992 resultados para Approximation theory


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Based on the effective medium approximation theory of composites, the empirical model proposed by Pandey and Kakar is remedied to investigate the microwave emissivity of sea surface under wave breaking driven by strong wind. In the improved model, the effects of seawater bubbles, droplets and difference in temperature of air and sea interface (DTAS) on the emissivity of sea surface covered by whitecaps are discussed. The model results indicate that the effective emissivity of sea surface increases with DTAS increasing, and the impacts of bubble structures and thickness of whitecaps layer on the emissivity are included in the model by introducing the effective dielectric constant of whitecaps layer. Moreover, a good agreement is obtained by comparing the model results with the Rose's experimental data.


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The performance of the SAOP potential for the calculation of NMR chemical shifts was evaluated. SAOP results show considerable improvement with respect to previous potentials, like VWN or BP86, at least for the carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and fluorine chemical shifts. Furthermore, a few NMR calculations carried out on third period atoms (S, P, and Cl) improved when using the SAOP potential


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A radial basis function network (RBFN) circuit for function approximation is presented. Simulation and experimental results show that the network has good approximation capabilities. The RBFN was a squared hyperbolic secant with three adjustable parameters amplitude, width and center. To test the network a sinusoidal and sine function,vas approximated.


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Function approximation is a very important task in environments where the computation has to be based on extracting information from data samples in real world processes. So, the development of new mathematical model is a very important activity to guarantee the evolution of the function approximation area. In this sense, we will present the Polynomials Powers of Sigmoid (PPS) as a linear neural network. In this paper, we will introduce one series of practical results for the Polynomials Powers of Sigmoid, where we will show some advantages of the use of the powers of sigmiod functions in relationship the traditional MLP-Backpropagation and Polynomials in functions approximation problems.


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ACM Computing Classification System (1998): G.1.2.


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We consider boundary layer flow of a micropolar fluid driven by a porous stretching sheet. A similarity solution is defined, and numerical solutions using Runge-Kutta and quasilinearisation schemes are obtained. A perturbation analysis is also used to derive analytic solutions to first order in the perturbing parameter. The resulting closed form solutions involve relatively complex expressions, and the analysis is made more tractable by a combination of offline and online work using a computational algebra system (CAS). For this combined numerical and analytic approach, the perturbation analysis yields a number of benefits with regard to the numerical work. The existence of a closed form solution helps to discriminate between acceptable and spurious numerical solutions. Also, the expressions obtained from the perturbation work can provide an accurate description of the solution for ranges of parameters where the numerical approaches considered here prove computationally more difficult.


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We revisit the classical Karman rotating disk problem. A series analysis is used to derive estimates of boundary conditions at the surface. Using these estimates, computed thermal and flow fields for large mass transfer through the disk are readily obtained using a shooting method. The relevance of the problem to practical flows is discussed briefly.


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The results of a numerical investigation into the errors for least squares estimates of function gradients are presented. The underlying algorithm is obtained by constructing a least squares problem using a truncated Taylor expansion. An error bound associated with this method contains in its numerator terms related to the Taylor series remainder, while its denominator contains the smallest singular value of the least squares matrix. Perhaps for this reason the error bounds are often found to be pessimistic by several orders of magnitude. The circumstance under which these poor estimates arise is elucidated and an empirical correction of the theoretical error bounds is conjectured and investigated numerically. This is followed by an indication of how the conjecture is supported by a rigorous argument.


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The problem of bubble contraction in a Hele-Shaw cell is studied for the case in which the surrounding fluid is of power-law type. A small perturbation of the radially symmetric problem is first considered, focussing on the behaviour just before the bubble vanishes, it being found that for shear-thinning fluids the radially symmetric solution is stable, while for shear-thickening fluids the aspect ratio of the bubble boundary increases. The borderline (Newtonian) case considered previously is neutrally stable, the bubble boundary becoming elliptic in shape with the eccentricity of the ellipse depending on the initial data. Further light is shed on the bubble contraction problem by considering a long thin Hele-Shaw cell: for early times the leading-order behaviour is one-dimensional in this limit; however, as the bubble contracts its evolution is ultimately determined by the solution of a Wiener-Hopf problem, the transition between the long-thin limit and the extinction limit in which the bubble vanishes being described by what is in effect a similarity solution of the second kind. This same solution describes the generic (slit-like) extinction behaviour for shear-thickening fluids, the interface profiles that generalise the ellipses that characterise the Newtonian case being constructed by the Wiener-Hopf calculation.


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This paper formulates an analytically tractable problem for the wake generated by a long flat bottom ship by considering the steady free surface flow of an inviscid, incompressible fluid emerging from beneath a semi-infinite rigid plate. The flow is considered to be irrotational and two-dimensional so that classical potential flow methods can be exploited. In addition, it is assumed that the draft of the plate is small compared to the depth of the channel. The linearised problem is solved exactly using a Fourier transform and the Wiener-Hopf technique, and it is shown that there is a family of subcritical solutions characterised by a train of sinusoidal waves on the downstream free surface. The amplitude of these waves decreases as the Froude number increases. Supercritical solutions are also obtained, but, in general, these have infinite vertical velocities at the trailing edge of the plate. Consideration of further terms in the expansions suggests a way of canceling the singularity for certain values of the Froude number.