645 resultados para Arduino (Controlador programável)
The search for more reliable security systems and information management of these systems is leading to a growing progress in new technologies investments that allow the implementation of equipment with a high level of reliability, but also have an agile and practical operation. This led people to turn increasingly looking for home automation systems, enterprise and industry for the automation and integration of their systems. The identification by radio frequency is very widespread today for ensuring both agility in handling records data, the reliability of their identification systems, which are increasingly advanced and less susceptible to fraud. Attached to this technology, the use of the database is always very important for the storage of information collected, the area where the MySQL platform is widely used. Using the open source Arduino platform for programming and manipulation of RFID module and LabVIEW software for the union of all these technologies and to develop a user-friendly interface, you can create a highly reliable access control and agility places a high turnover of people. This project aims to prove the advantages of using all these technologies working together, thus improving a flawed system effectively safety, cheaper and quicker
This paper presents a Project of an automatic feeder for pets using an Arduino Uno as the control center. Through studies on this driver was possible to create a device with an interface capable to receiving user input and then use it to activate the feeder in the defined hours. For mounting equipment were used steps motors, sensors, keyboard and display, which work together to instrument operation. The project goal was reached and the prototype developed indicating that the Arduino can be used for various applications that can simplify daily tasks
The education designed and planned in a clear and objective manner is of paramount importance for universities to prepare competent professionals for the labor market, and above all can serve the population with an efficient work. Specifically, in relation to engineering, conducting classes in the laboratories it is very important for the application of theory and development of the practical part of the student. The planning and preparation of laboratories, as well as laboratory equipment and activities should be developed in a succinct and clear way, showing to students how to apply in practice what has been learned in theory and often shows them why and where it can be used when they become engineers. This work uses the MATLAB together with the System Identification Toolbox and Arduino for the identification of linear systems in Linear Control Lab. MATLAB is a widely used program in the engineering area for numerical computation, signal processing, graphing, system identification, among other functions. Thus the introduction to MATLAB and consequently the identification of systems using the System Identification Toolbox becomes relevant in the formation of students to thereafter when necessary to identify a system the base and the concept has been seen. For this procedure the open source platform Arduino was used as a data acquisition board being the same also introduced to the student, offering them a range of software and hardware for learning, giving you every day more luggage to their training
This paper presents a Project of an automatic feeder for pets using an Arduino Uno as the control center. Through studies on this driver was possible to create a device with an interface capable to receiving user input and then use it to activate the feeder in the defined hours. For mounting equipment were used steps motors, sensors, keyboard and display, which work together to instrument operation. The project goal was reached and the prototype developed indicating that the Arduino can be used for various applications that can simplify daily tasks
The education designed and planned in a clear and objective manner is of paramount importance for universities to prepare competent professionals for the labor market, and above all can serve the population with an efficient work. Specifically, in relation to engineering, conducting classes in the laboratories it is very important for the application of theory and development of the practical part of the student. The planning and preparation of laboratories, as well as laboratory equipment and activities should be developed in a succinct and clear way, showing to students how to apply in practice what has been learned in theory and often shows them why and where it can be used when they become engineers. This work uses the MATLAB together with the System Identification Toolbox and Arduino for the identification of linear systems in Linear Control Lab. MATLAB is a widely used program in the engineering area for numerical computation, signal processing, graphing, system identification, among other functions. Thus the introduction to MATLAB and consequently the identification of systems using the System Identification Toolbox becomes relevant in the formation of students to thereafter when necessary to identify a system the base and the concept has been seen. For this procedure the open source platform Arduino was used as a data acquisition board being the same also introduced to the student, offering them a range of software and hardware for learning, giving you every day more luggage to their training
The present work refers to the design, conception and development of a quadcopter based on PID controllers, a widespread microcontroller on the market was being implemented, the Arduino. Also made use of LabVIEW programming tool from National Instruments company for the quadcopter control and telemetry. For the control, LabVIEW software acquired the joystick commands, making the necessary adjustments to the perfect interpretation by microcontroller on the quadcopter and adjusts the parameters of PID controllers. For telemetry, data relating to quadcopter behavior are received, interpreted and presented in an intuitive user interface. In the first part of this graduate work presents the theoretical background on the subject, with a brief history about the quadcopters, followed by the main projects in the academic and commercial matters. Also are presented the theories of communications used in the design and PID control. Then an overview of the dynamic and mathematical model is demonstrated. Having done this, the physical and computer components required to complete the project are showed and the results are achieved consequently. Finally, a conclusion is made taking into account the results obtained. In this work will be presented the PID control of quadcopter translational movements only to roll and pitch movements
Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo fazer um estudo sobre um sistema comunicação de dados, utilizando-se a rede elétrica existente entre equipamentos, como meio físico em um ambiente industrial inóspito. Nesse caso, foi implementado um piloto em uma refinaria de alumina, localizada em Barcarena no estado do Pará, em uma máquina móvel de empilhamento de bauxita, que possuía um sistema de comunicação de dados via rádio, no qual ocorriam muitas falhas de comunicação devido às interferências eletromagnéticas, RFI, etc. prejudicando o processo de produção da refinaria. Como alternativa, apresentar-se-á uma tecnologia menos susceptível a problema da interferência que permite melhorar o desempenho do sistema de comunicação entre equipamentos. Trata-se da tecnologia PLC - Power Line Communication- que é full-duplex e utiliza modulação OFDM, o que reduz o efeito indesejável de interferências. Na conclusão, foram feitos comentários pertinentes aos resultados obtidos e os esperados acerca da confiabilidade da tecnologia, bem como sua utilização para futuras aplicações, nas diversas áreas onde a mesma pode ser utilizada.
En este proyecto se ha desarrollado un protocolo para establecer una comunicación multimaestro entre distintos dispositivos sobre una red de cable de par trenzado rs-485 de tipo half-duplex. Se explican los modos de envío half-duplex y full-duplex y los modelos de comunicación multimaestro y maestro-esclavo para establecer diferencias y se justifica la implementación de este protocolo. Se ha realizado un estudio y análisis del protocolo a implementar y se describen las decisiones de diseño empleadas para resolver los distintos problemas encontrados a la hora de analizar la capacidad de la red. Luego se ofrece una implementación del protocolo en lenguaje C/C++ para la plataforma Arduino y se explican los distintos casos de uso que se pueden dar por dispositivo. En este documento se describe de forma completa y punto por punto el trabajo realizado a lo largo de varios capítulos en forma de texto e imágenes o representaciones que dan al lector distintas vías para entender lo que aquí se explica.
This work studies and develops a machine automation for tyre truing. It is discussed industry development, industrial processes automation, tyre-recycling process, advantages of tyre reuse for preservation of the environment and probable gains from the automation of part of the tyre-recycling process. In this text, it is detailed the work done to configure, program and optimize the truing process through automation components as CNC, PLC and drives. Tests and simulations are performed to determine the payback necessary period in productivity and profit gains
This work studies and develops a machine automation for tyre truing. It is discussed industry development, industrial processes automation, tyre-recycling process, advantages of tyre reuse for preservation of the environment and probable gains from the automation of part of the tyre-recycling process. In this text, it is detailed the work done to configure, program and optimize the truing process through automation components as CNC, PLC and drives. Tests and simulations are performed to determine the payback necessary period in productivity and profit gains
El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo la creación de un controlador MIDI económico que haga uso de la tecnología actual, y partiendo de la idea del instrumento clásico, el Theremin, desarrollado por Lev Serguéievich Termen. Para ello se ha dividido el proyecto en dos principales bloques, el primero, hardware y el segundo, software. En la parte del hardware, se explica cual ha sido la razón de la utilización del microprocesador Arduino Uno, sus características técnicas y el uso de sensores de ultrasonido, ya que proporcionan la característica de poder interactuar con el controlador a través de gestos con las manos, al igual que un Theremin clásico. Se explica el montaje de los dispositivos que conforman el controlador, así como la mejora realizada, con la utilización de 4 de estos sensores, para dar más capacidades de interactuación con el controlador MIDI. También se ve en ese apartado, como se programa la tarjeta de Arduino, para que se encargue de realizar medidas con los sensores y enviarlas por el puerto serial USB. En el apartado del software se da una introducción al entorno de programación Max/MSP. Se ve el plug in desarrollado con este lenguaje, para poder comunicar el controlador MIDI con un software de audio profesional (Ableton Live) y se explica con detalle los bloques que conforman el plug in de control de sensores y como es transformada la información que entrega el microprocesador Arduino por el puerto USB, en datos MIDI. También, se da una explicación sobre el manejo correcto del controlador a la hora de mover las manos sobre los sensores y de donde situar el instrumento para que no se produzcan problemas de interferencias con las señales que envían los ultrasonidos. Además, se proporciona un presupuesto del coste de los materiales, y otro del coste del desarrollo realizado por el ingeniero. ABSTRACT The aim of this Project is the creation of an economical MIDI controller that uses nowadays technology and that is based on the idea of the Theremin, a classical instrument conceived by Lev Serguéievich Termen. In order to accomplish this, the project has been divided into two sections: hardware and software. The hardware section explains why the microprocessor Arduino Uno has been chosen, sets out its technical specifications and the use of ultrasonic sensors. These sensors enable the user to interact with the controller through hand gestures like the Theremin. The assembly of the devices is exposed as well as the improvements made with the use of four of these sensors to offer more interactive capabilities with the MIDI controller. The Arduino singleboard programming that performs the measurements with the sensors and sends these measurements through the USB serial port is also explained here. The software section introduces Max/MSP programming environment as well as the plug in developed with this language that connects the MIDI controller with professional audio software (Ableton Live). The blocks that build the sensor controller plug in are explained in detail along with the way the Arduino delivers the information through the USB port into MIDI data. In addition, an explanation of the correct handling of the MIDI controller is given focusing on how the user should move his hands above the sensors and where to place the instrument to avoid interference problems with the signals sent. Also, a cost estimation of both materials and engineering is provided.
Con el objetivo de evaluar la efectividad del hongo paecilomyces lilacinus como controlador biológico de embriones de meloidogyne exigua y compararlo con el control químico de carbufuran en vivero de café (coffea arábica l.), se realizó entre los meses de abril a diciembre de 1986 en la estación experimental jardín botánico de masatepe, departamento de Carazo, la evaluación de seis tratamiento. El experimento se efectuó en una parcela de 37m2, con cinco repeticiones de un diseño experimental en bloques completo al azar. Se evaluaron las cuatro plantas centrales de cada parcela, en total 120 plantas. El manejo del experimento se basó en la técnica de reaislamiento, reproducción y aplicación de paecilomyces lilacinus del Dr. Parviz jalata (18) y siguiendo las técnica del cultivo del café utilizada en la lV región. Los tratamiento comparados; 3 dosis de arroz cubiertos de colonias de paecilomyces lilacinus; 15 gramos, 10gramos y 5 gramos, respectivamente, furadan 5G a la dosis de 5 gramos y todos los anteriores, incluyendo el testigo relativo con una aplicación de 1000 larvas de meloidogyne exigua por cada planta y un testigo absoluto; todos en bolsas de polietileno con capacidad de 2 kilos de suelo. Los tratamientos que presentaron mejor control de la población nematologica son paecilomyces lilacinus a razón de 5g. y furadan 5G a razón de 5g. y el testigo absoluto. En condiciones de laboratorio se comprobó la efectividad del hongo, donde la agresividad para destruir embriones de meloidogyne exigua fue directamente proporcional a la mayor concentración de esporas del hongo (1 *10 esporas/ml) y al tiempo de exposición a este
In this project, a system to detect and control traffic through Arduino has been designed and developed. The system has been divided in three parts. On the one hand, we have a software simulator which have been designed and developed to manage the traffic from a computer. The simulator is written in the Java Language and it is able to control four different types of crossroads, offering several options to the user for each one of them. On the other hand, with relation to the hardware, an Arduino board to make a scale model of one of the crossroads that controls the application has been used. This Arduino receives and processes the messages sent from the computer, next it shows the traffic light of the scale model in the same way that are seen in the simulator. And finally, to detect the traffic by the system, it has also been designed and developed a traffic sensor using another Arduino. To communicate the simulator in the computer and the Arduino which has been used to control the hardware of the scale model, and share information among them, the serial communication of each one of them has been used. Once completely developed each part of the system, several tests have been made to validate the correctness of both, software and hardware.
Txosten honetan azaltzen den proiektua, auto itxurako robot baten eraikuntzan oinarritzen da. Arduino plataforman oinarritutako robot mugikor baten sorkuntza burutuko da hutsetik, honen kontrola Raspberry Pi ordenagailu txikiaren bitartez eginez. Gainera, azken gailu honi ahalmen handiagoa emateko asmoz, ROS plataforma instalatuko da bertan. Duten kostu baxua dela eta, gaur egun izugarrizko arrakasta lortu dute plataforma guzti hauek, baina proiektu honetan beraien ahalmena neurtu nahi dugu ezaugarri zehatz batzuk dituen robota sortuz.
Proiektu honetan robot mugikor bat eraiki eta arduino bitartez kontrolatu da. Robota edozein smartphone erabiliz kontrolatu daiteke Bluetooth RC Car aplikazioa erabiliz. Ultrasoinu sentsorea du talkak ekiditeko eta GPSaren bidez uneko posizioaren berri ematen du. Honetaz gain, wifi bidez mezuak ere bidal ditzake proiektuan bertan garatu den echo zerbitzarira.