136 resultados para Areias
Devido a sua grande extensão latitudinal, a costa brasileira é influenciada por diferentes regimes climáticos e oceanográficos. Adicionalmente, a distribuição da população brasileira é caracterizada por uma alta concentração nas capitais litorâneas. Todos esses fatores levam à construção de inúmeras estruturas de engenharia que podem de alguma forma impactar o transporte de sedimento e consequentemente o balanço sedimentar de algumas praias. Uma das formas mais eficientes de recuperar esse balanço sedimentar é a alimentação artificial de praias, com sedimentos provenientes da plataforma continental com características semelhantes. Os métodos geofísicos acústicos permitem mapear de forma eficiente o fundo e o subfundo marinho para a busca de áreas fontes para a lavra de forma eficiente. O objetivo deste estudo é a identificação de padrões geoacústicos a partir de analises quantitativas e qualitativas, para a caracterização de áreas fontes de areias siliciclásticas compatíveis com sedimentos de praias em erosão na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O mapeamento foi realizado na plataforma continental interna do Rio de Janeiro, em área adjacente à praia de Itaipuaçu (Maricá, RJ). As análises evidenciaram depósitos, localizados entre 19 e 30 metros, de areias com granulometria, textura e selecionamento em condições ideias para a recomposição de praias do Rio de Janeiro.
Trabalho de Projeto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Estruturas
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil, na Área de Especialização de Hidráulica
The palynologic study of several boreholes for lignite prospection at the "Vale de Santarém sands" is presented. Height spores and 18 pollen forms have been identified. The quantitative and qualitative results are shown in table 2. Four palynologic associations (A - D) corresponding to climatic changes have been characterized. Correlations are established with the plant associations of Rio Maior Basin. Correlation between the boreholes allow a better understanding of the small, Vale de Santarém basin infilling.
O comportamento mecânico dos solos arenosos tem sido objeto de numerosos estudos e os resultados encontram-se bem descritos na literatura. Entretanto, pouco se conhece sobre o comportamento destes solos quando submetidos a certo grau de alteração de suas propriedades originais. Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo de dois solos arenosos, com características distintas, da região litorânea do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O trabalho envolveu ensaios de laboratório para verificação de algumas propriedades mecânicas, como a compressibilidade unidimensional, a resistência ao cisalhamento e o comportamento tensão-deformação. Foram também realizados ensaios para verificação das características físicas dos grãos dos solos, por meio de ensaios de difratometria de raios-X, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e a análise da composição química pelo método de espectrometria de energia dispersiva (EDS). Estes ensaios especiais tiveram a finalidade de determinar o tipo de alteração ocorrente nos grãos de areia alterada. Através das análises, constatou-se que embora os dois solos sejam muito semelhantes sob o ponto de vista granulométrico e mineralógico, o comportamento mecânico do solo com alteração é profundamente modificado em relação ao solo sem alteração. Na areia alterada existe uma camada de material cimentante em torno dos grãos cujos principais elementos químicos são o ferro e o silício, em forma de sílica amorfa De uma forma geral, o material cimentante e as ligações entre grãos apresentam um aspecto poroso e fraturado. A alteração verificada corresponde a uma ação pedogenética responsável pela geração de agentes cimentantes, sem modificação nas características intrínsecas dos grãos de areia. Nos ensaios de compressão confinada sob o mesmo índice de vazios, a areia alterada apresentou maiores deformações e um índice de compressão duas vezes maior do que a areia sã. A areia alterada teve sua resistência ao cisalhamento bastante alterada pelo grau de umidade, ao contrário da areia sã, além de não ter apresentado resistência de pico para as densidades testadas.
This work presents results of field and laboratory tests using a Dynamic Cone Penetrometer, DCP. The tests were performed in order to evaluate the use of the equipment in sand for the control of bearing capacity of shallow foundations and fill compaction. For shallow foundations, the laboratory tests were conducted on sand placed in a metallic mould by the method of sand pluviation. Although the results show the inability to reproduce field conditions in the laboratory it was possible to verify the ability of the DCP to identify less resistant soil layers. The DCP tests for the analysis of compaction control were performed in a strong box with inside dimensions of 1,40 m x 1,40 m and 0,70 m in height. The soil layers were compacted with different densities though the use of a vibrating plate in order to obtain correlations between penetration index, DPI, and soil relative density. Other tests were also conducted to assess the influence of soil moisture on tests results. Among other findings, the results showed the great potential for the use of DCP to control the compaction of sand fills
Soil improved with the addition of cement have been utilized as an alternative to the construction of various types of geotechnical works, almost always present economic and environmental advantages. This paper presents a study on the usage of cement in the improvement of mechanical properties of sandy soils, characteristic of the region of Natal, collected from its dunes. This research was made in order to analyze the influence of cement content, voids, and also including water immersion and confining pressure. Samples molded from cement-soil mixtures were tested for unconfined compression tests and triaxial tests. The samples had the percentage of cement mixed in 2.5%, 5% and 10% by weight. The cement agent used was the Portland Cement of High Early strength(CPV-ARI), which promoted agility to the experimental procedure for presenting a rapid gain in strenght. The void ratio used ranged from 0.7 (more compact), 0,9 and 1,1(softer). The soil under study can be considered as pure sand. In general, it can be stated that the larger the amount of cement added to the sand studied is, the greater ultimate strength will be. Likewise, as more compact the soil is, the less void ratio and more resistant it will be present. The confining pressure tends to increase the resistance of the specimens. The cementing adopted grades showed that the use of different criteria for failure did not significantly alter the stress-strain parameters for the sand studied. The angle of friction values were found within the typical range of medium and compact sands. Cementing acted in the sand providing an intercepted cohesion which increased enhancing the potential cementation. In triaxial compression tests, the sand with void ratio is equal to 0.7 and showed the expected behavior for a compact sand while the stress-strain behavior of the same sand with the void ratio of 0.9 tended to be expected for the soft sand as well
Beach deposits occur in high energy environments with continual sorting by swash and backswash. The fines are removed by the backswash, which is not competent to remove the coarser material. Hence negative asymmetry (skewness) results. The wind transports only the finer fraction to the dunes, resulting in a tendency towards a positively skewed distribution. In the case studied the aeolian sand has a mean asymmetry of 0.13, the beach sand -0.11. Equivalent values for mean grain size and standard deviation are 2.51 and 0.24 (aeolian) and 2.41 and 0.37 (beach). Beach sands are therefore coarser and less well sorted than aeolian sands. -V.Gardiner
Although the quality of sea recreational waters is already monitored by programs implanted in some Brazilian states, including the State São Paulo, little attention has been given to beach sands, which have been disregarded from the point of view of public health. However, this panorama is changing in recent years due to an increasing number of cases of mycoses and bacterial infections affecting people who frequent beaches and use sands as recreation places. This has caused greater concerns with the contamination of this environment, also measurable by the increase of the number of scientific works on sediments and recreational beach sands microbiota. Currently one knows that in general these sediments contain more microorganisms than the water and are therefore potential sources of contamination of human beings by pathogenic microorganisms. The results of works carried through in some countries are worrying, and have demonstrated the necessity of establishing standards and limits so that monitoring programs of the microbiological quality of beach sands are implanted. Such concern is especially high in Brazil, a country of a tropical climate where thousands of beaches, used for recreation, extend for almost eight thousand kilometers of the coast. In the context of Baixada Santista, studies carried through have shown that in certain situations beach sands can contain more microorganisms than waters and may be a risk to the health of users.
Coastal cities attract a large number of tourists for their beautiful landscape and recreational activities, increasing the municipalities' income source. Thus, a need is clear for the establishment of beach quality monitoring programs to ensure bathers health. Although there is an effective monitoring program for recreational waters in Brazil there are no programs to certify the quality of beach sands. In this sense, the aim of this work was to analyze the density of bacteria from the genus Enterococcus in both sand and water from two beaches from São Vicente, São Paulo (Brazil) and correlate these densities to abiotic parameters such as: temperature, salinity, particle size, organic matter and tides). Water and sand samples were collected during February 2006 on the beaches of Gonzaguinha e Ilha Porchat and bacterial densities were determined by membrane filter technique. Temperature and salinity were measured in situ with a thermometer and a refractometer while particle size and organic matter were determined according to methods described by Suguio and Dean. There were significant differences between densities found in water and sand (p=0.004), being approximately 20 times higher in Gonzaguinha's beach sands. Similar results were found for Ilha Porchat beach samples, being the densities found in sand 3 times greater than those found in water. Both beaches showed a negative correlation between bacterial densities and salinity and temperature, suggesting a deleterious effect of these parameters on the bacterial community. On the other hand, no correlation was found between organic matter and particle size and bacterial densities. This work demonstrates that there is a great necessity for monitoring beach sand since the evaluation of beach quality is an important part of integrated coastal management programs.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Microbiologia Aplicada) - IBRC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)