987 resultados para Arawak language family
Thesis written in co-mentorship with Richard Chase Smith Ph.D, of El Instituto del Bien Comun (IBC) in Peru. The attached file is a pdf created in Word. The pdf file serves to preserve the accuracy of the many linguistic symbols found in the text.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Recent research on wordhood and morphosyntactic boundness suggests that the domains word and clitic do not lend themselves to cross-linguistic categorization but must be defined language specifically. In most languages, it is necessary to define word on two separate levels, the phonological word (p-word) and the grammatical word (g-word), and to describe mismatches between the two. This paper defines those domains for Garifuna, an Arawak language spoken in Honduras, Central America. Garifuna has auxiliary and classifier constructions which make up two p-words, and only one g-word. P-words made up of more than one g-word involve second position enclitics, word scope clitics, and proclitic connectives and prepositions. Garifuna clitics are typically unstressed, able to attach to hosts of any word class and able to string together into clusters. Enclitics are used to express tense-aspect, modality, and adverbial meanings, among others. In other languages, clitic clusters tend to display a fixed order; Garifuna clitic order seems quite free, although certain orders are preferred. Also, contrary to cross-linguistic tendencies, proclitic connectives can act as hosts for enclitic clusters, contradicting the commonly used definition of clitics as phonologically weak elements that need to attach to a host to form a p-word; such clitic-only p-words are problematic for traditional definitions of clitics.
The precise phylogenetic propinquity of Dura within the Tibeto-Burman or Trans-Himalayan language family has hitherto been indeterminate. In the absence of compelling comparative evidence, the language has previously been assigned to a subgroup in its own right within the linguistic phylum as a whole. Meanwhile, the Dura language is effectively extinct, although attempts at revival may be undertaken by well-intentioned members of Dura ethnicity. On the basis of a comprehensive study and analysis of all of the extant Dura language material, the phylogenetic position of the language within the family will be clarified. Comparative evidence from the Dura lexicon, its nominal and verbal morphology as well as from syntactic and phonological properties is adduced to determine the phylogenetic position of Dura. Moreover, this result will help explain some of the sociocultural realities associated with the Dura language community in Lamjung, Nepal
This paper aims to present a contrastive approach between three different ways of building concepts after proving the similar syntactic possibilities that coexist in terms. However, from the semantic point of view we can see that each language family has a different distribution in meaning. But the most important point we try to show is that the differences found in the psychological process when communicating concepts should guide the translator and the terminologist in the target text production and the terminology planning process. Differences between languages in the information transmission process are due to the different roles the different types of knowledge play. We distinguish here the analytic-descriptive knowledge and the analogical knowledge among others. We also state that none of them is the best when determining the correctness of a term, but there has to be adequacy criteria in the selection process. This concept building or term building success is important when looking at the linguistic map of the information society.
There are more than 7000 languages in the world, and many of these have emerged through linguistic divergence. While questions related to the drivers of linguistic diversity have been studied before, including studies with quantitative methods, there is no consensus as to which factors drive linguistic divergence, and how. In the thesis, I have studied linguistic divergence with a multidisciplinary approach, applying the framework and quantitative methods of evolutionary biology to language data. With quantitative methods, large datasets may be analyzed objectively, while approaches from evolutionary biology make it possible to revisit old questions (related to, for example, the shape of the phylogeny) with new methods, and adopt novel perspectives to pose novel questions. My chief focus was on the effects exerted on the speakers of a language by environmental and cultural factors. My approach was thus an ecological one, in the sense that I was interested in how the local environment affects humans and whether this human-environment connection plays a possible role in the divergence process. I studied this question in relation to the Uralic language family and to the dialects of Finnish, thus covering two different levels of divergence. However, as the Uralic languages have not previously been studied using quantitative phylogenetic methods, nor have population genetic methods been previously applied to any dialect data, I first evaluated the applicability of these biological methods to language data. I found the biological methodology to be applicable to language data, as my results were rather similar to traditional views as to both the shape of the Uralic phylogeny and the division of Finnish dialects. I also found environmental conditions, or changes in them, to be plausible inducers of linguistic divergence: whether in the first steps in the divergence process, i.e. dialect divergence, or on a large scale with the entire language family. My findings concerning Finnish dialects led me to conclude that the functional connection between linguistic divergence and environmental conditions may arise through human cultural adaptation to varying environmental conditions. This is also one possible explanation on the scale of the Uralic language family as a whole. The results of the thesis bring insights on several different issues in both a local and a global context. First, they shed light on the emergence of the Finnish dialects. If the approach used in the thesis is applied to the dialects of other languages, broader generalizations may be drawn as to the inducers of linguistic divergence. This again brings us closer to understanding the global patterns of linguistic diversity. Secondly, the quantitative phylogeny of the Uralic languages, with estimated times of language divergences, yields another hypothesis as to the shape and age of the language family tree. In addition, the Uralic languages can now be added to the growing list of language families studied with quantitative methods. This will allow broader inferences as to global patterns of language evolution, and more language families can be included in constructing the tree of the world’s languages. Studying history through language, however, is only one way to illuminate the human past. Therefore, thirdly, the findings of the thesis, when combined with studies of other language families, and those for example in genetics and archaeology, bring us again closer to an understanding of human history.
Background: Concerted evolution is normally used to describe parallel changes at different sites in a genome, but it is also observed in languages where a specific phoneme changes to the same other phoneme in many words in the lexicon—a phenomenon known as regular sound change. We develop a general statistical model that can detect concerted changes in aligned sequence data and apply it to study regular sound changes in the Turkic language family. Results: Linguistic evolution, unlike the genetic substitutional process, is dominated by events of concerted evolutionary change. Our model identified more than 70 historical events of regular sound change that occurred throughout the evolution of the Turkic language family, while simultaneously inferring a dated phylogenetic tree. Including regular sound changes yielded an approximately 4-fold improvement in the characterization of linguistic change over a simpler model of sporadic change, improved phylogenetic inference, and returned more reliable and plausible dates for events on the phylogenies. The historical timings of the concerted changes closely follow a Poisson process model, and the sound transition networks derived from our model mirror linguistic expectations. Conclusions: We demonstrate that a model with no prior knowledge of complex concerted or regular changes can nevertheless infer the historical timings and genealogical placements of events of concerted change from the signals left in contemporary data. Our model can be applied wherever discrete elements—such as genes, words, cultural trends, technologies, or morphological traits—can change in parallel within an organism or other evolving group.
Questionário sobre dificuldades comunicativas percebidas por pais de crianças do espectro do autismo
OBJETIVO: Elaborar um questionário para o levantamento de dificuldades comunicativas percebidas por pais e/ou cuidadores de crianças do espectro do autismo em relação a seus filhos. MÉTODOS: Os aspectos específicos abordados no questionário foram identificados a partir da literatura e da experiência clínica das autoras em dois serviços especializados. As questões foram organizadas segundo diferentes domínios e as respostas registradas numa escala tipo Likert. Foi realizado um estudo piloto com 40 pais, 20 pais de crianças do espectro do autismo e 20 pais de crianças sem queixas de linguagem, como forma de verificar a aplicabilidade do questionário construído e sua utilidade na identificação de dificuldades específicas da população alvo. Foi calculado o nível de concordância das questões e os resultados dos grupos foram comparados entre si (teste t Student). RESULTADOS: O questionário foi desenvolvido de maneira a abranger aspectos fundamentais para o relacionamento interpessoal, tanto no âmbito comunicativo quanto social. Foi dividido em 24 questões fechadas que abrangem quatro domínios; e uma questão aberta, com espaço para que os pais relatassem algo relevante e que não tenha sido perguntado. O estudo possibilitou testar a compreensão do instrumento e a análise estatística indicou que 19 questões apresentaram diferença. CONCLUSÃO: O questionário elaborado identificou diferenças na percepção e atitude de pais de crianças do espectro do autismo e de crianças sem queixa de linguagem, em relação às dificuldades de comunicação com seus filhos. Dessa forma, mostrou-se útil para o levantamento dessas dificuldades em um grupo maior de indivíduos.
The Gongduk language is spoken in an enclave in south central Bhutan comprising several villages and hamlets in the mountains west of the Kurichu. The language occupies a distinct phylogenetic position within the Tibeto-Burman language family. The intransitive verb agrees for person and number with the subject, and the transitive shows biactantial agreement for person and number with both agent and patient. A morphological analysis has identified the individual agreement morphemes, their precise grammatical meaning and their patterns of allomorphy. The cognacy of the greater part of the desinences of the Gongduk verb with morphemes identifiable in the biactantial agreement systems of other Tibeto-Burman languages supports the view that at least a portion of such conjugational morphology must be reconstructed to the common ancestral language.
The area between Bhutan in the west, Tibet in the north, the Kameng river in the east and Assam in the south is home to at least six distinct phyla of the Trans-Himalayan (Tibeto-Burman, Sino-Tibetan) language family. These phyla encompass a minimum of 11, but probably 15 or even more mutually unintelligible languages, all showing considerable internal dialect variation. Previous literature provided largely incomplete or incorrect accounts of these phyla. Based on recent field research, this article discusses in detail the several languages of four phyla whose speakers are included in the Monpa Scheduled Tribe, providing the most accurate speaker data, geographical distribution, internal variation and degree of endangerment. The article also provides some insights into the historical background of the area and the impact this has had on the distribution of the ethnolinguistic groups.
The Tibeto-Burman linguistic phylum was identified in 1823. However, the term “Tibeto-Burman” was later used with two different mean- ings, one by scholars following Klaproth’s polyphyletic framework and another by scholars operating within the Indo-Chinese paradigm. Yet the enduring failure of Sino-Tibetanists to produce any evidence for the Indo-Chinese phylogenetic model compels us to conclude that there is no such language family as Sino-Tibetan. Instead, Tibetan forms part of the Trans-Himalayan linguistic phylum, or Tibeto-Burman in Klaproth’s sense. Robert Shafer coined the terms “Bodic” and “Bodish” for subgroups including Tibetan and languages with varying degrees of linguistic propin- quity to Tibetan, and Nicolas Tournadre has also recently coined the term “Tibetic.” What are Tibetic, Bodish, and Bodic? Which languages are the closest relatives of Tibetan? What do we know about the structure of the Trans-Himalayan linguistic phylum as a whole? Based on the phylogeny of the language family, which inferences can be made about the ethnolinguis- tic prehistory of the Tibetan Plateau and surrounding regions?