989 resultados para Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV)
Cultivares comerciais de macieiras são infectadas por 3 espécies principais de vírus: Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV), Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) e Apple stem pitting virus (ASPV), geralmente em infecções complexas. O objetivo do estudo foi caracterizar a diversidade genética de genes da proteína capsidial (CP) de isolados de ACLSV.
Apples are commercially grown in Brazil in a subtropical environment that favors the development of fungal diseases such as Glomerella leaf spot (GLS) caused mainly by Glomerella cingulata (anamorph Colletotrichum gloeosporioides). The main objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of mixed infections by Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) and Apple stem pitting virus (ASPV) on the infection and the colonization processes of C. gloeosporiodes in cv. Maxi Gala plants. Leaves of 16-month-old potted plants were spray-inoculated and both the disease incidence and lesion count were monitored over time and leaf severity was assessed in the final evaluation using an image analysis tool. Results showed that initial infection estimated from a monomolecular model fitted to progress of lesion count was higher and the incubation period (time to reach 50% incidence) was on average 10 h shorter in virus-infected plants compared to non-infected plants. It is hypothesized that initial events such as conidial germination and fungal penetration into plant cells were facilitated by the presence of viral infection. Also, final GLS severity was significantly higher in the virus-infected plants. Mixed infections by ASGV/ASPV seemed to make apple leaves more susceptible to the initial infection and colonization by C. gloeosporioides.
O presente trabalho caracteriza o gene codificador da proteína capsidial do isolado do Grapevine virus A (GVA) encontrado no Estado de São Paulo (GVA-SP). RNA total foi extraído de folhas e pecíolos de plantas de videira (Vitis spp.) da variedade 'Kober 5BB' e submetido a RT-PCR usando oligonucleotídeos desenhados para amplificar um fragmento entre as posições 6409 e 7175 do RNA do GVA (GenBank, acesso X75433). Foi obtido um fragmento de tamanho esperado (767 nt) que inclui o gene da proteína capsidial, codificando 198 aminoácidos. A seqüência do GVA-SP apresentou similaridade de nucleotídeos e aminoácidos de, respectivamente, 86-92,3% e 94,5-98% com isolados do GVA da Europa, África e Japão (Acessos X75433, AF441234, AF007415, AB039841) e da região Sul do Brasil (Acesso AF494187), sendo, entretanto, mais similar aos isolados africano e italiano.
O vírus A da videira (Grapevine virus A, GVA) e o vírus B da videira (Grapevirus virus B, GVB) estão associados à acanaladura do lenho de Kober (Kober stem grooving) e ao fendilhamento cortical da videira (grapevine corky bark), respectivamente. Este trabalho descreve o uso de sondas moleculares de cDNA na detecção de isolados do GVA (GVA-SP) e do GVB (GVB-C-SP e GVB-I-SP) em videiras (Vitis spp.) e fumo (Nicotiana occidentalis). As sondas marcadas com digoxigenina foram produzidas por RT-PCR utilizando oligonucleotídeos específicos para os genes da proteína capsidial. Os RNA totais foram extraídos de 45 plantas de diversas variedades de videira e de 13 plantas de fumo inoculadas mecanicamente com o GVB. Os RNA extraídos das plantas infetadas, indexadas biologicamente, hibridizaram com as sondas, não se verificando reação com plantas sadias. Para confirmar os resultados de hibridização, foram também feitos testes de RT-PCR. A utilização de hibridização dot-blot com sondas de cDNA mostrou-se eficaz na detecção dos vírus com especificidade e sensibilidade, ressaltando-se que, preferencialmente, folhas maduras e ramos dormentes devem ser utilizados nos testes diagnósticos para o GVB e GVA, respectivamente.
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a ubiquitous human herpesvirus associated with many malignant and nonmalignant human diseases. Life-long latent EBV persistence occurs in blood-borne B lymphocytes, while EBV intermittently productively replicates in mucosal epithelia. Although several models have previously been proposed, the mechanism of EBV transition between these two reservoirs of infection has not been determined. In this study, we present the first evidence demonstrating that EBV latently infects a unique subset of blood-borne mononuclear cells that are direct precursors to Langerhans cells and that EBV both latently and productively infects oral epithelium-resident cells that are likely Langerhans cells. These data form the basis of a proposed new model of EBV transition from blood to oral epithelium in which EBV-infected Langerhans cell precursors serve to transport EBV to the oral epithelium as they migrate and differentiate into oral Langerhans cells. This new model contributes fresh insight into the natural history of EBV infection and the pathogenesis of EBV-associated epithelial disease.
O gene Sw-5 do tomateiro confere resistência a várias espécies de tospovírus e codifica uma proteína contendo domínios de ligação a nucleotídeos e repetições ricas em leucina. Tomateiros com Sw-5 exibem reações necróticas nas folhas inoculadas com tospovírus. Estas reações e a estrutura da proteína Sw-5 indicam que a resistência ocorre por meio do reconhecimento do patógeno e desencadeamento da resposta de hipersensibilidade. A capacidade de Sw-5 de conferir resistência a tospovírus em tabaco selvagem (Nicotiana benthamiana Domin.) foi avaliada em plantas transgênicas. Uma construção com a seqüência aberta de leitura de Sw-5 e sua região 3 não-traduzida sob controle do promotor 35S do CaMV foi utilizada para transformação de N. benthamiana via Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Plantas de progênies R1 foram inoculadas com um isolado de tospovírus e avaliadas quanto à ocorrência de reação de hipersensibilidade e resistência à infecção sistêmica. em uma progênie com segregação 3:1 (resistente:suscetível), foi selecionada uma planta homozigota e sua progênie avaliada quanto ao espectro da resistência a tospovírus. Plantas com o transgene exibiram resposta de hipersensibilidade 48 h após a inoculação, sendo resistentes à infecção sistêmica. O fenótipo da resistência foi dependente do isolado viral e um isolado de Tomato chlorotic spot virus (TCSV) causou necrose sistêmica em todas as plantas inoculadas, enquanto que isolados de Groundnut ringspot virus (GRSV) e um isolado relacionado a Chrysanthemum stem necrosis virus (CSNV) ficaram restritos ao sítio de infecção. Comparações do espectro da resistência obtido neste trabalho com aquele observado em outros membros da família Solanaceae indicam que as vias de transdução de sinais e as respostas de defesa ativadas por Sw-5 são conservadas dentro desta família e polimorfismos genéticos nas vias de transdução de sinais ou em componentes das respostas de defesa podem resultar em diferentes níveis de resistência.
The mechanisms for progressive fibrosis and exacerbation by steatosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C (HCV) are still unknown. We hypothesized that proliferative blockade in HCV-infected and steatotic hepatocytes results in the default activation of hepatic progenitor cells (HPC), capable of differentiating into both biliary and hepatocyte lineages, and that the resultant ductular reaction promotes portal fibrosis. To study this concept, 115 liver biopsy specimens from subjects with HCV were scored for steatosis, inflammation, and fibrosis. Biliary epithelium and HPC were decorated by cytokeratin 7 immunoperoxidase, and the replicative state of hepatocytes was assessed by p21 and Ki-67 immunohistochemistry. A ductular reaction at the portal interface was common. There was a highly significant correlation between the area of ductular reaction and fibrosis stage (r = 0.453, P < .0001), which remained independently associated after multivariate analysis. HPC numbers also correlated with fibrosis (r = 0.544, P < .0001) and the ductular area (r = 0.624, P < .0001). Moreover, steatosis correlated with greater HPC proliferation (r = 0.372, P = .0004) and ductular reaction (r = 0.374, P < .0001) but was not an obligate feature. Impaired hepatocyte replication by p21 expression was independently associated with HPC expansion (P = .002) and increased with the body mass index (P < .001) and lobular inflammation (P = .005). In conclusion, the strong correlation between portal fibrosis and a periportal ductular reaction with HPC expansion, the exacerbation by steatosis, and the associations with impaired hepatocyte replication suggest that an altered regeneration pathway drives the ductular reaction. We believe this triggers fibrosis at the portal tract interface. This may be a stereotyped response of importance in other chronic liver diseases.
The absence of cellular immunity is central to the pathogenesis of herpesvirus-mediated diseases after allogeneic hemopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). For both bone marrow (BM)– and granulocyte-colony stimulating factor–mobilized peripheral blood stem cells (PBSCs) HSCT, donor-derived Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and cytomegalovirus (CMV) peptide–specific CD8+ T cells clones undergo early expansion and persist long-term, with additional diversification arising from novel antigen-specific clones from donor-derived progenitors. Whether BM or PBSC is the superior source of antiviral CD8+ T cells is unclear. Given that PBSC has largely replaced BM as a source of stem cells for HSCT, it is unlikely that herpesvirus effector T-cell reconstitution will ever be compared prospectively. PBSC grafts contain 10 to 30 times more T cells than BM and a randomized study found proven viral infections were more frequent in BM than PBSC recipients, suggesting viral-specific T-cell immunity is enhanced in PBSC. Recently Moss showed in lung cancer patients that herpesvirus-specific BM-derived CD8+ T cells have unique homing properties relative to herpesvirus-specific CD8+ T cells present in unmobilized peripheral blood (PB). Immunodominant EBV-lytic peptide–specific CD8+ T cells were enriched in BM but were reduced for CMV peptide–specific CD8+ T cells relative to PB. EBV-latent peptide–specific CD8+ T cells were equivalent, which has relevance in the context of posttransplantation lymphoproliferative disorder for which impaired EBV-latent CD8+ T-cell immunity is a risk-factor. A comparison of herpesvirus-specific cellular immunity in PBSC versus PB has yet to be performed.
Pluripotent stem cells are being actively studied as a cell source for regenerating damaged liver. For long-term survival of engrafting cells in the body, not only do the cells have to execute liver-specific function but also withstand the physical strains and invading pathogens. The cellular innate immune system orchestrated by the interferon (IFN) pathway provides the first line of defense against pathogens. The objective of this study is to assess the innate immune function as well as to systematically profile the IFN-induced genes during hepatic differentiation of pluripotent stem cells. To address this objective, we derived endodermal cells (day 5 post-differentiation), hepatoblast (day 15) and hepatocyte-like cells (day 21) from human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). Day 5, 15 and 21 cells were stimulated with IFN-alpha and subjected to IFN pathway analysis. Transcriptome analysis was carried out by RNA sequencing. The results showed that the IFN-alpha treatment activated STAT-JAK pathway in differentiating cells. Transcriptome analysis indicated stage specific expression of classical and non-classical IFN-stimulated genes (ISGs). Subsequent validation confirmed the expression of novel ISGs including RASGRP3, CLMP and TRANK1 by differentiated hepatic cells upon IFN treatment. Hepatitis C virus replication in hESC-derived hepatic cells induced the expression of ISGs - LAMP3, ETV7, RASGRP3, and TRANK1. The hESC-derived hepatic cells contain intact innate system and can recognize invading pathogens. Besides assessing the tissue-specific functions for cell therapy applications, it may also be important to test the innate immune function of engrafting cells to ensure adequate defense against infections and improve graft survival. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Rodent brain-adapted measles virus (MV) strains, such as CAM/RB and recombinant MVs based on the Edmonston strain containing the haemagglutinin (H) of CAM/RB, cause acute encephalitis after intracerebral infection of newborn rodents. We have demonstrated that rodent neurovirulence is modulated by two mutations at amino acid positions 195 and 200 in the H protein, one of these positions (200) being a potential glycosylation site. In order to analyse the effects of specific amino acids at these positions, we introduced a range of individual and combined mutations into the open reading frame of the H gene to generate a number of eukaryotic expression plasmids. The functionality of the mutant H proteins was assessed in transfected cells and by generating recombinant viruses. Interestingly, viruses caused acute encephalitis only if the amino acid Ser at position 200 was coupled with Gly at position 195, whereas viruses with single or combined mutations at these positions, including glycosylation at position 200, were attenuated. Neurovirulence was associated with virus spread and induction of neuronal apoptosis, whereas attenuated viruses failed to infect brain cells. Similar results were obtained by using primary brain-cell cultures. Our findings indicate that a structural alteration in the stem 2 region of the H protein at position 195 or 200 interferes with infectivity of rodent neurons, and suggest that the interaction of the viral attachment protein with cellular receptors on neurons is affected.
Citrus is grown in Croatia (approximately 1,500 ha of citrus groves) on the Dalmatian Coast and Islands between 42 and 43°30'N. The major species, Citrus unshiu Marc. (Satsuma mandarin), is grafted on trifoliate rootstock. The presence of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) in Satsumas in the Neretva Valley Region was previously reported (3). During the course of a biomolecular characterization of isolates from Croatia, 15 budsticks were collected from field- infected, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)-positive sources during the autumn of 2003 near Kaštela, Split, Metković (Neretva Valley), and on the island of Vis. Isolates were propagated by graft transmission to Madam Vinous sweet orange (SwO) and maintained in an insect-proof greenhouse at 21 to 33° C.