46 resultados para Annuals


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Published in 1922 under title: A little book of annuals.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Spine title: Loudon, Ornamental Annuals.


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From Jan. 1826-July 1830 title reads: American journal of education. In August 1830 the title was changed to American Annuals of Education and instruction. The numbers for August-Dec. 1830, however, were issued both under this later title (as 3d ser., b.1, no 1-4) and under the title American journal and annals of education and instruction, new ser., v.1 of the 3d ser. They are preceded by 24 pages ("Editor's address" and "Sketches of Hofwyl") reprinted from the numbers for Aug.-Dec. 1830) In 1838 the title was shortened to American annuals of education. Editors: 1826-29, Williams Russell.--1830-37, W.C. Woodbridge.--1837--38 W.A. Alcott.


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The residence time distribution (RTD) is a crucial parameter when treating engine exhaust emissions with a Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) reactor. In this paper, the residence time of such a reactor is investigated using a finite element based software: COMSOL Multiphysics 4.3. Non-thermal plasma (NTP) discharge is being introduced as a promising method for pollutant emission reduction. DBD is one of the most advantageous of NTP technologies. In a two cylinder co-axial DBD reactor, tubes are placed between two electrodes and flow passes through the annuals between these barrier tubes. If the mean residence time increases in a DBD reactor, there will be a corresponding increase in reaction time and consequently, the pollutant removal efficiency can increase. However, pollutant formation can occur during increased mean residence time and so the proportion of fluid that may remain for periods significantly longer than the mean residence time is of great importance. In this study, first, the residence time distribution is calculated based on the standard reactor used by the authors for ultrafine particle (10-500 nm) removal. Then, different geometrics and various inlet velocities are considered. Finally, for selected cases, some roughness elements added inside the reactor and the residence time is calculated. These results will form the basis for a COMSOL plasma and CFD module investigation.


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Vuodenajat rytmittävät monivuotisten kasvien elämää pohjoisella pallonpuoliskolla, jolla varmin merkki lähestyvästä talvikaudesta on asteittain lyhenevä päivänpituus. Kun päivänpituus on lyhentynyt tiettyyn raja-arvoon saakka, kasvu hiipuu ja kasvin kehityksessä tapahtuu suuria muutoksia. Väitöskirjatyössäni tutkittiin mekanismeja, jotka liittyvät pituuskasvun päättymiseen, silmujen lepotilan kehittymiseen ja kärkisilmun muodostumiseen hybridihaavan ja koivuntaimilla lyhyen päivänpituuden seurauksena kasvihuoneolosuhteissa. Vain lepotilaiset silmut selviytyvät luonnossa ankaran talvikauden yli, joten etenkin lepotilan kehittymisen tutkiminen on keskeistä pyrittäessä selvittämään monivuotisille kasveille tyypillisen kasvutavan mekanismeja. Jo pitkään on tiedetty, että täysikasvuiset lehdet vastaanottavat tiedon päivänpituudesta ja lähettävät signaaleja varren johtojänteissä ylöspäin kohti kasvin kärkiosaa. Sen sijaan varren kärjen ja kärkikasvupisteen roolia lepotilan kehittymisessä on selvitetty vain vähän. Kuitenkin juuri kärkikasvupisteen selviytyminen vuodesta toiseen on tärkeää, koska sen jakautumiskykyiset solukot tuottavat kasvin maanpäälliset osat. Tässä työssä tehdyissä varttamiskokeissa osoitettiin, että varren kärki ei ainoastaan vastaanota signaaleja lehdistä ja ajoita toimintaansa niiden mukaan, vaan myös kärjellä itsellään on aktiivinen rooli lepotilan kehittymisessä. Erityisesti kiinnitettiin huomiota kärkikasvupisteen eri alueiden, ns. apikaalimeristeemin ja rib-meristeemin erilaisiin tehtäviin ja pääteltiin, että molemmat vaikuttavat lepotilan kehittymiseen. Kokeissa käytettiin normaalien hybridihaapojen lisäksi siirtogeenisiä hybridihaapoja, jotka eivät lopeta kasvuaan lyhyt päivä –olosuhteissa. Siirtogeeniset hybridihaavat ilmensivät voimakkaasti fytokromi A -nimistä valon vastaanottajamolekyyliä rib-meristeemin alueella, mikä saattoi osaltaan vaikuttaa poikkeavaan pituuskasvukäyttäytymiseen. Myös useiden lepotilan kehittymiseen liittyvien geenien ilmenemisessä havaittiin poikkeavuuksia verrattuna ei-siirtogeenisiin kontrolleihin, joiden silmuissa kehittyi lepotila lyhyt päivä –altistuksen seurauksena. Väitöskirjatyössäni havaittiin, että myös kaasumainen kasvihormoni etyleeni toimii viestinvälittäjänä silmujen lepotilan kehittymisessä ja vaikuttaa etenkin lepotilan oikeaan ajoittumiseen. Etyleenillä huomattiin olevan määräävä rooli päätesilmun muodostumisessa: siirtogeeniset koivut, jotka eivät aisti etyleeniä, eivät muodostaneet päätesilmua. Silti siirtogeeniset koivut vaipuivat lepotilaan, joskin myöhemmin kuin ei-siirtogeeniset kontrollit. Tämän perusteella todettiin, että lepotilan ja päätesilmun kehittyminen ovat erillisiä kehitystapahtumia, vaikka ne saattavatkin ajoittua osaksi päällekkäin.


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The photosynthetic pathway of plant species collected at Menyuan, Henan, and Maduo sites, east of Tibetan Plateau, China, during the growing season were studied using stable carbon isotopes in leaves. The 232 samples leaves analyzed belonged to 161 species, 30 families, and 94 genera. The delta(13)C values (from -24.6 to -29.2 %o) indicated that all the considered species had a photosynthetic C-3 pathway. The absence of plant species with C-4 photosynthetic pathway might be due to the extremely low air temperature characterizing the Tibetan Plateau. The average delta(13)C value was significantly (p < 0.05) different between annuals and perennials at the three considered study sites. Hence the longer-lived species had greater water-use efficiency (WUE) than shorter-lived species, that is, longer-lived species are better adapted to the extreme environmental conditions of the Tibetan Plateau.


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In the alpine region of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau four indigenous perennial grass species Bromus inermis (BI), Elymus sibiricus (ES), Elymus nutans (EN) and Agropyron cristatum (AC) were cultivated as three mixtures with different compositions and seeding rates, BI + EN, BI + ES + AC and BI + ES + EN + AC. From 1998 to 2001 there were three different weeding treatments: never weeded (CK); weeded on three occasions in the first year (1-y) and weeded on three occasions in both the first and second year (2-y) and their effect of grass combination and interactions on sward productivity and persistence was measured. Intense competitive interference by weedy annuals reduced dry matter (DM) yield of the swards. Grass combination significantly affected sward DM yields, leaf area index (LAI) and foliar canopy cover and also species composition DM and LAI, and species plant cover. Interaction between weeding treatments and grass combination was significant for sward DM yield, LAI and canopy cover, but not on species composition for DM, LAI or species plant cover. Grass mixture BI + ES + EN + AC gave the highest sward DM yield and LAI for both weeding and non-weeding treatments. Species ES and EN were competitively superior to the others. Annual weedy forbs must be controlled to obtain productive and stable mixtures of perennial grasses, and germination/emergence is the most important time for removal. Weeding three times (late May, late June and mid-July) in the establishment year is enough to maintain the production and persistence of perennial grass mixtures in the following growing seasons. Extra weeding three times in the second growing year makes only a slight improvement in productivity.


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ABSTRACT: The cassava market within Distrito Federal (DF) presents potencial for expansion, for that reason, it is fundamental that the propagative material for planting (stem cuttings) presents genetic traits that confer high productivity to the crop, resistance against the main diseases and plagues and culinary qualities that fulfill the demands of the consumer market. In order to select varieties which combine the before mentioned interesting caracteristics for the producers and consumers of DF, we carried out experiments to evaluate table cassava type varieties at Núcleo Rural Jardim, DF (year 1999/2000), at an experimental area of Embrapa Cerrados located in the Municipy of Planaltina, DF (year 1999/2000), at Núcleo Rural Ponte Alta, DF (year 2002/2003) and at Brazlândia, DF (year 2003/2004). Among the evaluated varieties, if the parameters productivity, time necessary for cooking and colour of the pulp (which, in the case of DF, must be cream-colour or yellow due to market demands) are collectively considered, the variety Japonesinha / IAC 576-70 / BGMC 753 stands out as it combines high productivity of roots, moderate resistance to bacterial blight, good culinary quality (time necessary for cooking inferior to thirty minutes) and pulp of cream colour. Conclusively, this variety can be recommended to be cultivated at DF.


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ABSTRACT: During the years 2003 and 2004, four experiments were conducted in the winter season, under irrigation and in the raining season in the experimental area of the Embrapa Cerrados Research Center at Planaltina, Federal District. The objective was to identify cultivars that presented the following characteristics: resistance to diseases, high yield, resistance to lodging, desirable plant height and good market acceptance, to be indicated for cultivation in the Federal District. It was concluded that the cultivar BRS Cometa is indicated for this region, due to its high yield characteristics, resistance to diseases and lodging, excellent cooking qualities and erect type.