896 resultados para Anthropology of development


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Etnográfica, 15 (2): 313-336


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This paper aims to explore a Tongan notion of development –'fakalakalaka' – in light of Western notions of development. Two case studies of international development aid schemes illustrate the impact of Tongan development ideas in practice. Drawing on a number of ethnographers' work on Tonga, 'fakalakalaka' appears broader than the Western notion of development. The latter is characterised by influential ideals of controllability and industrialisation. The notion of development among Tongans, on the other hand, tends to be directed by an underlying persistence that, for instance, reflects Tongan core values regarding social organisation. The production of textile 'koloa', controlled by women, emerges as central to the accomplishment of this three-dimensional development notion of intertwined physical, mental and spiritual aspects. The importance attributed to this specific kind of textile has increased in recent years and found two additional roles, or development strategies, in Tongans' contemporary transnational world.


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The question of evaluations of development projects has been widely debated within the field of international development, with scholars and development practitioners calling for increased community-driven evaluations. However, there has been a paucity of research in community-led project evaluations, and a largely absent investigation utilizing visual anthropology/sociology methodologies. This paper seeks to shift this power by giving voice to the intended beneficiaries of an eco-tourism project in a rural indigenous Guatemala village. Through photographs taken by community members and corresponding interviews, this paper shows the way in which community members have and continue to reframe the idea of development in their village. Specifically, my analysis reveals how residents see changing forms of access, how they reframe ideas of beauty and modernization, and how they reframe their relationship to the land through Western conservation and private property ideals. This research thus provides an alternative narrative to the Western NGO’s evaluations and knowledge production, especially in respect to development and indigenous knowledge. By showing how community members are reframing the story of development, this paper demonstrates the usefulness of using participatory documentary photography in community-led evaluations, and helps balance the playing field by providing a much-needed alternative narrative of project evaluation.


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This study compares the impact of obesogenic environment (OE) in six different periods of development on sperm parameters and the testicular structure of adult rats and their correlations with sex steroid and metabolic scenario. Wistar rats were exposed to OE during gestation (O1), during gestation/lactation (O2), from weaning to adulthood (O3), from lactation to adulthood (O4), from gestation to sexual maturity (O5), and after sexual maturation (O6). OE was induced by a 20% fat diet, and control groups were fed a balanced diet (4% fat). Serum leptin levels and adiposity index indicate that all groups were obese, except for O1. Three progressive levels of impaired metabolic status were observed: O1 presented insulin resistance, O2 were insulin resistant and obese, and groups O3, O4, and O5 were insulin resistant, obese, and diabetic. These three levels of metabolic damage were proportional to the increase of leptin and decreased circulating testosterone. The impairment in the daily sperm production (DSP) paralleled these three levels of metabolic and hormonal damage being marginal in O1, increasing in O2, and being higher in groups O3, O4, O5, and O6. None of the OE periods affected the sperm transit time in the epididymis, and the lower sperm reserves were caused mainly by impaired DSP. In conclusion, OE during sexual maturation markedly reduces the DSP at adulthood in the rat. A severe reduction in the DSP also occurs in OE exposure during gestation/lactation but not in gestation, indicating that breast-feeding is a critical period for spermatogenic impairment under obesogenic conditions.


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This paper presents the proposal for a reference model for developing software aimed at small companies. Despite the importance of that represent the small software companies in Latin America, the fact of not having its own standards, and able to meet their specific, has created serious difficulties in improving their process and also in quality certification. In this sense and as a contribution to better understanding of the subject they propose a reference model and as a means to validate the proposal, presents a report of its application in a small Brazilian company, committed to certification of the quality model MPS.BR.


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Brazilian social thought draws on the inspiration of past masters the common denominator of whose work is probably a deep humanism. Confronting the challenges of a fluid, ever-changing reality is now a matter of survival. The idea of climate change has made the environment, long relegated to second place, a matter of much wider interest and concern. The other great problem is poverty, and here, while there have been undeniable advances, much remains to be done. The main challenge is producing forms of social organization that will allow ordinary citizens to have an impact on what really matters. Developing policy in these areas has engaged the efforts of a wide range of experts from a variety of fields. Whereas university-educated intellectuals once formed an intelligentsia, today they are engaged in practical politics and much more often function as agents who link social actors together than as mere elaborators of theories.


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The prepartum surge in fetal plasma cortisol is essential for the normal timing of parturition in sheep and may result from an increase in the ratio of ACTH to proopiomelanocortin (POMC) in the fetal circulation. In fetuses subjected to experimental induction of placental restriction, the prepartum surge in fetal cortisol is exaggerated, whereas pituitary POMC mRNA levels are decreased, and in vitro, unstimulated ACTH secretion is elevated in corticotrophs nonresponsive to CRH. We therefore investigated the changes in the relative proportions of cells expressing POMC, ACTH, and the CRH type 1 receptor (CRHR1) shortly before birth and during chronic placental insufficiency. Placental restriction (PR) was induced by removal of the majority of placental attachment sites in five ewes before mating. Pituitaries were collected from control and PR fetal sheep at 140 d (control, n = 4; PR, n = 4) and 144 d (control, n = 6; PR, n = 4). Pituitary sections were labeled with specific antisera raised against POMC, ACTH, and CRHR1. Three major subpopulations of corticotrophs were identified that expressed POMC + ACTH + CRHR1, ACTH + CRHR1, or POMC only. The proportion of pituitary corticotrophs expressing POMC + ACTH + CRHR1 decreased (P < 0.05) between 140 (control, 60 +/- 1%; PR, 66 +/- 4%) and 144 (control, 45 +/- 2%; PR, 56 +/- 6%) d. A significantly higher (P < 0.05) proportion of corticotrophs expressed POMC + ACTH + CRHR1 in the pituitary of the PR group compared with controls. This study is the first to demonstrate subpopulations of corticotrophs in the fetal sheep pituitary that differentially express POMC, ACTH, and CRHR1 and the separate effects of gestational age and placental restriction on these subpopulations of corticotrophs.


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In the marine environment a wide range of invertebrates have a pelagobenthic lifecycle that includes planktonic larval and benthic adult phases. Transition between these morphologically and ecologically distinct phases typically occurs when the developmentally competent larva comes into contact with a species-specific environmental cue. This cue acts as a morphogenetic signal that induces the completion of the postlarval/juvenile/adult developmental program at metamorphosis. The development of competence often occurs hours to days after the larva is morphologically mature. In the non-feeding - lecithotrophic - larvae of the ascidian Herdmania curvata and the gastropod mollusc Haliotis asinina, gene expression patterns in pre-competent and competent stages are markedly different, reflecting the different developmental states of these larval stages. For example, the expression of Hemps, an EGF-like signalling peptide required for the induction of Herdmania metamorphosis, increases in competent larvae. Induction of settlement and metamorphosis results in further changes in developmental gene expression, which apparently is necessary for the complete transformation of the larval body plan into the adult form.


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This paper analyzes People's Republic of China (PRC) economic and political ascendance in the 21st century focusing on the evolution of the sui generis economic development model and its significances of the evolution of relationship between China and the developing countries in the peripheral "Global South." The objective of this article is to analyze the relationship between China and the Global South (Africa and South America) in the 21st century, characterized as a new Center-periphery global network power based on trade and investment that we call as "Asian Consensus."


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The present paper results of an ongoing research project were it is expected to develop an information system to monitoring a cultural-touristic route. The route to monitor is the Romanesque Route of Tâmega. This Route is composed of 58 monuments located in the region of Tâmega in the North of Portugal. Due to the particular location of this region, that is between coastal zone, but not yet in the inland, it has a weak political influence, and it is reflected in the low levels of development at several levels, observed. The Romanesque Route was implemented in a part of this region in 1998, and enlarged to the all-region in 2010. In order to evaluate the socio-ecomonic impact of this route in the region a research project is being developed. The main goal of this paper is to open a discussion on the elements that must be taken into consideration to evaluate the economic and social impact of a touristic cultural route within a region and this one in particular.


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Durante el período 2006-2008, las actividades de investigación y asistencia técnica de este equipo enfatizaron en la necesaria práctica social y política de horizontalidad en las relaciones, en la 'dimensión intersubjetiva o relacional de la regionalización' (Cáceres, 2006) en el marco de la Comunidad Regional Punilla (CRP), considerando a la identidad regional como un condicionante relevante de la 'construcción de la región como unidad de acción(Boisier, 2003). Así, durante ese período, se ha ido conformando un espacio 'regional' de composición multiactoral, social y gubernamental, para el trabajo asociativo (PROFIM, SIP, UCC 2007, 2008). Con el propósito de profundizar el Programa, este proyecto propone el fortalecimiento institucional de la CRP a través de la formalización del escenario participativo regional (Poggiese, 2001, 2002) para el diseño y gestión asociada de políticas de desarrollo. Tales propósitos y mecanismos están previstos en la Ley Orgánica de Regionalización de la Provincia de Córdoba (9.206/04) y en las normativas regionales derivadas de ésta a través de la figura del 'Consejo de la Sociedad Civil'. Con base en la observación del proceso desarrollado en Punilla desde el año 2006, esta propuesta suscribe el carácter interdisciplinario e intersectorial de la red social y política en la que se sustentará el Consejo y la lógica 'procesal y consensual' de su construcción, considerando, además, la nueva configuración del mapa político de la CRP a partir de los resultados electorales del año 2008 en tanto cambios estructurales en la relación gobierno y oposición que se presentan como una oportunidad para desarrollar los espacios públicos participativos que la sociedad regional puede ocupar para canalizar institucionalmente sus demandas. El proyecto busca 'analizar' pero también 'promover' el proceso de cambio político y social en marcha para facilitar su 'ampliación democrática' (Redín y Moroni, 2003), reflexionado críticamente y poniendo en cuestión algunos de los supuestos que han caracterizado a la retórica de la regionalización provincial: la existencia de una sociedad civil debidamente organizada en cada una de las regiones, cuya concurrencia al proceso decisorio puede asegurarse una vez 'abiertos' -formalizados- los canales de participación; la superación de la dirección bottom up en los procesos de toma de decisiones y la preeminencia de modalidades de 'articulación intermunicipal' para la gestión de políticas allí donde la Ley y las ordenanzas locales declaran establecida una 'Comunidad Regional'. El cuestionamiento de dichos supuestos sustenta, en definitiva, las preguntas que delimitan los temas- problema que se abordarán a partir de este trabajo.