998 resultados para Archival materials


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Since its emergence as a discipline, in the nineteenth century (1889), the theory and practice of Archival Science have focused on the arrangement and description of archival materials as complementary and inseparable nuclear processes that aim to classify, to order, to describe and to give access to records. These processes have their specific goals sharing one in common: the representation of archival knowledge. In the late 1980 a paradigm shift was announced in Archival Science, especially after the appearance of the new forms of document production and information technologies. The discipline was then invited to rethink its theoretical and methodological bases founded in the nineteenth century so it could handle the contemporary archival knowledge production, organization and representation. In this sense, the present paper aims to discuss, under a theoretical perspective, the archival representation, more specifically the archival description facing these changes and proposals, in order to illustrate the challenges faced by Contemporary Archival Science in a new context of production, organization and representation of archival knowledge.


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This folder contains transcriptions of archival materials used in Lane's research for the article, published by the Colonial Society of Massachusetts in 1923. Included are two letters from the papers of Harvard President Jared Sparks (1849-1853) regarding the christening basin and the role of the College steward in the care of the silver collection; and a 1781 inventory (see also in folder 7) and 1829 Corporation vote excerpted from College records. There are also two notes containing citations.


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Documents to be reviewed pertaining to the establishment of the College of Medicine's M.D. program. Includes Executed Annual Operating Agreement with Jackson Public Health Trust; Course Forms for Clinical Medicine I and II; Updated ED-10; Academic Calendar for the first year; Tables for Teaching Format Hours and Evaluation Plan for YEar 1; Overview of Professional Development Strand; and Faculty Roster by Department and Educational Role.


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Cope of the LCME's planning and self-study materials. Includes information on the LCME accreditation process and policies, as well as an overview of the LCME as an an organization.


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First, we examine the context of creation of special collection units in libraries, and the reasons why libraries compile archive materials and collections. Second, we focus on the techniques used in library environments to describe archive materials and collections and to guarantee their accessibility. We examine the models used in the United States and the United Kingdom to describe and access these materials, and the cooperative projects launched in these two countries in the past few years. Finally, we offer a preliminary analysis of how these types of materials are currently dealt with in Catalan libraries, and issue some recommendations to improve their archiving and access.


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First, we examine the context of creation of special collection units in libraries, and the reasons why libraries compile archive materials and collections. Second, we focus on the techniques used in library environments to describe archive materials and collections and to guarantee their accessibility. We examine the models used in the United States and the United Kingdom to describe and access these materials, and the cooperative projects launched in these two countries in the past few years. Finally, we offer a preliminary analysis of how these types of materials are currently dealt with in Catalan libraries, and issue some recommendations to improve their archiving and access.


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Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan aineellista modernia ja materiaalisen kulttuurin muutosta Suomessa 1880-luvulta 1940-luvulle tutkimalla sitä, miten kolme kansainvälistä teknologiaa, gramofoni, polkupyörä ja valokuvaus, otettiin Suomessa käyttöön ja millaisia paikallisia ilmiöitä niiden ympärille kehittyi. Tutkimus koostuu johdanto- ja yhteenveto-osan lisäksi kuudesta artikkelista, joissa käsitellään seuraavia alateemoja: itse tehtyjä polkupyöriä, käyntikorttikuvien käyttöä maalaiskodeissa, maaseudun pyöräilyä ja sen muistelemista, vuoden 1929 gramofonikuumetta, valokuvausta teknisenä harrastuksena sekä maalaisia gramofonin käytön tapoja. Tutkimuksen lähteinä on käytetty laajoja muistitietoaineistoja, sanoma- ja aikakauslehtiaineistoja, arkistoaineistoja, aikalaiskirjallisuutta ja museoesineitä. Lähteistä on etsitty mikrohistoriallista lukutapaa noudattaen johtolankoja gramofoniin, polkupyörään ja valokuvaukseen liittyneihin käytäntöihin. Esitän, että muistitietolähteet, muiden lähteiden kanssa ristiinluettuina, antavat hyvän mahdollisuuden sellaisten arjen käytäntöjen tarkasteluun, joiden tutkiminen muiden lähteiden perusteella olisi vaikeaa tai mahdotonta. Tutkimuksessa käytetyistä teoreettisista kehyksistä niin teknologian sosiaalinen rakentuminen, arjen historia, materiaaliseen kulttuuriin liittyvä teoriapohja, kulutuskulttuurin tutkimus kuin käytäntöteoriatkin kannustavat tarkastelemaan sitä, miten käyttäjien toiminta muokkaa ja määrittää teknologiaa. Näiden teoriasuuntausten pohjalta olen tätä tutkimusta varten kehittänyt itse tehdyn modernin ja kansankeksinnön käsitteet, jotka tarkentavat katseen ajallisesti ja paikallisesti tyypillisiin teknologian muokkauksen ja määrittelyn tapoihin sekä paikalliseen teknologiseen kekseliäisyyteen. Itse tehdyn modernin käsite auttaa hahmottamaan materiaalisia muutoksia ja pysyvyyksiä ajanjaksolla 1800-luvun lopulta toiseen maailmansotaan. Suomalaiset muovasivat omanlaisensa modernin, jossa uutuudet ja muutokset sulautuivat osaksi sitkeinä jatkuvia ja hitaasti muuttuvia maalaisyhteiskunnan toimintatapoja ja muokkasivat niitä vähitellen. Itse tehty moderni sekoitti omavaraisuutta ja kulutuskulttuuria, käsillä tekemiseen perustuvaa taitavuutta ja kursseilla sekä koulutuksessa saavutettua teknistä tietoa, paikallisia aineksia ja kansainvälisiä vaikutteita. Puhumalla kansanomaisista keksinnöistä olen halunnut korostaa tällaisten yhdistelmien mahdollisuutta ruohonjuuritasolla ja massatuotettujen laitteiden sovittamista osaksi pitkälti itse tehtyä ja omavaraista esinemaailmaa.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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The present study is made in the context of basic research within the field of caring science. The overall aim is to uncover and make joy visible as an idea in the world of caring. The core of caring has historically always been to alleviate suffering and to serve life and health in a spirit of love and mercy. This study has a comprehensive direction focusing on history of ideas and culminates in a pattern of ideas contenting joy in the world of caring. Knowledge formation is based on creating understanding, wholeness and meaning with regard to the knowledge related to a context. For that a hermeneutical approach is used throughout the study. In order to understand joy more deeply, the original idea, the essence and expression, the concept of 'joy' and the related concepts of 'glad' and 'light' are examined in etymological dictionaries and in Swedish, English and Latin dictionaries. To support the interpretation classical texts containing philosophers’ thoughts about joy are used. Joy as an idea glimpses forth and is presented in the form of seven-fold pattern of ideas. Through the meaning-nuances of synonyms a realization of joy could be discerned and anchored in the heart. The seven-fold pattern form the background and represent a guide for the hermeneutic reading of joy, as it appears in the stories about caring for the years 1900–1933. The historical sources consist of the trade magazine Svensk sjukskötersketidning, books containing stories about caring, archival materials and textbooks on nursing. The result culminates in the seven-fold pattern of ideas contenting what makes joy active as caring. The true heart's pure joy - love, joy is a proof of love. The ardent heart's deep joy - joy of living, joy inspires and generates strength. The bearing heart's radiant joy - generosity, joy is a gift to the other with the promise of help. The inviting heart's sparkling joy – communion, joy invites communion. The elated heart's exhilarated joy - integration, joy enables the human to forget his or her suffering and approach to what he or she wants to be. The atmospheric heart's solemn joy - dignifying, joy creates a mood and an atmosphere where people perceive themselves dignified. The peaceful heart's great joy - rescuing, a joy turns out when the human has received what may be requested of what is good, is eluded from what is evil and is contented with his or her living lot. It is hoped that this basic research will open up for a vision that can contribute to joys further attention in the world of caring and be articulated there.


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THE WAY TO ORGANIZATIONAL LONGEVITY – Balancing stability and change in Shinise firms The overall purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the secret of longevity in Shinise firms. On the basic assumption that organizational longevity is about balancing stability and change, the theoretical perspectives incorporate routine practice, organizational culture, and organizational identity. These theories explain stability and change in an organization separately and in combination. Qualitative inductive theory building was used in the study. Overall, the empirical data comprised 75 in-depth and semi-structured interviews, 137 archival materials, and observations made over 17 weeks. According to the empirical findings, longevity in Shinise firms is attributable to the internal mechanisms (Shinise tenacity, stability in motion, and emergent change) to secure a balance between stability and change, the continuing stability of the socio-cultural environment in the local community, and active interaction between organizational and local cultures. The contribution of the study to the literature on organizational longevity and the alternative theoretical approaches is first, in theorizing the mechanisms of Shinise tenacity and cross-level cultural dynamism, and second, in pointing out the critical role of: the way firms set their ultimate goal, the dynamism in culture, and the effect of history of the firm to the current business in securing longevity. KEY WORDS Change; Culture; Organizational identity; Organizational longevity; Routines; Shinise firms; Stability; Qualitative research


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Dr. Stuart D. Scott has written extensively in the fields of prehistory and history. As an archaeologist, he has traveled to some of the most significant sites in the world, including Pompeii, Stonehenge, the Valley of the Kings, Egypt’s pyramids and the Taj Mahal. He spent nine months excavating with the Tikal Project in Guatemala before returning to the University of Arizona where he received a Ph.D. in 1963. He excavated in New Zealand as a Fulbright scholar in 1963-1964. In the fall of 1964, Dr. Scott started a long career in the Anthropology Department of the State University of New York. He taught graduate and undergraduate archaeology courses and continued his archaeological and historical research. In 1979, Scott established the Old Fort Niagara Archaeology in Progress Project at Old Fort Niagara in Youngstown, New York. For many years, he became involved with historical archaeology in western New York. It was during this work that he became interested in the Upper Canada Rebellion of 1837-1838 and its aftermath. Dr. Scott and his wife, Patricia Kay Scott, would use Christmas breaks, summer vacations, and sabbatical years to travel. They were repeatedly lured back to the South Pacific, conducting research in New Zealand, Australia and many of the Micronesian and Polynesian islands. To tell the whole story of the Rebellion and the prison exiles, they traveled extensively in Canada, the United States, England and Tasmania to collect archival research and to experience the scenes of this remarkable narrative. In 2004, Dr. Scott published To the Outskirts of Habitable Creation: Americans and Canadians Transported to Tasmania in the 1840s, which told the story of the men captured, tried, convicted, and exiled as a result of the Rebellion, also called the Patriot War. Other contributions include: • A collaboration with Dr. Charles Cazeau on the book Exploring the Unknown, Great Mysteries Reexamined published by Plenum Press in 1979 • The Patriot Game: New Yorkers and the Canadian Rebellion of 1837-1838, which appeared in New York History, Vol. 68, No.3. 1987 • A Frontier Spirit: The Life of James Gemmell published in Australiasian Canadian Studies, Vol. 25, No. 2 2007 • To the Outskirts of Habitable Creation which appeared in the Friends of the National Archives, Vol. 20, No. 1 2009 • Numerous academic journal publications • Service on conference panels • Various research papers and proposals Before retiring in 1997 and while still a resident of Buffalo, N.Y., Dr. Scott spent considerable time with Brock University President Emeritus James A. Gibson and History Professor Colin Duquemin. The three shared a love of Rebellion history. It was largely because of this connection that Brock University was chosen as the recipient of Dr. Scott’s research materials.


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Cette thèse analyse un processus de changement institutionnel graduel défini comme la fédéralisation de la gouvernance de l’immigration et de l’intégration. Ce processus s’est déroulé au Canada entre 1990 et 2010. Il a comme caractéristique centrale la croissance des activités en immigration et en intégration de tous les gouvernements provinciaux ainsi que le maintien parallèle d’activités du gouvernement fédéral. L’argument central défendu est que les provinces ont joué un rôle de déclencheur et de mainteneurs dans ce processus, qui ne peut donc pas s’expliquer uniquement par une volonté fédérale de décentraliser la gouvernance de l’immigration. L’analyse démontre que la fédéralisation est le résultat de l’interaction, dans le temps, de deux mécanismes : la construction provinciale et la décentralisation. Centrale à cette démonstration est la mise en lumière de l’existence d’une variation structurée dans les politiques, programmes et discours provinciaux en matière d’immigration et d’intégration. En effet, la thèse s’ancre dans la démonstration empirique de quatre modes d’intervention en immigration et en intégration : 1) holistique (Québec et Manitoba), 2) réactif (Ontario et Colombie-Britannique), 3) passerelle (Alberta et Saskatchewan) ainsi que 4) attraction-rétention (provinces atlantiques). Malgré ces différences, l’analyse montre qu’une similarité est partagée par les dix provinces : une conception de l’immigration comme ressource pour la société provinciale. Le retraçage du processus de fédéralisation s’effectue par le biais d’études de cas des trajectoires provinciales, au sein desquelles il est possible d’observer le fonctionnement et les interactions des deux mécanismes. L’analyse montre que le positionnement temporel des provinces dans le processus de fédéralisation explique en partie les différences dans les modes d’interventions en immigration et en intégration qu’elles ont développés. Plus largement, l’analyse met en lumière l’importance de tenir compte de l’évolution du contexte fédéral pour comprendre la mise en mouvement du mécanisme de construction provinciale en immigration dans les dix provinces canadiennes entre 1990 et 2010. Les contributions de cette thèse sont les suivantes. Premièrement, nous montrons l’efficacité d’une analyse institutionnelle historique centrée sur les processus de changements institutionnels graduels pour l’étude du fédéralisme et des politiques publiques au Canada. Deuxièmement, nous effectuons une contribution empirique en retraçant et comparant les trajectoires contemporaines des 10 provinces en ce qui a trait au développement de politiques et d’institutions liées à l’immigration et à l’intégration, à l’aide d’entretiens, de l’analyse de documents officiels et de documents d’archives. Troisièmement, notre analyse démontre qu’une analyse mécanistique permet de revitaliser la notion de construction provinciale en augmentant sa portabilité et sa portée explicative.