983 resultados para Aref, Abdel Rahman (1916-2007) -- Portraits
No son pocos los trabajos que se han realizado hasta la fecha a cerca de los refranes, pero, a pesar de ello, la gente sigue usando el término refrán, dicho, proverbio, frase hecha…como si fuesen sinónimos, o bien los utilizan según les “suena”. ¿Por qué entonces, elegir como tema para elaborar la Tesis Doctoral algo “tan visto”? La respuesta es sencilla, mi interés y admiración por este gran legado, capaz de sorprender con determinadas expresiones y tener la habilidad de encajar a la perfección en ámbitos cotidianos, o no, de nuestro día a día. Siendo sincera, mi curiosidad por saber más a cerca del tema nació en las clases de Dialectología impartidas durante el último año de carrera; dicha asignatura me otorgó una visión de los dialectos árabes en general, su estudio me permitió conocer, de manera esquemática, los diferentes cambios que se producen entre unos y otros, y empecé a entender…aquello no sólo me gustaba sino que despertaba en mí el deseo de saber más. Así, en el momento de realizar la tesina, lo tuve claro, quería indagar y saber más no sólo sobre los refranes, sino también de mi propio dialecto, el iraquí. Buscando en la amplia biblioteca que tenemos en casa, me llamó la atención un libro que mi padre tiene en las estanterías desde hace años, trataba sobre refranes y además estaban escritos en dialecto iraquí. Era perfecto para empezar! Lamentablemente, y sólo para la realización de la Tesina, únicamente conté con el volumen III de la obra at-TikrÊtÊ. Años más tarde, y gracias al esfuerzo e incesante búsqueda por parte de mi familia que vive en Iraq, conseguí la colección completa. (Debo decir que la Biblioteca Islámica sólo cuenta con el volumen II, pero el nombre del autor está mal escrito, por lo que me resultó imposible localizarlo cuando realice la Tesina). La gran variedad de temas y situaciones que aparecen en la colección me obligó a elegir un tema en concreto. Así, opté por la mujer y la familia...
Changes of the electron dynamics during the mode transition (E- to H-mode) in a hydrogen radio-frequency (rf) inductively coupled plasma are investigated using space and phase resolved optical emission spectroscopy. The E- mode is characterized through relatively weak optical emission which is strongly modulated on a nanosecond time scale during the rf-cycle, with one pronounced maximum per cycle. The modulation in H-mode, with twice the rf-frequency, is significantly weaker while the emission intensities are about two orders of magnitude higher. In particular the transition between these two modes is studied under variations of rf-power input and gas pressure. Characteristic spatio-temporal structures are observed and can be understood in the frame of a simple model combining both coupling mechanisms in the transition regime.
Image from publication: Old Jackson town, produced for Jackson County by Great Lakes Federal Savings, 1981
This document is part of a series of 5 technical manuals produced by the Challenge Program Project CP34 “Improved fisheries productivity and management in tropical reservoirs”. This manual is based on the experience gained by the partners of the project “Improved Fisheries Productivity and Management in Tropical Reservoirs” (CP34) funded by the Challenge Program on Water and Food. As part of this project, the partners designed, developed and tested in the field three enclosures in Lake Nasser in Egypt. The objective of the manual is to document for practitioners the main technical lessons gained from these experiments. (Document contains 16 pages)
The main objective of this 3.5 year project was to increase the productivity of reservoir fisheries and provide sustainable livelihoods to the rural poor through a series of interventions in tropical reservoirs. The main project activities focused on two reservoirs in the Indo-Gangetic basin (Dahob in Madhya Pradesh, and Pahuj in Uttar Pradesh, both in India), the Lake Nasser in Egypt as part as the Nile basin, and the Volta Lake in Ghana as part as the Volta basin. The project also encompassed an initial data inventory from a wide variety of tropical reservoirs within the three basins, and the detailed assessment of the selected reservoirs, including market evaluation and post-capture improvements. (PDF contains 117 pages)
Climbing perch locally known as koi (Anabas testudineus) is a popular food fish in our country. Thai climbing perch was introduced in Bangladesh from Thailand. To explore the variation in growth performance and orphological features of local and Thai climbing perch a study was undertaken. The highest gain in length, weight and SGR were found in Thai koi 12.23±0.38 cm, 55.83±0.53 g and 7.92±0.11 %/day respectively. Fourteen morphometric characters were studied where eleven (TL, SL, HL, HBD, LBD, DFL, PECFL, PELFL, AFL, UJL and LJL) showed significant difference (p<0.01) in Thai koi from the local ones. Of the meristic characters no. of dorsal fin rays (hard), anal fin rays (hard), caudal fin rays and scale along lateral line (upper and lower) as recorded from the Thai koi were significantly higher (p<0.01) than that of the local koi. The no. of dorsal fin rays (soft) in Thai koi were also significantly higher (p<0.05) from that of local koi. The number of vertebra were also variable in local and Thai climbing perch (25 in case of local koi and 26 in case of Thai koi). Hence, the results obtained form the present study satisfy the characteristics of A. testudineus which reveals that both the local and Thai koi belongs to the same species. Growth performance of Thai koi was better compared to local koi reared in same conditions.
Gas temperature is of major importance in plasma based surface treatment, since the surface processes are strongly temperature sensitive. The spatial distribution of reactive species responsible for surface modification is also influenced by the gas temperature. Industrial applications of RF plasma reactors require a high degree of homogeneity of the plasma in contact with the substrate. Reliable measurements of spatially resolved gas temperatures are, therefore, of great importance. The gas temperature can be obtained, e.g. by optical emission spectroscopy (OES). Common methods of OES to obtain gas temperatures from analysis of rotational distributions in excited states do not include the population dynamics influenced by cascading processes from higher electronic states. A model was developed to evaluate this effect on the apparent rotational temperature that is observed. Phase resolved OES confirmed the validity of this model. It was found that cascading leads to higher apparent temperatures, but the deviation (~25 K) is relatively small and can be ignored in most cases. This analysis is applied to investigate axially and radially resolved temperature profiles in an inductively coupled hydrogen RF discharge.