943 resultados para Antigens, CD3


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The CD3ε cytoplasmic tail contains a conserved proline-rich sequence (PRS) that influences TCR-CD3 expression and signaling. Although the PRS can bind the SH3.1 domain of the cytosolic adapter Nck, whether the PRS is constitutively available for Nck binding or instead represents a cryptic motif that is exposed via conformational change upon TCR-CD3 engagement (CD3Δc) is currently unresolved. Furthermore, the extent to which a cis-acting CD3ε basic amino acid-rich stretch (BRS), with its unique phosphoinositide-binding capability, might impact PRS accessibility is not clear. In this study, we found that freshly harvested primary thymocytes expressed low to moderate basal levels of Nck-accessible PRS ("open-CD3"), although most TCR-CD3 complexes were inaccessible to Nck ("closed-CD3"). Ag presentation in vivo induced open-CD3, accounting for half of the basal level found in thymocytes from MHC(+) mice. Additional stimulation with either anti-CD3 Abs or peptide-MHC ligands further elevated open-CD3 above basal levels, consistent with a model wherein antigenic engagement induces maximum PRS exposure. We also found that the open-CD3 conformation induced by APCs outlasted the time of ligand occupancy, marking receptors that had been engaged. Finally, CD3ε BRS-phosphoinositide interactions played no role in either adoption of the initial closed-CD3 conformation or induction of open-CD3 by Ab stimulation. Thus, a basal level of open-CD3 is succeeded by a higher, induced level upon TCR-CD3 engagement, involving CD3Δc and prolonged accessibility of the CD3ε PRS to Nck.


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A classic T-cell phenotype in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is the downregulation and replacement of the CD3ζ chain that alters T-cell receptor signaling. However, genetic associations with SLE in the human CD247 locus that encodes CD3ζ are not well established and require replication in independent cohorts. Our aim was therefore to examine, localize and validate CD247-SLE association in a large multiethnic population. We typed 44 contiguous CD247 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 8922 SLE patients and 8077 controls from four ethnically distinct populations. The strongest associations were found in the Asian population (11 SNPs in intron 1, 4.99 × 10(-4) < P < 4.15 × 10(-2)), where we further identified a five-marker haplotype (rs12141731-rs2949655-rs16859085-rs12144621-rs858554; G-G-A-G-A; P(hap) = 2.12 × 10(-5)) that exceeded the most associated single SNP rs858554 (minor allele frequency in controls = 13%; P = 4.99 × 10(-4), odds ratio = 1.32) in significance. Imputation and subsequent association analysis showed evidence of association (P < 0.05) at 27 additional SNPs within intron 1. Cross-ethnic meta-analysis, assuming an additive genetic model adjusted for population proportions, showed five SNPs with significant P-values (1.40 × 10(-3) < P< 3.97 × 10(-2)), with one (rs704848) remaining significant after Bonferroni correction (P(meta) = 2.66 × 10(-2)). Our study independently confirms and extends the association of SLE with CD247, which is shared by various autoimmune disorders and supports a common T-cell-mediated mechanism.


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Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways that is coordinated by Th2 cells in both human asthmatics and animal models of allergic asthma. Migration of Th2 cells to the lung is key to their inflammatory function and is regulated in large part by chemokine receptors, members of the seven-membrane-spanning receptor family. It has been reported recently that T cells lacking beta-arrestin-2, a G protein-coupled receptor regulatory protein, demonstrate impaired migration in vitro. Here we show that allergen-sensitized mice having a targeted deletion of the beta-arrestin-2 gene do not accumulate T lymphocytes in their airways, nor do they demonstrate other physiological and inflammatory features characteristic of asthma. In contrast, the airway inflammatory response to LPS, an event not coordinated by Th2 cells, is fully functional in mice lacking beta-arrestin-2. beta-arrestin-2-deficient mice demonstrate OVA-specific IgE responses, but have defective macrophage-derived chemokine-mediated CD4+ T cell migration to the lung. This report provides the first evidence that beta-arrestin-2 is required for the manifestation of allergic asthma. Because beta-arrestin-2 regulates the development of allergic inflammation at a proximal step in the inflammatory cascade, novel therapies focused on this protein may prove useful in the treatment of asthma.


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T-cells specific for foreign (e.g., viral) antigens can give rise to strong protective immune responses, whereas self/tumor antigen-specific T-cells are thought to be less powerful. However, synthetic T-cell vaccines composed of Melan-A/MART-1 peptide, CpG and IFA can induce high frequencies of tumor-specific CD8 T-cells in PBMC of melanoma patients. Here we analyzed the functionality of these T-cells directly ex vivo, by multiparameter flow cytometry. The production of multiple cytokines (IFNγ, TNFα, IL-2) and upregulation of LAMP-1 (CD107a) by tumor (Melan-A/MART-1) specific T-cells was comparable to virus (EBV-BMLF1) specific CD8 T-cells. Furthermore, phosphorylation of STAT1, STAT5 and ERK1/2, and expression of CD3 zeta chain were similar in tumor- and virus-specific T-cells, demonstrating functional signaling pathways. Interestingly, high frequencies of functionally competent T-cells were induced irrespective of patient's age or gender. Finally, CD8 T-cell function correlated with disease-free survival. However, this result is preliminary since the study was a Phase I clinical trial. We conclude that human tumor-specific CD8 T-cells can reach functional competence in vivo, encouraging further development and Phase III trials assessing the clinical efficacy of robust vaccination strategies.


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INTRODUÇÃO: o câncer é a doença que mais mata pessoas com idade abaixo de 85 anos e é um problema de saúde pública. Os tumores podem expressar em determinada fase de seu desenvolvimento proteínas anômalas que podem ser alvo de métodos diagnósticos e de intervenções terapêuticas. A expressão de NY-ESO-1 é detectada em 20 a 40% dos melanomas. Há evidências que esta expressão é mais freqüente em tumores de estágios mais avançados e está associada a um pior prognóstico. OBJETIVOS: determinar a frequência de expressão da proteína NY-ESO-1 no melanoma cutâneo e tentar correlacioná-la com o índice de Breslow, aspectos histopatológicos do melanoma, incluindo o infiltrado linfocítico tumoral, e a morbi-mortalidade dos pacientes. MÉTODOS: o presente estudo é longitudinal de coorte retrospectiva e foi realizado de agosto de 2009 a outubro de 2015. Foram selecionados 89 melanomas de 87 pacientes do Ambulatório de Tumores do Departamento de Dermatologia da FMUSP, divididos em 3 grupos, sendo: grupo 1: 34 melanomas com índice de Breslow <= 1,0 mm; grupo 2: 29 melanomas com índice de Breslow entre 1,1 - 4,0 mm e grupo 3: 26 melanomas com índice de Breslow >= 4,0 mm. As lâminas dos exames anátomo-patológicos destes pacientes foram revisadas quanto ao diagnóstico de melanoma, seu índice de Breslow e a presença de infiltrado linfocítico tumoral. A seguir, realizou-se exame de imunohistoquímica para a determinação da presença do antígeno NY-ESO-1 em todos os 89 tumores coletados e em mais 20 nevos (11 displásicos e 9 intradérmicos) escolhidos ao acaso. Através da revisão dos dados do prontuário, foram obtidos os dados clínicos de: idade, sexo, raça, fototipo da pele, local de aparecimento do melanoma, status do linfonodo sentinela quando realizado, desenvolvimento de metástases e sobrevida dos pacientes. Os dados anátomo-patológicos do tumor analisados foram: tipo histológico, presença de ulceração, e tipo de infiltrado linfocítico tumoral. Nos melanomas que apresentavam infiltrado linfocítico tumoral, foram realizados testes imunohistoquímicos para pesquisa de células CD3+, CD8+, FoxP3+ e CD8+FoxP3+ (duplamente positivas). RESULTADOS: O antígeno NY-ESO-1 esteve presente em 19% dos melanomas cutâneos primários e não foi detectado em nenhum dos 20 nevos pesquisados. A expressão do antígeno NY-ESO-1 esteve estatisticamente relacionada a tumores com espessuras maiores. Apresentou também uma associação inversa com o tipo extensivo superficial em relação aos outros tipos histológicos. O infiltrado linfocítico tumoral dos melanomas NY-ESO-1 positivos continha menor número de células CD3+, que se encontravam isoladas ou arranjadas em pequenos grupos de até 5 células, o que contrastava significantemente com os tumores NY-ESO-1 negativos, com maior densidade de células CD3+, dispostas em grandes grupos, com 6 ou mais células. A expressão da proteína NY-ESO-1 não esteve associada à idade, ao sexo, ao fototipo, ao sítio primário do tumor, à presença de ulceração, ao status do linfonodo sentinela, ao desenvolvimento de metástases ou à sobrevida. CONCLUSÕES: Há expressão de NY-ESO-1 em uma porcentagem considerável dos melanomas, principalmente nos mais espessos. O menor número de células CD3+ no infiltrado linfocítico tumoral, acrescido ao fato destas células estarem isoladas ou em pequenos grupos, sugere que embora imunogênico, a expressão do antígeno NY-ESO-1 não resulta num estímulo eficaz do sistema imune no combate ao tumor. O desenvolvimento de uma vacina para estes pacientes poderá, no futuro, aumentar as possibilidades terapêuticas do melanoma


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Background Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) has infected more than 40 million people worldwide, mainly in sub-Saharan Africa. The high prevalence of HIV-1 subtype C in southern Africa necessitates the development of cheap, effective vaccines. One means of production is the use of plants, for which a number of different techniques have been successfully developed. HIV-1 Pr55Gag is a promising HIV-1 vaccine candidate: we compared the expression of this and a truncated Gag (p17/p24) and the p24 capsid subunit in Nicotiana spp. using transgenic plants and transient expression via Agrobacterium tumefaciens and recombinant tobamovirus vectors. We also investigated the influence of subcellular localisation of recombinant protein to the chloroplast and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) on protein yield. We partially purified a selected vaccine candidate and tested its stimulation of a humoral and cellular immune response in mice. Results Both transient and transgenic expression of the HIV antigens were successful, although expression of Pr55Gag was low in all systems; however, the Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression of p24 and p17/p24 yielded best, to more than 1 mg p24/kg fresh weight. Chloroplast targeted protein levels were highest in transient and transgenic expression of p24 and p17/p24. The transiently-expressed p17/p24 was not immunogenic in mice as a homologous vaccine, but it significantly boosted a humoral and T cell immune response primed by a gag DNA vaccine, pTHGagC. Conclusion Transient agroinfiltration was best for expression of all of the recombinant proteins tested, and p24 and p17/p24 were expressed at much higher levels than Pr55Gag. Our results highlight the usefulness of plastid signal peptides in enhancing the production of recombinant proteins meant for use as vaccines. The p17/p24 protein effectively boosted T cell and humoral responses in mice primed by the DNA vaccine pTHGagC, showing that this plant-produced protein has potential for use as a vaccine.


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This study aimed to identify new peptide antigens from Chlamydia (C.) trachomatis in a proof of concept approach which could be used to develop an epitope-based serological diagnostic for C. trachomatis related infertility in women. A bioinformatics analysis was conducted examining several immunodominant proteins from C. trachomatis to identify predicted immunoglobulin epitopes unique to C. trachomatis. A peptide array of these epitopes was screened against participant sera. The participants (all female) were categorized into the following cohorts based on their infection and gynecological history; acute (single treated infection with C. trachomatis), multiple (more than one C. trachomatis infection, all treated), sequelae (PID or tubal infertility with a history of C. trachomatis infection), and infertile (no history of C. trachomatis infection and no detected tubal damage). The bioinformatics strategy identified several promising epitopes. Participants who reacted positively in the peptide 11 ELISA were found to have an increased likelihood of being in the sequelae cohort compared to the infertile cohort with an odds ratio of 16.3 (95% c.i. 1.65 – 160), with 95% specificity and 46% sensitivity (0.19-0.74). The peptide 11 ELISA has the potential to be further developed as a screening tool for use during the early IVF work up and provides proof of concept that there may be further peptide antigens which could be identified using bioinformatics and screening approaches.


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Antibodies can play a protective but non-essential role in natural chlamydial infections dependent on antigen specificity and antibody isotype. IgG is the dominant antibody in both male and female reproductive tract mucosal secretions, and is bi-directionally trafficked across epithelia by the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn). Using physiologically relevant pH-polarized epididymal epithelia grown on Transwells®, IgG specifically targeting an extracellular chlamydial antigen; the Major Outer Membrane Protein (MOMP), enhanced uptake and translocation of infection at pH 6-6.5 but not at neutral pH. This was dependent on FcRn expression. Conversely, FcRn-mediated transport of IgG targeting the intracellular chlamydial inclusion membrane protein A (IncA), induced aberrant inclusion morphology, recruited autophagic proteins independent of lysosomes, and significantly reduced infection. Challenge of female mice with MOMP-specific IgG-opsonized C. muridarum delayed infection clearance but exacerbated oviduct occlusion. In male mice, MOMP-IgG elicited by immunization afforded no protection against testicular chlamydial infection, whereas; the transcytosis of IncA-IgG significantly reduced testicular chlamydial burden. Together these data show that the protective and pathological effects of IgG are dependent on FcRn-mediated transport as well as the specificity of IgG for intracellular or extracellular antigens.


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The characterization of human dendritic cell (DC) subsets is essential for the design of new vaccines. We report the first detailed functional analysis of the human CD141(+) DC subset. CD141(+) DCs are found in human lymph nodes, bone marrow, tonsil, and blood, and the latter proved to be the best source of highly purified cells for functional analysis. They are characterized by high expression of toll-like receptor 3, production of IL-12p70 and IFN-beta, and superior capacity to induce T helper 1 cell responses, when compared with the more commonly studied CD1c(+) DC subset. Polyinosine-polycytidylic acid (poly I:C)-activated CD141(+) DCs have a superior capacity to cross-present soluble protein antigen (Ag) to CD8(+) cytotoxic T lymphocytes than poly I:C-activated CD1c(+) DCs. Importantly, CD141(+) DCs, but not CD1c(+) DCs, were endowed with the capacity to cross-present viral Ag after their uptake of necrotic virus-infected cells. These findings establish the CD141(+) DC subset as an important functionally distinct human DC subtype with characteristics similar to those of the mouse CD8 alpha(+) DC subset. The data demonstrate a role for CD141(+) DCs in the induction of cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses and suggest that they may be the most relevant targets for vaccination against cancers, viruses, and other pathogens.


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To identify specific markers of rectovaginal endometriotic nodule vasculature, highly enriched preparations of vascular endothelial cells and pericytes were obtained from endometriotic nodules and control endometrial and myometrial tissue by laser capture microdissection (LCM), and gene expression profiles were screened by microarray analysis. Of the 18 400 transcripts on the arrays, 734 were significantly overexpressed in vessels from fibromuscular tissue and 923 in vessels from stromal tissue of endometriotic nodules, compared with vessels dissected from control tissues. The most frequently expressed transcripts included known endothelial cell-associated genes, as well as transcripts with little or no previous association with vascular cells. The higher expression in blood vessels was further corroborated by immunohistochemical staining of six potential markers, five of which showed strong expression in pericytes. The most promising marker was matrix Gla protein, which was found to be present in both glandular epithelial cells and vascular endothelial cells of endometriotic lesions, although it was barely expressed at all in normal endometrium. LCM, combined with microarray analysis, constitutes a powerful tool for mapping the transcriptome of vascular cells. After immunohistochemical validation, markers of vascular endothelial and perivascular cells from endometriotic nodules could be identified, which may provide targets to improve early diagnosis or to selectively deliver therapeutic agents.