985 resultados para Archaeological dark earths


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Vários sítios arqueológicos de Terra Preta Arqueológica (TPA) encontrados na floresta Amazônica Colombiana também contêm alto conteúdo de fragmentos cerâmicos semelhantes aqueles da Amazônia Brasileira, como mostra o sítio Quebrada Tacana. Seus fragmentos cerâmicos são amarelo a cinza, exibem matriz argilosa calcinada envolvendo fragmentos de cariapé, carvão e partículas de cinza, grãos de quartzo e micas. A matriz é composta de metacaulinita a material amorfo, quartzo, folhas de micas, clorita e sepiolita. Cariapé e cauixi são constituídos de cristobalita, da mesma forma o carvão e as cinzas. Embora não detectados pela difração de raios x, os fosfatos devem estar presentes, pois foram detectados teores de P2O5 de até 2,90 %, possivelmente como fosfatos de alumínio, já que o conteúdo de Ca está abaixo 0,1 %, o que elimina a possibilidade da presença de apatita. Estas características mineralógicas e químicas permitem relacionar estes fragmentos cerâmicos com aqueles encontrados nos sítios de TPA no Brasil e reforça o fósforo como um importante componente químico, originado pelo contato dos vasos cerâmicos com os alimentos do cotidiano dos povos amazônicos pré-históricos.


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Shifting cultivation in the humid tropics is incredibly diverse, yet research tends to focus on one type: long-fallow shifting cultivation. While it is a typical adaptation to the highly-weathered nutrient-poor soils of the Amazonian terra firme, fertile environments in the region offer opportunities for agricultural intensification. We hypothesized that Amazonian people have developed divergent bitter manioc cultivation systems as adaptations to the properties of different soils. We compared bitter manioc cultivation in two nutrient-rich and two nutrient-poor soils, along the middle Madeira River in Central Amazonia. We interviewed 249 farmers in 6 localities, sampled their manioc fields, and carried out genetic analysis of bitter manioc landraces. While cultivation in the two richer soils at different localities was characterized by fast-maturing, low-starch manioc landraces, with shorter cropping periods and shorter fallows, the predominant manioc landraces in these soils were generally not genetically similar. Rather, predominant landraces in each of these two fertile soils have emerged from separate selective trajectories which produced landraces that converged for fast-maturing low-starch traits adapted to intensified swidden systems in fertile soils. This contrasts with the more extensive cultivation systems found in the two poorer soils at different localities, characterized by the prevalence of slow-maturing high-starch landraces, longer cropping periods and longer fallows, typical of previous studies. Farmers plant different assemblages of bitter manioc landraces in different soils and the most popular landraces were shown to exhibit significantly different yields when planted in different soils. Farmers have selected different sets of landraces with different perceived agronomic characteristics, along with different fallow lengths, as adaptations to the specific properties of each agroecological micro-environment. These findings open up new avenues for research and debate concerning the origins, evolution, history and contemporary cultivation of bitter manioc in Amazonia and beyond.


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Better knowledge of the anthropogenic soils can help create future scenarios for the Amazon region through information that supports the sustainable planning. The aim of this study was to evaluate the spatial variability of soil physical anthropogenic and not anthropogenic in the region of Manipur, AM. In the study area we selected two, one with no anthropogenic soils (native forest) and another with anthropogenic soils (black earth archaeological). In each area, we established a grid measuring 70 x 70 m and the soils were sampled at the points of intersection of the grid with regular spacing of 10 by 10 feet, making a total of 64 sampling points in each landscape. Soil samples were collected at a depth from 0.0 to 0.10 I did the analyzes physical (texture, bulk density, macroporosity, microporososidade, porosity and aggregate stability). Then, the data were subjected to descriptive statistics and geostatistics. It was found that the anthropogenic and non-anthropogenic soils showed different behaviors in relation ace their spatial structures. The spatial variability that prevailed in anthropogenic and non-anthropogenic soil was moderate and weak indicating that these soils are strongly linked to changes in the soil by extrinsic factors. The soil was observed anthropogenic best results for total porosity, microporosity and bulk density, showing superior characteristics compared for agronomic soil not anthropogenic. And the range of values found in the above two areas were used in the mesh, showing greater spatial continuity in these environments.


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In the Amazon Basin, within a landscape of infertile soils, fertile Anthrosols of pre-Columbian origin occur (Amazonian Dark Earths or terra preta de Indio). These soils are characterized by high amounts of charred organic matter (black carbon, biochar) and high nutrient stocks. Frequently, they were considered as sign for intensive landscape domestication by way of sedentary agriculture and as sign for large settlements in pre-Columbian Amazonia. Beyond the archaeological interest in Amazonian Dark Earths, they increasingly receive attention because it is assumed that they could serve as a model for sustainable agriculture in the humid tropics (terra preta nova). Both questions lack information about the pre-Columbian practices which were responsible for the genesis of Amazonian Dark Earths. It has often been hypothesized that deposition of faeces could have contributed to the high nutrient stocks in these soils, but no study has focussed on this question yet. We analyzed the biomarkers for faeces 5 beta-stanols as well as their precursors and their 5 alpha-isomers in Amazonian Dark Earths and reference soils to investigate the input of faeces into Amazonian Dark Earths. Using Amazonian Dark Earths as example, we discuss the application of threshold values for specific stanols to evaluate faeces deposition in archaeological soils and demonstrate an alternative approach which is based on a comparison of the concentration patterns of 5 beta-stanols with the concentration patterns of their precursors and their 5 alpha-isomers as well as with local backgrounds. The concentration patterns of sterols show that faeces were deposited on Amazonian Dark Earths. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Microbial community composition was examined in two soil types, Anthrosols and adjacent soils, sampled from three locations in the Brazilian Amazon. The Anthrosols, also known as Amazonian dark earths, are highly fertile soils that are a legacy of pre-Columbian settlement. Both Anthrosols and adjacent soils are derived from the same parent material and subject to the same environmental conditions, including rainfall and temperature; however, the Anthrosols contain high levels of charcoal-like black carbon from which they derive their dark color. The Anthrosols typically have higher cation exchange capacity, higher pH, and higher phosphorus and calcium contents. We used culture media prepared from soil extracts to isolate bacteria unique to the two soil types and then sequenced their 16S rRNA genes to determine their phylogenetic placement. Higher numbers of culturable bacteria, by over two orders of magnitude at the deepest sampling depths, were counted in the Anthrosols. Sequences of bacteria isolated on soil extract media yielded five possible new bacterial families. Also, a higher number of families in the bacteria were represented by isolates from the deeper soil depths in the Anthrosols. Higher bacterial populations and a greater diversity of isolates were found in all of the Anthrosols, to a depth of up to 1 m, compared to adjacent soils located within 50-500 m of their associated Anthrosols. Compared to standard culture media, soil extract media revealed diverse soil microbial populations adapted to the unique biochemistry and physiological ecology of these Anthrosols.


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The Archaeological Dark Earth (ADE) soils are characterized by its high fertility, dark color, and presence of pottery fragments. Regarding the formation of ADE, the most widely accepted hypothesis is that anthropogenic processes involving pre-Columbian populations made them. The purpose of this study is to characterize ADE units located in the Southern Amazon Region, in the cities of Apuí and Manicoré. Seven ADE sites were selected, trenches opened and the soil profiles characterized morphologically. Then, samples of each horizon were collected for analyses of the following physical and chemical properties: particle size, water-dispersible clay, flocculation, soil bulk density, particle density, total porosity, pH in water and KCl solutions, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Al3+, available P, H+Al, and organic C. Also, total oxides, free oxides and amorphous forms were analyzed. The texture of the anthropic A horizon ranged from sandy loam to clay loam. The pottery fragments and lithic material were found in similar quantities and at similar depths in the A horizons of the studied soil profiles, suggesting some similarity between the anthropogenic factors of formation. The anthropic horizons of profiles P3, P4, and P7 had a eutrophic character and high to very high levels of available phosphorus, compared to P1, P2, P5, and P6, indicating the heterogeneity of the ADEs.


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We compared the microbial community composition in soils from the Brazilian Amazon with two contrasting histories; anthrosols and their adjacent non-anthrosol soils of the same mineralogy. The anthrosols, also known as the Amazonian Dark Earths or terra preta, were managed by the indigenous pre-Colombian Indians between 500 and 8,700 years before present and are characterized by unusually high cation exchange capacity, phosphorus (P), and calcium (Ca) contents, and soil carbon pools that contain a high proportion of incompletely combusted biomass as biochar or black carbon (BC). We sampled paired anthrosol and unmodified soils from four locations in the Manaus, Brazil, region that differed in their current land use and soil type. Community DNA was extracted from sampled soils and characterized by use of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism. DNA bands of interest from Bacteria and Archaea DGGE gels were cloned and sequenced. In cluster analyses of the DNA fingerprints, microbial communities from the anthrosols grouped together regardless of current land use or soil type and were distinct from those in their respective, paired adjacent soils. For the Archaea, the anthrosol communities diverged from the adjacent soils by over 90%. A greater overall richness was observed for Bacteria sequences as compared with those of the Archaea. Most of the sequences obtained were novel and matched those in databases at less than 98% similarity. Several sequences obtained only from the anthrosols grouped at 93% similarity with the Verrucomicrobia, a genus commonly found in rice paddies in the tropics. Sequences closely related to Proteobacteria and Cyanobacteria sp. were recovered only from adjacent soil samples. Sequences related to Pseudomonas, Acidobacteria, and Flexibacter sp. were recovered from both anthrosols and adjacent soils. The strong similarities among the microbial communities present in the anthrosols for both the Bacteria and Archaea suggests that the microbial community composition in these soils is controlled more strongly by their historical soil management than by soil type or current land use. The anthrosols had consistently higher concentrations of incompletely combusted organic black carbon material (BC), higher soil pH, and higher concentrations of P and Ca compared to their respective adjacent soils. Such characteristics may help to explain the longevity and distinctiveness of the anthrosols in the Amazonian landscape and guide us in recreating soils with sustained high fertility in otherwise nutrient-poor soils in modern times.


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Changes in bioavailability of phosphorus (P) during pedogenesis and ecosystem development have been shown for geogenic calcium phosphate (Ca-P). However, very little is known about long-term changes of biogenic Ca-P in soil. Long-term transformation characteristics of biogenic Ca-P were examined using anthropogenic soils along a chronosequence from centennial to millennial time scales. Phosphorus fractionation of Anthrosols resulted in overall consistency with the Walker and Syers model of geogenic Ca-P transformation during pedogenesis. The biogenic Ca-P (e.g., animal and fish bones) disappeared to 3% of total P within the first ca. 2,000 years of soil development. This change concurred with increases in P adsorbed on metal-oxides surfaces, organic P, and occluded P at different pedogenic time. Phosphorus K-edge X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy revealed that the crystalline and therefore thermodynamically most stable biogenic Ca-P was transformed into more soluble forms of Ca-P over time. While crystalline hydroxyapatite (34% of total P) dominated Ca-P species after about 600-1,000 years, beta-tricalcium phosphate increased to 16% of total P after 900-1,100 years, after which both Ca-P species disappeared. Iron-associated P was observable concurrently with Ca-P disappearance. Soluble P and organic P determined by XANES maintained relatively constant (58-65%) across the time scale studied. Disappearance of crystalline biogenic Ca-P on a time scale of a few thousand years appears to be ten times faster than that of geogenic Ca-P.


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Large-scale soil application of biochar may enhance soil fertility, increasing crop production for the growing human population, while also sequestering atmospheric carbon. But reaching these beneficial outcomes requires an understanding of the relationships among biochar's structure, stability, and contribution to soil fertility. Using quantitative C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, we show that Terra Preta soils (fertile anthropogenic dark earths in Amazonia that were enriched with char >800 years ago) consist predominantly of char residues composed of similar to 6 fused aromatic rings substituted by COO- groups that significantly increase the soils' cation-exchange capacity and thus the retention of plant nutrients. We also show that highly productive, grassland-derived soils in the U.S, (Mollisols) contain char (generated by presettlement fires) that is structurally comparable to char in the Terra Preta soils and much more abundant than previously thought (similar to 40-50% of organic C). Our findings indicate that these oxidized char residues represent a particularly stable, abundant, and fertility-enhancing form of soil organic matter.


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