15 resultados para Argasidae


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Os carrapatos são ectoparasitas hematófagos que apresentam grande importância econômica e médico-veterinária por transmitirem patógenos para os diversos hospedeiros, bem como por causarem redução na qualidade da carne, couro e leite devido à sua ação espoliativa. A espécie Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Ixodidae), conhecida popularmente como “carrapato do cão” tem ampla distribuição geográfica e é a principal responsável pela transmissão de patógenos aos cães domésticos, além de ser potencial transmissora destes para a espécie humana. A espécie Ornithodoros rostratus (Argasidae) conhecida como “carrapato do chão” é encontrada principalmente na região centro-oeste do Brasil e tem causado problemas, tais como grandes hematomas na pele do hospedeiro, principalmente dos suínos e dos animais silvestres, além de humanos, devido a sua fixação. O tecido fluído desses animais é a hemolinfa, a qual é composta por plasma linfático e por diversos tipos de células, ainda pouco estudadas. A hemolinfa é responsável pelo transporte de diversas substâncias importantes para a sobrevivência do animal, tais como enzimas, hormônios e resíduos a serem excretados pelo organismo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de realizar uma descrição comparativa e detalhada das células encontradas na hemolinfa das duas espécies de carrapatos citadas


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The phylogenetic relationships among tick species (Acari: Ixodida) have been revisited by several researchers over the last decades. Two subfamilies, Rhipicephalinae (Ixodidae) and Ornithodorinae (Argasidae), deserve special attention. The male reproductive system morphology, as well as the ultrastructure of the germ cells, may provide important information for phylogeny and systematics of metazoan groups, with spermatozoa exhibiting characters that can be used for this purpose. With that information in mind, this study aimed at evaluating, through a comparative analysis, the morphology of the male reproductive systems and germ cells of ticks species Rhipicephalus sanguineus and Ornithodoros rostratus. In order to do that, histology and scanning electron microscopy techniques were used. The results have shown that despite the similarities in the general morphology of the male reproductive system among studied Ixodida so far, there are morphological differences among the species studied herein, mainly the U-shaped testis (ancestral character) in O. rostratus and the pair testes (derived character) in R. sanguineus, and the general morphology of germ cells (spermatids V). Besides that, the morphological changes observed during the spermiogenesis appear to be different between the species studied here, probably characterizing the two families considered. The data generated in this study showed the importance of comparative internal morphology studies, mainly in regard to spermatology, despite the morphological data obtained herein not being enough to product a cladogram (sperm cladistics), it was already possible to observe clear differences among families Argasidae and Ixodidae in regard to the organization of their male reproductive systems and concerning the external morphology of spermatids. Data yet to be obtained through transmission electron microscopy techniques will allow the application of spermiocladistics and spermiotaxonomy as tools for tick systematics.


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In the present study, the presence of tick-associated bacteria and protozoa in Ornithodoros rostratus ticks (adults, nymphs, and eggs) from the Pantanal region of Brazil were determined by molecular detection. In these ticks, DNA from protozoa in the genera Babesia and Hepatozoon, and bacteria from the genera Rickettsia, Borrelia, Anaplasma, and Ehrlichia were not detected. Conversely, all tested ticks (100%) yielded PCR products for 3 Coxiella genes (16S rRNA, pyrG, cap). PCR and phylogenetic analysis of 3 amplified genes (16S rRNA, pyrG, cap) demonstrated that the agent infecting O. rostratus ticks was a member of the genus Coxiella. This organism grouped with Coxiella symbionts of other soft tick species (Argasidae), having different isolates of C. burnetii as a sister group, and these 2 groups formed a clade that grouped with another clade containing Coxiella symbionts of hard tick species (Ixodidae). Analysis of tick mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene database composed mostly of tick species previously shown to harbor Coxiella symbionts suggests a phylogenetic congruence of ticks and their Coxiella symbionts. Furthermore, these results suggest a very long period of coevolution between ticks and Coxiella symbionts and indicates that the original infection may have occurred in an ancestor common to the 2 main tick families, Argasidae (soft ticks) and Ixodidae (hard ticks). However, this evolutionary relationship must be confirmed by more extensive testing of additional tick species and expanded populations. (c) 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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By the end of the 1960s, the argasid tick Ornithodoros peropteryx was described from larval specimens collected from the bat Peropteryx macrotis in Colombia. Since its original description, no additional record of O. peropteryx has been reported, and its post-larval stages have remained unknown. During July 2010, 18 larvae were collected from 9 bats (Centronycteris maximiliani), resulting in a mean infestation of 2.0 ± 2.2 ticks per bat (range 1–8). These bats were captured in a farm in northeastern Bolivia close to Guaporé River in the border with Brazil. Morphological examinations of the larvae revealed them to represent the species O. peropteryx. One engorged larva that was kept alive in the laboratory moulted to a nymph after 9 days. Fourteen days after the larval moulting, the nymph moulted to an adult female without taking any blood meal during the nymphal period. This adult female was used for a morphological description of the female stage of O. peropteryx. In addition, the larvae were used for a morphological redescription of this stage. One larva and two legs extirpated from the adult female were submitted to DNA extraction and PCR targeting a fragment of the mitochondrial 16S rDNA gene, which yielded DNA sequences at least 11 % divergent from any available argasid sequence in Genbank. We show that O. peropteryx ontogeny is characterized by a single, non-feeding, nymphal stage. This condition has never been reported for ticks.


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The soft tick Ornithodoros guaporensis n. sp. (Acari: Ixodida: Argasidae) is described from larvae and adults. Morphological analysis and 16S rDNA sequences are provided. Adults were collected from a rocky fissure inhabited by bats located in the Amazonian forest in north-eastern Bolivia (Beni Department) close to the Guaporé River. Larvae were obtained from eggs laid by females collected in the field, and which were fed on rabbits in the laboratory. Larvae of O. guaporensis are morphologically closely related to Ornithodoros rioplatensis, Ornithodoros puertoricensis and Orni-thodoros talaje. Larvae of O. guaporensis and O. rioplatensis can be separated from O. puertoricensis and O. talaje by the number of pairs of dorsal setae (20 in O. guaporensis and O. rioplatensis, 18 in O. puertoricensis and 17 in O. talaje). Larvae of O. guaporensis and O. rioplatensis can be differentiated by the medial dental formula (2/2 in O. guaporensis and 3/3 in O. rioplatensis) and the apex of the hypostome, which is more pointed in O. rioplatensis than in O. guaporensis. The Principal Component Analysis performed with morphometric characters of larvae showed a clear separation among O. guaporensis, O. rioplatensis, O. puertoricensis and O. talaje. Significant morphological differences among adults of these four species were not found. The analysis of the 16S rDNA sequences allowed for the differentiation between O. guaporensis and the remaining Neotropical species of the family Argasidae.


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By the end of the 1960s, the argasid tick Ornithodoros peropteryx was described from larval specimens collected from the bat Peropteryx macrotis in Colombia. Since its original description, no additional record of O. peropteryx has been reported, and its post-larval stages have remained unknown. During July 2010, 18 larvae were collected from 9 bats (Centronycteris maximiliani), resulting in a mean infestation of 2.0 ± 2.2 ticks per bat (range 1–8). These bats were captured in a farm in northeastern Bolivia close to Guapore´ River in the border with Brazil. Morphological examinations of the larvae revealed them to represent the species O. peropteryx. One engorged larva that was kept alive in the laboratory moulted to a nymph after 9 days. Fourteen days after the larval moulting, the nymph moulted to an adult female without taking any blood meal during the nymphal period. This adult female was used for a morphological description of the female stage of O. peropteryx. In addition, the larvae were used for a morphological redescription of this stage. One larva and two legs extirpated from the adult female were submitted to DNA extraction and PCR targeting a fragment of the mitochondrial 16S rDNA gene, which yielded DNA sequences at least 11 % divergent from any available argasid sequence in Genbank. We show that O. peropteryx ontogeny is characterized by a single, non-feeding, nymphal stage. This condition has never been reported for ticks.


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The bat tick Ornithodoros mimon Kohls, Clifford & Jones is currently known by only few reports in Bolivia, Uruguay, Argentina, and the state of São Paulo in southeastern Brazil. Here, we expand the distribution of O. mimon in Brazil to the states of Minas Gerais (southeastern region), Goiás (central-western), Pernambuco, and Rio Grande do Norte (northeastern). Ticks were collected on human dwellings, where there had been repeated complains of tick bites on persons during the night. Tick bites were generally followed by intense inflammatory reactions that lasted for several weeks at the bite site. Bats and opossums were reported to inhabit the attic of the infested houses. In addition, a free-ranging opossum (Didelphis albiventris Lund) trapped in Rio Grande do Norte was found infested by argasid larvae. Based on morphological and/or molecular analysis, all ticks were identified as O. mimon. From one of the sites (Tiradentes, state of Minas Gerais), 20 field-collected nymphs were tested by a battery of polymerase chain reaction protocols targeting tick-borne microorganisms of the genera Babesia, Hepatozoon, Rickettsia, Borrelia, Anaplasma, Ehrlichia, and Coxiella; no tick specimen was found infected by any of these microorganism genera. The current study expands northwards the distribution of O. mimon, which has been shown to be very harmful to humans because of the intense inflammatory response that usually occurs after tick bites.


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Os carrapatos são ectoparasitas hematófagos de grande importância epidemiológica, pois são vetores de muitos patógenos. Esses animais pertencem ao Filo Arthropoda, Classe Arachnida, Subclasse Acari, são classificados em três famílias: Ixodidae, Argasidae e Nutalliellidae, apresentam ampla distribuição geográfica e podem parasitar grande variedade de vertebrados, inclusive o homem. O carrapato da espécie Amblyomma cajennense, popularmente conhecido como carrapato-estrela, carrapato do cavalo ou rodoleiro, tem grande importância médica por ser vetor da bactéria Rickettsia rickettsii, causadora da febre maculosa brasileira (FMB), que pode levar o hospedeiro a óbito. Apesar das crescentes pesquisas com esses animais, ainda existem lacunas na literatura acerca de alguns de seus processos reprodutivos. Dessa forma, esse trabalho teve por objetivo estudar o desenvolvimento dos testículos dessa espécie por meio da descrição da morfologia e histologia dos testículos de indivíduos em jejum e alimentados, identificando a dinâmica do processo de espermatogênese e se a alimentação influencia nesse processo. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os testículos são estruturas pares e tubulares arranjadas dorsolateralmente no opistossoma, sendo que a região proximal está conectada às vesículas seminais pelos ductos deferentes, semelhante ao observado em outras espécies de ixodídeos. Associado ao aparelho genital masculino encontra-se um complexo de glândulas acessórias multilobuladas. Foi constatado que a alimentação tem papel fundamental no desenvolvimento do sistema reprodutor, visto que nos indivíduos em jejum as vesículas seminais e o complexo de glândulas acessórias foram menores e menos desenvolvidos do que nos animais alimentados. Além disso, as espermátides alongadas, precursoras dos espermatozoides no trato reprodutor... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This study performed the ultrastructural description of the synganglion of Rhipicephalus sanguineus males and females, aiming to contribute to the understanding of the cellular organization of this organ. The results show that the central nervous system of these individuals consists of a mass of fused nerves, named synganglion, from where nerves emerge towards several parts of the body. It is surrounded by the neural lamella, a uniform and acellular layer, constituted by repeated layers of homogeneous and finely granular material. The perineurium is just below, composed of glial cells, which extensions invaginate throughout the nervous tissue. The synganglion is internally divided into an outer cortex, which contains the cellular bodies of the neural cells and an inner neuropile. The neural cells can be classified into two types according to cell size, cytoplasm-nucleus relation, and neurosecretory activity. Type I cells are oval or spherical and present a large nucleus occupying most part of the cytoplasm, which contains few organelles. Type 2 cells are polygonal, present a great cytoplasm volume, and their nuclei are located in the cell periphery. The cytoplasm of these cells contains a well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi regions, mitochondria, and several neurosecretory granules. The subperineurium and the tracheal ramifications are found between the cortex and the neuropile. The latter is formed mainly by neural fibers, tracheal elements, and glial cells. The results obtained show that R. sanguineus males' and females' nervous tissue present an ultrastructural organization similar to the one described in the literature for other tick species.


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During 2008D2010, ticks were collected from road-killed wild animals within the Serra dos Orgaos National Park area in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In total, 193 tick specimens were collected, including Amblyomma dubitatum Neumann and Amblyomma cajennense (F.) from four Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris (L.), Amblyomma calcaratum Neumann and A. cajennense from four Tamandua tetradactyla (L.), Amblyomma aureolatum (Pallas) and A. cajennense from five Cerdocyon thous L., Amblyomma longirostre (Koch) from one Sphiggurus villosus (Cuvier), Amblyomma varium Koch from three Bradypus variegatus Schinz, and A. cajennense from one Buteogallus meridionalis (Latham). Molecular analyses based on polymerase chain reaction targeting two rickettsial genes (gltA and ompA) on tick DNA extracts showed that 70.6% (12/17) of the A. dubitatum adult ticks, and all Amblyomma sp. nymphal pools collected from capybaras were shown to contain rickettsial DNA, which after DNA sequencing, revealed to be 100% identical to the recently identified Rickettsia sp. strain Pampulha from A. dubitatum ticks collected in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Phylogenetic analysis with concatenated sequences (gltA-ompA) showed that our sequence from A. dubitatum ticks, referred to Rickettsia sp. strain Serra dos Orgaos, segregated under 99% bootstrap support in a same cluster with Old World rickettsiae, namely R. tamurae, R. monacensis, and Rickettsia sp. strain 774e. Because A. dubitatum is known to bite humans, the potential role of Rickettsia sp. strain Serra dos Orgaos as human pathogen must be taken into account, because both R. tamurae and R. monacencis have been reported infecting human beings.


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From June 2005 to November 2010, 43 small mammals encompassing 6 species of Didelphimorphia, 8 species of Rodentia, and 1 species of Lagomorpha were found parasitized by ticks in the state of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. Nine tick species, in total 186 specimens, were identified as follows: Amblyomma cajennense (larvae and nymphs) on opossums and rodents; Amblyomma ovale (nymphs) on rodents; Amblyomma parvum (nymphs) on rodents; Amblyomma coelebs (nymphs) on opossums; Amblyomma dubitatum (nymph) on opossums; Ixodes amarali (females, nymphs, and larvae) on opossums and rodents; Ixodes loricatus (male, females, nymph) on opossums; Ixodes schulzei (female) on rodents; and Haemaphysalis leporispalustris (female) on rabbits. Most of the tick-host associations found in the present study have never been recorded in the literature; those include three new host records for I. amarali, four for A. cajennense, one for A. dubitatum, two for A. ovale, and one for A. coelebs. In addition, we provide the first record of A. coelebs in the state of Minas Gerais.


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Ticks are classified into three families: Argasidae, Ixodidae, and Nutalliellidae. The taxonomy and phylogeny within Ixodidae are still discussed by the specialists, thus requiring further studies. Amblyomma cajennese and Amblyomma aureolatum (Brazil) belong to two species complexes known as “cajennese” and “ovale”, respectively, and are directly related to the transmission of the Brazilian spotted fever. This confirms the medical and veterinary significance of these species, as well as the need for further morphological studies that will bring a better understanding of their taxonomy, phylogeny, and control. In this context, the present study aimed to characterize the morphology of the male reproductive system of A. cajennese and A. aureolatum when unfed and after 4 days of feeding, thereby seeking to: (a) distinguish the two species or “complexes”, and (b) study an internal system which has the potential to be targeted by acaricides. Therefore, males from both species (unfed and after 4 days of feeding) were cold-anesthetized, dissected, and had their reproductive systems removed for histological analysis. The results showed that the morphology of the male reproductive system is generally similar between both species, like in other Ixodidae ticks, exhibiting a multilobed accessory gland complex related to seminal fluid secretion, a pair of vasa deferentia and a pair of testes housing germ cells (spermatocytes) in different stages. The main differences were found in the development of the accessory gland complex cells and germ cells, showing that the maturation of the male reproductive system starts later in A. aureolatum, when compared to A. cajennese. However, during the blood meal, A. aureolatum development is increased, thus making germ cell maturation and gland complex activity higher than in A. cajennese. This study shows the differences in the development of the male reproductive systems of both species, while providing information that can assist in the establishment of new control methods.