902 resultados para Argentina and Bolivia border


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El trabajo estudia las migraciones regionales e internacionales en un contexto de economías campesinas de frontera, que comprende los actuales municipios de Los Toldos (Salta, Argentina) y Padcaya (Tarija, Bolivia). El valle de Los Toldos perteneció a Bolivia hasta 1938, año en el que se oficializó su traspaso hacia Argentina. Si bien, hasta esa fecha, el área de estudio conformaba una misma región, la diferente pertenencia estatal fue marcando ciertas diferencias entre ambos sectores, principalmente debido a la influencia de las políticas que fue adoptando cada nación. Mediante un estudio etnográfico y, especialmente, el análisis comparado de 110 encuestas semi-estructuradas a unidades domésticas, se observa la movilidad espacial de sus integrantes. Diferentes tipos de migración se constituyen en función de las estrategias reproductivas de tales unidades. Dada la creciente subdivisión de las tierras las migraciones permanentes se entienden como un mecanismo compensatorio en la etapa de redistribución de los medios de producción entre los descendientes. Mientras que las migraciones temporarias se constituyen en una actividad más, que se suma a las actividades económicas convencionales.


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El trabajo estudia las migraciones regionales e internacionales en un contexto de economías campesinas de frontera, que comprende los actuales municipios de Los Toldos (Salta, Argentina) y Padcaya (Tarija, Bolivia). El valle de Los Toldos perteneció a Bolivia hasta 1938, año en el que se oficializó su traspaso hacia Argentina. Si bien, hasta esa fecha, el área de estudio conformaba una misma región, la diferente pertenencia estatal fue marcando ciertas diferencias entre ambos sectores, principalmente debido a la influencia de las políticas que fue adoptando cada nación. Mediante un estudio etnográfico y, especialmente, el análisis comparado de 110 encuestas semi-estructuradas a unidades domésticas, se observa la movilidad espacial de sus integrantes. Diferentes tipos de migración se constituyen en función de las estrategias reproductivas de tales unidades. Dada la creciente subdivisión de las tierras las migraciones permanentes se entienden como un mecanismo compensatorio en la etapa de redistribución de los medios de producción entre los descendientes. Mientras que las migraciones temporarias se constituyen en una actividad más, que se suma a las actividades económicas convencionales.


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El trabajo estudia las migraciones regionales e internacionales en un contexto de economías campesinas de frontera, que comprende los actuales municipios de Los Toldos (Salta, Argentina) y Padcaya (Tarija, Bolivia). El valle de Los Toldos perteneció a Bolivia hasta 1938, año en el que se oficializó su traspaso hacia Argentina. Si bien, hasta esa fecha, el área de estudio conformaba una misma región, la diferente pertenencia estatal fue marcando ciertas diferencias entre ambos sectores, principalmente debido a la influencia de las políticas que fue adoptando cada nación. Mediante un estudio etnográfico y, especialmente, el análisis comparado de 110 encuestas semi-estructuradas a unidades domésticas, se observa la movilidad espacial de sus integrantes. Diferentes tipos de migración se constituyen en función de las estrategias reproductivas de tales unidades. Dada la creciente subdivisión de las tierras las migraciones permanentes se entienden como un mecanismo compensatorio en la etapa de redistribución de los medios de producción entre los descendientes. Mientras que las migraciones temporarias se constituyen en una actividad más, que se suma a las actividades económicas convencionales.


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Several authors have applied the concept of Welfare Regimens for studying social policy in Latin America (Esping-Andersen, 1993 and 2000). Among others, Martínez Franzoni (2007) develops a typology, with fi eld work is at the turn of the millennium, and establishes three categories: State-productivist regime, state-protectionist and family orientated. Most countries in the region are placed in the latter category. The hypothesis of this article argues that with the emergence of governments considered “left” or “progressive” in several countries of the region from the late ‘90s and, more decisively, in 2000’, the map of welfare regimes models could have mutated substantively. The nationally transformative experiences are different (various socio-economic realities and political action in which they are located exists) but they have several contact points that can be summarized in a greater state intervention in different areas previously closed to their operating and recovery of important functions of welfare and care of the population by the government. The paper discusses with an exploratory and descriptive approach the welfare schemes that would shape in three countries that have constitutionalized the change from the neoliberal paradigm: Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador.


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The Rufous-thighed, Hawk (Accipiter erythronemius) is a poorly-known, small raptor that dwells in forests and wooded savannas in south and eastern Brazil, Taraguay, eastern Bolivia, north and central Argentina, and Uruguay. We studied breeding biology and food habits of the Rufous-thighed Hawk from 1994 to 2007. We documented 14 breeding attempts recorded at nine nest sites in eight localities in Argentina and Brazil. Rufous-thighed Hawks were year-round residents at the study areas. The breeding season was c. 38 weeks long (June through March). Territorial behavior and courtship spanned for 22 weeks starting in mid June. Nest-building started in August. Nestlings were observed throughout December and into early January while fledglings were observed from late December through late March. Most nest sites were conifer plantations averaging 32.2 (SD = 10) years old, 12.6 ha (SD = 11.3) in size with trees averaging d 37.5 cm (SD = 13.5) of diameter at breast height. Nests were placed 20.2 m high (SD = 5.7), near the trunks of non-emergent conifers (Pinus sp. or Araucaria angustifolia). Nests were made of sticks, greater diameter averaging 48.8 cm (SD = 11.4), while nest depth averaged 23.3 cm (SD = 14). Prey items were birds (n = 49) ranging in size from c. 10 g [House Wren (Troglodytes, aedon)] to c. 140 g [White-tipped Dove (Leptotila verreauxi)]. Young started to chase birds at the age of 42-45 days in mid January. Adult males were primarily food providers but also aided in nest defense against other raptors. Females incubated, brooded, and fed young, and took leading roles in defense against humans. Rufous-thighed Hawks had unlined nests placed high in trees, and breeding season was markedly protracted.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In the Andean highlands, indigenous environmental knowledge is currently undergoing major changes as a result of various external and internal factors. As in other parts of the world, an overall process of erosion of local knowledge can be observed. In response to this trend, some initiatives that adopt a biocultural approach aim at actively strengthening local identities and revalorizing indigenous environmental knowledge and practices, assuming that such practices can contribute to more sustainable management of biodiversity. However, these initiatives usually lack a sound research basis, as few studies have focused on the dynamics of indigenous environmental knowledge in the Andes and on its links with biodiversity management. Against this background, the general objective of this research project was to contribute to the understanding of the dynamics of indigenous environmental knowledge in the Andean highlands of Peru and Bolivia by investigating how local medicinal knowledge is socially differentiated within rural communities, how it is transformed, and which external and internal factors influence these transformation processes. The project adopted an actor-oriented perspective and emphasized the concept of knowledge dialogue by analyzing the integration of traditional and formal medicinal systems within family therapeutic strategies. It also aimed at grasping some of the links between the dynamics of medicinal knowledge and the types of land use systems and biodiversity management. Research was conducted in two case study areas of the Andes, both Quechua-speaking and situated in comparable agro-ecological production belts - Pitumarca District, Department of Cusco (Southern Peruvian Highlands) and the Tunari National Park, Department of Cochabamba (Bolivian inner-Andean valleys). In each case study area, the land use systems and strategies of 18 families from two rural communities, their environmental knowledge related to medicine and to the local therapeutic flora, and an appreciation of the dynamics of this knowledge were assessed. Data were collected through a combination of disciplinary and participatory action-research methods. It was mostly analyzed using qualitative methods, though some quantitative ethnobotanical methods were also used. In both case studies, traditional medicine still constitutes the preferred option for the families interviewed, independently of their age, education level, economic status, religion, or migration status. Surprisingly and contrary to general assertions among local NGOs and researchers, results show that there is a revival of Andean medicine within the younger generation, who have greater knowledge of medicinal plants than the previous one, value this knowledge as an important element of their way of life and relationship with “Mother Earth” (Pachamama), and, at least in the Bolivian case, prefer to consult the traditional healer rather than go to the health post. Migration to the urban centres and the Amazon lowlands, commonly thought to be an important factor of local medicinal knowledge loss, only affects people’s knowledge in the case of families who migrate over half of the year or permanently. Migration does not influence the knowledge of medicinal plants or the therapeutic strategies of families who migrate temporarily for shorter periods of time. Finally, economic status influences neither the status of people’s medicinal knowledge, nor families’ therapeutic strategies, even though the financial factor is often mentioned by practitioners and local people as the main reason for not using the formal health system. The influence of the formal health system on traditional medicinal knowledge varies in each case study area. In the Bolivian case, where it was only introduced in the 1990s and access to it is still very limited, the main impact was to give local communities access to contraceptive methods and to vaccination. In the Peruvian case, the formal system had a much greater impact on families’ health practices, due to local and national policies that, for instance, practically prohibit some traditional practices such as home birth. But in both cases, biomedicine is not considered capable of responding to cultural illnesses such as “fear” (susto), “bad air” (malviento), or “anger” (colerina). As a consequence, Andean farmers integrate the traditional medicinal system and the formal one within their multiple therapeutic strategies, reflecting an inter-ontological dialogue between different conceptions of health and illness. These findings reflect a more general trend in the Andes, where indigenous communities are currently actively revalorizing their knowledge and taking up traditional practices, thus strengthening their indigenous collective identities in a process of cultural resistance.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Peru & Bolivia. It was published by J. Arrowsmith 15 Febr. 1842. Scale [ca. 1:5,000,000]. Covers also parts of surrounding countries.The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to a non-standard 'World Sinusoidal' projection with the central meridian at 70.000000 degrees west. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, cities and other human settlements, territorial boundaries, shoreline features, and more. Relief is shown by hachures. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection and the Harvard University Library as part of the Open Collections Program at Harvard University project: Organizing Our World: Sponsored Exploration and Scientific Discovery in the Modern Age. Maps selected for the project correspond to various expeditions and represent a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.


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Natural disasters in Argentina and Chile played a significant role in the state-formation and nation-building process (1822-1939). This dissertation explores state and society responses to earthquakes by studying public and private relief efforts reconstruction plans, crime and disorder, religious interpretations of catastrophes, national and transnational cultures of disaster, science and technology, and popular politics. Although Argentina and Chile share a political border and geological boundary, the two countries provide contrasting examples of state formation. Most disaster relief and reconstruction efforts emanated from the centralized Chilean state in Santiago. In Argentina, provincial officials made the majority of decisions in a catastrophe’s aftermath. Patriotic citizens raised money and collected clothing for survivors that helped to weave divergent regions together into a nation. The shared experience of earthquakes in all regions of Chile created a national disaster culture. Similarly, common disaster experiences, reciprocal relief efforts, and aid commissions linked Chileans with Western Argentine societies and generated a transnational disaster culture. Political leaders viewed reconstruction as opportunities to implement their visions for the nation on the urban landscape. These rebuilding projects threatened existing social hierarchies and often failed to come to fruition. Rebuilding brought new technologies from Europe to the Southern Cone. New building materials and systems, however, had to be adapted to the South American economic and natural environment. In a catastrophe’s aftermath, newspapers projected images of disorder and the authorities feared lawlessness and social unrest. Judicial and criminal records, however, show that crime often decreased after a disaster. Finally, nineteenth-century earthquakes heightened antagonism and conflict between the Catholic Church and the state. Conservative clergy asserted that disasters were divine punishments for the state’s anti-clerical measures and later railed against scientific explanations of earthquakes.


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While the popularity of destination image research has increased exponentially in the literature, there has been relatively little published about perceptions held by international consumers of destinations in South America. The purpose of this paper is to report the findings of a research project that aimed to identify the baseline market perceptions of Brazil, Argentina and Chile amongst Australian residents, at the time of the emergence of this long haul market. Of interest was the extent to which Australians differentiate the three distinct countries versus perceiving the continent as a gestalt. These baseline perceptions enable the effectiveness of future marketing communications in Australia by the three national tourism offices to be monitored over time. Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) is used as a practical analytical tool to guide decision makers. In terms of operationalising destination image, a key research finding was the very high ratio or participants using the ‘Don’t know’ (DK) option for each destination performance scale item. This finding has practical implications for the destination marketers, as well as for researchers engaged in destination image research in long haul and/or emerging markets.