare the sensitivity of Arg-1 to that of HepPar-1 in 151 HCCs. We found that the overall sensitivities of Arg-1 and HepPar-1 are 96.0% and 84.1%, respectively. The sensitivities of Arg-1 in well, moderately, and poorly differentiated HCCs are 100%, 96.2%, and 85.7%, respectively, whereas, in comparison, HepPar-1 demonstrated sensitivities of 100%, 83.0%, and 46.4% for well, moderately, and poorly differentiated tumors, respectively. There were no HCCs in our study that were reactive for HepPar-1 but nonreactive for Arg-1. We also examined Arg-1 expression in nonhepatocellular tumors, including many that are potential mimics of HCC (renal cell carcinomas, neuroendocrine tumors, melanomas, gastric adenocarcinomas, and adrenocortical carcinomas) and found that only 2 non-HCC tumors were reactive for Arg-1. Arg-1 represents a sensitive and specific marker of benign and malignant hepatocytes that may ultimately prove to be a useful diagnostic tool in routine surgical pathology practice.


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Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes are present in a variety of tumors and play a central role in antitumor immune responses. Nevertheless, most cancers progress probably because tumors are only weakly immunogenic and develop multiple immunosuppressive mechanisms. In the present study, on head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, we found high intraepithelial infiltration of regulatory FOXP3(+) T cells, and relatively high levels of BDCA2(+) and FOXP3(+) cells in stromal (peripheral) regions of the tumors. Tumor-infiltrating (intraepithelial) FOXP3(+) T cells were significantly more frequent in patients with oropharynx and oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma and in patients without lymph node metastasis. Furthermore, arginase-II (ARG2) was expressed by 60%, inducible nitric oxide synthetase by 9%, cyclooxygenase-2 by 43%, and B-cell lymphoma 2 (BCL2) by 26% of tumors. Interestingly, the absence of ARG2 expression, enhanced stromal infiltration of CD11c(+) myeloid dendritic cells, and high numbers of FOXP3(+) T cells were each significantly associated with prolonged overall survival, and the latter two parameters were also confirmed by multivariate analysis. For disease-free survival, multivariate analysis revealed significant negative correlations with BCL2 and ARG2 expression by tumor cells. These findings shed new light on mechanisms of cancer progression, and provide rationales for therapeutic inhibition of immunosuppressive mechanisms in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.


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BACKGROUND: Protein energy malnutrition is commonly associated with immune dysfunctions and is a major factor in susceptibility to infectious diseases. METHODS: In this study, we evaluated the impact of protein energy malnutrition on the capacity of monocytes and macrophages to upregulate arginase, an enzyme associated with immunosuppression and increased pathogen replication. RESULTS: Our results show that monocytes and macrophages are significantly increased in the bone marrow and blood of mice fed on a protein low diet. No alteration in the capacity of bone marrow derived macrophages isolated from malnourished mice to phagocytose particles, to produce the microbicidal molecule nitric oxide and to kill intracellular Leishmania parasites was detected. However, macrophages and monocytes from malnourished mice express significantly more arginase both in vitro and in vivo. Using an experimental model of visceral leishmaniasis, we show that following protein energy malnutrition, the increased parasite burden measured in the spleen of these mice coincided with increased arginase activity and that macrophages provide a more permissive environment for parasite growth. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, these results identify a novel mechanism in protein energy malnutrition that might contributes to increased susceptibility to infectious diseases by upregulating arginase activity in myeloid cells.


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The leishmaniases are a group of diseases transmitted by the bite of Leishmania infected female phlebotomine sand flies. The diseases occur in different forms: localized, diffuse and muco-cutaneous leishmaniasis, and visceral leishmaniasis (VL). Inside macrophages, the main host cells of the obligate intracellular Leishmania parasites, nitric oxide synthase and arginase can regulate parasite killing or growth. In experimental leishmaniasis, we previously reported that non-healing disease is associated with higher arginase activity at site of pathology, correlating with local suppression of T cell function. To test whether these data translate to human leishmaniasis, the following study was initiated: I first tested the hypothesis that local suppression of T cell responses observed in persistent CL is associated with arginase induced L-arginine depletion. The results showed that arginase activity is increased at site of pathology compared to peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of LCL patients and intact skin of healthy controls. The phenotype of arginase expressing cells was identified in both compartments as CD15+ CD14|0W low-density granulocytes (LDGs). Finally, high arginase activity at site of pathology observed in cutaneous lesions of patients coincides with downregulation of CD3Ç, CD4 and CD8 molecules in CD4+ and CD8+ T cells at site of pathology. We concluded that increased arginase levels in lesions of LCL patients might contribute to CL pathogenesis by impairing T cell effector function at site of pathology. Next, it was tested whether arginase, an enzyme associated with immunosuppression, is higher in patients with VL and contributes to impaired T cell function through depletion of L- arginine. The results showed that higher level of arginase activity in the PBMC coincides with active phase of VL. Cells expressing arginase in PBMCs were also found to be LDGs. Importantly, increased arginase activity and frequency of degranulated neutrophils coincided with lower plasma L-arginine levels. Furthermore, downregulation of CD3Ç, in T cells correlated with low plasma arginine levels. VL/HIV co-infection is a frequently reported leishmaniasis complication in Ethiopia associated with poor prognosis, with up to 40% mortality rate and high relapse rate. Arginase activity was significantly increased in PBMCs and plasma of VL patients co-infected with HIV than in those having VL alone. Similarly, cells expressing arginase in PBMCs were found to be LDGs. In summary, the results presented here show that increased arginase activity is a marker of disease severity in human leishmaniasis with and without HIV; further, these results suggest that arginase mediated L-arginine depletion may inhibit T cell function and contribute to impaired control of infection. - Les leishmanioses sont un groupe de maladies transmises par la piqûre de mouches des sables femelles, appelées phlébotomes, ayant été infectées par Leishmania. Les maladies se manifestent sous différentes formes: la leishmaniose cutanée localisée, la leishmaniose diffuse et mucocutanée et la leishmaniose viscérale (LV). A l'intérieur des macrophages, les principales cellules hôtes des parasites, l'oxyde nitrique synthase et l'arginase, peuvent contrôler, soit la mort du parasite, soit sa croissance. Pour la leishmaniose expérimentale, nous avons déjà rapporté que le développement de lesions qui ne guérissent pas est associé à une activité plus grande d'arginase au site d'infection, en corrélation avec la suppression locale de la fonction des cellules T. Pour vérifier si ces données pouvaient s'appliquer à la leishmaniose humaine, j'ai d'abord vérifié l'hypothèse selon laquelle la suppression locale des réponses des cellules T observée dans la CL persistante, est associée à la la diminution de L- arginine induite par l'arginase. Les résultats ont montré que l'activité arginase est augmentée au site d'infection, par rapport aux cellules mononucléées du sang périphérique (CMSP) de patients LCL et à la peau intacte des contrôles sains. Le phénotype de cellules exprimant l'arginase a été identifié dans les deux compartiments comme des granulocytes CD15+ et CD 14" de basse densité (LDG). Enfin, l'activité arginase élevée au site de la pathologie, observée dans les lésions cutanées de patients, coïncide avec la reduction dde l'expression des molécules CD3Ç, CD4 et CD8 dans les cellules T CD4+ et CD8+ au site de pathologie . Nous avons conclu que l'augmentation des niveaux d'arginase dans les lésions de patients LCL pourrait contribuer à la pathogenèse de la CL, en altérant la fonction effectrice des celllules T au site de la pathologie. Ensuite, nous avons vérifié si l'arginase, une enzyme associée à l'immunosuppression, était plus élevée chez les patients atteints de VL et si elle contribuait à la mauvaise fonction des cellules T par la depletion en L-arginine. Les résultats ont montré qu'un niveau plus élevé de l'activité arginase dans les PBMC correspond à la phase active de la VL. Les cellules exprimant l'arginase dans les CMSP se sont révélées à être de type LDG . Il est important de souligner que l'augmentation de l'activité arginase et la fréquence des neutrophiles dégranulés a coïncidé avec des niveaux inférieurs de L-arginine plasmatique. En outre, la suppression de CD3Ç dans les cellules T correlle avec de faibles niveaux d'arginine plasmatique . Il a été fréquement rapporté que la co-infection VL/VIH est une complication de la leishmaniose en Ethiopie, associée à un mauvais prognostic, un taux de mortalité pouvant atteindre 40% et un pourcentage élevé de rechutes. L'activité de l'arginase a beaucoup plus augmentée dans les CMSP et le plasma de patients atteints de VL et co-infectés par le VIH, que chez ceux seulement attaints de VL. De même, les cellules exprimant l'arginase dans les CMSP sont aussi des LDG. En résumé, les résultats présentés ici montrent que l'augmentation de l'activité de l'arginase est un marqueur de gravité de la la leishmaniose humaine, avec ou sans VIH ; en outre, ces résultats suggèrent que la déplétion de L-arginine par l'arginase pourrait inhiber la fonction des cellules T et contribuer à un contrôle réduit de l'infection. - Les Leishmanioses sont des maladies parasitaires transmises par la piqûre d'une mouche des sables femelle (phlébotome) infectée par Leishmania. La maladie se manifeste sous différentes formes cliniques : la leishmaniose viscérale, une maladie progressive mortelle en l'absence de traitement, la leishmaniose muco-cutanée (MCL), la leishmaniose cutanée diffuse (LCD ) maladie mutilante, qui peut être de longue durée et la leishmaniose cutanée localisée maladie dont on guérit mais laissant une cicatrice inesthétique à vie. La maladie est largement répandue, elle affecte les populations les plus pauvres dans 98 pays et 350 millions de personnes à risque. Globalement on estime à 500.000 les nouveaux cas de la forme viscérale et 1-1.5 million ceux de la leishmaniose cutanée. La leishmaniose est fortement endémique en Ethiopie et se manifeste dans les formes viscérale et cutanée. Le parasite Leishmania infecte et se multiplie dans les cellules du système immunitaire, principalement les macrophages. Les macrophages sont capables de tuer le parasite Leishmania s'ils reçoivent des instructions correctes de la part d'autres cellules du système immunitaire, les lymphocytes. Les macrophages expriment deux enzymes importants, appelés oxide nitrique synthase inductible (iNOS ) et l'arginase, qui sont respectivement associés à la promotion de la mort du parasite et la multiplication. L'enzyme iNOS présent dans les macrophages métabolise l'arginine afin de générer de l'oxyde d'azote (NO) , une molécule effectrice nécessaire pour tuer le parasite . Au contraire, lorsque les macrophages sont activés d'une certaine manière conduisant à l'augmention de la régulation de l'arginase, ils métabolisent l'arginine en polyamines qui favorisent la croissance du parasite. Au cours du développement de la leishmaniose, les lymphocytes ne parviennent pas à transmettre aux macrophages les signaux nécessaires pour tuer le parasite. Les mécanismes cellulaires qui sont la cause de ce défaut, ne sont pas bien compris. En utilisant des modèles animaux, nous avons montré la régulation à la hausse de l'arginase au site de la pathologie, qui s'est traduit par l'altération de la fonction effectrice des lymphoctes. Nous avons initié des études de leishmaniose humaine en Ethiopie afin d'identifier le rôle de l'arginase dans la sévérité de la maladie. Nos résultats montrent, que l'arginase est fortement augmentée dans la lésion des patients CL, et dans le sang des patients VL et ceux co-infectés par VL / VIH. Le niveau d' arginase régulée à la hausse coincide avec l'expression inférieure d'une molécule de signalisation dans les lymphocytes, qui est essentielle à leur bon fonctionnement. En VL actif, l'augmentation d'arginase se traduit par la diminution de l'arginine qui est indispensable à la synthèse de NO et au bon fonctionnement des lymphocytes. Ainsi, l'incapacité des lymphocytes à envoyer des signaux adéquats aux macrophages pourrait être due à la suppression de l'arginine.


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BACKGROUND: Cutaneous leishmaniasis is a vector-borne disease that is in Ethiopia mainly caused by the parasite Leishmania aethiopica. This neglected tropical disease is common in rural areas and causes serious morbidity. Persistent nonhealing cutaneous leishmaniasis has been associated with poor T cell mediated responses; however, the underlying mechanisms are not well understood. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We have recently shown in an experimental model of cutaneous leishmaniasis that arginase-induced L-arginine metabolism suppresses antigen-specific T cell responses at the site of pathology, but not in the periphery. To test whether these results translate to human disease, we recruited patients presenting with localized lesions of cutaneous leishmaniasis and assessed the levels of arginase activity in cells isolated from peripheral blood and from skin biopsies. Arginase activity was similar in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from patients and healthy controls. In sharp contrast, arginase activity was significantly increased in lesion biopsies of patients with localized cutaneous leishmaniasis as compared with controls. Furthermore, we found that the expression levels of CD3ζ, CD4 and CD8 molecules were considerably lower at the site of pathology as compared to those observed in paired PBMCs. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that increased arginase in lesions of patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis might play a role in the pathogenesis of the disease by impairing T cell effector functions.


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BACKGROUND: Visceral leishmaniasis is a parasitic disease associated with high mortality. The most important foci of visceral leishmaniasis in Ethiopia are in the Northwest and are predominantly associated with high rates of HIV co-infection. Co-infection of visceral leishmaniasis patients with HIV results in higher mortality, treatment failure and relapse. We have previously shown that arginase, an enzyme associated with immunosuppression, was increased in patients with visceral leishmaniasis and in HIV seropositive patients; further our results showed that high arginase activity is a marker of disease severity. Here, we tested the hypothesis that increased arginase activities associated with visceral leishmaniasis and HIV infections synergize in patients co-infected with both pathogens. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We recruited a cohort of patients with visceral leishmaniasis and a cohort of patients with visceral leishmaniasis and HIV infection from Gondar, Northwest Ethiopia, and recorded and compared their clinical data. Further, we measured the levels of arginase activity in the blood of these patients and identified the phenotype of arginase-expressing cells. Our results show that CD4(+) T cell counts were significantly lower and the parasite load in the spleen was significantly higher in co-infected patients. Moreover, our results demonstrate that arginase activity was significantly higher in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and plasma of co-infected patients. Finally, we identified the cells-expressing arginase in the PBMCs as low-density granulocytes. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that increased arginase might contribute to the poor disease outcome characteristic of patients with visceral leishmaniasis and HIV co-infection.


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BACKGROUND: Macrophage-mediated chronic inflammation is mechanistically linked to insulin resistance and atherosclerosis. Although arginase I is considered antiinflammatory, the role of arginase II (Arg-II) in macrophage function remains elusive. This study characterizes the role of Arg-II in macrophage inflammatory responses and its impact on obesity-linked type II diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis. METHODS AND RESULTS: In human monocytes, silencing Arg-II decreases the monocytes' adhesion to endothelial cells and their production of proinflammatory mediators stimulated by oxidized low-density lipoprotein or lipopolysaccharides, as evaluated by real-time quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Macrophages differentiated from bone marrow cells of Arg-II-deficient (Arg-II(-/-)) mice express lower levels of lipopolysaccharide-induced proinflammatory mediators than do macrophages of wild-type mice. Importantly, reintroducing Arg-II cDNA into Arg-II(-/-) macrophages restores the inflammatory responses, with concomitant enhancement of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species. Scavenging of reactive oxygen species by N-acetylcysteine prevents the Arg-II-mediated inflammatory responses. Moreover, high-fat diet-induced infiltration of macrophages in various organs and expression of proinflammatory cytokines in adipose tissue are blunted in Arg-II(-/-) mice. Accordingly, Arg-II(-/-) mice reveal lower fasting blood glucose and improved glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity. Furthermore, apolipoprotein E (ApoE)-deficient mice with Arg-II deficiency (ApoE(-/-)Arg-II(-/-)) display reduced lesion size with characteristics of stable plaques, such as decreased macrophage inflammation and necrotic core. In vivo adoptive transfer experiments reveal that fewer donor ApoE(-/-)Arg-II(-/-) than ApoE(-/-)Arg-II(+/+) monocytes infiltrate into the plaque of ApoE(-/-)Arg-II(+/+) mice. Conversely, recipient ApoE(-/-)Arg-II(-/-) mice accumulate fewer donor monocytes than do recipient ApoE(-/-)Arg-II(+/+) animals. CONCLUSIONS: Arg-II promotes macrophage proinflammatory responses through mitochondrial reactive oxygen species, contributing to insulin resistance and atherogenesis. Targeting Arg-II represents a potential therapeutic strategy in type II diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis. (J Am Heart Assoc. 2012;1:e000992 doi: 10.1161/JAHA.112.000992.).


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The underlying mechanisms resulting in the profound immune suppression characteristic of human visceral leishmaniasis (VL) are not fully understood. Here, we tested the hypothesis that arginase, an enzyme associated with immunosuppression, is higher in patients with VL and contributes to impaired T cell responses. We recruited patients with VL before and after treatment and healthy controls and measured the arginase metabolism in the blood of these individuals. Our results show that arginase activity is significantly higher in the blood of patients with active VL as compared to controls. These high levels of arginase decline considerably once the patients are successfully treated. We identified the phenotype of arginase-expressing cells among PBMCs as neutrophils and show that their frequency was increased in PBMCs of patients before treatment; this coincides with reduced levels of L-arginine in the plasma and decreased expression levels of CD3ζ in T cells.


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The limited amount of information on the primary age-related deficiencies in the innate immune system led us to study the production of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), arginase, and cytokines in macrophages of young (8 weeks old) and old (72 weeks old) female BALB/c mice. We first evaluated iNOS and arginase inducers on peritoneal (PMΦ) and bone marrow-derived (BMMΦ) macrophages of young BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice, and then investigated their effects on macrophages of old mice. Upon stimulation with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), resident and thioglycolate-elicited PMΦ from young mice presented higher iNOS activity than those from old mice (54.4%). However, LPS-stimulated BMMΦ from old mice showed the highest NO levels (50.1%). Identical NO levels were produced by PMΦ and BMMΦ of both young and old mice stimulated with interferon-γ. Arginase activity was higher in resident and elicited PMΦ of young mice stimulated with LPS (48.8 and 32.7%, respectively) and in resident PMΦ stimulated with interleukin (IL)-4 (64%). BMMΦ of old mice, however, showed higher arginase activity after treatment with IL-4 (46.5%). In response to LPS, PMΦ from old mice showed the highest levels of IL-1α (772.3 ± 51.9 pg/mL), whereas, those from young mice produced the highest amounts of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α (937.2 ± 132.1 pg/mL). Only TNF-α was expressed in LPS-treated BMMΦ, and cells from old mice showed the highest levels of this cytokine (994.1 ± 49.42 pg/mL). Overall, these results suggest that macrophages from young and old mice respond differently to inflammatory stimuli, depending on the source and maturity of the cell donors.


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The levels and kinetic properties of arginase of the liver of s vertebrates : the fish otifg trhinea e)n, ztyhmee b ias thi(gPhteerro ipnu aslls tph.e), 3t hmeasmqumirarles lin(F cuonmampabruilsuosnp teon tnhaantt oi)f tahned p tohiek iglootahter(Cmaspra s(pC.)atalarec sattulad)i,edth. eT fhreo ga c(tRivaintya greater than that of the frog. The activity ; its activity in the fish is far in the bat and highest in the goat. in the bat is the same as in other mammals. The Km of the enzyme is lowest partially purified enzyme of vertebrates. significant difference in the inhibitory effect of glyoxylic acid on the partially purified enzyme of vertebrates.


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In Leishmania, arginase is responsible for the production of ornithine, a precursor of polyamines required for proliferation of the parasite. In this work, the activation kinetics of immobilized arginase enzyme from L. (L.) amazonensis were studied by varying the concentration of Mn(2+) applied to the nickel column at 23 degrees C. The intensity of the binding of the enzyme to the Ni(2+) resin was directly proportional to the concentration of Mn(2+). Conformational changes of the enzyme may occur when the enzyme interacts with immobilized Ni(2+), allowing the following to occur: (1) entrance of Mn(2+) and formation of the metal bridge; (2) stabilization and activation of the enzyme at 23 degrees C; and (3) an increase in the affinity of the enzyme to Ni(2+) after the Mn(2+) activation step. The conformational alterations can be summarized as follows: the interaction with the Ni(2+) simulates thermal heating in the artificial activation by opening a channel for Mn(2+) to enter. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Arginase (L-arginine amidinohydrolase, E.C. is a metalloenzyme that catalyses the hydrolysis Of L-arginine to L-ornithine and urea. In Leishmania spp., the biological role of the enzyme may be involved in modulating NO production upon macrophage infection. Previously, we cloned and characterized the arginase gene from Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis. In the present work, we successfully expressed the recombinant enzyme in E. coli and performed biochemical and biophysical characterization of both the native and recombinant enzymes. We obtained K-M and V-max. values of 23.9(+/- 0.96) mM and 192.3 mu mol/min mg protein (+/- 14.3), respectively, for the native enzyme. For the recombinant counterpart, K-M was 21.5(+/- 0.90) mM and V-max was 144.9(+/- 8.9) mu mol/min mg. Antibody against the recombinant protein confirmed a glycosomal cellular localization of the enzyme in promastigotes. Data from light scattering and small angle X-ray scattering showed that a trimeric state is the active form of the protein. We determined empirically that a manganese wash at room temperature is the best condition to purify active enzyme. The interaction of the recombinant protein with the immobilized nickel also allowed us to confirm the structural disposition of histidine at positions 3 and 324. The determined structural parameters provide substantial data to facilitate the search for selective inhibitors of parasitic sources of arginase, which could subsequently point to a candidate for leishmaniasis therapy. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In Leishmania, de novo polyamine synthesis is initiated by the cleavage of L-arginine to urea and L-ornithine by the action of arginase (ARG, E.C. Previous studies in L. major and L. mexicana showed that ARG is essential for in vitro growth in the absence of polyamines and needed for full infectivity in animal infections. The ARG protein is normally found within the parasite glycosome, and here we examined whether this localization is required for survival and infectivity. First, the localization of L. amazonensis ARG in the glycosome was confirmed in both the promastigote and amastigote stages. As in other species, arg(-) L. amazonensis required putrescine for growth and presented an attenuated infectivity. Restoration of a wild type ARG to the arg(-) mutant restored ARG expression, growth and infectivity. In contrast, restoration of a cytosol-targeted ARG lacking the glycosomal SKL targeting sequence (arg Delta SKL) restored growth but failed to restore infectivity. Further study showed that the ARG Delta SKL protein was found in the cytosol as expected, but at very low levels. Our results indicate that the proper compartmentalization of L. amazonensis arginase in the glycosome is important for enzyme activity and optimal infectivity. Our conjecture is that parasite arginase participates in a complex equilibrium that defines the fate of L-arginine and that its proper subcellular location may be essential for this physiological orchestration.


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Polyamine biosynthesis enzymes are promising drug targets for the treatment of leishmaniasis, Chagas' disease and African sleeping sickness. Arginase, which is a metallohydrolase, is the first enzyme involved in polyamine biosynthesis and converts arginine into ornithine and urea. Ornithine is used in the polyamine pathway that is essential for cell proliferation and ROS detoxification by trypanothione. The flavonols quercetin and quercitrin have been described as antitrypanosomal and antileishmanial compounds, and their ability to inhibit arginase was tested in this work. We characterized the inhibition of recombinant arginase from Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis by quercetin, quercitrin and isoquercitrin. The IC50 values for quercetin, quercitrin and isoquercitrin were estimated to be 3.8, 10 and 4.3 mu M, respectively. Quercetin is a mixed inhibitor, whereas quercitrin and isoquercitrin are uncompetitive inhibitors of L. (L.) amazonensis arginase. Quercetin interacts with the substrate L-arginine and the cofactor Mn2+ at pH 9.6, whereas quercitrin and isoquercitrin do not interact with the enzyme's cofactor or substrate. Docking analysis of these flavonols suggests that the cathecol group of the three compounds interact with Asp129, which is involved in metal bridge formation for the cofactors Mn-A(2+) and Mn-B(2+) in the active site of arginase. These results help to elucidate the mechanism of action of leishmanicidal flavonols and offer new perspectives for drug design against Leishmania infection based on interactions between arginase and flavones. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.