1000 resultados para Anti-Plane Cracks
For an anti-plane problem, the differential operator is self-adjoint and the corresponding eigenfunctions belong to the Hilbert space. The orthogonal property between eigenfunctions (or between the derivatives of eigenfunctions) of anti-plane problem is exploited. We developed for the first time two sets of radius-independent orthogonal integrals for extraction of stress intensity factors (SIFs), so any order SIF can be extracted based on a certain known solution of displacement (an analytic result or a numerical result). Many numerical examples based on the finite element method of lines (FEMOL) show that the present method is very powerful and efficient.
The local characteristics of the anti-plane shear stress and strain field are determined for a material where the stress increases linearly with strain up to a limit and then softens nonlinearly. Two unloading models are considered such that the unloading path always returns to the origin while the other assumes the unloading modulus to be that of the initial shear modulus. As the applied shear increases, an unloading zone is found to prevail between a zone in which the material softens and another zone in which the material is linear-elastic even though the crack does not propagate. The divisions of these zones are displayed graphically.
ACM Computing Classification System (1998): J.2, G.1.9
In the present paper, it is shown that the zero series eigenfunctions of Reissner plate cracks/notches fracture problems are analogous to the eigenfunctions of anti-plane and in-plane. The singularity in the double series expression of plate problems only arises in zero series parts. In view of the relationship with eigen-values of anti-plane and in-plane problem, the solution of eigen-values for Reissner plates consists of two parts: anti-plane problem and in-plane problem. As a result the corresponding eigen-values or the corresponding eigen-value solving programs with respect to the anti-plane and in-plane problems can be employed and many aggressive SIF computed methods of plane problems can be employed in the plate. Based on those, the approximate relationship of SIFs between the plate and the plane fracture problems is figured out, and the effect relationship of the plate thickness on SIF is given.
Based on the sub-region generalized variational principle, a sub-region mixed version of the newly-developed semi-analytical 'finite element method of lines' (FEMOL) is proposed in this paper for accurate and efficient computation of stress intensity factors (SIFs) of two-dimensional notches/cracks. The circular regions surrounding notch/crack tips are taken as the complementary energy region in which a number of leading terms of singular solutions for stresses are used, with the sought SIFs being among the unknown coefficients. The rest of the arbitrary domain is taken as the potential energy region in which FEMOL is applied to obtain approximate displacements. A mixed system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and algebraic equations is derived via the sub-region generalized variational principle. A singularity removal technique that eliminates the stress parameters from the mixed equation system eventually yields a standard FEMOL ODE system, the solution of which is no longer singular and is simply and efficiently obtained using a standard general-purpose ODE solver. A number of numerical examples, including bi-material notches/cracks in anti-plane and plane elasticity, are given to show the generally excellent performance of the proposed method.
In this work, dynamic crack growth along a ductile-brittle interface under anti-plane strain conditions is studied. The ductile solid is taken to obey the J(2) flow theory of plasticity with linear isotropic strain hardening, while the substrate is assumed to exhibit linear elastic behavior. Firstly, the asymptotic near-tip stress and velocity fields are derived. These fields are assumed to be variable-separable with a power singularity in the radial coordinate centered at the crack tip. The effects of crack speed, strain hardening of the ductile phase and mismatch in elastic moduli of the two phases on the singularity exponent and the angular functions are studied. Secondly, full-field finite element analyses of the problem under small-scale yielding conditions are performed. The validity of the asymptotic fields and their range of dominance are determined by comparing them with the results of the full-field finite element analyses. Finally, theoretical predictions are made of the variations of the dynamic fracture toughness with crack velocity. The influence of the bi-material parameters on the above variation is investigated.
In this paper, the transient dynamic stress intensity factor (SIF) is determined for an interface crack between two dissimilar half-infinite isotropic viscoelastic bodies under impact loading. An anti-plane step loading is assumed to act suddenly on the surface of interface crack of finite length. The stress field incurred near the crack tip is analyzed. The integral transformation method and singular integral equation approach are used to get the solution. By virtue of the integral transformation method, the viscoelastic mixed boundary problem is reduced to a set of dual integral equations of crack open displacement function in the transformation domain. The dual integral equations can be further transformed into the first kind of Cauchy-type singular integral equation (SIE) by introduction of crack dislocation density function. A piecewise continuous function approach is adopted to get the numerical solution of SIE. Finally, numerical inverse integral transformation is performed and the dynamic SIF in transformation domain is recovered to that in time domain. The dynamic SIF during a small time-interval is evaluated, and the effects of the viscoelastic material parameters on dynamic SIF are analyzed.
In this paper, a constitutive model of elasticity coupled with damage suggested by Lemaitre et al, [1] is used. The macroscopic stress-strain response of the model includes two stages: strain hardening and strain softening. The basic equation is derived for the anti-plane shear problem. Several lowest order asymptotic solutions are obtained, and assembled for the crack-tip fields.
Examined in this work is the anti-plane stress and strain near a crack in a material that softens beyond the elastic peak and unloads on a linear path through the initial state. The discontinuity in the constitutive relation is carried into the analysis such that one portion of the local solution is elliptic in character and the other hyperbolic. Material elements in one region may cross over to another as the loading is increased. Local unloading can thus prevail. Presented are the inhomogeneous character of the asymptotic stress and strain in the elliptic and hyperbolic region, in addition to the region in which the material elements had experienced unloading. No one single stress or strain coefficient would be adequate for describing crack instability.
Inspired by key experimental and analytical results regarding Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs), we propose a modelling framework to explore the interplay between martensitic phase transformations and plastic slip in polycrystalline materials, with an eye towards computational efficiency. The resulting framework uses a convexified potential for the internal energy density to capture the stored energy associated with transformation at the meso-scale, and introduces kinetic potentials to govern the evolution of transformation and plastic slip. The framework is novel in the way it treats plasticity on par with transformation.
We implement the framework in the setting of anti-plane shear, using a staggered implicit/explict update: we first use a Fast-Fourier Transform (FFT) solver based on an Augmented Lagrangian formulation to implicitly solve for the full-field displacements of a simulated polycrystal, then explicitly update the volume fraction of martensite and plastic slip using their respective stick-slip type kinetic laws. We observe that, even in this simple setting with an idealized material comprising four martensitic variants and four slip systems, the model recovers a rich variety of SMA type behaviors. We use this model to gain insight into the isothermal behavior of stress-stabilized martensite, looking at the effects of the relative plastic yield strength, the memory of deformation history under non-proportional loading, and several others.
We extend the framework to the generalized 3-D setting, for which the convexified potential is a lower bound on the actual internal energy, and show that the fully implicit discrete time formulation of the framework is governed by a variational principle for mechanical equilibrium. We further propose an extension of the method to finite deformations via an exponential mapping. We implement the generalized framework using an existing Optimal Transport Mesh-free (OTM) solver. We then model the $\alpha$--$\gamma$ and $\alpha$--$\varepsilon$ transformations in pure iron, with an initial attempt in the latter to account for twinning in the parent phase. We demonstrate the scalability of the framework to large scale computing by simulating Taylor impact experiments, observing nearly linear (ideal) speed-up through 256 MPI tasks. Finally, we present preliminary results of a simulated Split-Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) experiment using the $\alpha$--$\varepsilon$ model.
Numerous experimental studies of damage in composite laminates have shown that intralaminar (in-plane) matrix cracks lead to interlaminar delamination (out-of-plane) at ply interfaces. The smearing of in-plane cracks over a volume, as a consequence of the use of continuum damage mechanics, does not always effectively capture the full extent of the interaction between the two failure mechanisms. A more accurate representation is obtained by adopting a discrete crack approach via the use of cohesive elements, for both in-plane and out-of-plane damage. The difficulty with cohesive elements is that their location must be determined a priori in order to generate the model; while ideally the position of the crack migration, and more generally the propagation path, should be obtained as part of the problem’s solution. With the aim of enhancing current modelling capabilities with truly predictive capabilities, a concept of automatic insertion of interface elements is utilized. The consideration of a simple traction criterion in relation to material strength, evaluated at each node of the model (or of the regions of the model where it is estimated cracks might form), allows for the determination of initial crack location and subsequent propagation by the insertion of cohesive elements during the course of the analysis. Several experimental results are modelled using the commercial package ABAQUS/Standard with an automatic insertion subroutine developed in this work, and the results are presented to demonstrate the capabilities of this technique.
The plane strain asymptotic fields for cracks terminating at the interface between elastic and pressure-sensitive dilatant material are investigated in this paper. Applying the stress-strain relation for the pressure-sensitive dilatant material, we have obtained an exact asymptotic solution for the plane strain tip fields for two types of cracks, one of which lies in the pressure-sensitive dilatant material and the other in the elastic material and their tips touch both the bimaterial interface. In cases, numerical results show that the singularity and the angular variations of the fields obtained depend on the material hardening exponent n, the pressure sensitivity parameter mu and geometrical parameter lambda.
Large deformation finite element analysis has been carried out to investigate the stress-strain fields ahead of a growing crack for compact tension .a=W D 0:5/ and three-point bend .a=W D 0:1 and 0:5/ specimens under plane stress condition. The crack growth is controlled by the experimental J -integral resistance curves measured by Sun et al. The results indicate that the distributions of opening stress, equivalent stress and equivalent strain ahead of a growing crack are not sensitive to specimen geometry. For both stationary and growing cracks, similar distributions of opening stress and triaxiality can be found along the ligament. During stable crack growth, the crack-tip opening displacement (CTOD) resistance curve and the cohesive fracture energy in the fracture process zone are independent of specimen geometry and may be suitable criteria for characterizing stable crack growth in plane stress.
The well known features of crack face interpenetration/contact at the tip of an interface crack is re-examined using finite element analysis and assuming material nonlinear properties for the adherends. It was assumed in literature that the crack tips are fully open at all load levels in the presence of material nonlinearity of the adherends. Analysis for the case of remote tension shows that even in the presence of material nonlinearity, crack tip closes at small load levels and opens above a certain load level. Mixed-mode fracture parameters are evaluated for the situation when the crack tips are fully open. Due to the presence of nonlinearity, the mixed-mode fracture parameters are measured with the symmetric and anti-symmetric components of J-integral. The present analysis explains the sequence of events at the interface crack tip with progressively increasing remote tension load for the case of adherends with material nonlinear behaviour.