966 resultados para Anthologie Palatine I, 119. IX (extr.)
PHILARAS (Léonard). poésies grecques et latines
Institute of Social Research: "Project on Antisemitism. Report to the American Jewish Committee on the first year of the Project ending March 15, 1944" (April 1944), a) Typoskript, 153 Blatt, b) Teilstück, Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 22 Blatt, c) Entwurf der Gliederung, 16.11.1943, Typoskript, 2 Blatt, d) "Annex 1: List of Contributors to the Project on Antisemitism", Typoskript, 3 Blatt; "Notes on the latest phase of Nazi Antisemitism" (12.5.1944), a) Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen und Ergänzungen, 4 Blatt, b) Typoskript, 3 Blatt;
"Antisemitism among American Labor. Report on a Research Projekt conducted by the Institute of Social Research in 1944-1945". Typoskript, in 4 Bänden gebunden, 1450 Blatt;
Avec arguments. Cant. canticorum V,11-VIII,14 (1) ; Osee I,3-XIV,10 (9) ; Joel I,6-III,21 (38) ; Amos I,1-IX,15 (48) ; Abdias I,7-21 (68) ; Jonas I,1-IV,11 (70v) ; Mich. I,6-VII,20 (77) ; Nahum I,1-III,19 (89v) ; Habacuc I,2-III,19 (95) ; Sophonias I,1-III,20 (102v) ; Agg. I,2-II,24 (110) ; Zachar. I,3-XIV,21 (115) ; Malach. I,4-IV,6 (139).
Ce ms. constitue la mise au net du ms. B. n. F., lat. 17652 qui a servi de brouillon. F. 1 Titre : «Series chronologica præpositorum generalium carmelitarum discalceatorum congregationis italicae, cum singulorum effigie ad vivum nitidissime æri incisa [ce dernier membre de phrase est cancellé], necnon elogio manuscripto». F. 3-14v Notice biographique de chacun des préposés généraux des Carmes déchaux de la congrégation d'Italie de 1600 à 1787; chaque nom est précédé d'un ou plusieurs chiffres romains donnant le numéro d'ordre du préposé. Pour les derniers, seul figure le nom et le numéro d'ordre. Chaque page est divisée en deux cadres, et chaque notice en occupe un, rarement deux. «I. IV. IX. Ferdinandus a Sancta Maria. In saeculo dictus Ferdinandus Martinez...-... LIII. Hilarion ab Omnibus Sanctis» (14v); cf. A. Fortes, Acta capituli generalis O. C. D. congregationis s. Eliae, 3 vol., Rome, 1990-1992 (Monumenta historica Carmeli Teresiani 11, 13-14). À noter, parmi les références bibliographiques, celles qui concernent directement les Carmes déchaux : elles sont données ci-dessous sous une forme normalisée (entre parenthèses le feuillet où figure la première occurrence), alors que l'auteur donne en général le titre et le nom de l'auteur, sous une forme latinisée approximative, avec parfois le lieu et la date d'impression : Juan Caramuel Lobkowitz, Caramuelis Dominicus..., Vienne, 1655 (3v); Jean Chardin, Voyages de Monsieur le chevalier Chardin en Perse, Paris, 1723 (4v); Daniel a Virgine Maria, Speculum carmelitanum, Anvers, 1680 (3); Eusebius ab Omnibus Sanctis, Enchyridion chronologicum carmelitarum discalceatorum congregationis Italiae, Rome, 1737 (4), cet ouvrage est le plus fréquemment cité, on en trouve un exemplaire à la Vaticane et un microfilm à la Library of Congress; Francisco de Santa Maria, Historia general profetica de la orden de Nuestra Señora del Carmen, Madrid, 1630 (3); Franciscus Joseph a Sancta Margarita, Necrologium præpositorum generalium, non identifié (5); Isidore de Saint-Joseph, Historia reformationis s. Theresiae, non identifié (4v); Isidore de Saint-Joseph et Pierre de Saint-André, Historia generalis Fratrum discalceatorum ordinis B. M. V. de Monte Carmelo congregationis s. Eliae, Rome, 1668-1671 (4v); Louis Jacob, Bibliotheca carmelitana manuscripta, non identifié (5v); Juan de Jesus Maria, Historia missionum; Vita Petri a Matre Dei (3), ces deux ouvrages n'ont pu être identifiés, ils ne figurent pas dans les Opera omnia publiées à Cologne en 1622; Aubert Le Mire, Bibliotheca ecclesiastica, 2e partie, Anvers, 1649 (3v); Louis de Sainte-Thérèse, Annales carmelitarum excalceatorum Galliae (4v), non identifié; Martial de Saint-Jean-Baptiste, Bibliotheca scriptorum utriusque congregationis et sexus carmelitarum discalceatorum, Bordeaux, 1730 (3); Paulus ab Omnibus Sanctis, Clavis aurea thesauri partheno-carmelitici..., Vienne, 1669, si ce titre correspond au «Catalogus scriptorum» du f. 3; Philippe de la Très Sainte Trinité, Decus carmelitanum, ouvrage non identifié (4v); Id., Historia carmelitani ordinis..., Lyon, 1656 (3); Id., Itinerarium orientale R.P.F. Philippi a SS. Trinitate, Lyon, 1649 (4v); Id., La Vie du vénérable père Dominique de Jésus Maria..., Lyon, 1669 (5); le P.Théophile Raynaud, Scapulare partheno-carmeliticum, Paris, 1654 (3v); [Cosme de Villiers de Saint-Étienne] «editor anonymus», Bibliotheca carmelitana, Orléans, 1752 (5).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
To investigate the feeding habit of Macrobrachium amazonicum, three experiments were carried out assessing the stage at which larvae start exogenous feeding, the acceptance of inert food by different larval stages and the ratio between live and inert diet ingested by larvae at each larval stage. In the first experiment, newly hatched larvae were kept in 500-mL beakers and fed from stages I, II or III onward. Larval survival was not affected by the larval stage at which exogenous feeding started, but mean weight gain was lower when food was offered from stage III onward. In the second experiment, 60 larvae from each stage (I to IX) were fasted for 2 h and then fed on inert diet in excess. Only larvae from stage IV onward accepted this inert diet. In the last experiment, newly hatched larvae were stocked in a larviculture tank and fed daily on both Artemia nauplii and inert diet. After 15 min, food content in the digestive tract of individual larvae was analyzed under stereomicroscopy. Larvae in stage I did not feed, while live food was accepted from stage II onward and inert food from stage III onward. Larvae in stages IV, V and VI accepted both foods with no preference, while inert food was predominant in stages VII to IX In conclusion, to feed M amazonicum larvae on Artemia before stage II or on inert diet before stage IV is unnecessary. It increases production costs and may impair water quality. From stages IV to VI, feeding on Artemia and inert diet is probably necessary, while inert diet should be the main food item from stage VII onward. This schedule may optimize feeding management and production costs. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All lights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The curriculum is an important instrument, through which are outlined the main aspects to be achieved in the educational context . It can be real, occurs in the classroom as a result of the education program, and be hidden normally be transmitted without being mentioned by teachers. Sexuality although it is not integrated with the components of the formal curriculum, and is present in said prohibited school , the way you act, speak and articulate the school community , expressing itself through the hidden curriculum. Considering this, the present study based on qualitative and quantitative aimed to analyze the curriculum of a course in pedagogy of a State University located in the State of São Paulo, as well as giving voice to students of that course in order to analyze if sexuality is to clearly present the formal curriculum. Therefore , a study of the documents in that course , but precisely its curriculum process n º 342/89 , their volumes I to IX , the period extending from 1959 to 200, as well as the curriculum in force until the year 2007. In addition, we used a closed questionnaire containing 20 questions which included the participation of 70 students Pedagogy daytime and night of that educational institution. Since its initial curriculum to the latest nonexistent space for disciplines sexuality, and the ' progress ' that can be noted is the introduction of the limited elective courses that no longer exist in the current course. In the words of most students sexuality is not a matter encompassed in that course. These data show that both the real and the hidden curriculum does not give due importance to this issue. Therefore, it is imperative that this course, as well as the different undergraduate courses, should adhere to sexuality need to be part of the actual curriculum, in order to allow students access to this knowledge.
Lo spagnolo si differenzia dalle altre lingue romanze per la sua abbondanza di arabismi; anche se la lingua spagnola si è sviluppata sulla base del latino volgare, il suo secondo elemento più caratterizzante è la presenza di un importante corpus lessico di origine araba. Tale è stato il risultato della convivenza di arabi e cristiani (ed ebrei) nella penisola iberica, durata più di ottocento anni. Quando i musulmani sbarcarono in Spagna (anno 711 d.C.) il latino e la sua cultura erano privi di dinamicità e bellezza, mentre la civiltà araba potente era in piena espansione, soprattutto tra i secoli IX e XII. I conquistati non poterono opporsi: l’arabo divenne la lingua del potere e gli abitanti della penisola sotto il dominio musulmano dovettero apprenderla. Ovviamente si conservava l’uso del latino nella scrittura e in ambito famigliare, ma gran parte della popolazione era pronta ad aprirsi alla lingua dei conquistatori, ricca di nuove sonorità, simbolo di esotica bellezza, ma soprattutto , lingua portatrice di conoscenza e sapere. L’arabo divenne quindi lingua veicolare tra le due comunità, sia in ambito politico-amministrativo sia in ambito culturale e scientifico.
PURPOSE: To identify groups of early breast cancer patients with substantial risk (10-year risk > 20%) for locoregional failure (LRF) who might benefit from postmastectomy radiotherapy (RT). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Prognostic factors for LRF were evaluated among 6,660 patients (2,588 node-negative patients, 4,072 node-positive patients) in International Breast Cancer Study Group Trials I to IX treated with chemotherapy and/or endocrine therapy, and observed for a median of 14 years. In total, 1,251 LRFs were detected. All patients were treated with mastectomy without RT. RESULTS: No group with 10-year LRF risk exceeding 20% was found among patients with node-negative disease. Among patients with node-positive breast cancer, increasing numbers of uninvolved nodes were significantly associated with decreased risk of LRF, even after adjustment for other prognostic factors. The highest quartile of uninvolved nodes was compared with the lowest quartile. Among premenopausal patients, LRF risk was decreased by 35% (P = .0010); among postmenopausal patients, LRF risk was decreased by 46% (P < .0001). The 10-year cumulative incidence of LRF was 20% among patients with one to three involved lymph nodes and fewer than 10 uninvolved nodes. Age younger than 40 years and vessel invasion were also associated significantly with increased risk. Among patients with node-positive disease, overall survival was significantly greater in those with higher numbers of uninvolved nodes examined (P < .0001). CONCLUSION: Patients with one to three involved nodes and a low number of uninvolved nodes, vessel invasion, or young age have an increased risk of LRF and may be candidates for a similar treatment as those with at least four lymph node metastases.
The synovium contains mesenchymal stem cells with chondrogenic potential. Although synovial and articular cartilage tissue develop from a common pool of mesenchymal cells, little is known about their genetic commonalities. In the present study, the mRNA levels for several cartilage-related proteins, namely, cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP), Sox9, aggrecan, and collagen types I, II, IX, X, and XI, were measured using the real-time polymerase chain reaction. Our data reveal the synovium of calf metacarpal joints to physiologically express not only type I collagen but also COMP, Sox9, aggrecan, and collagen types X and XI. The mRNA levels for the latter five proteins lie between 2% and 15% of those in articular cartilage. We speculate that these genes are being expressed by chondroprogenitor cells, whose presence in the synovium reflects a common ontogenetic phase in the fetal development of this tissue and of articular cartilage.
Introductions of v. 3, 5-11 signed: Miguel Luis Amunátegui; of v. 12-15: Miguel Luis Amunátegui Reyes.
Sonderabdruck aus den Neuen jahrbüchern. Jahrgang 1902. I. abteilung. IX. band.