63 resultados para Antirrhinum majus


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Mutations in the CINCINNATA (CIN) gene in Antirrhinum majus and its orthologs in Arabidopsis result in crinkly leaves as a result of excess growth towards the leaf margin. CIN homologs code for TCP (TEOSINTE-BRANCHED 1, CYCLOIDEA, PROLIFERATING CELL FACTOR 1 AND 2) transcription factors and are expressed in a broad zone in a growing leaf distal to the proliferation zone where they accelerate cell maturation. Although a few TCP targets are known, the functional basis of CIN-mediated leaf morphogenesis remains unclear. We compared the global transcription profiles of wild-type and the cin mutant of A. majus to identify the targets of CIN. We cloned and studied the direct targets using RNA in situ hybridization, DNA-protein interaction, chromatin immunoprecipitation and reporter gene analysis. Many of the genes involved in the auxin and cytokinin signaling pathways showed altered expression in the cin mutant. Further, we showed that CIN binds to genomic regions and directly promotes the transcription of a cytokinin receptor homolog HISTIDINE KINASE 4 (AmHK4) and an IAA3/SHY2 (INDOLE-3-ACETIC ACID INDUCIBLE 3/SHORT HYPOCOTYL 2) homolog in A. majus. Our results suggest that CIN limits excess cell proliferation and maintains the flatness of the leaf surface by directly modulating the hormone pathways involved in patterning cell proliferation and differentiation during leaf growth. 10.1111/(ISSN)1469-8137


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During the past ten years, large-scale transcript analysis using microarrays has become a powerful tool to identify and predict functions for new genes. It allows simultaneous monitoring of the expression of thousands of genes and has become a routinely used tool in laboratories worldwide. Microarray analysis will, together with other functional genomics tools, take us closer to understanding the functions of all genes in genomes of living organisms. Flower development is a genetically regulated process which has mostly been studied in the traditional model species Arabidopsis thaliana, Antirrhinum majus and Petunia hybrida. The molecular mechanisms behind flower development in them are partly applicable in other plant systems. However, not all biological phenomena can be approached with just a few model systems. In order to understand and apply the knowledge to ecologically and economically important plants, other species also need to be studied. Sequencing of 17 000 ESTs from nine different cDNA libraries of the ornamental plant Gerbera hybrida made it possible to construct a cDNA microarray with 9000 probes. The probes of the microarray represent all different ESTs in the database. From the gerbera ESTs 20% were unique to gerbera while 373 were specific to the Asteraceae family of flowering plants. Gerbera has composite inflorescences with three different types of flowers that vary from each other morphologically. The marginal ray flowers are large, often pigmented and female, while the central disc flowers are smaller and more radially symmetrical perfect flowers. Intermediate trans flowers are similar to ray flowers but smaller in size. This feature together with the molecular tools applied to gerbera, make gerbera a unique system in comparison to the common model plants with only a single kind of flowers in their inflorescence. In the first part of this thesis, conditions for gerbera microarray analysis were optimised including experimental design, sample preparation and hybridization, as well as data analysis and verification. Moreover, in the first study, the flower and flower organ-specific genes were identified. After the reliability and reproducibility of the method were confirmed, the microarrays were utilized to investigate transcriptional differences between ray and disc flowers. This study revealed novel information about the morphological development as well as the transcriptional regulation of early stages of development in various flower types of gerbera. The most interesting finding was differential expression of MADS-box genes, suggesting the existence of flower type-specific regulatory complexes in the specification of different types of flowers. The gerbera microarray was further used to profile changes in expression during petal development. Gerbera ray flower petals are large, which makes them an ideal model to study organogenesis. Six different stages were compared and specifically analysed. Expression profiles of genes related to cell structure and growth implied that during stage two, cells divide, a process which is marked by expression of histones, cyclins and tubulins. Stage 4 was found to be a transition stage between cell division and expansion and by stage 6 cells had stopped division and instead underwent expansion. Interestingly, at the last analysed stage, stage 9, when cells did not grow any more, the highest number of upregulated genes was detected. The gerbera microarray is a fully-functioning tool for large-scale studies of flower development and correlation with real-time RT-PCR results show that it is also highly sensitive and reliable. Gene expression data presented here will be a source for gene expression mining or marker gene discovery in the future studies that will be performed in the Gerbera Laboratory. The publicly available data will also serve the plant research community world-wide.


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Flower development provides a model system to study mechanisms that govern pattern formation in plants. Most flowers consist of four organ types that are present in a specific order from the periphery to the centre of the flower. Reviewed here are studies on flower development in two model species: Arabidopsis thaliana and Antirrhinum majus that focus on the molecular genetic analysis of homeotic mutations affecting pattern formation in the flower. Based on these studies a model was proposed that explains how three classes of regulatory genes can together control the development of the correct pattern of organs in the flower. The universality of the basic tenets of the model is apparent from the analysis of the homologues of the Arabidopsis genes from other plant species


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被子植物中,花对称性进化的一个重要方面就是从两侧对称向次生辐射对称的演化。唇形目是被子植物中以两侧对称花为主的类群,次生辐射对称花频繁发生。然而在分子发育水平上,除了模式植物金鱼草(Antirrhinum majus)和少数其他种外,从两侧对称花向次生辐射对称花演化的机制仍然是一个巨大的未被探索的领域。 在金鱼草和柳川鱼(Linaria vulgaris)中,腹部化反常整齐花的形成各自是由于CYC和LCYC的沉默所引起,这些基因沉默分别是由于转座子插入和DNA广泛甲基化所导致。在豆科(legumes)中,辐射对称花的形成是由于legCYC基因在所有五个花瓣均有表达,这相似于金鱼草中CYC基因同源异位表达所形成的背部化辐射对称花。然而,自然界中起源于不同的两侧对称花支系的许多次生辐射对称花好像并不是因为简单的花对称性基因功能丢失或者获得。因此,以模式植物突变体表型特征的分子机制作为研究出发点,通过对自然发生的次生辐射对称花进行详细研究探讨,有可能揭示两侧对称花向次生辐射对称花转变的新的演化途径,包括花对称性发育过程中不同基因的参与以及他们的表达在时间上的变化等。 苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)是唇形目(Lamiales sensu lato)其他类群的姊妹群, 以较弱的两侧对称花为特征,并拥有相当数量的次生辐射对称花种类;该科所拥有的辐射对称花属在唇形目所有科中占的比例最大。在苦苣苔科中,五数苣苔(Bournea leiophylla)是次生辐射对称花类群中具有两侧对称痕迹的代表类群,其花的发育过程显示出五数苣苔花经历了由花器官发育早期的两侧对称向成熟时期辐射对称的形态转变。这种发育模式暗示着五数苣苔的花可能起源于一个两侧对称花祖先;五数苣苔中控制花背腹非对称性的CYC类基因应该是有功能的,至少在花发育的早期是这样的。由于苦苣苔科和婆婆纳科(Veronicaceae)(金鱼草属于婆婆纳科)亲缘关系较近,而且CYC类基因的基本功能之一是导致背部雄蕊退化;因此五数苣苔中辐射对称花的形成很可能既不是由于CYC类基因失去,也不是因为CYC-类基因功能获得延伸或加强所致。在五数苣苔花发育过程中,从早期的两侧对称到成熟花的辐射对称的发育转变可能牵涉到TCP和MYB基因家族成员相互调节作用在时间和空间上的改变。因此,五数苣苔是探讨被子植物中次生辐射对称花新的进化途径的一个理想的候选材料。针对解决这一问题,我们对五数苣苔花进行了以下实验研究: 1 花器官发生过程的观察 成熟的五数苣苔花是辐射对称花,但是对花发育过程中花原基电镜扫描结果表明:在花器官起始和发育的早期,五数苣苔花是显著的两侧对称;但是随着进一步发育,这种两侧对称性逐步减弱,最后形成具有微弱两侧对称性痕迹的辐射对称花。 2 花对称性基因的克隆 我们应用RACE技术克隆得到了五数苣苔花对称性同源基因:BlDIV1、BlDIV2和BlRAD的翻译区全序列及其上下游非翻译区,得到了BlCYC1的3‘端翻译区和非翻译区序列。为了确定这些基因内含子的有无和位置,我们也从DNA中得到了相应同源基因的DNA序列,并且补全了BlCYC1的5‘端序列。同时也克隆到了一个没有在mRNA中得到的CYC同源基因BlCYC2。在该实验中我们第一次在金鱼草以外的类群中克隆得到了DIV和RAD的同源基因。 3 序列比较和分子系统发育分析 运用不同的比较软件和分子系统发育分析工具对五数苣苔的花对称性基因进行了比较和分析。结果表明:五数苣苔各种类型的花对称性基因和金鱼草的花对称基因在序列上是高度同源的,在分子系统发育上是非常近缘的。暗示着五数苣苔花对称性基因和金鱼草花对称性基因功能上的同源性。 4 花对称称性基因表达模式的分析 我们第一次运用组织原位杂交和RT-PCR技术对在金鱼草以外类群中所有已知类型花对称性同源基因的表达模式进行了实验研究。结果表明:五数苣苔花对称性基因的表达模式在花发育的早期类似于金鱼草;但是早期以后,BlCYC1和BlRAD被负调节,BlDIV的表达特异地在每个花瓣侧部边缘表达;这种表达结果和花的形态发生过程有很好的吻合。 上述研究表明:和金鱼草花对称基因的表达模式相比,五数苣苔三种类型花对称性基因在花发育过程中的时间和空间表达模式发生了改变;并且这种表达模式变化和五数苣苔花对称性由发育起始时期的两侧对称向成熟时期的辐射对称的转变是相互关联的。五数苣苔具有两侧对称性痕迹的辐射对称花和其他类群辐射对称花的比较显示:在五数苣苔中发育早期的两侧对称性应该是两侧对称性的遗迹;这是由于BlCYC1和BlRAD基因早期表达的保守性造成的。我们的结果揭示了一个新的花对称性演化路径:在花发育过程中,被CYC-like基因推动的RAD和DIV同源基因之间相互调节作用在时间和空间上的变化是花对称性从两侧对称向辐射对称转变或演化的基础;我们的发现还预示着:在一个调节网络的动态变化过程中,一个预先存在的两侧对称发育程序的修饰调节可能在被子植物次生辐射对称花多样性的形成中扮演重要角色。


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花对称性,作为花器官的一个基本而又非常重要的特征,它的进化发育过程,越来越吸引着科学家们的注意力。次生辐射对称花的形成也越来越受到关注。然而在分子发育水平上,除了模式植物金鱼草(Antirrhinum majus)和少数其他种外,次生辐射对称花演化的机制仍然是一个巨大的未被探索的领域。 在金鱼草和柳穿鱼(Linaria vulgaris)中,腹部化反常整齐花的形成各自是由CYC和LCYC基因沉默所致,二者基因沉默分别是由于转座子的插入和DNA广泛甲基化所导致;而在豆科(legumes)中,辐射对称花的形成是由于legCYC基因在五个花瓣上都有表达,这种情况和金鱼草中CYC基因同源异位表达所形成的背部化辐射对称花相似。然而,自然起源的两侧对称花支系中的次生辐射对称花的形成似乎并不是简单的花对称性基因功能丢失或获得。自然形成的次生辐射对称花究竟可能经历了怎样的进化途径?对此,我们选择了广义唇形目(Lamiales sensu lato)中苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)植物——四数苣苔(Bouenea sinensis)作为研究对象,通过和模式植物金鱼草的突变体中花对称性基因表达特征比较,结合其近缘种——五数苣苔(Bournea leiophylla)中DIVARICATA在时间和空间上的表达特征,试图揭示苦苣苔科中可能的两侧对称向次生辐射对称花转变的新的演化途径,以及在这种进化过程中所产生的可能的器官丢失或融合现象。 四数苣苔和五数苣苔同属于苦苣苔亚科(Cyrtandroideae)苦苣苔族(Trib.Ramondeae Eritsch)中的四数苣苔属(Bournea Oliv)。该属仅仅有两个种——四数苣苔和五数苣苔,它们都是次生辐射对称花类群中的典型代表,而且两者花发育过程都显示出了由腹部向背部顺序发生和生长的特征。然而和五数苣苔相比,四数苣苔花瓣和雄蕊数目分别少了一枚,拥有四枚花瓣(背部花瓣两枚、两侧花瓣两枚)和四枚雄蕊(背部雄蕊一枚、两侧雄蕊两枚、腹部雄蕊一枚)。从形态特征比较来看,很有可能是四数苣苔在次生辐射对称花形成的过程中,发生了腹部花瓣的丢失和两枚腹部雄蕊愈合成了一枚较大的腹部雄蕊。那么,我们推测在四数苣苔次生辐射对称花形成过程中,花对称性基因即CYC类和DIV类基因在分子水平上发生了变化,这种变化和四数苣苔中次生辐射对称花的形成有关。 基于上述考虑,我们开展了对四数苣苔中花对称性基因——BsCYCLOIDEA、BsDIVARICATA、BsRADALIS以及BsCYCLIND3四个基因共9个拷贝进行了在花组织中表达模式研究。我们在四数苣苔中共分离到了五个拷贝的CYC类基因,分别命名为BsCYC1C-1、BsCYC1C-2、BsCYC1D、BsCYC2A、BsCYC2B。这五个拷贝在保守的TCP区和R区保持了高度的同源性。BsDIV的两个拷贝BsDIV1、BsDIV2也是如此,在保守的两个区domain I、domain II,尤其是在那些螺旋和环结构处,保守性相当高。组织原位杂交结果显示,BsDIV在四数苣苔中的表达非常特别,在金鱼草和五数苣苔中该类基因的表达分两个不同时期,即早期表达和晚期特异性表达,BsDIV在四数苣苔中似乎没有早期表达模式或者在很早期就已经进入到了晚期的表达模式。它在四个花瓣的两侧边缘和四个雄蕊上均等表达,而且这种表达持续时间相对比较长。组织原位杂交结果也得到了RT-PCR结果的支持。有趣的是BsRAD的RT-PCR结果显示,BsRAD在晚期花瓣上只在背部表达,但是在雄蕊上的表达却和金鱼草中AmRAD在背部区域表达不同,它的表达从背部延伸到了两侧和腹部。BsRAD在花器官的第二轮和第三轮的表达显然发生了分化。这种现象可能暗示着BsRAD功能发生了分化。BsRAD和BsDIV在腹部雄蕊上精细的时间空间调控关系可能正是导致腹部雄蕊愈合的原因。RT-PCR结果并没有检测到BsCYC2在晚期花上的表达。原位杂交结果显示BsCYC2在第8期以后表达就基本消失了,从而验证了RT-PCR结果。BsCYC2在早期花原基和早期花器官上都是均匀表达,但在表达消失之前,它在花瓣裂片和花冠筒的分界处则有表达信号,BsCYC2可能和调控花冠筒高度有关。根据Almeida 和 Galego(2002)所说,花冠筒高度的改变依赖于CYC 、DIV基因和其它非主动生长决定因子之间的相互作用。BsCYC1C晚期的RT-PCR结果显示它在背部花瓣、背部雄蕊和两侧雄蕊上均有表达信号,但在腹部花瓣和雄蕊上则没有表达信号,这似乎和四数苣苔由腹部向背部顺序发育的形态特征相符合,说明BsCYC1C可能起到了抑制背部花瓣和背部雄蕊生长的作用。


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Ⅰ 虎杖聚酮类化合物生物合成相关基因的克隆及功能分析 虎杖 (Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb. et Zucc) 属于蓼科蓼属多年生草本植物,在中国和日本民间曾被广泛用于动脉粥样硬化、高血压、咳嗽、化脓性皮肤炎以及淋病的治疗,具有祛风利湿、散瘀定痛、止咳化痰等功效。而在现代医学上最令人瞩目和具有发展前景的是其在抗肿瘤、心血管保护、抗氧化方面的作用,相关疗效主要来自于虎杖中结构迥异、种类丰富的聚酮化合物及其衍生物资源。这些聚酮类化合物主要包括蒽醌、大黄素、大黄素-甲醚、大黄酚、芪类以及类黄酮化合物等。其中,大部分聚酮类化合物生物合成途径机制尚不明确,但可以肯定的是植物类型III聚酮合酶type III polyketide synthases (PKSs) 在这些聚酮化合物的生物合成起始反应中行使着关键的作用。因此,除了我们所熟悉的类黄酮化合物、芪类化合物之外,进一步分离和分析虎杖中其它重要聚酮类化合物生物合成所涉及的类型III聚酮合酶基因的是非常值得期待的。 目前,已经有14个植物类型III PKS基因被克隆和功能分析。植物类型III PKS的共同特征包括基因结构、序列相似性、保守的活性中心、酶学性质以及共同的催化机制等。显花植物(裸子植物和被子植物)中,植物类型III PKS的基因结构绝对保守,除了一个早期报道的金鱼草(Antirrhinum majus)查尔酮合酶chalcone synthase (CHS) 含有第二个内含子外,迄今为止所有已知的植物类型III PKS基因均含有一个内含子且该内含子位置保守。有趣的是,在本研究中,两个含有3个内含子的类型III PKS基因从虎杖中被分离,且两个基因3个内含子的位置完全保守,这是三内含子类型III PKS基因首次得到分离。除了新奇的基因结构外,体外功能分析显示上述两个基因还具有特殊的酶学性质和功能。 本论文围绕上述2个三内含子基因开展了以下工作: 虎杖中一个由三内含子基因编码的新型类型III聚酮合酶 一个类型III PKS的cDNA及其相应的基因(PcPKS2)从药用植物虎杖中被克隆。序列分析结果表明,PcPKS2的开放阅读框被3个内含子分隔,这是一个出人意料的发现,因为截至到目前为止,除了金鱼草一个CHS基因外,所有已知的类型III PKS基因均在固定位置上含有一个内含子。除了特殊的基因结构外,PcPKS2显示了一些有趣的特性:(i) CHS“守卫”苯丙氨酸——Phe215和Phe265在PcPKS2中双双缺失,它们分别被亮氨酸和半胱氨酸取代;(ii) 体外功能分析结果表明,当酶促反应体系的pH值为6.5-8.5时,大肠杆菌中过表达的重组PcPKS2高效地合成丁烯酮非环化产物——4-香豆酰甘油酸内酯(4-coumaroyltriacetic acid lactone (CTAL))为主产物,而丙烯酮非环化产物bis-noryangonin (BNY) 以及苯亚甲基丙酮为副产物;而当酶促反应体系的pH值为9.0时,PcPKS2高效地合成苯亚甲基丙酮为主产物,而CTAL、BNY为副产物。另外,除了上述3种产物外,在不同的pH条件下,还有痕量的柚皮素查尔酮能被检测到。此外,在4-香豆酰辅酶A(4-coumaroyl-CoA)的类似化合物中,除了4-香豆酰辅酶A外,只有feruloyl-CoA能够被PcPKS2接受作为起始底物。PcPKS2不接受脂肪酰辅酶A——异丁酰基辅酶A(isobutyryl-CoA)、异戊酰基辅酶A(isovaleryl-CoA)以及乙酰辅酶A(acetyl-CoA)作为起始底物。Southern blot杂交结果表明,在虎杖基因组中存在2-4个PcPKS2基因的拷贝。Northern blot杂交结果表明,在根茎和幼叶中,PcPKS2表达量很高,而在根中无表达。叶中的PcPKS2的表达受病原菌诱导,但不受伤诱导。 虎杖中一个编码双功能类型III聚酮合酶的三内含子基因的鉴定 显花植物中,所有已知的类型III PKS 基因均含有一个内含子且位置绝对保守。本研究中,综合运用PCR技术,从富含聚酮类化合物的植物虎杖中克隆得到一个类型III PKS 基因(PcPKS1)及其cDNA。序列分析结果表明,PcPKS1含有3个内含子。系统发育分析结果表明,PcPKS1与其它植物的CHSs归为一类。然而,体外功能分析结果表明,当酶促反应体系pH值为7.0时,大肠杆菌中过表达的重组PcPKS1高效地合成柚皮素查尔酮(naringenin)为单一产物;而当pH值为9.0时,苯亚甲基丙酮(p-hydroxybenzalacetone)几乎为重组PcPKS1的唯一产物。后续的研究表明,与典型的CHSs相比,PcPKS1具有另外一些不同的特点:在pH值为9.0时(PcPKS1的苯亚甲基丙酮合成活性最适pH值),在4-香豆酰辅酶A的类似化合物中,只有feruloyl-CoA能够被PcPKS1接受作为起始底物。与CHSs展现出的对脂肪酰辅酶A宽泛的底物特异性不同,在不同的pH条件下,PcPKS1不接受异丁酰基辅酶A(isobutyryl-CoA)、异戊酰基辅酶A(isovaleryl-CoA)以及乙酰辅酶A(acetyl-CoA)作为起始底物。以上数据指出重组PcPKS1是一个具有查尔酮合酶(CHS)和苯亚甲基丙酮合酶(BAS)活性的双功能酶。Southern blot杂交结果表明,在虎杖基因组中存在2-4个PcPKS1基因的拷贝。Northern blot杂交结果表明,PcPKS1可能在防御病原菌和草食动物方面起着重要作用。PcPKS1和PcPKS2共同从虎杖中被分离的事实极有可能暗示了苯丁烷类化合物(phenylbutanoid)及其衍生物存在于虎杖中。 Ⅱ 高山红景天酪醇生物合成代谢途径机制研究 高山红景天(Rhodiola sachalinensis A. Bor)是景天科(Crassulaceae)红景天属多年生草本植物,作为一种适应原性中草药在中国的应用史已经超过800年。最近红景天提取物作为一种重要的商业药用制剂资源,其应用遍及欧洲、亚洲和美国,其主要治疗范围包括抗变应性和消炎,提高心理机敏性等。目前已经非常明确,红景天甙(salidroside)和甙元酪醇(tyrosol)是红景天属植物的主要功效成分,主要分布于这类植物的根中并且具有抗缺氧、抗疲劳、延缓衰老、预防紫外线辐射伤害等功效。红景天甙为酪醇8-O-β-D葡萄糖甙,是酪醇在葡萄糖基转移酶UDP-glucosyltransferase (UGT) 的催化下糖基化后形成的,可以认为是酪醇在植物体内的贮存形式。酪醇作为一种重要的活性分子,同样存在于橄榄树和葡萄酒中。 虽然已经非常明确酪醇来自于莽草酸代谢途径,然而其具体的生物合成途径及其调控仍不明确。总结以往的报道,在酪醇的生物合成上主要存在两种观点:一是酪醇可能来自于苯丙烷代谢途径产生的4-香豆酸(4-coumaric acid)前体;二是来自于酪氨酸的酪胺(tyramine)可能是酪醇生物合成的直接前体。我们的工作兴趣主要围绕着鉴别高山红景天中的酪醇生物合成途径展开: 高山红景天内源苯丙氨酸解氨酶PALrs1的过表达对红景天甙积累的影响 红景天甙是来自于药用植物高山红景天的一种适应原性新型药物,其生物合成途径可能起始于苯丙氨酸或酪氨酸。由于高山红景天野生植物资源的匮乏和相对含量很低,阐明红景天甙的生物合成途径对于增加红景天甙的供给至关重要。在我们以前的工作中,运用cDNA末端快速扩增技术(RACE),一个编码苯丙氨酸解氨酶phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL)的cDNA从高山红景天中被克隆,命名为PALrs1。在本研究中,PALrs1置于35S启动子+Ω增强子序列的控制下通过农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)介导法转化回高山红景天。PCR 和 PCR–Southern blot分析结果表明,PALrs1已经整合到了转基因植物的基因组上。Northern blot杂交结果表明,PALrs1已经获得在转录水平上的高水平表达。与预期的结果相同,高效液相色谱High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)测定结果显示PALrs1的过表达引起4-香豆酸含量增长3.3倍。然而,与之相反的是,酪醇和红景天甙含量与对照相比反而分别下降4.7和7.7倍。此外,我们发现PALrs1的过表达造成酪氨酸含量下降2.6倍。这些数据暗示着PALrs1的过表达和4-香豆酸的积累并不能促进酪醇的生物合成。酪醇,作为一种苯乙烷类衍生物并非来自苯丙氨酸,而酪氨酸含量的下降则极有可能是酪醇生物合成和红景天甙积累大规模下降的直接原因。


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Antirrhinum majus L. and Senecio douglasii DC. are herbaceous perennial ornamental plants used in landscaping. The multiplication of these plants is by seed; however, there are still doubts about the temperature that can provide higher rates and speed of germination. Thus the aim was to study the effect of temperature on seed germination of A. majus and S. douglasii. The study was conducted separately for each species. The experimental design was entirely randomized with six temperature conditions (temperature controlled constant of 20, 25, 30, 35°C and alternating temperatures of 20-30 and 25-35°C with a photoperiod of 12 hours) with four replications of 100 seeds each. Total germination percentage and germination rate were determined. The means were compared by Tukey test at 5%. For A majus the highest germination percentage was observed at 20°C that did not differ statistically from other temperatures. The highest germination rate was obtained at the temperature of 20 and 25°C. For S. douglasii seeds it was observed that the highest germination percentage and germination rate occurred at 20°C. The lower temperature showed the better percentage and germination rate for these species.


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The putative Ca2+-channel blocker LaCl3 prevented the gravitropic bending of cut snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus L.) spikes (S. Philosoph-Hadas, S. Meir, I. Rosenberger, A.H. Halevy [1996] Plant Physiol 110: 301–310) and inhibited stem curvature to a greater extent than vertical and horizontal stem elongation at the bending zone. This might indicate that LaCl3, which modulates cytosolic Ca2+, does not influence general stem-growth processes but may specifically affect other gravity-associated processes occurring at the stem-bending zone. Two such specific gravity-dependent events were found to occur in the bending zone of snapdragon spikes: sedimentation of starch-containing chloroplasts at the bottom of stem cortex cells, as seen in cross-sections, and establishment of an ethylene gradient across the stem. Our results show that the lateral sedimentation of chloroplasts associated with gravity sensing was prevented in cross-sections taken from the bending zone of LaCl3-treated and subsequently gravistimulated spikes and that LaCl3 completely prevented the gravity-induced, asymmetric ethylene production established across the stem-bending zone. These data indicate that LaCl3 inhibits stem curvature of snapdragon spikes by preventing several gravity-dependent processes. Therefore, we propose that the gravitropic response of shoots could be mediated through a Ca2+-dependent pathway involving modulation of cytosolic Ca2+ at various stages.


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We have produced and analyzed transgenic birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) plants harboring antisense dihydroflavonol reductase (AS-DFR) sequences. In initial experiments the effect of introducing three different antisense Antirrhinum majus L. DFR constructs into a single recipient genotype (S50) was assessed. There were no obvious effects on plant biomass, but levels of condensed tannins showed a statistical reduction in leaf, stem, and root tissues of some of the antisense lines. Transformation events were also found, which resulted in increased levels of condensed tannins. In subsequent experiments a detailed study of AS-DFR phenotypes was carried out in genotype S33 using pMAJ2 (an antisense construct comprising the 5′ half of the A. majus cDNA). In this case, reduced tannin levels were found in leaf and stem tissues and in juvenile shoot tissues. Analysis of soluble flavonoids and isoflavonoids in tannin down-regulated shoot tissues indicated few obvious default products. When two S33 AS-DFR lines were outcrossed, there was an underrepresentation of transgene sequences in progeny plants and no examples of inheritance of an antisense phenotype were observed. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the genetic manipulation of condensed tannin biosynthesis in higher plants.


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Components of partial disease resistance (PDR) to fusarium head blight (FHB), detected in a seed-germination assay, were compared with whole-plant FHB resistance of 30 USA soft red winter wheat entries in the 2002 Uniform Southern FHB Nursery. Highly significant (P <0·001) differences between cultivars in the in vitro seed-germination assay inoculated with Microdochium majus were correlated to FHB disease incidence (r = -0·41; P <0·05), severity (r = -0·47; P <0·01), FHB index (r = -0·46; P <0·01), damaged kernels (r = -0·52; P <0·01), grain deoxynivalenol (DON) concentration (r = -0·40; P <0·05) and incidence/severity/kernel-damage index (ISK) (r = -0·45; P <0·01) caused by Fusarium graminearum. Multiple linear regression analysis explained a greater percentage of variation in FHB resistance using the seed-germination assay and the previously reported detached-leaf assay PDR components as explanatory factors. Shorter incubation periods, longer latent periods, shorter lesion lengths in the detached-leaf assay and higher germination rates in the seed-germination assay were related to greater FHB resistance across all disease variables, collectively explaining 62% of variation for incidence, 49% for severity, 56% for F. graminearum-damaged kernels (FDK), 39% for DON and 59% for ISK index. Incubation period was most strongly related to disease incidence and the early stages of infection, while resistance detected in the seed germination assay and latent period were more strongly related to FHB disease severity. Resistance detected using the seed-germination assay was notable as it related to greater decline in the level of FDK and a smaller reduction in DON than would have been expected from the reduction in FHB disease assessed by visual symptoms.