1000 resultados para Anne Rice
Ce mémoire réunit trois romans de la série Les Chroniques de vampires de la populaire écrivaine américaine Anne Rice (The Vampire Lestat, Memnoch the Devil et Blood Canticle) afin d'étudier l'évolution de sa critique de la religion à travers l'écriture. Une analyse précise et complète de Lestat de Lioncourt, le personnage principal de la série, est faite afin de mieux comprendre l'impact de la transformation spirituelle du protagoniste sur l'ensemble de l'oeuvre de Rice. Dans The Vampire Lestat, le rejet de toute forme de croyances religieuses de la part de Lestat ainsi que la déconstruction et l'érotisation de rituels religieux traditionnels reflètent l'influence de l'athéisme. Memnoch the Devil représente la transition entre le refus de croire de Lestat et son retour subséquent à la religion catholique. Finalement, Blood Canticle symbolise le retour vers la foi du protagoniste et de l'auteur, en plus de marquer la fin des Chroniques de vampires de Rice. L'analyse s'inspire d'éléments biographiques afin de démontrer l'importance de la religion dans les récits de Rice, sans toutefois considérer ses romans comme des autobiographies.
The influence of K2O (0, 40, 80, 120 kg ha-1) at varying rates of N application (0, 30, 60 kg ha-1) at planting, on panicle blast (Pyricularia grisea (Cooke) Sacc.) was studied in a field experiment conducted during three consecutive years with the upland rice cultivar Douradão. Panicle blast severity decreased with increasing rates of potassium in the absence of nitrogen (N0). The relationship between panicle blast and K rates was quadratic at 30 kg ha-1 of nitrogen. Significant response to K fertilization was not obtained at 60 kg ha-1 of nitrogen in relation to panicle blast severity.
The degree of blast resistance of upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivar Araguaia has decreased over time causing significant yield losses. The major objective of this study was to obtain blast (Pyricularia grisea) resistant somaclones, adapting greenhouse and field selection procedures. Rice blast resistance and agronomic traits were assessed in R2 to R6 generations derived from regenerant plants (R1) from immature panicles of Araguaia. The evaluation and selection procedures include testing of early segregating populations and fixed lines in the advanced generations, under natural field conditions, and artificial inoculations in the greenhouse, with prevalent races IB-1 and IB-9 of P. grisea. Somaclones with both vertical resistance and slow blasting resistance were obtained. Twenty of 31 somaclones developed with a high degree of vertical resistance and fan shaped plant type maintained resistance in field and blast nursery tests in the R6 generation. Greenhouse selection with two specific physiologic races yielded 44 somaclones with slow blasting resistance, similar plant type and yield potential as that of Araguaia.
Phenotypic virulence analysis was made on population of Pyricularia grisea isolates collected from 10 upland cultivars in three distinct rice breeding sites, with the objective of studying the degree of similarity in the phenotypic virulence among the isolates, the composition of races, and their virulence pattern. Sixteen races were identified based on the reaction type on eight standard international differentials, the predominant ones being IB9 and IB41. The virulence frequency was high on IAC47 and IAC165 among medium and early maturing cultivars, respectively. The frequency of isolates virulent was greater on upland rice cultivars (51.1%) than on irrigated rice cultivars (21.8%). Both virulent and avirulent isolates were present in the population of P. grisea to the known genes in the near isogenic lines. Of72test isolates, 94.4% were virulent for genes Pi3 and Pi4a. Thevirulence frequencies were relatively lower in decreasing order on Pi1, Pi4b and Pi2. Thecoefficient of similarity ranged from 0.28 to1.0 among the isolates pertaining to different races, while within the race IB9, it varied from 0.56 to1.0. Considering the coefficient of similarity of 0.81, 72% of isolates of race IB9 exhibited similar pattern of virulence.
Rice blast is a major yield constraint of the irrigated rice in the State of Tocantins, Brazil. The objective of this investigation was to study the phenotypic and genetic diversity within the pathogen population of Pyricularia grisea in samples collected from four individual farms of rice cultivar Metica-1, under epidemic conditions of leaf blast. A set of 87 isolates was tested on 32 rice genotypes including eight international differentials. Considering 80% similarity in virulence, two groups comprising a total of 81 isolates were recognized, independently of the farms from which they were collected. Eighty percent of the isolates pertained to pathotype ID-14, indicating high cultivar specificity and narrow diversity of virulence in the sample population. The virulence in pathogen population on rice cultivars BR-IRGA 409 and Rio Formoso was low. Analysis of P. grisea isolates using rep-PCR with two primer sequences from Pot2 generated fingerprint profiles of one to nine bands. Cluster analysis revealed the occurrence of six fingerprint groups with similarities ranging from 0.09 to 1. There was no straight relationship between virulence of the isolates based on reaction pattern on 32 genotypes and grouping based on Pot2 rep-PCR analysis of P. grisea isolates collected from 'Metica-1'.
Four field trials were conducted, from 1995 to 1997, with the objective of studying the response of four upland cultivars to foliar fungicide application in relation to panicle blast control, grain yield and sustainability. Differential disease control and yield response of cultivars to fungicide treatment were obtained. Losses in grain yield of cultivars IAC 202, Caiapó, Rio Paranaíba and Araguaia due to panicle blast were 44.8%, 27.4%, 24.4% and 18.2%, respectively. Two applications of tricyclazole or benomyl controlled panicle blast, as indicated by lower values of disease progress curve and relative panicle blast severity, and increased grain yield of the cultivar IAC 202. The losses in 100 panicle grain weight and grain yield were significantly reduced by 22.3% and 25.1% in IAC 202 and 23.6% and 20.5% in Caiapó, respectively, with two sprays of tricyclazole. Sustainable value index for yield was maximum with two applications of tricyclazole (0.59), followed by one application at booting (0.46) and at heading (0.40) in cultivar IAC 202. Results showed no yield response of the cultivars Rio Paranaíba and Araguaia to fungicide applications for panicle blast control.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the resistance spectra of six elite breeding lines of rice, developed for improved yield and grain quality, in inoculation tests in the greenhouse and in the field. Forty-six isolates of Pyricularia grisea collected from the cultivar Primavera, 31 from the cultivar Maravilha and 19 from six elite breeding lines, totaling 96 were utilized for inoculations. Out of 11 international and 15 Brazilian pathotypes, IC-1, IB-9, and BD-16, respectively, were identified as most frequent isolates collected from the cultivar Primavera. The isolates retrieved from Maravilha belong to four international and 11 Brazilian pathotypes, the predominant ones being IB-9 and IB-49 and BB-1 and BB-21, respectively. Lines CNAs 8711 and CNAs 8983 showed resistant reaction to all test isolates from Maravilha, while CNAs 8983 was susceptible to three isolates of Primavera pertaining to the pathotype IC-1. A majority of isolates exhibiting compatible reaction to Primavera were incompatible to Maravilha and vice-versa.Field assessment of rice blast utilizing the area under disease progress curve as a criterion for measuring disease severity showed significant differences among the six breeding lines. The isolates of P. grisea exhibiting differential reaction on breeding lines can be utilized in pyramiding resistance genes in new upland rice cultivars.
The gene Pi-ar confers resistance to Pyricularia grisea race IB-45 in a somaclone derived from immature panicles of the susceptible rice (Oryza sativa) cultivar Araguaia. RAPD technique was used to identify molecular markers linked to this gene utilizing bulked segregant analysis. Initially, the two parental DNAs from the resistant donor SC09 and 'Araguaia' were analyzed using random primers. Of the 240 primers tested, 203 produced amplification products. The two parental DNAs along with the resistant and susceptible bulks of F2 population were screened using 48 primers that differentiated resistant and susceptible parents. Even though eight primers differentiated the resistant bulk from the susceptible bulk, as well as somaclone SC09 and 'Araguaia', only one primer, OPC02 ('GTGAGGCGTC'), was found to be tightly linked (1.7cM) to the resistance gene of somaclone SC09.
Thirty-nine rice (Oryza sativa) hybrids and their restorers were assessed for vertical resistance to Pyricularia grisea in the rice blast nursery, and in artificial inoculation tests with two pathotypes, under controlled greenhouse conditions. The hybrids were developed from cytoplasmic genetic male sterile lines 046I and IR 58025A, derived from WA cytoplasm. In the rice blast nursery all hybrids showed susceptible reaction varying from 5 to 9. Compatible and incompatible leaf blast reactions of hybrids to two pathotypes, IC-1 and IB-45, were observed in inoculation tests. A majority of the hybrids were resistant when the restorer was resistant. However, seven of the 25 F1 hybrids exhibited susceptible reactions even when one of the parents was resistant to a pathotype. The partial resistance of 11 hybrids and their parents that showed compatible reactions to two pathotypes was analyzed. Differential interaction between isolates and genotypes was observed for partial resistance in relation to both disease severity and lesion number indicating the specific nature of partial resistance.
A study was undertaken to examine the pathogenic diversity of Pyricularia grisea isolates retrieved from 14 upland rice (Oryza sativa) cultivars in experimental plots during a period of five years. Inoculations were performed on 32 genotypes with 85 monoconidial isolates under controlled greenhouse conditions. Based on the reaction pattern of eight international differentials, eleven pathotypes of P. grisea were identified. The predominant international races or pathotypes were IB-9 (56.4%), IB-1 (16.4%) and IB-41 (11.8%). A set of eight commercial upland rice cultivars ('Carajás', 'Confiança', 'Maravilha', 'Primavera', 'Progresso', 'Caiapó', 'IAC-47', 'IAC-201') was utilized as additional differentials for describing the virulence pattern of P. grisea. Twenty-six Brazilian pathotypes were identified on the basis of disease reaction on these differentials, in contrast to the 11 international pathotypes. The most predominant Brazilian pathotypes, BB-21 and BB-41 were represented by 28.2% and 17.6% of the isolates tested, respectively. Isolates virulent and avirulent to cultivar 'Primavera' were encountered within the pathotype IB-1. Utilizing Brazilian cultivars as differentials, the 14 isolates of the pathotype IB-1could be further classified into eight local pathotypes, BB-41, BB-13, BB-21, BB-9, BB-29, BB-61, BD-9 and BG-1. Virulence to improved rice cultivars 'Canastra', 'Confiança', 'Carisma', 'Maravilha', 'Primavera' and 'Bonança' was frequent in pathogen population. Some of the Brazilian pathotypes that showed differential reaction on commercial rice cultivars could be utilized for incorporating resistance genes in susceptible cultivars improved for grain quality, by conventional breeding methods.
An epidemic of rice (Oryza sativa) blast occurred on cultivars Epagri 108 and 109 in the municipalities of Lagoa da Confusão and Duerê in the State of Tocantins, during the rice-growing season 1998-99. DNA fingerprinting and virulence phenotype analysis were utilized to determine the diversity of Pyricularia grisea isolates collected from these cultivars in one epidemic year. Rep-PCR analysis of isolates was done by using two primer sequences from Pot2. Two distinct fingerprint groups or lineages were identified among 53 isolates collected from nine different commercial fields. The virulence pattern of isolates retrieved from these two cultivars was analyzed in artificial inoculation tests utilizing 32 genotypes in the greenhouse. A dendrogram constructed from virulence phenotype data showed a single group considering 77% similarity level. The predominant pathotype IB-45 was represented by 47 of the 53 isolates corresponding to 83%. Four other pathotypes (IB-1, IB-9, IB-13 and IB-41) were identified at random among the isolates from these cultivars. There was no relation between rep-PCR grouping and pathotypes. The results showed that the isolates of P. grisea recovered from cultivars Epagri108 and 109 in farmers' fields had narrow phenotypic and genetic diversity. The blast outbreak on these two cultivars one year after their introduction could be attributed to the new pathotype IB-45 or its increase, which was hitherto existing in low frequency.
The virulence pattern of the isolates of Pyricularia grisea from commercial fields of the upland rice (Oryza sativa) cultivars 'Primavera' and 'BRS Bonança' was analyzed. A hundred and seventy monoconidial isolates of the pathogen virulent to 'Primavera' and 139 to 'BRS Bonança' collected from eight fields, during two years (2001-2003) were tested, under greenhouse conditions, on six newly released rice cultivars. Differences in virulence pattern were observed in pathogenic populations of 'Primavera' and 'BRS Bonança'. Isolates with virulence to improved cultivars were common in samples from farmers' fields in the absence of aloinfection. The virulence frequency of P. grisea isolates collected from 'Primavera'' to cultivars 'BRS Vencedora', 'BRS Colosso', 'BRS Liderança', 'BRS Soberana', 'BRS Curinga' and 'BRS Talento', was high in descending order. On the other hand, in the fungus population of 'BRS BRS Bonança' virulence frequency was high in 'BRS Talento', followed by 'BRS Curinga', 'BRS Vencedora', 'BRS Liderança', 'BRS Colosso' and 'BRS Soberana'. While virulence to 'BRS Talento' was rare among isolates from 'Primavera', it was most frequent in isolates of 'BRS Bonança'. The six improved rice cultivars permitted to differentiating agriculturally important virulences in the pathogen population which can be utilized in selecting breeding lines for specific resistance, in rice blast improvement program.
The phenotypic diversity of Magnaporthe grisea was evaluated based on leaf samples with blast lesions collected from eight commercial fields of the upland rice cultivars 'BRS Primavera' and 'BRS Bonança', during the growing seasons of 2001/2002 and 2002/2003, in Goias State. The number of M. grisea isolates from each field utilized for virulence testing varied from 28 to 47. Three different indices were used based on reaction type in the eight standard international differentials and eight Brazilian differentials. The M. grisea subpopulations of ´Primavera' and 'Bonança', as measured by Simpson, Shannon and Gleason indices, showed similar phenotypic diversities. The Simpson index was more sensitive relation than those of Shannon and Gleason for pathotype number and standard deviation utilizing Brazilian differentials. However, the Gleason index was sensitive to standard deviation for international differentials. The sample size did not significantly influence the diversity index. The two sets of differential cultivars used in this study distinguished phenotypic diversity in different ways in all of the eight subpopulations analyzed. The phenotypic diversity determined based on eight differential Brazilian cultivars was lower in commercial rice fields of 'Primavera' than in the fields of 'Bonança,' independent of the diversity index utilized, year and location. Considering the Brazilian differentials, the four subpopulations of 'BRS Primavera' did not show evenness in distribution and only one pathotype dominated in the populations. The even distribution of pathotype was observed in three subpopulations of 'BRS Bonança'. The pathotype diversity of M. grisea was determined with more precision using Brazilian differentials and Simpson index.