998 resultados para Answer validation


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The Answer Validation Exercise (AVE) is a pilot track within the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF) 2006. The AVE competition provides an evaluation frame- work for answer validations in Question Answering (QA). In our participation in AVE, we propose a system that has been initially used for other task as Recognising Textual Entailment (RTE). The aim of our participation is to evaluate the improvement our system brings to QA. Moreover, due to the fact that these two task (AVE and RTE) have the same main idea, which is to find semantic implications between two fragments of text, our system has been able to be directly applied to the AVE competition. Our system is based on the representation of the texts by means of logic forms and the computation of semantic comparison between them. This comparison is carried out using two different approaches. The first one managed by a deeper study of the Word- Net relations, and the second uses the measure defined by Lin in order to compute the semantic similarity between the logic form predicates. Moreover, we have also designed a voting strategy between our system and the MLEnt system, also presented by the University of Alicante, with the aim of obtaining a joint execution of the two systems developed at the University of Alicante. Although the results obtained have not been very high, we consider that they are quite promising and this supports the fact that there is still a lot of work on researching in any kind of textual entailment.


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Syndrome de stress scolaire chronique, le bumout de l'élève ou bumout scolaire suscite un intérêt grandissant mais ses déterminants sont encore peu connus. De plus, ce phénomène est rarement étudié chez les adolescents francophones et aucune recherche n'a encore été menée en Suisse. Par conséquent, au travers de ce travail de thèse, nous proposons d'étendre la recherche sur le bumout scolaire aux adolescents de Suisse francophone et d'apporter des précisions sur ses facteurs de risque ou de protection. Pour ce faire, nous avons mené deux recherches empiriques impliquant 861 adolescents âgés de 14 à 18 ans et scolarisés en Suisse francophone. Ces adolescents ont répondu à une série d'échelles évaluant notamment le burnout scolaire, le stress scolaire, le soutien social, la consommation de substances et le parcours scolaire. Les résultats montrent tout d'abord que l'inventaire de Burnout Scolaire, version française du School Burnout lnventory, est un outil fiable et valide. Ensuite, il apparaît que le burnout scolaire touche jusqu'à 24% des adolescents de Suisse francophone et que ce dernier se caractérise par une perte d'intérêt pour l'école, une grande remise en question du sens du travail scolaire ainsi qu'un sentiment élevé d'insuffisance à l'école. Il apparaît également que le stress scolaire lié au succès et à l'avenir scolaire augmente le risque de bumout alors que le soutien des parents et des enseignants le diminue. Par ailleurs, nous mettons en évidence que l'effet du soutien social sur le burnout scolaire est médiatisé par le stress scolaire, ce qui souligne d'autant plus le rôle protecteur du soutien social. Nos résultats montrent également que les niveaux de bumout scolaire varient en fonction, d'une part de certaines caractéristiques du contexte scolaire et d'autre part en fonction de la sévérité de la consommation de substances des adolescents. Enfin, les connaissances accumulées dans ce travail et leur mise en perspective dans un modèle d'intervention précoce permettent d'insister sur le rôle de l'école et des professionnels de l'école dans la prévention du burnout scolaire. -- Syndrome of chronic school stress, pupil 's bumout or school bumout is of growing interest. However, little is known about its determinants. Moreover, this phenomenon is rarely studied in French speaking adolescents and no research has yet been conducted in Switzerland. Therefore, through this thesis, we propose to extend the research on school bumout to Swiss French speaking adolescents and to clarify its risk and protective factors. To achieve this, we conducted two empirical research involving 861 adolescents aged 14 to 18 and enrolled in the French part of Switzerland. These adolescents were asked to answer a questionnaire about school bumout, academic stress, social support, substance use and schooling. Results first show, that the French version of the School Bumout Inventory is a reliable and valid tool. lt then appears that school bumout affects up to 24% of adolescents in the French speaking part of Switzerland and that this phenomenon is characterized by a loss of interest in school, a great challenge to the sense of school work and a high sense of insufissance school. lt also appears that stress related to school success and academic future increases the risk of bumout while parents and teachers support decreases it. Moreover, we highlight that the effect of social support on school bumout is mediated by school stress, which further underscores the protective role of social support. Our results also show that school bumout levels vary depending on characteristics of the school context and on the severity of substance use of adolecents. Finally, the knowledge accumulated in this work and putting it onto perspective within early intervention model enable to insist on the role of school and school professionals in the prevention of school bumout


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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BACKGROUND: Based on a subgroup analysis of 18-month BAsel Stent Kosten Effektivitäts Trial (BASKET) outcome data, we hypothesized that very late (> 12 months) stent thrombosis occurs predominantly after drug-eluting stent implantation in large native coronary vessel stenting. METHODS: To prove or refute this hypothesis, we set up an 11-center 4-country prospective trial of 2260 consecutive patients treated with > or = 3.0-mm stents only, randomized to receive Cypher (Johnson ; Johnson, Miami Lakes, FL), Vision (Abbott Vascular, Abbott Laboratories, IL), or Xience stents (Abbott Vascular). Only patients with left main or bypass graft disease, in-stent restenosis or stent thrombosis, in need of nonheart surgery, at increased bleeding risk, without compliance/consent are excluded. All patients are treated with dual antiplatelet therapy for 12 months. The primary end point will be cardiac death/nonfatal myocardial infarction after 24 months with further follow-up up to 5 years. RESULTS: By June 12, 229 patients (10% of the planned total) were included with a baseline risk similar to that of the same subgroup of BASKET (n = 588). CONCLUSIONS: This study will answer several important questions of contemporary stent use in patients with large native vessel stenting. The 2-year death/myocardial infarction-as well as target vessel revascularization-and bleeding rates in these patients with a first- versus second-generation drug-eluting stent should demonstrate the benefit or harm of these stents compared to cobalt-chromium bare-metal stents in this relevant, low-risk group of everyday patients. In addition, a comparison with similar BASKET patients will allow to estimate the impact of 12- versus 6-month dual antiplatelet therapy on these outcomes.


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The Co-operative Research Centre for Construction Innovation (CRC-CI) is funding a project known as Value Alignment Process for Project Delivery. The project consists of a study of best practice project delivery and the development of a suite of products, resources and services to guide project teams towards the best procurement approach for a specific project or group of projects. These resources will be focused on promoting the principles that underlie best practice project delivery rather than simply identifying an off-the-shelf procurement system. This project builds on earlier work by Sidwell, Kennedy and Chan (2002), on re-engineering the construction delivery process, which developed a procurement framework in the form of a Decision Matrix