976 resultados para Aprendizagem experimental


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The Experimentation in Science Education is used since the beginning of 19th century and has it origins linked to the laboratory classes realized in the universities. This classes used, and in many cases, still using the Scientific Method initially purposed by Descartes in 18th century for the construction of scientific knowledge. One of the allegations is that the method would be the fast stand the cheapest to generating scientific information, although, it is based on the empiricism-positivism, which considers that all people have the same learning skill and they can start from the same spot. Through this paper, is not intended to contest the scientific methodology, or even its importance in science history, but just try to identify and describe other possibilities in using of the teaching laboratory, which can make the learning easier for a much higher number of students, contemplating different cognitive capabilities and generating a better scientific knowledge learning and its transfer to practical situations in life, besides, they can provide more significant learnings. Over the text, four different purposes will be presented, which depart from the laboratory use for theory evidence, incapable to make students use the learned knowledge outside the school, until that which develops in the students capabilities to scientifically argue about their day to day themes


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The proposed research aims at consolidating two years of practical experience in developing a classroom experiential learning pedagogic approach for the problem structuring methods (PSMs) of operational research. The results will be prepared as papers to be submitted, respectively, to the Brazilian ISSS-sponsored system theory conference in São Paulo, and to JORS. These two papers follow the submission (in 2004) of one related paper to JORS which is about to be resubmitted following certain revisions. This first paper draws from the PSM and experiential learning literatures in order to introduce a basic foundation upon which a pedagogic framework for experiential learning of PSMs may be built. It forms, in other words, an integral part of my research in this area. By September, the area of pedagogic approaches to PSM learning will have received its first official attention - at the UK OR Society conference. My research and paper production during July-December, therefore, coincide with an important time in this area, enabling me to form part of the small cohort of published researchers creating the foundations upon which future pedagogic research will build. On the institutional level, such pioneering work also raises the national and international profile of FGVEAESP, making it a reference for future researchers in this area.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC


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Dissatisfaction with certain aspects of the educational processes of the traditional teaching has always existed, and new teaching methods have been routinely studied. The experimental investigative activity is one of those alternative practices. In this type of activity the experimentation is inserted with an investigative approach, in which the student must build the concept, with proposals that represent solutions to the excited problems. In the teaching of chemistry, specifically, the need and importance of experimentation is evident, beyond motivate students, aid in the understanding of chemical concepts relating them to reality. Realizing the contributions of this methodology for teaching and learning, through this research was conducted to understand the difficulties encountered by teachers for planning and implementation of these activities in the teaching of chemistry and therefore the reasons for the dominance of traditional teaching method. The subjects were undergraduate students of chemistry course that developed and implemented differentiated learning activities for teaching and teachers who accompanied the high school students who participated in the university extension project Inclusion Science and University students and teachers from public: Teaching and Learning Chemistry focuses on research and practice”. Through the data it was possible to identify some factors that affect and hinder the implementation of experimental activities in general, not only the investigative. However, despite the difficulties experienced by undergraduates, the majority considered the activity as an alternative teaching method interesting and innovative, able to produce interest, motivation and participation of students with subsequent learning. As well as the teachers, what with all the difficulties that they had declared facing when applying experimental activities, they admitted the pedagogical... (Complete abstract click electronic access belo)


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When it comes to teaching physics in the early years of elementary school, the first question is: but there are opportunities to teach concepts to children of such complexity? This study sought to examine approaches and strategies to enter the Basic Education in Physics. To this end, we used low cost materials testing, taking as its starting point the work of Ferreira (1978) instrumentation for Teaching Physics, particularly with the theme electrostatics. The present study was made from the use of prototypes developed with the materials cited. Observations were made in the classroom looking for, from the records of teaching, analyzing the behavior of children and their arguments, possibilities for Physics Teaching this age group as well as some evidence of their cognitive development. In teaching discussions were held with students of the early years of elementary school involving conceptual and phenomenological aspects, adapting such knowledge at the level of logical and mathematical thinking that was still under development. The work shows that it is possible to work on electrostatic physical concepts with children belonging to the age group of nine to ten years. With the support of the group Pibid Physics city of Rio Claro, I realize my observations and practices at the Municipal School Marcelo Schmidt, which proved to be available and open for acceptance of this proposal


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The lack of motivation and the excessive quantity of subject memorization are some of the main causes for the disinterest of students when learning chemistry. To change this scene, it's necessary that the teachers reinvent themselves and innovate during their classes, making use of alternative methodologies for the chemistry teaching process. The objectives of this work are to evaluate, from a constructive methodology approach, the characteristics, possibilities and limitations of some techniques and methods of teaching. This analysis allowed to present the results in the form of a table summarizing these characteristics and can be useful for teachers to choose the right strategy to be used


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The writings of this paper refer to several personal experiences as well as the various conflicts in the initial educational formation, where I'm reflecting about the formation intentions of this course. I do an analysis and a reflection of the pedagogical practices developed during graduation in institutional spaces, as well as the understanding of the complex context and teaching actions intrinsic to this, that are what constitute the structural dimensions which is where the formative process happens. This study is a narrative of initial formation as autobiographical. Memories and experiences are analyzed along with undergraduate education, exposing structural problems of course requiring a deeper analysis. In addition to analyse critically the institutional spaces of the (few) outreach programs, education and research that are the basis of the Brazilian University, the wellknown University quadripod. Under this perspective, the narrative brings the dichotomous design of the quadripod inside the University course, exposing the need to reflect on this fact, as it culminates in the formation of future teachers in physics. Nevertheless, the work seeks to raise awareness for the need for enhancement of teaching career at the University to address the teaching crisis which today proliferates in the educational institutions in Brazil, therefore it is necessary to the teachers to become aware of your profession and the vision as such. Only from this perspective one can discuss a proper teacher training, aiming at the integration of all activities, valuing all with the same importance


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Este artículo describe un modelo para la capacitación de practicantes de orientación ocupacional en contextos internacionales. Este modelo utiliza un enfoque de "compromiso activo" y se fundamenta en los siguientes factores: 1. Relativos a Competencia/Habilidad; 2. Aprendizaje Experimental; 3. Desafío de Fortaleza; 4. Pensamiento Crítico; 5. Intervenciones y Procesos Dinámicos; y 6. Aprendizaje e Innovación Integradas. También se incluye un debate sobre otras cuestiones prácticas relativas a la capacitación.


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Este artículo describe un modelo para la capacitación de practicantes de orientación ocupacional en contextos internacionales. Este modelo utiliza un enfoque de "compromiso activo" y se fundamenta en los siguientes factores: 1. Relativos a Competencia/Habilidad; 2. Aprendizaje Experimental; 3. Desafío de Fortaleza; 4. Pensamiento Crítico; 5. Intervenciones y Procesos Dinámicos; y 6. Aprendizaje e Innovación Integradas. También se incluye un debate sobre otras cuestiones prácticas relativas a la capacitación.


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Este artículo describe un modelo para la capacitación de practicantes de orientación ocupacional en contextos internacionales. Este modelo utiliza un enfoque de "compromiso activo" y se fundamenta en los siguientes factores: 1. Relativos a Competencia/Habilidad; 2. Aprendizaje Experimental; 3. Desafío de Fortaleza; 4. Pensamiento Crítico; 5. Intervenciones y Procesos Dinámicos; y 6. Aprendizaje e Innovación Integradas. También se incluye un debate sobre otras cuestiones prácticas relativas a la capacitación.


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Este artículo describe un modelo para la capacitación de practicantes de orientación ocupacional en contextos internacionales. Este modelo utiliza un enfoque de "compromiso activo" y se fundamenta en los siguientes factores: 1. Relativos a Competencia/Habilidad; 2. Aprendizaje Experimental; 3. Desafío de Fortaleza; 4. Pensamiento Crítico; 5. Intervenciones y Procesos Dinámicos; y 6. Aprendizaje e Innovación Integradas. También se incluye un debate sobre otras cuestiones prácticas relativas a la capacitación.


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Este artículo describe un modelo para la capacitación de practicantes de orientación ocupacional en contextos internacionales. Este modelo utiliza un enfoque de "compromiso activo" y se fundamenta en los siguientes factores: 1. Relativos a Competencia/Habilidad; 2. Aprendizaje Experimental; 3. Desafío de Fortaleza; 4. Pensamiento Crítico; 5. Intervenciones y Procesos Dinámicos; y 6. Aprendizaje e Innovación Integradas. También se incluye un debate sobre otras cuestiones prácticas relativas a la capacitación.


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Este artículo describe un modelo para la capacitación de practicantes de orientación ocupacional en contextos internacionales. Este modelo utiliza un enfoque de "compromiso activo" y se fundamenta en los siguientes factores: 1. Relativos a Competencia/Habilidad; 2. Aprendizaje Experimental; 3. Desafío de Fortaleza; 4. Pensamiento Crítico; 5. Intervenciones y Procesos Dinámicos; y 6. Aprendizaje e Innovación Integradas. También se incluye un debate sobre otras cuestiones prácticas relativas a la capacitación.