981 resultados para Anthologie Palatine I, 119. V (extr.)
PHILARAS (Léonard). poésies grecques et latines
This dissertation focuses on the short story Starukha (The Old Woman), one of the last works of the Russian writer Daniil Kharms (1905-1942). The story, written in 1939, is analysed using the Kharmsian concepts èto and to (this and that) as a heuristic interpretative model. The first chapter gives a detailed analysis of this model, as well as a survey of the critical work done to date on Kharms and Starukha. In the second chapter the model is applied to study the different states of consciousness of the male protagonist. This is significant, because he is the "I" of the work, from whose point of view everything is being told. The third chapter takes a closer look at the reality of the world that exists independently of the consciousness of the protagonist. Physical objects can be said to bear - besides their everyday meaning - a hidden symbolic meaning. Similarly, the characters can be considered as representatives of everyday reality and otherworldliness. The fourth chapter deals with the narrative devices of Starukha. The problematics of the relation between fact and fiction plays an essential role in the story. Kharms's use of Ich-Erzählung and different tenses, which contributes to achieving a complicated elaboration of this kind of problematics, is examined in detail. The fifth chapter provides an intertextual reading of Starukha, based on its allusions to the Bible and the Christian tradition. As a result, the whole story can be seen as a kind of meditation on the Passion of Christ. The final chapter examines how the important Kharmsian concepts of the grotesque and the absurd manifest themselves in Starukha. The old woman represents in a grotesque way two opposite systems: the religious and the totalitarian. The absurdity of Starukha can be claimed to be illusory. Therefore, it is better to speak about paradoxicality. Starukha itself is a kind of paradox, in the sense that it tries to say something of the ultimate truth of reality, which inevitably remains ineffable.
Russian Karelians were one of the small peasant nations of the Russian Empire that began to identify themselves as nations during the late imperial period. At that historical moment Russian Karelia fell between an economically undeveloped empire and the rapidly modernizing borderland of Finland. The economic and cultural lure of Finland drew Karelians into the Finnish camp. This attraction was seen as a challenge to Russia and influenced the straggle between Russia and Finland for the Karelians. This struggle was waged from 1905 to 1917. This work is focused on the beginning stage of the struggle, its various phases, and their results. The confrontation extended into different dimensions (economic, political, ideological, church and cultural politics) and occurred on two levels: central and regional. Countermeasures against local nationalisms developed much earlier both in Russia and in other empires for use were also used in the Russian Karelian case. Economic policies were deployed to try to make relations with Russia more alluring for Karelians and to improve their economic condition. However, these efforts produced only minimal results due to the economic weakness of the empire and a lack of finances. Fear of the economic integration of the Karelians and Finns, which would have stimulated the economy of the Karelia, also hindered these attempts. The further development of the Orthodox Church, the schools and the zemstvos in Karelia yielded fewer results than expected due to the economic underdevelopment of the region and the avoidance of the Finnish language. Policizing measures were the most successfull, as all activities in Russian Karelia by the Finns were entirely halted in practice. However, the aspiration of Russian Karelians to integrate their home districts with Finland remained a latent force that just waited for an opportunity to push to the surface again. Such a chance materialized with the Russian revolution. The Karelian question was also a part of Russian domestic political confrontation. At the and of the 1800s, the Russian nationalist right had grown strong and increasingly gained the favor of the autocracy. The right political forces exploited the Karelian question in its anti-Finnish ideology and in its general resistance to the national emancipation of the minority peoples of Russia. A separate ideology was developed, focusing on the closeness of Karelians to the "great Russian people." Simultaneously, this concept found a place in the ultramonarchist myth of the particularly close connection between the people and tsar that was prominent in the era of Nicholas II. This myth assigned the Karelians a place amongst the "simple people" faithful to the tsar.
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This study focusses on the plants in the open parts of the lake - mostly aquatic charophytes and mosses, in what are called in Lake Sevan (Armenia), the ”zones of chara and moss”. Distribution and other ecological conditions are reviewed. Quantity of chara in the littoral zone of lake Sevan is provided
Historiografia de la guerra catalana de Successió. El llibre que ressenya va obtenir el IV Premi Internacional Jaume Vicens Vives de Ciències Socials
Se trata de un seminario que tiene por objetivo dar a conocer distintos usos did??cticos del v??deo y mostrar las posibilidades en el campo de la did??ctica del v??deo. Se presentan una serie de videogramas y experiencias de todos los niveles educativos.
Neste trabalho, fizemos uma investigação sobre o estudo teórico das características I x V e C x V de Nanotubo Carbono de Parede Simples (NCPS) puro, com Nitrogênio substitucional carregado com cargas -1 (caracterizando um indicativo de dopagem tipo n) e +1 (caracterizando um indicativo de dopagem tipo p) e na presença de grupos doador (NO2)-aceitador (NH2), através da simulação computacional do estado fundamental de NCPS, bem como de sua estrutura eletrônica e propriedades ópticas, utilizando parametrizações semi-empíricas AM1 (Austin Mudel 1) e ZINDO/S-ClS (Zerner´s lntermediate Neglect of Differential Orbital/Spectroscopic - Cunfiguration lnteraction Single) derivadas da Teoria de Hartree-Fock baseada em técnicas de química quântica. Por meio deste modelo teórico analisamos as propriedades ópticas e eletrônicas, de maior interesse para esses materiais, a fim de se entender a melhor forma de interação desses materiais na fabricação de dispositivos eletrônicos, tais como TECs (Transistores de Efeito de Campo) ou em aplicações em optoeletrônica tais como DEL (Dispositivo Emissor de Luz). Observamos que NCPS com Nitrogênio substitucional apresentam defeitos conformacionais do tipo polarônico. Fizemos as curvas dos espectros UV-visível de Absorção para NCPS armchair e zigzag puro, com Nitrogênio substitucional carregado com cargas (-1 e +1) e na presença de grupos doador (NO2)-aceitador (NH2), quando perturbados por intensidades diferentes de campo elétrico. Verificamos que em NCPS zigzag ao aumentarmos a intensidade do campo elétrico, suas curvas sofrem grandes perturbações. Obtivemos as curvas p x E, I x V e C x V para esses NCPS, concluímos que NCPS armchair possui comportamento resistor, pois suas curvas são lineares e zigzag possui comportamento semelhante ao dos dispositivos eletrônicos importantes para o avanço tecnológico. Assim, nossos resultados estão de bom acordo com os resultados experimentais e teóricos de NCPS puro e com Nitrogênio encontrados na literatura.