243 resultados para Araneae


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This paper describes an easy, cheap, and safe method of capturing and handling the medically important spider Phoneutria for venom extraction. The method does not injure or kill the spider and allows the extraction of pure venom.


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The most abundant natural enemies found in Cambodian rice field are spiders, mostly Araneus inustus and Pardosa pseudoannulata. These two hunting and wolf spider, respectively, are believed to actively contribute to brown planthopper (BPH) population control. However, how much each species attacks prey in Cambodian field condition is unknown. We conducted field experiments in Cambodia during the wet season at two locations, a famner's fields at Takeo and at CARDI, using both field cages and natural conditions. Cages were sprayed with insecticide to remove all pre-existing insects in the cages and then washed after 10 days to reduce insecticide residue. Results confirmed BPH inside the cage were killed by the insecticide. A known BPH population was reared inside the cages starting with 3 pairs of adults. Temporary cages were removed after counting second instar BPH and permanent cages were left in place. Spiders were released into the cages for 15 days. In permanent cages either two individual A. inustus or P. pseudoannulata were allowed to feed on BPH prey. Both spider species have the same killing ability in dense prey populations, but predation is higher for Pardosa at low prey density. In uncaged field environments (where more than just BPH prey are available) with a spider/BPH ratio 1:3 to 1:11 BPH mortality was 78–91%. Within 15 days in permanent cages spiders caused 100% BPH mortality at an average predator/prey ratio of 1:5 to 1:14. At a ratio of 1:18 or higher there was some BPH survival in cages.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão e Conservação da Natureza, 31 de Janeiro de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.


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The Desertas Islands (Madeira, Portugal) are the sole home of one of the largest and rarest wolf spiderspecies, Hogna ingens (Blackwall 1857) (Araneae, Lycosidae). Despite its size, it inhabits a single valleyin the North of the Deserta Grande Island, Vale da Castanheira, currently invaded by the herb Phalarisaquatica. This invasive species competes with the native flora and was subject to several eradicationexperiments, namely through fire and chemicals. The objectives of this work were to: (1) estimate thecurrent distribution and abundance of H. ingens and respective trends; (2) evaluate the impact of theinvasive plant and eradication methods on the spider population; (3) suggest future measures for therecovery of the species; and (4) evaluate its conservation status according to the IUCN criteria. The current distribution of H. ingens covers 23 ha, a recent reduction from its original 83 ha, correspond-ing to the entire Vale da Castanheira. A total of 4447 and 4086 adults and 71,832 and 24,635 juvenileswere estimated to live in the valley during 2011 and 2012, respectively. We found a significant negativeimpact of P. aquatica cover on the presence and abundance of H. ingens and that chemical treatmentspecifically directed towards the invasive plant species may be the only way to effectively recover thespider's habitat. We suggest (1) regular monitoring; (2) extend chemical treatments; (3) ex-situ conserva-tion with future reintroduction of adults. Based on the current area of occupancy (AOO) of H. ingens and itsrecent decline in both AOO and number of individuals, it was recently classified as Critically Endangeredby IUCN and we suggest its urgent inclusion in the Habitats Directive species lists.


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O veneno das aranhas do gênero Loxosceles causa lesão dermonecrótica e induz hemólise intravascular dependente de complemento, configurando um quadro clínico de intensa gravidade. No Brasil, as espécies L. gaucho L. intermedia e L. laeta, presentes no ambiente antrópico, têm sido apontadas como principais agentes do loxoscelismo. Além destas, existem outras espécies, que por predominarem no ambiente natural, não têm sido avaliadas quanto ao risco à saúde do homem, como é o caso de Loxosceles similis. O desenvolvimento de projeto de pesquisa, na Serra da Bodoquena, para observações ecológicas e identificação de insetos de interesse médico, possibilitou a captura de espécimens de Loxosceles similis na Serra da Bodoquena, Município de Bonito, Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil, nas grutas Pitangueiras e do Lago Azul. Os parâmetros para identificação, características ambientais do habitat da espécie, bem como atualização de sua distribuição geográfica são objetos deste trabalho.


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Loxosceles laeta spiders were captured in the West zone of São Paulo City, this being the first record of the specie in this area. Since loxoscelism is an important public health problem in the South region of Brazil, it is necessary to investigate the presence of this spider in São Paulo City.


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O Estado do Paraná registra anualmente uma média de 2.577 acidentes loxoscélicos por ano, logo o conhecimento da distribuição das espécies do gênero Loxosceles é extremamente importante para elaboração de ações de controle e manejo. Realizou-se o mapeamento das Loxosceles tombadas em diferentes coleções científicas. Foram registradas 1.561 aranhas, identificadas como Loxosceles intermedia (67%), Loxosceles gaucho (19,5%), Loxosceles laeta (10,8%) e Loxosceles hirsuta (2,4%), provenientes de 20 regionais de saúde e 69 municípios. Loxosceles intermedia ocorreu em todas as regiões do estado (50 municípios), enquanto Loxosceles gaucho ocorreu no norte e noroeste, (17 municípios), Loxosceles laeta no sul (13 municípios) e Loxosceles hirsuta nas regiões oeste e centro (10 municípios). No Paraná ocorrem quatro das oito espécies de Loxosceles registradas no Brasil. Estudos nos locais de incidência e levantamentos em áreas ainda não amostradas devem ser realizados, devido à importância médica que os acidentes causados por essas aranhas têm produzido.


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Loxosceles laeta é a espécie de aranha-marrom de maior importância médica, causando acidentes de maior gravidade, além de apresentar hábito sinantrópico. No presente trabalho, é apresentado o primeiro registro sinantrópico de Loxosceles laeta no Município do Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, a partir de encontro e coleta ocasional de espécimes, no período de agosto de 2005 a junho de 2009. A espécie foi registrada em um prédio do Museu Nacional/UFRJ, localizado no parque da Quinta da Boa Vista, área urbana na Zona Norte da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O foco foi considerado localizado e restrito. Loxosceles laeta é adaptável às condições climáticas da região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, o que torna possível o estabelecimento de novos focos da espécie e a ocorrência de loxoscelismo na região.


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A preliminary survey of the spider fauna in natural and artificial forest gap formations at “Porto Urucu”, a petroleum/natural gas production facility in the Urucu river basin, Coari, Amazonas, Brazil is presented. Sampling was conducted both occasionally and using a protocol composed of a suite of techniques: beating trays (32 samples), nocturnal manual samplings (48), sweeping nets (16), Winkler extractors (24), and pitfall traps (120). A total of 4201 spiders, belonging to 43 families and 393 morphospecies, were collected during the dry season, in July, 2003. Excluding the occasional samples, the observed richness was 357 species. In a performance test of seven species richness estimators, the Incidence Based Coverage Estimator (ICE) was the best fit estimator, with 639 estimated species. To evaluate differences in species richness associated with natural and artificial gaps, samples from between the center of the gaps up to 300 meters inside the adjacent forest matrix were compared through the inspection of the confidence intervals of individual-based rarefaction curves for each treatment. The observed species richness was significantly higher in natural gaps combined with adjacent forest than in the artificial gaps combined with adjacent forest. Moreover, a community similarity analysis between the fauna collected under both treatments demonstrated that there were considerable differences in species composition. The significantly higher abundance of Lycosidae in artificial gap forest is explained by the presence of herbaceous vegetation in the gaps themselves. Ctenidae was significantly more abundant in the natural gap forest, probable due to the increase of shelter availability provided by the fallen trees in the gaps themselves. Both families are identified as potential indicators of environmental change related to the establishment or recovery of artificial gaps in the study area.


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The subfamily Corinninae is characterized and diagnosed. Two synapomorphies are hypothesized for the subfamily, both regarding the male palpal reservoir, which is primarily coiled and presents a sclerotized distal sector. Seventeen genera are recognized, six of which are new: Abapeba (type species Corinna lacertosa Simon), Erendira (type species Corinna pallidoguttata Simon), Septentrinna (type species Corinna bicalcarata Simon), Simonestus (type species Diestus validus Simon), Tapixaua (type species T. callida sp. nov.) and Tupirinna (type species T. rosae sp. nov.). The genera Creugas Thorell, Falconina Brignoli and Paradiestus Mello-Leitão are revalidated. Diestus Simon and Lausus Simon are newly synonymized with Corinna C. L. Koch. Chemmis Simon is included in the synonymy of Megalostrata Karsch. Hypsinotus L. Koch is removed from the synonymy of Corinna and included in the synonymy of Creugas. Thirteen new species are described: Septentrinna yucatan and S. potosi from Mexico; Tupirinna rosae from Venezuela and Brazil; Tapixaua callida from Brazil and Peru; Abapeba hoeferi, A. rioclaro, A. taruma, Corinna ducke, C. colombo, C. mourai, C. recurva and Parachemmis manauara from Brazil; Creugas lisei from Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. Twenty seven species are redescribed. Fifty eight new combinations are presented: from Chemmis, Septentrinna steckleri (Gertsch); from Corinna, Abapeba abalosi (Mello-Leitão), A. cleonei (Petrunkevitch), A. echinus (Simon), A. grassima (Chickering), A. guanicae (Petrunkevitch), A. lacertosa (Simon), A. luctuosa (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), A. lugubris (Schenkel), A. pennata (Caporiacco), A. kochi (Petrunkevitch), A. saga (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), A. wheeleri (Petrunkevitch), Creugas annamae (Gertsch & Davis), C. apophysarius (Caporiacco), C. bajulus (Gertsch), C. bellator (L. Koch), C. bicuspis (F.O. Pickard-Cambridge), C. epicureanus (Chamberlin), C. falculus (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), C. mucronatus (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), C. navus (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), C. nigricans (C. L. Koch), C. plumatus (L. Koch), C. praeceps (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), C. silvaticus (Chickering), C. uncatus (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), Erendira luteomaculatta (Petrunkevitch), E. pallidoguttata (Simon), E. subsignata (Simon), Falconina albomaculosa (Schmidt), F. crassipalpis (Chickering), F. gracilis (Keyserling), Megalostrata raptrix (L. Koch), Paradiestus egregius (Simon), P. giganteus (Karsch), P. penicillatus (Mello-Leitão), P. vitiosus (Keyserling), Septentrinna bicalcarata (Simon), S. paradoxa (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), S. retusa (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), Simonestus pseudobulbolus (Caporiacco), S. robustus (Chickering), S. semiluna (F.O. Pickard-Cambridge), Stethorrhagus maculatus (L. Koch) and Xeropigo smedigari (Caporiacco); from Diestus, Corinna alticeps (Keyserling), C. kochi (Simon), Simonestus occidentalis (Schenkel), S. separatus (Schmidt) and S. validus (Simon); from Lausus, Corinna grandis (Simon) and Abapeba sicarioides (Mello-Leitão); from Medmassa, Corinna andina (Simon) and C. venezuelica (Caporiacco); from Megalostrata, Erendira atrox (Caporiacco) and Erendira pictitorax (Caporiacco); from Parachemmis, Tupirinna trilineata (Chickering). Five combinations are restaured: Corinna aenea Simon, Creugas cinnamius Simon, Creugas gulosus Thorell, Falconina melloi (Schenkel), Paradiestus aurantiacus Mello-Leitão. Twenty five new synonymies are proposed: Diestus altifrons Mello-Leitão with Corinna nitens (Keyserling); Corinna tomentosa Simon, C. tridentina Mello-Leitão, Hypsinotus flavipes Keyserling, H. humilis Keyserling and Xeropigo scutulatus Simon with Xeropigo tridentiger (O. Pickard-Cambridge); Corinna cribosa Mello-Leitão and C. stigmatica Simon with Falconina gracilis (Keyserling); Corinna casueta Chickering with SIMONestus separatus (Schmidt); Corinna abnormis Petrunkevitch, C. antillana BRYANT, C. consobrina Simon, C. inornata Kraus, C. nervosa F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, C. wolleboeki Banks, Creugas cetratus Simon, C. senegalensis Simon and Hypsinotus gracilipes Keyserling with Creugas gulosus Thorell; Chemmis frederici Simon, Delozeugma formidabile O. Pickard-Cambridge, D. mordicans O. Pickard-Cambridge, Megalostrata sperata Kraus and M. venifica KARSCH with Megalostrata raptrix (L. Koch); Megalostrata lohmanderi Caporiacco with Erendira atrox (Caporiacco); Corinna tenubra Chickering with Parachemmis fuscus Chickering. One new name, Creugas berlandi, is erected for Corinna bellatrix Schmidt. Males of Creugas cinnamius, Corinna kochi, Methesis semirufa Simon, Paradiestus aurantiacus, Septentrinna steckleri and Xeropigo smedigari, the females of Paradiestus giganteus, Septentrinna bicalcarata and the adult female of S. steckleri are described for the first time.


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The male of Hypognatha belem Levi, 1996 is described and illustrated for the first time. New records expand the distribution range of the species to northeastern and southeastern Brazil.


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Two new species of the spider family Palpimanidae from Guyana are described: Fernandezina takutu, the first species of this genus known from this country andOtiothops giralunas, that seems to be the sister species of O. goloboffi Grismado, 1996 from northwestern Argentina.


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Five new species of Nesticus Thorell, 1869 are described: N. potreiro, N. taim from southern Brazil; N. brignolii from southern Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay; N. calilegua from southern Brazil and Argentina and N. ramirezi, from Argentina. The male palpus and female epyginum of N. brasiliensis Brignoli, 1979 are illustrated. Described species were collected in epigean habitats, in shrubs, leaf-litter, under stones, bricks, tiles or debris.


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Two new species, Opopaea viamao and O. ita, are described from the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, Brazil, respectively. Both species present reduction or loss of posterior median eyes, a possible synapomorphic caracter.