13 resultados para Appendicectomy
Background and aims: Recent studies on appendicectomy rates in ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease have generally not addressed the effect of appendicectomy on disease characteristics. The aims of this study were to compare appendicectomy rates in Australian inflammatory bowel disease patients and matched controls, and to evaluate the effect of prior appendicectomy on disease characteristics. Methods: Patients were ascertained from the Brisbane Inflammatory Bowel Disease database. Controls matched for age and sex were randomly selected from the Australian Twin Registry. Disease characteristics included age at diagnosis, disease site, need for immunosuppression, and intestinal resection. Results: The study confirmed the significant negative association between appendicectomy and ulcerative colitis (odds ratio (OR) 0.23, 95% confidence interval (Cl) 0.14-0.38; p
Despite widespread use of imaging technologies including ultrasonography and computed tomography, rates of negative appendicectomy and perforated appendicitis remain high. This trend analysis examined whether rates of negative appendicectomy and perforated appendicitis have decreased over time, and sought to evaluate clinical predictors associated with negative appendicectomy and perforated appendicitis.
Appendiceal mucocele is a rare entity, occuring in < 1% among appendicectomies, with a female predominance 4/1 (F/M) and a mean age of more than 50 years. The preoperative diagnosis is difficult; in most cases, it´s an intraoperative finding. In such work, we describe the two clinical cases occurring in last 10 years in our Department. Case 1 - 56 years old, posmenopausal, referred to our Department (02/2004) because an asymptomatic right adnexal septated cystic image, 53x48mm, with hipovascularized septa and a vascularised capsule with low flow resistance (IR 0,57). CA 125 elevated (71,3 U/mL).Exploratory laparotomy: an ovary increased, with a gelatanious consistency and an appendicular enlargement. Extemporaneous examination: a pseudomixoma peritonei, associated with a mucinous appendicular and an ovary tumor. It was performed a radical surgery. The histo-pathological analysis showed a mucinous cystadenoma of the appendix with peritoneal mucinous dissemination involving the ovary. Expectant attitude since the surgery, without clinical and imaging signs of recurrence. Case 2- 62 years old posmenopausal and asymptomatic woman, with a large adnexal mass detected on routine pelvic ultrasound: heterogeneous, 94x84mm without vascularisation signs in its interior. CEA was elevated (41,47U/ml). Exploratory laparotomy (02/2010): enlarged appendix and macroscopically normal pelvic organs. An appendicectomy was performed. The histo-pathological analysis showed a 10cm mucinous cystadenoma of the appendix and signs of localized (visceral peritoneal surface) pseudomyxoma peritonei. Currently she’s clinically well, in an expectant attitude. Despite mucoceles of the appendix are rare, they should be considered in women presenting with abnormal quadrant masses.
BACKGROUND: Surveillance is an essential element of surgical site infection (SSI) prevention. Few studies have evaluated the long-term effect of these programmes. AIM: To present data from a 13-year multicentre SSI surveillance programme from western and southern Switzerland. METHODS: Surveillance with post-discharge follow-up was performed according to the US National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance (NNIS) system methods. SSI rates were calculated for each surveyed type of surgery, overall and by year of participation in the programme. Risk factors for SSI and the effect of surveillance time on SSI rates were analysed by multiple logistic regression. FINDINGS: Overall SSI rates were 18.2% after 7411 colectomies, 6.4% after 6383 appendicectomies, 2.3% after 7411 cholecystectomies, 1.7% after 9933 herniorrhaphies, 1.6% after 6341 hip arthroplasties, and 1.3% after 3667 knee arthroplasties. The frequency of SSI detected after discharge varied between 21% for colectomy and 94% for knee arthroplasty. Independent risk factors for SSI differed between operations. The NNIS risk index was predictive of SSI in gastrointestinal surgery only. Laparoscopic technique was protective overall, but associated with higher rates of organ-space infections after appendicectomy. The duration of participation in the surveillance programme was not associated with a decreased SSI rate for any of the included procedure. CONCLUSION: These data confirm the effect of post-discharge surveillance on SSI rates and the protective effect of laparoscopy. There is a need to establish alternative case-mix adjustment methods. In contrast to other European programmes, no positive impact of surveillance duration on SSI rates was observed.
The gastric bypass is a good option in the therapy of morbid obesity. Nevertheless, it must be considered the rare condition as occurred in a patient with previous abdominal surgery with Situs Inversus Totalis. A 24 year-old male patient with body mass index of 40 Kg/ m², multiple dietary failures, and arterial hypertension as co-morbidities, with a anterior paramedial right incision due to a previous appendicectomy (8 years ago).With a indication for bariatric surgery, was performed Roux-en-Y gastric bypass by laparoscopic procedure, with previous planning of Situs Inversus Totalis.
Resumen objetivo: determinar la asociación entre el tiempo de administración de profilaxis antibiótica y la aparición de infección del sitio quirúrgico en pacientes sometidos a apendicetomía, en una institución de III nivel de complejidad de Bogotá. Materiales y métodos: estudio observacional analítico, tipo cohorte retrospectiva de pacientes sometidos a apendicetomía en una institución de tercer nivel, entre el 1 de mayo de 2007 y el 31 de diciembre de 2008. Resultados: La muestra estuvo conformada por 1245 pacientes; encontrando una incidencia de ISQ de 8.4%. Se aplicó profilaxis antibiótica al 94% de los pacientes. La profilaxis antibiótica administrada en menos de 30 minutos previo a la incisión tuvo diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el análisis divariado, encontrando un RR= 0.44 IC 0.20 0.96, p=0.0372); adicional se encontró que mayores puntajes en las escalas de NNIS y SENIC aumenta el riesgo de presentar ISQ. El análisis multivariado mostró que la asociación de variables como edad, duración mayor de 2 horas, ASA 2, herida contaminada y herida sucia, resultaron factores de riesgo, teniendo mayor peso y siendo estadísticamente significativos al momento de predecir ISQ. Por su parte, la antibioticoterapia profiláctica no mostró diferencias estadísticamente significativas Conclusiones: se estableció que existe una asociación directa entre la incidencia de ISQ y la totalidad de variables incluidas en el SENIC y NNIS, a mayores puntajes se presento mayor tasa de infección. Asimismo, se concluye que el tener un mayor número de patologías asociadas, clasificadas en el ASA, se relaciona con aumento en el desarrollo de ISQ. Finalmente, la presencia de factores no modificables tales como la edad, el género, se encuentran relacionadas de una u otra forma con mayor probabilidad de desarrollar ISQ. Cabe resaltar que entre mayor número de factores de riesgo se encuentren asociados en un paciente, condicionan de manera significativa la aparición de ISQ como complicación postquirúrgica destacándose la edad, cirugía >2 horas, ASA y tipo de la herida.
A prática de saúde no país passa por grandes e difíceis desafios. No que tange a financiamento o setor público ainda carece de um melhor dimensionamento e proposta estratégica. Já o setor privado tem sua crise pela falta de maios análise dos seus custos e suas variações. A regulação do setor suplementar ainda é muito jovem. Os grandes desafios da saúde e a busca de solução são uma constante para melhor dimensionar e gerir o processo. Vários são os fatores pressionam o modelo aumentando seus gastos e ainda em uma situação mais perversa sem nenhuma previsão. Há a necessidade urgente de se entender o modelo de gastos envolvidos e acima de tudo os fatores que mais interferem na variação desses gastos. O trabalho que segue busca entender melhor o problema de variação de custos destes serviços prestados, através da análise de três casos médicos de alta relevância: apendicectomia; histerectomia; e colecistectomia, observando a variação dos preços praticados em uma série histórica de 5 anos, comparando com índices econômicos e inflacionários como IPCA, variação dos preços dos planos de saúde pela ANS e variação dos custos médicos hospitalares. Como resultados observamos que para estes eventos clássicos e isolados eventos não há um padrão nítido de preços atrelados a qualquer destes índices, nem uma variação linear que permita uma maior e melhor análise. Ao mesmo tempo quando se aumenta o volume dos atendimentos, no mix dos três eventos passamos a observar uma relação bem próxima ao IPCA que por sua vez é muito próxima do índice de reajustes autorizado pela ANS no período. Muito há o que ser feito e estudado como forma de melhor entender este modelo de preços e custos, bem como suas variações.
O cistoadenoma mucinoso do apêndice ceca l, um tipo de mucocele do apêndice, é uma neoplasia benigna caracterizada pela metaplasia focal ou difusa do epitélio superficial da mucosa, associada à dilatação do apêndice e produção de muco para a luz apendicular. No presente estudo os autores relatam um caso de cistoadenoma mucinoso do apêndice observado em uma mulher de 65 anos de idade, com dor e massa palpável no quadrante inferior direito do abdome, cujo quadro teve início há 1 ano. O diagnóstico de cistoadenoma do apêndice foi suspeitado através da ultrassonografia e tomografia computadorizada do abdome, e confirmado pelo exame histopatológico. A paciente também apresentava cálculos na vesícula biliar e um cisto renal à direita. A laparotomia foi indicada sendo realizada a apendicectomia, a colecistectomia e a exérese do cisto renal. Na presente discussão esperamos contribuir para o diagnóstico precoce dessa doença e a melhor compreensão de sua classificação e patogenia.
Objective. Clinical interest in C-reactive protein (CRP) - a component of the innate immune system - has focused mainly on its worth as an indicator of disease activity. There has been a resurgence of interest in CRP in the Crohn's disease ( CD) literature because several trials of new treatments for active CD have been characterized by both a large proportion of patients with low CRP ( < 10 mg/l) at entry to the trials and by a negative therapeutic outcome. It is therefore of interest to study the clinical characteristics of patients who are thought to have at the same time both active CD and a low CRP. Material and methods. Patients were prospectively recruited as part of the Brisbane IBD clinical and research programme. Subjects were included in the low CRP group only if there were complete datasets for CRP on all occasions of active CD, and CRP was < 10 mg/l. Active disease was defined as CD activity index (CDAI) > 200. The low CRP group was compared with patients in the raised CRP group for a range of clinical variables as well as the major NOD2 variants. Results. There were data sets for 223 CD patients, with a mean disease duration of 12 years. Of these, 22 patients fulfilled the criteria for low CRP. The low CRP group ( group 1) showed significant differences for disease site (p < 0.01) and for BMI (p = 0.006) compared to the raised CRP group ( group 2). Specifically, group 1 had a predominance of pure ileal disease (95% versus 53%) and lack of pure colonic disease (0% versus 24%) compared to group 2, and their BMI was significantly lower (20.3 kg/m(2) versus 25.0 kg/m(2)). Groups 1 and 2 did not differ with respect to Vienna behaviour at diagnosis, smoking, appendicectomy, extra-intestinal manifestations of CD, or NOD2 SNP variants. There was a trend for low CRP patients with previous ileal resection to evolve to a stricturing phenotype. Fat wrapping was noted in 11/13 (85%) of low CRP patients undergoing ileal resections. Conclusions. Patients with CD and a persistently low CRP in the face of active disease were characterized by an almost exclusive ileal disease distribution and a low BMI, compared to those with a raised CRP. These patients had a similar frequency and distribution of NOD2/CARD15 variants. Stricturing ( v inflammatory or penetrating) behaviour may explain some low CRP. Despite the abnormally low BMI, fat wrapping was noted in the majority of low CRP patients undergoing ileal resection.
We report a case of a 24-year-old woman who was delivered via cesarean section at 39 weeks and presented in the puerperium with symptoms of worsening abdominal pain and septicaemia. Preoperative ultrasonography suggested the presence of a pelvic collection. Explorative laparotomy revealed the simultaneous presence of Meckel's diverticulitis and appendicitis without bowel perforation. The patient made an uneventful recovery following small bowel resection with end to end reanastomosis and appendicectomy.