1000 resultados para Apache Tiles


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El treball que es presenta a continuació consisteix en l'anàlisi, disseny i implementació d'una aplicació web que permet la configuració de diferents usuaris, centres, codis comptables i períodes comptables i gestiona rebuts per portar a terme l'entrada de dades comptables de manera personalitzada i visualitzar informes de diferents centres d'una empresa. El treball està realitzat amb tecnologia J2EE i utilitza els frameworks Struts2, Tiles i Hibernate.


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Memòria del projecte final de carrera en l'àrea de J2EE que explica la creació d'un portal d'automatització d'empreses de hosting.


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Roofing provides the main protection against direct solar radiation in animal housing. Appropriate thermal properties of roofing materials tend to improve the thermal comfort in the inner ambient. Nonasbestos fiber-cement roofing components reinforced with cellulose pulp from sisal (Agave sisalana) were produced by slurry and dewatering techniques, with an optional addition of polypropylene fibers. Nonasbestos tiles were evaluated and compared with commercially available asbestos-cement sheets and ceramic tiles (frequently chosen as roofing materials for animal housing). Thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of tiles were determined by the parallel hot-wire method, along with the evaluation of the downside surface temperature. Cement-based components reinforced with sisal pulp presented better thermal performance at room temperature (25ºC), while those reinforced with sisal pulp added by polypropylene fibers presented better thermal performance at 60ºC. Non-asbestos cement tiles provided more efficient protection against radiation than asbestos corrugated sheets.


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This study aimed at evaluating the thermal performance of a modular ceiling system for poultry houses. The reduced- and distorted-scale prototypes used ceiling modules made of reforested wood and were covered with recycled long-life package tiles. The following parameters were measured for 21 days: tile internal surface temperature (ST), globe temperature and humidity index (WBGT), and radiant heat load (RHL). Measurements were made at times of highest heat load (11:00 am, 13:00 pm, and 03:00 pm). Collected data were analyzed by "R" statistics software. Means were compared by multiple comparison test (Tukey) and linear regression was performed, both at 5% significance level. The results showed that the prototype with the ceiling was more efficient to reduce internal tile surface temperature; however, this was not sufficient to provide a comfortable environment for broilers during the growout. Therefore, other techniques to provide proper cooling are required in addition to the ceiling.


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Evaluation of the performance of the APACHE III (Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation) ICU (intensive care unit) and hospital mortality models at the Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane is reported. Prospective collection of demographic, diagnostic, physiological, laboratory, admission and discharge data of 5681 consecutive eligible admissions (1 January 1995 to 1 January 2000) was conducted at the Princess Alexandra Hospital, a metropolitan Australian tertiary referral medical/surgical adult ICU. ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curve areas for the APACHE III ICU mortality and hospital mortality models demonstrated excellent discrimination. Observed ICU mortality (9.1%) was significantly overestimated by the APACHE III model adjusted for hospital characteristics (10.1%), but did not significantly differ from the prediction of the generic APACHE III model (8.6%). In contrast, observed hospital mortality (14.8%) agreed well with the prediction of the APACHE III model adjusted for hospital characteristics (14.6%), but was significantly underestimated by the unadjusted APACHE III model (13.2%). Calibration curves and goodness-of-fit analysis using Hosmer-Lemeshow statistics, demonstrated that calibration was good with the unadjusted APACHE III ICU mortality model, and the APACHE III hospital mortality model adjusted for hospital characteristics. Post hoc analysis revealed a declining annual SMR (standardized mortality rate) during the study period. This trend was present in each of the non-surgical, emergency and elective surgical diagnostic groups, and the change was temporally related to increased specialist staffing levels. This study demonstrates that the APACHE III model performs well on independent assessment in an Australian hospital. Changes observed in annual SMR using such a validated model support an hypothesis of improved survival outcomes 1995-1999.


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The impact of microbial activity on the deterioration of cultural heritage is a well-recognized global problem. Glazed wall tiles constitute an important part of the worldwide cultural heritage. When exposed outdoors, biological colonization and consequently biodeterioration may occur. Few studies have dealt with this issue, as shown in the literature review on biodiversity, biodeterioration and bioreceptivity of architectural ceramic materials. Due to the lack of knowledge on the biodeteriogens affecting these assets, the characterization of microbial communities growing on Portuguese majolica glazed tiles, from Pena National Palace (Sintra, Portugal) and another from Casa da Pesca (Oeiras, Portugal) was carried out by culture and molecular biology techniques. Microbial communities were composed of microalgae, cyanobacteria, bacteria and fungi, including a new fungal species (Devriesia imbrexigena) described for the first time. Laboratory-based colonization experiments were performed to assess the biodeterioration patterns and bioreceptivity of glazed wall tiles produced in laboratory. Microorganisms previously identified on glazed tiles were inoculated on pristine and artificially aged tile models and incubated under laboratory conditions for 12 months. Phototrophic microorganisms were able to grow into glaze fissures and the tested fungus was able to form oxalates over the glaze. The bioreceptivity of artificially aged tiles was higher for phototrophic microorganisms than pristine tile models. A preliminary approach on mitigation strategies based on in situ application of commercial biocides and titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles on glazed tiles demonstrated that commercial biocides did not provide long term protection. In contrast, TiO2 treatment caused biofilm detachment. In addition, the use of TiO2 thin films on glazed wall tiles as a protective coating to prevent biological colonization was analysed under laboratorial conditions. Finally, conservation notes on tiles exposed to biological colonization were presented.


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During the 19th century, the most prominent buildings of the city of Belém were faced entirely with tiles manufactured in Portugal and Germany, which now exhibit distinct degrees of degradation. The Pinho mansion is one of the most important of these buildings and was selected for the investigation of the action of the tropical Amazonian climate on the degradation of the tiles. To achieve this objective, the tiles were mapped for organic and inorganic degradation, and samples were collected for analysis. The minerals were determined by XRD, the chemical composition by classical wet methods and SEM/EDS, and the microorganisms under the microscope. The results show that the German and Portuguese tiles are quite different in their composition. While both ceramic bodies are composed of SiO2 and Al2O3, CaO was found only in the Portuguese tile. The low Na2O and K2O contents indicate the addition of materials to reduce the fusion temperature. SiO2 and PbO are the main constituents of the glaze, with CoO and FeO being added as pigment. The ceramic body of the German tiles is constituted of quartz, mullite, and cristobalite, in contrast with the Portuguese tiles, which are made of quartz, gehlenite, diopside, calcite, and feldspars. The glazes are XRD-amorphous. The chemical and mineralogical differences between the German and Portuguese tiles indicate that they were produced from different raw materials under distinct thermal processes. The most prominent weathering-related modifications are the thin layers (German tiles), oxidation stains, dark stains, the detachment of the tile (Portuguese tiles), loss of the glaze and powdering of the ceramic body (Portuguese tiles) through the establishment of Cyanophyta and Bacillariophyta.. The distinct degradation patterns of the tiles exposed to the tropical Amazon climate are a consequence of their distinct mineralogy and chemistry.


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El següent projecte final de carrera vol assolir assolir la creació d'un entorn web de treball per a una Biblioteca. L'aplicació al món real es base en un mòdul administratiu, que podrà ser utilitzat pels treballadors de la pròpia Biblioteca i un mòdul que servirà de consulta als socis.


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Background: APACHE-II IS a score, based on several clinical and analytical measurements within 24 hours of admission in Intensive Care Unit (ICU). C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Lactate and recently Procalcitonin (PCT), also are biomarkers for the assessment of septic patients. The aim of this study was to find out if CRP, lactate and PCT during the first 24 hours from severe sepsis or septic shock onset, improved prediction of the APACHE II in terms of prognosis. Conclusions: CRP improves the prediction of patients with sepsis used in conjunction with the APACHE II score in severe sepsis and, lactate along with the CRP are the best precictors of survival in the cases of septic shock. The PCT did not show any predictive value.


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El present document dóna resposta a una proposta de l'empresa NewBourg Consultors SL per determinar la capacitat del mòdul de producció del programari lliure OpenBravo o d'un altre programari lliure per donar resposta a les necessitats de planificació, seguiment i control de la producció d'una empresa tèxtil pilot, industrial o manufacturera, de menys de 50 treballadors. Els principals objectius d'aquest treball són: analitzar el programari ERP lliure disponible actualment al mercat, valorar i seleccionar un o dos programaris adients per una empresa de fabricació, realitzar un estudi de viabilitat i anàlisi del sistema, i comprovar amb dades fictícies si el programa s'ajusta als requeriments de planificació i producció presentant un informe final.


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Desenvolupament d'aplicacions web en Django per al Segon Concurs de fotografia matemàtica FotoMath 2011. Allotjades en servidor Apachez, gestionades amb mòdul wsgi i relacionades amb una base de dades postgresql.


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Avui en dia es genera un volum increïble de dades de diferents tipus i que provenen de multitud d'orígens. Els sistemes d'emmagatzematge i processament distribuït són els elements tecnològics que fan possible capturar aquest allau de dades i permeten donar-ne un valor a través d'anàlisis diversos. Hadoop, que integra un sistema d'emmagatzematge i processament distribuïts, s'ha convertit en l'estàndard de-facto per a aplicacions que necessiten una gran capacitat d'emmagatzematge, inclús de l'ordre de desenes de PBs. En aquest treball farem un estudi de Hadoop, analitzarem l'eficiència del seu sistema de durabilitat i en proposarem una alternativa.


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La identificación del consumo de alimentos, así como de los hábitos, frecuencias y preferencias alimentarias, de un individuo es imprescindible frente a cualquier intervención de consejo alimentario, tanto en individuos sanos como en personas previamente diagnosticadas de una patología que requiera tratamiento dietético. Este proceso, llamado entre-vista dietética, debe proporcionar la información básica que, junto con la obtenida en la evaluación bioquímica, la exploración física y la antropométrica, permita al dietista-nutricionista diseñar una estrategia o plan de alimentación apropiado (figura 1)...


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Brazil is a country of tropical climate, a fact that hinders the poultry production in the aspect of thermal comfort. Thus, we aimed to evaluate the thermal environment in commercial poultry houses with different covers during the months of December 2012 to May 2013, in the municipality of Rio Verde, Goiás. The experimental design was completely randomized in split plots with factorial arrangement of treatments 2x3, being two shed models (thermal and aluminum roof tiles) and three sections within each shed (initial, central and final) for 182 days, having the days as replicates. The thermal environment was assessed through thermal comfort indices: Temperature and Humidity Index, Black Globe Temperature and Humidity Index, Radiant Heat Load and Enthalpy. The data was analyzed by SISVAR 5.1., through the analysis of variance, the Scott Knott test used to compare the means, considering a significance level of 1%. The results showed a significant statistical difference between the sheds and the points assessed (P < 0.05). The thermal shed had the lowest values for the environmental variables (Dbt and Bgt) and thermal indices studied, but larger values for the RH compared to the shed with aluminum covering. The use of thermal covers minimizes the difference in temperature range throughout various times of the day, being at 14:00 o'clock the prominence time to others.


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O presente trabalho foi realizado na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) do Hospital Regional de São José Dr. Homero de Miranda Gomes (HRSJHMG) com o objetivo de observar a aplicabilidade e a exatidão do sistema preditivo Acute Phisiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) nos pacientes cirúrgicos desta unidade, comparar os resultados obtidos com aqueles observados em outros centros, e, talvez, como principal objetivo, servir como um parâmetro basal para a performance desta UTI, no que refere à abordagem/tratamento do paciente cirúrgico. Trata-se de um estudo clínico pros- pectivo, não controlado, realizado na UTI do HRSJHMG. Foram estudados consecutivamente todos os pacientes cirúrgicos que necessitaram de cuidados intensivos por um período superior a 24 horas no período de janeiro a julho de 1996. Os principais resultados obtidos demonstraram haver uma boa correlação entre a mortalidade real (38,09%) e a prevista pelo sistema APACHE II (24,57%), apresentando uma relação entre a mortalidade real e a prevista (SRM) de 1,55.