17 resultados para Aphrodisiac


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Presentado en el Simposio "La imagen del sexo en la antigüedad: ciclos de renovación de la vida", organizado por el Instituto de Historia del CSIC y celebrado en Barcelona del 21 al 23 de marzo de 2002.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Este trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento de metodologia para o controle de qualidade dos extratos etanólicos e infusão de Turnera diffusa Willd. ex Schult., Turneraceae, usando como marcadores os compostos fenólicos. Essa espécie é usada popularmente como afrodisíaca e antiulcerogênica. Foram usadas técnicas cromatográficas: CLAE acoplada com detector de ultravioleta e cromatografia em camada delgada. Foram detectados flavonóides como os principais componentes da planta.


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As raízes de espécies de Pfaffia são utilizadas há muito na medicina popular no Brasil, especialmente como tônicas, afrodisíacas e antidiabéticas. Nas margens e ilhas do Rio Paraná, vegeta naturalmente a espécie Pfaffia glomerata (Spreng.) Pedersen, que corre risco de extinção pela coleta intensiva de suas raízes. Para preservá-la, é preciso desenvolver sistemas que permitam seu uso sustentável. Nesse contexto, foi avaliada a sazonalidade da produção de biomassa e o teor de β-ecdisona em raízes de diferentes acessos de P. glomerata. A coleta dos acessos foi realizada ao longo dos rios Paraná (A1 e A3), Ivaí (A2) e Paranapanema (A4). Mudas produzidas a partir desses acessos foram plantadas experimentalmente em área de ocorrência natural da espécie. O delineamento utilizado foi blocos casualizados, com parcelas subdivididas (acessos nas parcelas; épocas de colheita nas subparcelas), quatro repetições e subparcelas com seis plantas na área útil. Foram realizadas quatro colheitas: oito, dez, doze e quatorze meses após o plantio. As maiores produtividades em massa seca (MS) de raízes foram alcançadas na terceira colheita, com 38,41 g planta-1. Já o acesso A4 foi significativamente mais produtivo que os demais, tanto para massa fresca (94,67 g planta-1), quanto para MS de raízes (26,39 g planta-1). A relação MF/MS das raízes, com média de 26,9% (3,7:1), foi pouco influenciada pela origem dos acessos, embora tenha se alterado significativamente ao longo das colheitas (de 4,1:1, na primeira colheita, a 3,3:1, na terceira colheita, que correspondeu ao valor máximo). O teor de β-ecdisona foi estatisticamente similar nas três primeiras colheitas, variando de 0,26 a 0,38%, com redução drástica na última colheita (0,16%). Os acessos A2 e A3 foram aqueles com teor de β-ecdisona mais altos, respectivamente 0,36 e 0,30%. Considerando os resultados obtidos, sugere-se que a terceira colheita, que corresponde a doze meses após o transplante, como a mais adequada para colheita das raízes.


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Turnera diffusa Willd. var. afrodisiaca (Ward) Urb. (syn. T. aphrodisiaca) belongs to the family of Turneraceae and is an aromatic plant growing wild in the subtropical regions of America and Africa. It is widely used in the traditional medicine as e.g. anti-cough, diuretic, and aphrodisiac agent. This work presents a 3 min chromatographic analysis using low-pressure (LP) gas chromatography (GC)-ion-trap (IT) mass spectrometry (MS). The combination of a deactivated 0.6 m x 0.10 mm i.d., restrictor with a wide-bore CP-Wax 52 capillary column (10 m x 0.53 mm i.d., 1 mum) reduces the analysis time by a factor of 3-7 in comparison to the use of a conventional narrow bore column. Chromatographic conditions have been optimized to achieve the fastest separation with the highest signal/noise ratio in MS detection. These results allow fast and reliable quality control of the essential oil to be achieved. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Hebanthe eriantha (Poir.) Pedersen (Amaranthaceae), which is known as Brazilian ginseng is widely used in folk medicine as an aphrodisiac and antidiabetic tonic. The anti-tumor activity, attributed to the pfaffic acid present in roots of H. eriantha, is responsible for the great interest in the commercialization of this species. In Brazil, the species H. eriantha is mainly used in commercial preparations, although other plants of the genus Pfaffia and Hebanthe have been marketed as Pfaffia paniculata or Brazilian ginseng. The pfaffic acid present in the roots is mainly conjugated with sugars (pfaffosides) and can be used as an active marker of H. eriantha, which helps to differentiate this species from others marketed as Brazilian ginseng. The main objective of this study was to develop and validate a liquid chromatographic method to quantify pfaffic acid in the roots of H. eriantha. The extraction and hydrolysis conditions were optimized using an univariate and experimental design, respectively, and the quantification of pfaffic acid by high performance liquid chromatography with diode-array detection (HPLC-DAD) was validated. This method was used to evaluate the pfaffic acid content in 30 different genotypes of the species from a germplasm collection. The content of pfaffic acid ranged from 0.97 to 4.29% (w/w) on a dry weight basis. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Farmacologia) - IBB


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Heteropterys tomentosa is a Brazilian plant traditionally used as an aphrodisiac and stimulant. Previous studies suggested possible androgenic and antioxidant effects after long term administration of H. tomentosa infusion. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of this plant infusion on the rat ventral prostate: an androgen responsive organ. Wistar rats were treated, by gavage, with H. tomentosa roots infusion (treated group, n=6) or water (control group, n=6) for 56 days. Morphological, morphometrical and stereological analyses were employed to study the ventral prostate tissue, as well as androgen receptor and apoptotic cell staining. The ultrastructure of the prostatic epithelium was also analyzed. No alteration was observed in the stereological and morphometrical analyses. The pattern of androgen receptor expression and the apoptotic index were identical in the control and treated group. Ultrastructural analysis showed no alterations caused by H. tomentosa. These results suggested that treatment with H. tomentosa infusion, although considered a strong aphrodisiac, did not cause any major damage nor benefit to the prostate tissue.


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En la actualidad son muy pocos los usos vigentes. Aunque los dátiles son la materia utilizada con mayor frecuencia, también se han empleado la savia, el polen y el cogollo tierno o palmito. Los dátiles de Phoenix dactylifera se utilizaron como analgésico y para tratar la anemia y trastornos digestivos, o para fortalecer las encías, en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil y como afrodisiacos, para facilitar el parto y calmar los dolores postparto, y tratar el prolapso de la matriz o para el exceso de flujo menstrual. También se utilizaron como diuréticos, para la disuria y en trastornos de la vejiga. El uso que más claramente ha persistido es el tratamiento de diversos problemas respiratorios. En uso externo se utilizaron para tratar problemas de la piel, heridas, hemorragias y hemorroides. De la palmera de Canarias (Phoenix canariensis), especialmente en la isla de la Gomera, la savia cruda o guarapo, su concentrado o miel de palma y los resultantes de su fermentación (vino de palma) se consumen como alimento y también se utilizan como diurético, remedio de trastornos génitourinarios, digestivo, para infecciones de la cavidad bucal, expectorante, antitusígeno y para las irritaciones de garganta. En el Toledo de Al-Andalus las espatas de P. dactylifera se utilizaron, hace casi mil años, en el tratamiento de la debilidad, los dolores, nefritis, las enfermedades de la vejiga, trastornos hepáticos (también como preventivo), diarrea, trastornos digestivos, dolores en el abdomen y en el estómago, excesivo sangrado menstrual, úlceras en la piel y sarna, dolores articulares y trastornos cardiacos. La fitoterapia racional debería prestar atención a este recurso, considerar la evidencia científica disponible (farmacológica e incluso clínica) e incorporarlo a nuestro repertorio terapéutico.


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This review refers to the Silphium (Apiaceae), one of the most enigmatic plants in the history of the Mediterranean. In Greco-Roman world, it was a panacea and especially, a powerful aphrodisiac which left many written historical references, in addition to their image mosaics and coins. Silphium extinction, due to over-exploitation is certainly a good example for the conservation of biodiversity and for the defense of sustainable use of natural resources.


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The therapeutic use of medicinal plants has contributed since antiquity in a beneficial way for health. However, many species lacks of scientific evidence which provide basis for their use in therapeutic practice. In this context is the Genipa americana L. species (Rubiaceae), popularly known as jenipapo and used to treat syfilis, ulcer and hemorrhagic disturbs. It's also used against bruising, as tonic and as aphrodisiac. Due this species lacks toxicological studies, the aim of this study was to evaluate the toxicity in vivo (acute and sub-chronic toxicity) and in vitro (cytotoxicity) of the hydroethanolic extract from G. americana fruits. The hydroethanolic extract of G. americana fruits was prepared by maceration. A preliminary phytochemical analysis was performed to assess the presence of secondary metabolites in the extract. The cytotoxicity study of the extract (0.1, 1.0, 10, 100 and 1000 mg / 100 ul) were performed against normal cells (3T3) and tumor (786-0, HepG2 and B16), analyzed by the MTT assay. To evaluate the acute (single dose of 2000 mg / Kg) and subchronic (100, 500 and 1000 mg / kg for 30 days) toxicity Swiss mice of both sexes were used. At the end of the experiment, blood samples and organs were collected for analysis. Data between groups were compared by t test or ANOVA with Dunnett's post-test with 5% significance level. The phytochemical study of the extracts mainly indicated the presence of iridoids. Results for cytotoxicity tests showed up to 70% inhibition of B16 cell line at a dose of 1000 mg / 100 ul, and up to 29% inhibition of 786-0 at a dose of 10 ug / 100 ul. The extract did not cause death in 3T3 and HepG2 cells. During the in vivo assays, there were no animal deaths. Analysis of blood samples revealed that the animals submitted to the evaluation of acute toxicity had changes in AST and ALT, and that the animals evaluated for subchronic toxicity showed changes in the relative wet weight of the kidney and plasma urea concentration. No differences were observed between groups on histopathological evaluation of the collected organs. Despite the changes found in the in vivo toxicity tests, using the criteria described by the OECD Guidelines, it is suggested that the hydroethanolic extract of the fruits of the G. americana is classified as low toxicity. The cytotoxicity of the extract suggests that they have potential against melanoma cell lines (B16).


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The therapeutic use of medicinal plants has contributed since antiquity in a beneficial way for health. However, many species lacks of scientific evidence which provide basis for their use in therapeutic practice. In this context is the Genipa americana L. species (Rubiaceae), popularly known as jenipapo and used to treat syfilis, ulcer and hemorrhagic disturbs. It's also used against bruising, as tonic and as aphrodisiac. Due this species lacks toxicological studies, the aim of this study was to evaluate the toxicity in vivo (acute and sub-chronic toxicity) and in vitro (cytotoxicity) of the hydroethanolic extract from G. americana fruits. The hydroethanolic extract of G. americana fruits was prepared by maceration. A preliminary phytochemical analysis was performed to assess the presence of secondary metabolites in the extract. The cytotoxicity study of the extract (0.1, 1.0, 10, 100 and 1000 mg / 100 ul) were performed against normal cells (3T3) and tumor (786-0, HepG2 and B16), analyzed by the MTT assay. To evaluate the acute (single dose of 2000 mg / Kg) and subchronic (100, 500 and 1000 mg / kg for 30 days) toxicity Swiss mice of both sexes were used. At the end of the experiment, blood samples and organs were collected for analysis. Data between groups were compared by t test or ANOVA with Dunnett's post-test with 5% significance level. The phytochemical study of the extracts mainly indicated the presence of iridoids. Results for cytotoxicity tests showed up to 70% inhibition of B16 cell line at a dose of 1000 mg / 100 ul, and up to 29% inhibition of 786-0 at a dose of 10 ug / 100 ul. The extract did not cause death in 3T3 and HepG2 cells. During the in vivo assays, there were no animal deaths. Analysis of blood samples revealed that the animals submitted to the evaluation of acute toxicity had changes in AST and ALT, and that the animals evaluated for subchronic toxicity showed changes in the relative wet weight of the kidney and plasma urea concentration. No differences were observed between groups on histopathological evaluation of the collected organs. Despite the changes found in the in vivo toxicity tests, using the criteria described by the OECD Guidelines, it is suggested that the hydroethanolic extract of the fruits of the G. americana is classified as low toxicity. The cytotoxicity of the extract suggests that they have potential against melanoma cell lines (B16).


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Electricity coined the nightlife in the European capital par excellence in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century: Paris. Under the artificial reflection dandies, elegant workers, and bohemians flocked to the new playground. Painters, converted to urban chroniclers, show pictorial modernity and vitality; in the canvas of Manet, Toulouse-Lautrec, Degas or Jean Béraud we see a common element: the glass of absinthe on the table. The absinthe took sacrosanct dyes in the daily living of Parisian habitants and became an indispensable ritual to Henri Albert Cornuty, a poet who was part of the Madrid bohemian and in the gallery of disinherited that Picasso painted in blue stage. A writer and a painter that bring us to the drink-image of the intelligentsia of the time; this elixir was attributed with hypnotic, aphrodisiac and hallucinogenic powers; the myth of absinthe was part of the imaginary Paris at end of the century, an iconography that continues shaping identity in the twenty-first century.