901 resultados para Arachis pintoi cv BRS Mandobi


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The effect of defoliation on Amarillo (Arachis pintoi cv. Amarillo) was studied in a glasshouse and in mixed swards with 2 tropical grasses. In the glasshouse, Amarillo plants grown in pots were subjected to a 30/20°C or 25/15°C temperature regime and to defoliation at 10-, 20- or 30-day intervals for 60 days. Two field plot studies were conducted on Amarillo with either irrigated kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum) in autumn and spring or dryland Pioneer rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) over summer and autumn. Treatments imposed were 3 defoliation intervals (7, 14 and 28 days) and 2 residual heights (5 and 10 cm for kikuyu; 3 and 10 cm for rhodes grass) with extra treatments (56 days to 3 cm for both grasses and 21 days to 5 cm for kikuyu). Defoliation interval had no significant effect on accumulated Amarillo leaf dry matter (DM) at either temperature regime. At the higher temperature, frequent defoliation reduced root dry weight (DW) and increased crude protein (CP) but had no effect on stolon DW or in vitro organic matter digestibility (OMD). On the other hand, at the lower temperature, frequent defoliation reduced stolon DW and increased OMD but had no effect on root DW or CP. Irrespective of temperaure and defoliation, water-soluble carbohydrate levels were higher in stolons than in roots (4.70 vs 3.65%), whereas for starch the reverse occured (5.37 vs 9.44%). Defoliating the Amarillo-kikuyu sward once at 56 days to 3 cm produced the highest DM yield in autumn and sprong (582 and 7121 kg/ha DM, respectively), although the Amarillo component and OMD were substantially reduced. Highest DM yields (1726 kg/ha) were also achieved in the Amarillo-rhodes grass sward when defoliated every 56 days to 3 cm, although the Amarillo component was unaffected. In a mixed sward with either kikuyu or rhodes grass, the Amarillo component in the sward was maintained up to a 28-day defoliation interval and was higher when more severely defoliated. The results show that Amarillo can tolerate frequent defoliation and that it can co-exist with tropical grasses of differing growth habits, provided the Amarillo-tropical grass sward is subject to frequent and severe defoliation.


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Land use change from native forests to pastures in the tropics have impact on global carbon (C) cycle through increased rates of C emissions to the atmosphere and the loss of above- and belowground C accumulation and storage capacity (SILVER et al., 2000). This study was conducted to determine the carbon stock in a Ultisol under a pure Brachiaria humidicola (Rendle) Scheick pasture and a mixed pasture of B. humidicola and Arachis pintoi Krapov. & W. C. Greg cv. BRS Mandobi, both without fertilization.


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This study was conducted to test the hypothesis that forage peanut (Arachis pintoi cv BRS Mandobi) can be successfully introduced into a Brachiaria humidicula pasture.


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O amendoim forrageiro (Arachis pintoi) é uma leguminosa de grande interesse para a pecuária nacional, porém sua utilização no Brasil vem sendo limitada pelo alto preço e baixa oferta das sementes no mercado. Cultivares com maior produtividade e/ou maior densidade de sementes podem contribuir para mitigar esse problema. Este estudo teve como objetivo realizar seleção massal em A. pintoi cv. BRS Mandobi, visando identificar plantas com elevado vigor, alta produtividade de sementes e variabilidade para tamanho de semente. Em 2012, foram estabelecidas 615 parcelas com plantas individuais a partir de sementes pequenas. Primeiramente, foram selecionadas 149 plantas com base na avaliação visual do vigor e comprimento dos estolões, as quais tiveram suas sementes colhidas em 2014, para determinação da produtividade, tamanho e peso de 100 sementes. Foram obtidas estatísticas descritivas, coeficientes de correlação e foram estabelecidos grupos pelo método de otimização de Tocher. Houve variação para produtividade e peso de 100 sementes, com médias de 1.547,6 kg ha-1 e 13,5 g e amplitudes de 3.513,70 kg ha-1 e 12,6 g, respectivamente. Foram formados 14 grupos divergentes, o que possibilitou a seleção de 30 genótipos oriundos de 6 grupos, com variabilidade para produção e tamanho das sementes, viabilizando a condução futura de novos ciclos de seleção e estimação de parâmetros genéticos.


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The effects of plant growth conditions on concentrations of proteins, including allergens, in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) kernels are largely unknown. Peanuts (cv. Walter) were grown at five sites (Taabinga, Redvale, Childers, Bundaberg, and Kairi) covering three commercial growing regions in Queensland, Australia. Differences in temperature, rainfall, and solar radiation during the growing season were evaluated. Kernel yield varied from 2.3 t/ha (Kairi) to 3.9 t/ha (Childers), probably due to differences in solar radiation. Crude protein appeared to vary only between Kairi and Childers, whereas Ara h 1 and 2 concentrations were similar in all locations. 2D-DIGE revealed significant differences in spot volumes for only two minor protein spots from peanuts grown in the five locations. Western blotting using peanut-allergic serum revealed no qualitative differences in recognition of antigens. It was concluded that peanuts grown in different growing regions in Queensland, Australia, had similar protein compositions and therefore were unlikely to show differences in allergenicity.


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Em uma pequena quadra de seringueiras jovens, plantadas em 1993, na Embrapa Amazonia Ocidental, o solo apresentava sinais de erosao laminar, apesar da pequena pendente. Como tentativa para contornar esse problema, foi escolhido Arachis pintoi como planta de cobertura, por nao ser escandente e apresentar razoavel tolerancia a sombreamento. Porem, essa tentativa na quadra de seringueiras jovens nao teve o exito esperado, devido a ausencia de modulacao, inclusive nas margens fora dessa quadra, onde o A. pintoi nao apresentou carencia de ferro. Com a necessidade de aplicacao de nitrogenio, para evitar perda por volatilizacao, foi necessario fazer coroamento das plantas, o que tornou essa operacao extremamente dificil por causa do tapete de ramos superpostos e enraizados.


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A Embrapa Acre vem realizando um estudo com o objetivo de avaliar a viabilidade técnica e econômica da utilização do amendoim forrageiro como cobertura do solo em cultivo de café.


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O capim-elefante tem contribuído para alimentação animal em sistemas de produção leiteira. Entretanto, o manejo das cultivares de porte normal constitui uma das dificuldades, devido ao rápido alongamento do colmo. A cultivar anã BRS Kurumi foi recentemente lançada com o objetivo de facilitar o manejo do capim-elefante. O BRS Kurumi se destacou pela maior densidade volumétrica de folhas, elevada digestibilidade, baixo teor de fibra e maior facilidade de manejo, devido ao baixo alongamento de colmos, sendo boa opção para intensificação da produção animal a pasto.


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A cultura do arroz constitui um dos principais cereais que apresenta alta resposta à aplicação de zinco, constituindo um dos principais cereais em que isso ocorre. Objetivou-se, no presente trabalho, avaliar a aplicação de zinco em sementes, a partir de duas fontes, sobre a nutrição e o crescimento inicial da cultura do arroz cultivar BRS-Soberana. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, em três repetições. Os tratamentos foram cinco doses 1,0; 2,0; 4,0 e 8,0g de Zn por kg de semente, das fontes sulfato e óxido, além da testemunha. Após 30 dias da semeadura, avaliou-se a matéria seca (parte aérea e raiz) e o teor e acúmulo de zinco nas plantas. O sulfato de zinco não diferenciou ao óxido para produção de matéria seca total nas plântulas de arroz, entretanto, proporcionou maior absorção de Zn. A aplicação de zinco na forma de sulfato e óxido, na dose de 8g Zn.kg-1 de semente proporcionou maior produção de matéria seca atingindo teor do nutriente, na parte aérea de 281 e 163 mg.kg-1, respectivamente.


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The effect of zinc applied in seeds oil the nutrition of sorghum is affected by the sources and applied rate. The present work aimed to evaluate zinc application, front two sources, on the nutrition and initial growth of a culture of sorghum cv. BRS 304, cultivated in sand. The treatments consisted of five rites (0, 14.3, 28.6, 57.2 and 114.4 g kg(-1) of seed) and two zinc sources - sulphate (22% Zn) and oxide (50% Zn). At 25 days after sowing, the plants were cut. The aerial and root dry mass was evaluated, and the levels and accumulation of Zn in the plants were determined. The of seeds, in oxide form, provided adequate initial growth of application or 14 g Zn kg(-1) sorglitim cv. BRS 304. The sulphate source promoted greater absorption of Zn for the plants, reaching in its highest dosis, high levels of the nutrient in the aerial part (> 4170 mg kg(-1)) and developing characteristic symptoms of phytoxicity.


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Two wild diploid (2n = 20 chromosomes) and self-pollinating Arachis species, Arachis Pintoi Krapov and W.C.Gregory and A. villosulicarpa Hoehne were submmited to C-band technique to karyotype analyses. Root tips were employed in the analyses. Morphometric data chose that chromosome lengths varied from 3.12 in A. villosulicarpa to 1.45 in A. Pintoi. Karyotype formula obtained was 10sm to A. Pintoi and 9sm + 1m to A. villosulicarpa. There was a predominance of pericentromeric C-band in all mitotic metaphasic chromosomes in both species. Besides C-band values, both species still did not differ in respect to chromosome absolute and relative lengths, centromeric index, symmetry index and total karyotype haploid length. C-band and morphometric data did not show strong or significant differences which could separate these two species of peanut which belong to evolutive different sections.


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Two wild diploid (2n = 20 chromosomes) and self-pollinating Arachis species, Arachis Pintoi Krapov and W.C. Gregory and A. villosulicarpa Hoehne were submmited to C-band technique to karyotype analyses. Root tips were employed in the analyses. Morphometric data chose that chromosome lengths varied from 3.12 in A. villosulicarpa to 1.45 in A. Pintoi. Karyotype formula obtained was 10sm to A. Pintoi and 9sm + 1m to A. villosulicarpa. There was a predominance of pericentromeric C-band in all mitotic metaphasic chromosomes in both species. Besides C-band values, both species still did not differ in respect to chromosome absolute and relative lengths, centromeric index, symmetry index and total karyotype haploid length. C-band and morphometric data did not show strong or significant differences which could separate these two species of peanut which belong to evolutive different sections.


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Arachis pintoi is an alternative to forage production in the tropics. Its germplasm comprises more than 150 accessions, that could be used to improve it. Our objective was the isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in A. pintoi to be used to molecular evaluation of this germplasm and of A. repens (section Caulorrhizae). Seven loci were analyzed using five accessions of A. repens and 20 accessions of A. pintoi. The high variation found makes clear the high potential of this marker in genetic studies in these species. The developed markers showed total transferability to A. repens.